Catenating Variables in bat file - string

I've created bat file named vk.bat . The code is as following :-
SET "tcs="
FOR %%A IN (%*) DO (
Set "tcs=%tcs% -t %%A"
Echo %tcs%
I am executing this bat from cmd as following :-
c:\vk.bat Apple Cat Play
I want the final string as " -t Apple -t Cat -t Play"
But I am getting final string as "-t Play" . I am not able to find out that why and how it's overwriting the previous contents of string tcs.

DelayedExpansion-free Solution
Using the call command, we can emulate the delayed expansion. Take a look at this example
call command %%foo%% = setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
command !foo!
According to your case, the code should be changed to this:
SET "tcs="
FOR %%G IN (%*) DO (
CALL SET "tcs=%%tcs%% -t %%G"
ECHO %tcs%
Some Buggy Behaviour With CALL
Call doesn't handle redirection characters and some special characters properly:
The redirection of the first 4 examples won't function as intended, while in the last example, the caret(^) will be doubled. Source: SS64

You have fallen into the delayed expansion trap, like Squashman mentioned.
What Is Delayed Expansion?
In earlier batch files, variables are expanded(changed to it's value) when each line is phrased.
The command processor treats the entire for loop as one command, so the variable %tcs% is treated as nothing. (Because tcs was previously set to nothing.
How To Make Batch Variables Get Expanded At Run-Time?
To preserve compatibility with older batch files, delayed expansion feature is added. To allow the processor to do so, add this line to the start of the batch file:
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
and we also need to tell the processor which variables to be expanded at run-time, to do so, change the following:
From -> To
%var% -> !var!
Note only %n% variables can be changed to !n!. Metavariables like %%G/%G and %0 cannot be changed.
Here's is the fixed code using delayed expansion.:
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
SET "tcs="
FOR %%G IN (%*) DO (
SET "tcs=!tcs! -t %%G"
ECHO %tcs%


String Substitution Using Variables in a FOR loop Batch Syntax

I am trying to use string substitution to truncate a list of full file paths down to relative paths in an existing text file. In addition there is some basic automated renaming. The renaming works as intended but the string substitution I cannot get to work. All the documentation I could find describing string substitution used standalone strings, not strings stored in variables. So I do not know and cannot figure out the proper syntax. I have also read similar questions asked here and attempted those solutions to no avail.
Everything in my script works as intended except for this line:
SET %%I=%%%I:%Temp_Dir%=%
It does not change %%I at all. The input to the FOR loop %List% is a text file that looks like this:
The final output I get right now is identical to the above list.
The desired output should look like this:
I know the syntax is supposed to be:
SET string = C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp\Batch_Renaming_Temp\Working\out\bin\codesegment.o
SET string = %string:C:\Users\UserName\AppData\Local\Temp\Batch_Renaming_Temp\Working =%
As I said though, I cannot get it to work using variables in a FOR loop. I am also attempting this method of string substitution because the path of %Temp_Dir% is always at the start of every line and is always found in each line once.
Here is the whole script for reference. I would prefer a one line solution like the one I was attempting. I am aware longer solutions are available but due to reasons beyond my control the one-line string substitution is required.
SETLOCAL EnableDelayedExpansion
SET Proj_Dir="C:\Users\UserName\Desktop\Project"
SET Temp_Dir=%temp%\Batch_Renaming_Temp\Working
SET Counter=1
SET List="%temp%\Batch_Renaming_Temp\LFN_LIST.TMP"
SET List_Final="%temp%\Batch_Renaming_Temp\LFN_LIST.TXT"
ROBOCOPY /E /MIR %Proj_Dir% "%Temp_Dir%" > NUL
CD "%Temp_Dir%"
DIR /A-D /O:N /B /S > %List%
DIR /AD /O:N /B /S | SORT /R >> %List%
TYPE NUL > %List_Final%
FOR /F "usebackq tokens=* delims=" %%I IN (%List%) DO (
REN "%%I" !Counter!
SET /A !Counter+=1
SET %%I=%%%I:%Temp_Dir%=%
ECHO %%I >> %List_Final%
Like #Squashman pointed out in the comments, you cannot "set" a FOR variable.
If your variable depends on other variables indirectly, you need to use CALL SET or delayed expansion.
The easiest solution so far:
(for /F "usebackq tokens=8* delims=\" %%x in (%List%) do echo \%%y) > %List_Final%
It uses \ as a delimiter and pass the 8+th arguments to %%y, and redirects all output to %List_Final%
Tested on a Windows 10 laptop, works perfectly.

