Nuget manager not prompting credentials while connecting to artifactory - nuget-package

I am using VS2017, when i tried to open Package manager and selecting Artifactory as package source its not prompting for credentials and returning
[Artifactory] The V2 feed at 'https://itec-artifactory-.....' returned an unexpected status code '403 Forbidden'.
I tried clearing nuget and browser cache, but it didn't work.
The same scenario in VS 2013, its prompting for credentials and connected successfully.
Any help is appreciated.

Reset the Nuget artifactory credentials. They are stored in Control Panel -> Credential Manager.
Go to Windows credentials. Remove with "VSCredentials_" prefix.
Restart VS.


Sign in to GitLab CE repository in TeamCity

When try get access from TeamCity on page VSC Roots to Gitlab CE repositorys get an error message:
Empty error response from, status code: 504 (teamcity_invalid_response)
Connection: GitLab CE/EE (project: XTestConnection)
In browser or command line successful connection to Gitlab CE and GitLab API is available.If manually paste a url repository Gitlab CE to field Fetch URL, i can run builds in TeamCity, all works.
But it only works if the, but not, and works only with uploaded SSH key authentication, not login/pass.
Between servers I don’t have a proxy, open full access. However, there is a NGINX proxy from the gitlab ce omnybus installation.
How to reproduce:
TeamCity, authorize using LDAP (Windows AD), but I tried to create a local internal account for the test.
GitLab authorizes using created credentials inside, without using third-party OAuth
LDAP: ... LDAP is disabled in config/gitlab.yml
Checking LDAP ... Finished
Original link
My problem was the wrong value system var TEAMCITY_SERVER_OPTS on master server TeamCity
My GitLab CE is located at, but the value was not specified by -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=* to exclude local addresses

Unable to authenitcate TFS from git command

I use TFS for source control and when I use git command line from new machine, I need to save credentials manager manually. Otherwise, I receive "Authentication Failed"
Is there alternative than pre-defining credentials in credential manager?
Current case from CentOS 7:
The Git Credential Manager which is just used to provide security Git credential storage. It's ok to pre-defining credentials in credential manager.
However for macOS and Linux, instead of using credential manager,
We recommend using SSH keys to authenticate to Azure DevOps,
not a credential manager.
SSH public key authentication works with a pair of generated encryption keys. The public key is shared and used to encrypt messages. The private key is kept safe and secure on your system and is used to read messages encrypted with the public key.
More details please take a look at our official tutorial--Use SSH key authentication
Besides, you could also use PAT token to access git repositories.
To authenticate with the PAT while using Git, you can use it as the password. The username can be anything, since your identity is identified with the PAT. For example:
Username: anything
git clone https://anything:<PAT>
More details please take a look at this link.
As for how to use PAT, you could refer this -- Authenticate access with personal access tokens
Note: This is only available with TFS2017 version and above. Besides, recommend you keep IIS Basic Authentication turned off when using Azure DevOps Server. When IIS Basic Authentication is enabled on your windows machine, it prevents you from using personal access tokens (PATs) as an authentication mechanism.

Xamarin iOS Xamarin.Auth Keeps Account data even after uninstalling the Application

To save user auth credential i've used Xamarin.Auth Account store
But it keeps the credentials data even after i uninstall application
so the problem is when reinstall new version it would automatically gets logged-in.
How can i clear auth credentials on uninstalling applcation ?
Thanks in Advance !

Access denied when trying to download RDP file for Azure VM using Connect button

Click the Connect button to download the RDP file for a VM in Azure Portal results in...
Server Error in '/' Application.
Access is denied.
Description: An error occurred while accessing the resources required
to serve this request. This may have been caused by an incorrect user
name and/or password.
Error message 401.1: Logon credentials were not recognized. Make sure
you are providing the correct user name and password. Otherwise,
contact the Web server's administrator for help.
Tracing this I think I understand why as I see no creds are passed in any header.
The Request is a POST to<myVMfilename>.rdp&mimeType=application%2Frdp&dataType=text
This is on a Mac using Safari.
It seems Safari can't download Azure VM RDP file, please try to use other browser to download the RDP file, ex. Chrome.

CCTray WinLogin authentication using ldap security

I have (v. 1.8.3) and CCTray (also v. 1.8.3) installed and LDAP security set up. However, when I add my build server to CCTray and select WinLogin authentication, no builds show up, and I get a login failed notification in the CCNet logs.
If I change the authentication to username/password, it works as I'd expect, however, when closing and restarting CCTray, builds show up as unknown status until I go into configuration to give things a kick. I'd also like to get the AD authentication working without manually specifying username and password because we have a custom build dashboard already using AD auth and I could secure everything through configuration as I should be able to.
Anyone have any ideas or can anyone confirm that they've been able to get AD authentication to work through CCTray or through the CCNet APIs?
WinLogin authentication is broken in CCTray. I'm only able to authenticate (not without problems), if the service is executed as a console application (ccnet.exe). I've never had success with the ccnet windows service (ccservice.exe). I've tried both 'via dashboard' and '.NET remoting' options - no difference.
