I am writing one tool in node js. I wanted to define some POJO in node js. I don't have much experience in Node js. I came from JAVA background where classes are used for defining entities. One way, in which I have define entities now are:-
function Person(name) {
this.name = name;
this.values = [];
this.characteristics = {};
But this is defined in one JS file. And to make it available in other JS files, I have to export this function. Is this the best way to define entities or are there any other way in which I can define something of class kind of format?
That is just fine for creating objects. If you start to use a DB like mongo, you might be better off creating objects with mongoose but that's personal preference as well. As for your example -
1) Export Person
module.exports = Person;
2) Import Person from another file
const Person = require('../path/to/Person');
3) Create Person with the new keyword to call the constructor (very important)
const mitch = new Person('Mitch');
You should read up on javascript's prototype. Every object has a reference to Object.prototype. Then you can create objects with