Get base name of file without file extension

Let's say I'd have a file named "testfile.txt" set on a variable:%File% and I'd like to remove the extension when echoing it . Echo %File:~0,8% would come out as "testfile" but what I want to do is to have it display anything and everything to the left of the ".txt" because I won't always make files which have 8 characters in their name.
Is there a simple solution to this ?
for %%I in ("testfile.txt") do echo %%~nI
for %%I in ("%file%") do echo %%~nI
Do help for in a cmd console window and see the last two pages for more information on tilde operations.
There is another way to accomplish what you want, using substring substitution similar to your attempts illustrated in your question.
set "file=testfile.txt"
echo %file:.=&rem;%
That substitutes the dot with &rem;. When the variable is evaluated, the batch interpreter treats the newly substituted data as a compound command. And since everything following rem is treated as a remark to be ignored, you're left with only testfile as the output. This will only work if:
you don't include quotation marks in your variable value
your filename only includes the one dot
you don't do it within a parenthetical code block (if statement or for loop) where delayed expansion is required
You can try this:
#echo off
set "file=testfile.txt"
call :removeExtension "%file%"
echo %newFile%
goto :eof
set "newFile=%~n1"
goto :eof
However, this only works if the file has no path. If it does, you can do this:
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "file=files\testfile.txt"
call :removeExtension "%file%"
echo %newFile%
goto :eof
set "file=%~1"
set "newFile=!file:%~x1=!"
goto :eof

How to run batch script without using *.bat extension

Is there any method in Windows through which we can execute a batch script without *.bat extension?
This is an interesting topic to me! I want to do some observations about it.
The important point first: A Batch file is a file with .BAT or .CMD extension. Period. Batch files can achieve, besides the execution of usual DOS commands, certain specific Batch-file facilities, in particular:
Access to Batch file parameters via %1 %2 ... and execution of SHIFT command.
Execution of GOTO command.
Execution of CALL :NAME command (internal subroutine).
Execution of SETLOCAL/ENDLOCAL commands.
Now the funny part: Any file can be redirected as input for CMD.exe so the DOS commands contained in it are executed in a similar way of a Batch file, with some differences. The most important one is that previous Batch-file facilities will NOT work. Another differences are illustrated in the NOT-Batch file below (I called it BATCH.TXT):
#echo off
rem Echo off just suppress echoing of the prompt and each loop of FOR command
rem but it does NOT suppress the listing of these commands!
rem Pause command does NOT pause, because it takes the character that follows it
rem This behavior allows to put data for a SET /P command after it
set /P var=Enter data:
This is the data for previous command!
echo Data read: "%var%"
rem Complex FOR/IF commands may be assembled and they execute in the usual way:
for /L %i in (1,1,5) do (
set /P line=
if "!line:~0,6!" equ "SHOW: " echo Line read: !line:~6!
NOSHOW: First line read
SHOW: Second line
NOSHOW: This is third line
SHOW: The line number 4
NOSHOW: Final line, number five
rem You may suppress the tracing of the execution redirecting CMD output to NUL
rem In this case, redirect output to STDERR to display messages in the screen
echo This is a message redirected to STDERR >&2
rem GOTO command doesn't work:
goto label
goto :EOF
rem but both EXIT and EXIT /B commands works:
exit /B
echo Never reach this point...
To execute previous file, type: CMD /V:ON < BATCH.TXT
The /V switch is needed to enable delayed expansion.
More specialized differences are related to the fact that commands in the NOT-Batch file are executed in the command-line context, NOT the Batch-file context. Perhaps Dave or jeb could elaborate on this point.
EDIT: Additional observations (batch2.txt):
#echo off
rem You may force SET /P command to read the line from keyboard instead of
rem from following lines by redirecting its input to CON device.
rem You may also use CON device to force commands output to console (screen),
rem this is easier to write and read than >&2
echo Standard input/output operations> CON
echo/> CON
< CON set /P var=Enter value: > CON
echo/> CON
echo The value read is: "%var%"> CON
Execute previous file this way: CMD < BATCH2.TXT > NUL
EDIT: More additional observations (batch3.txt)
#echo off
rem Dynamic access to variables that usually requires DelayedExpansion via "call" trick
rem Read the next four lines; "next" means placed after the FOR command
rem (this may be used to simulate a Unix "here doc")
for /L %i in (1,1,4) do (
set /P line[%i]=
Line one of immediate data
This is second line
The third one
And the fourth and last one...
echo Show the elements of the array read:
for /L %i in (1,1,4) do call echo Line %i- %line[%i]%
) > CON
Execute this file in the usual way: CMD < BATCH3.TXT > NUL
Interesting! Isn't it?
EDIT: Now, GOTO and CALL commands may be simulated in the NotBatch.txt file!!! See this post.
Just use:
type mybat.txt | cmd
Breaking it down...
type mybat.txt reads mybat.txt as a text file and prints the contents. The | says capture anything getting printed by the command on its left and pass it as an input to the command on its right. Then cmd (as you can probably guess) interprets any input it receives as commands and executes them.
In case you were wondering... you can replace cmd with bash to run on Linux.
in my case, to make windows run files without extension (only for *.cmd, *.exe) observed, i have missed pathext variable (in system varailbles) to include .cmd. Once added i have no more to run file.cmd than simply file.
environment variables --> add/edit system variable to include .cmd;.exe (ofcourse your file should be in path)
It could be possible yes, but probably nor in an easy way =) cause first of all.. security.
I try to do the same thing some year ago, and some month ago, but i found no solution about it.. you could try to do
type toLaunch.txt >> bin.cmd
call bin.cmd
pause > nul
then in toLaunch.txt put
#echo off
echo Hello!
pause > nul
just as example, it will "compile" the code, then it will execute the "output" file, that is just "parse"
instead of parsed you could also just rename use and maybe put an auto rename inside the script using inside toLaunch.txt
ren %0 %0.txt
hope it helped!
It is possible at some degree. You'll need an admin permissions to run assoc and ftype commands. Also a 'caller' script that will use your code:
Lets say the extension you want is called .scr.
Then execute this script as admin:
#echo off
:: requires Admin permissions
:: allows a files with .scr (in this case ) extension to act like .bat/.cmd files.
:: Will create a 'caller.bat' associated with the extension
:: which will create a temp .bat file on each call (you can consider this as cheating)
:: and will call it.
:: Have on mind that the %0 argument will be lost.
rem :: "installing" a caller.
if not exist "c:\scrCaller.bat" (
echo #echo off
echo copy "%%~nx1" "%%temp%%\%%~nx1.bat" /Y ^>nul
echo "%%temp%%\%%~nx1.bat" %%*
) > c:\scrCaller.bat
rem :: associating file extension
assoc .scr=scrfile
ftype scrfile=c:\scrCaller "%%1" %%*
You even will be able to use GOTO and CALL and the other tricks you know. The only limitation is that the the %0 argument will be lost ,tough it can be hardcoded while creating the temp file.
As a lot of languages compile an .exe file for example I think this a legit approach.
If you want variables to be exported to the calling batch file, you could use
for /F "tokens=*" %%g in (file.txt) do (%%g)
This metod has several limitations (don't use :: for comments), but its perfect for configuration files.
rem Filename: "foo.conf"
set option1=true
set option2=false
set option3=true
#echo off
for /F "tokens=*" %%g in (foo.conf) do (%%g)
echo %option1%
echo %option2%
echo %option3%

bat file to replace string in text file

This question has been asked a lot on stackoverflow, but I can't seem to be able to make it work. Any hints appreciated. Here is a text file (extension .mpl) containing offending text that needs to be removed:
plotsetup('ps', 'plotoutput = "plotfile.eps"', 'plotoptions' = "color=rgb,landscape,noborder");
print(PLOT3D(MESH(Array(1..60, 1..60, 1..3, [[[.85840734641021,0.,-0.],
... more like that ...
[.858407346410207,-3.25992468340355e-015,5.96532373555817e-015]]], datatype = float[8], order = C_order)),SHADING(ZHUE),STYLE(PATCHNOGRID),TRANSPARENCY(.3),LIGHTMODEL(LIGHT_4),ORIENTATION(35.,135.),SCALING(CONSTRAINED),AXESSTYLE(NORMAL)));
I want to remove every instance of:
and there are thousands such instances!. Note: the square brackets and the comma are to be removed. There is no space, so I have pages and pages of:
I won't list here all my failed attempts. Below is the closest I've come:
#echo off
cd /d %~dp0
if exist testCleaned.mpl del testCleaned.mpl
SetLocal EnableDelayedExpansion
Set OldString=[HFloat(undefined),HFloat(undefined),HFloat(undefined)],
Set NewString=
FOR /F "tokens=* delims= " %%I IN (test.mpl) DO (
set str=%%I
set str=!str:OldString=NewString!
echo !str! >> testCleaned.mpl
The above was strung together, as it were, from pieces of code found on the web, especially at stackoverflow, e.g. Problem with search and replace batch file
What it does is produce a truncated file, as follows:
plotsetup('ps', 'plotoutput = "plotfile.eps"', 'plotoptions' = "color=rgb,landscape,noborder");
Please don't hesitate to request clarifications. Apologies if you feel that this question has already been answered. I would very much appreciate if you would copy-paste the relevant code for me, as I have tried for several hours.
Bonus: can this automatic naming be made to work? "%%~nICleaned.mpl"
The biggest problem with your existing code is the SetLocal enableDelayedExpansion is missplaced - it should be within the loop after set str=%%I.
Other problems:
will strip lines beginning with ;
will strip leading spaces from each line
will strip blank (empty) lines
will print ECHO is off if any lines becomes empty or contains only spaces after substitution
will add extra space at end of each line (didn't notice this until I read jeb's answer)
Optimization issue - using >> can be relatively slow. It is faster to enclose the whole loop in () and then use >
Below is about the best you can do with Windows batch. I auto named the output as requested, doing one better - It automatically preserves the extension of the original name.
#echo off
cd /d %~dp0
Set "OldString=[HFloat(undefined),HFloat(undefined),HFloat(undefined)],"
Set "NewString="
set file="test.mpl"
for %%F in (%file%) do set outFile="%%~nFCleaned%%~xF"
for /f "skip=2 delims=" %%a in ('find /n /v "" %file%') do (
set "ln=%%a"
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
set "ln=!ln:*]=!"
if defined ln set "ln=!ln:%OldString%=%NewString%!"
Known limitations
limited to slightly under 8k per line, both before and after substitution
search string cannot include = or !, nor can it start with * or ~
replacement string cannot include !
search part of search and replace is case insensitive
last line will always end with newline <CR><LF> even if original did not
All but the first limitation could be eliminated, but it would require a lot of code, and would be horrifically slow. The solution would require a character by character search of each line. The last limitation would require some awkward test to determine if the last line was newline terminated, and then last line would have to be printed using <nul SET /P "ln=!ln!" trick if no newline wanted.
Interesting feature (or limitation, depending on perspective)
Unix style files ending lines with <LF> will be converted to Windows style with lines ending with <CR><LF>
There are other solutions using batch that are significantly faster, but they all have more limitations.
Update - I've posted a new pure batch solution that is able to do case sensitive searches and has no restrictions on search or replacement string content. It does have more restrictions on line length, trailing control characters, and line format. Performance is not bad, especially if the number of replacements is low.
Based on comments below, a batch solution will not work for this particular problem because of line length limitation.
But this code is a good basis for a batch based search and replace utility, as long as you are willing to put up with the limitations and relatively poor performance of batch.
There are much better text processing tools available, though they are not standard with Windows. My favorite is sed within the GNU Utilities for Win32 package. The utilities are free, and do not require any installation.
Here is a sed solution for Windows using GNU utilities
#echo off
cd /d %~dp0
Set "OldString=\[HFloat(undefined),HFloat(undefined),HFloat(undefined)\],"
Set "NewString="
set file="test.mpl"
for %%F in (%file%) do set outFile="%%~nFCleaned%%~xF"
sed -e"s/%OldString%/%NewString%/g" <%file% >%outfile%
Update 2013-02-19
sed may not be an option if you work at a site that has rules forbidding the installation of executables downloaded from the web.
JScript has good regular expression handling, and it is standard on all modern Windows platforms, including XP. It is a good choice for performing search and replace operations on Windows platforms.
I have written a hybrid JScript/Batch search and replace script (REPL.BAT) that is easy to call from a batch script. A small amount of code gives a lot of powerful features; not as powerful as sed, but more than enough to handle this task, as well as many others. It is also quite fast, much faster than any pure batch solution. It also does not have any inherent line length limitations.
Here is a batch script that uses my REPL.BAT utility to accomplish the task.
#echo off
cd /d %~dp0
Set "OldString=[HFloat(undefined),HFloat(undefined),HFloat(undefined)],"
Set "NewString="
set file="test.txt"
for %%F in (%file%) do set outFile="%%~nFCleaned%%~xF"
call repl OldString NewString le <%file% >%outfile%
I use the L option to specify a literal search string instead of a regular expression, and the E option to pass the search and replace strings via environment variables by name, instead of using string literals on the command line.
Here is the REPL.BAT utility script that the above code calls. Full documentation is encluded within the script.
#if (#X)==(#Y) #end /* Harmless hybrid line that begins a JScript comment
::************ Documentation ***********
:::REPL Search Replace [Options [SourceVar]]
:::REPL /?
::: Performs a global search and replace operation on each line of input from
::: stdin and prints the result to stdout.
::: Each parameter may be optionally enclosed by double quotes. The double
::: quotes are not considered part of the argument. The quotes are required
::: if the parameter contains a batch token delimiter like space, tab, comma,
::: semicolon. The quotes should also be used if the argument contains a
::: batch special character like &, |, etc. so that the special character
::: does not need to be escaped with ^.
::: If called with a single argument of /? then prints help documentation
::: to stdout.
::: Search - By default this is a case sensitive JScript (ECMA) regular
::: expression expressed as a string.
::: JScript syntax documentation is available at
::: Replace - By default this is the string to be used as a replacement for
::: each found search expression. Full support is provided for
::: substituion patterns available to the JScript replace method.
::: A $ literal can be escaped as $$. An empty replacement string
::: must be represented as "".
::: Replace substitution pattern syntax is documented at
::: Options - An optional string of characters used to alter the behavior
::: of REPL. The option characters are case insensitive, and may
::: appear in any order.
::: I - Makes the search case-insensitive.
::: L - The Search is treated as a string literal instead of a
::: regular expression. Also, all $ found in Replace are
::: treated as $ literals.
::: E - Search and Replace represent the name of environment
::: variables that contain the respective values. An undefined
::: variable is treated as an empty string.
::: M - Multi-line mode. The entire contents of stdin is read and
::: processed in one pass instead of line by line. ^ anchors
::: the beginning of a line and $ anchors the end of a line.
::: X - Enables extended substitution pattern syntax with support
::: for the following escape sequences:
::: \\ - Backslash
::: \b - Backspace
::: \f - Formfeed
::: \n - Newline
::: \r - Carriage Return
::: \t - Horizontal Tab
::: \v - Vertical Tab
::: \xnn - Ascii (Latin 1) character expressed as 2 hex digits
::: \unnnn - Unicode character expressed as 4 hex digits
::: Escape sequences are supported even when the L option is used.
::: S - The source is read from an environment variable instead of
::: from stdin. The name of the source environment variable is
::: specified in the next argument after the option string.
::************ Batch portion ***********
#echo off
if .%2 equ . (
if "%~1" equ "/?" (
findstr "^:::" "%~f0" | cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0" "^:::" ""
exit /b 0
) else (
call :err "Insufficient arguments"
exit /b 1
echo(%~3|findstr /i "[^SMILEX]" >nul && (
call :err "Invalid option(s)"
exit /b 1
cscript //E:JScript //nologo "%~f0" %*
exit /b 0
>&2 echo ERROR: %~1. Use REPL /? to get help.
exit /b
************* JScript portion **********/
var env=WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Environment("Process");
var args=WScript.Arguments;
var search=args.Item(0);
var replace=args.Item(1);
var options="g";
if (args.length>2) {
var multi=(options.indexOf("m")>=0);
var srcVar=(options.indexOf("s")>=0);
if (srcVar) {
if (options.indexOf("e")>=0) {
if (options.indexOf("l")>=0) {
if (options.indexOf("x")>=0) {
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt("0x"+$0.substring(2)));
var search=new RegExp(search,options);
if (srcVar) {
} else {
while (!WScript.StdIn.AtEndOfStream) {
if (multi) {
} else {
The Batch file below have the same restrictions of previous solutions on characters that can be processed; these restrictions are inherent to all Batch language programs. However, this program should run faster if the file is large and the lines to replace are not too much. Lines with no replacement string are not processed, but directly copied to the output file.
#echo off
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
set "oldString=[HFloat(undefined),HFloat(undefined),HFloat(undefined)],"
set "newString="
findstr /N ^^ inFile.mpl > numberedFile.tmp
find /C ":" < numberedFile.tmp > lastLine.tmp
set /P lastLine=<lastLine.tmp
del lastLine.tmp
call :ProcessLines < numberedFile.tmp > outFile.mpl
del numberedFile.tmp
goto :EOF
set lastProcessedLine=0
for /F "delims=:" %%a in ('findstr /N /C:"%oldString%" inFile.mpl') do (
call :copyUpToLine %%a
set /A linesToCopy=lastLine-lastProcessedLine
for /L %%i in (1,1,%linesToCopy%) do (
set /P line=
exit /B
:copyUpToLine number
set /A linesToCopy=%1-lastProcessedLine-1
for /L %%i in (1,1,%linesToCopy%) do (
set /P line=
set /P line=
set line=!line:*:=!
set lastProcessedLine=%1
exit /B
I would appreciate if you may run a timing test on this an other solutions and post the results.
EDIT: I changed the set /A lastProcessedLine+=linesToCopy+1 line for the equivalent, but faster set lastProcessedLine=%1.
I'm no expert on batch files, so I can't offer a direct solution to your problem.
However, to solve your problem, it might be simpler to use an alternative to batch files.
For example, I'd recommend using (if you know C#). This tool will allow you to run C# files like batch files, but giving you the power to write your script using C#, instead of horrible batch file syntax :)
Another alternative would be python, if you know python.
But I guess the point is, that this kind of task may be easier in another programming language.
You defined delims=<space>, that's a bad idea if you want to preserve your lines, as it splits after the first space.
You should change this to FOR /F "tokens=* delims=" ....
Your echo !str! >> testCleaned.mpl will always append one extra space to each line, better use echo(!str!>>testCleaned.mpl.
You will also lose all empty lines, and all exclamation marks in all lines.
You could also try the code of Improved BatchSubstitute.bat

String processing using Batch Script

I'm currently creating a batch script that has to loop through the lines in a file, checking for some string, and if theres a match prefix that string with a '#' (comment it out).
I'm perfectly new to batch script, all I got this far is:
for /f %%j in (CMakeLists.txt) do (
if "%%j"=="Extensions_AntTweakBar" (
echo lol1
if "%%j"=="Extensions_Inspection" (
echo lol2
if "%%j"=="Extensions_InspectionBar" (
echo lol3
So my current issue is, I don't know how to operate on string within batch scripts. If someone could help me out that would be appreciated :)
You can just use the text you want to append followed by your variable generally.
C:\>set MY_VAR=Hello world!
C:\>echo #%MY_VAR%
#Hello world!
C:\>set MY_VAR=#%MY_VAR%
C:\>echo %MY_VAR%
#Hello world!
If you're just doing echo, that's fine. echo #%%j will do what you need.
But if you want to set the line to a variable, you have to enable delayed expansion. Add setlocal ENABLEDELAYEDEXPANSION to the top of your file and then surround your variables with ! instead of %. For example (and notice that I've added delims= to put the entire line in %%j instead of the first word on the line):
#echo off
set LINE=
for /f "delims=" %%j in (CMakeLists.txt) do (
set LINE=%%j
if "%%j"=="Extensions AntTweakBar" (
set LINE=#%%j
if "%%j"=="Extensions Inspection" (
set LINE=#%%j
if "%%j"=="Extensions InspectionBar" (
set LINE=#%%j
echo !LINE!
Given this input file:
Extensions AntTweakBar
some text
Extensions Inspection
Extensions What?
some more text
Extensions InspectionBar
Extensions InspectionBar this line doesn't match because delims= takes all text
even more text
The above script produces this output:
#Extensions AntTweakBar
some text
#Extensions Inspection
Extensions What?
some more text
#Extensions InspectionBar
Extensions InspectionBar this line doesn't match because delims= takes all text
even more text
And of course removing #echo off will help you debug problems.
But all that being said, you're about at the limit of what you can accomplish with batch string processing. If you still want to use batch commands, you may need to start writing lines to temporary files and using findstr with a regex.
Without a better understanding of what you want inside your loop or what your CMakeLists.txt file looks like, try this on for starters:
The && makes the second command (the ECHO) conditional on the first command exiting without an error state, and the || is like a logical OR and it runs when the first one doesn't.
Really, for modifying the internals of a text file you are probably going to be much better off using either sed or awk - win32 binaries can be found in the UnxUtils project.
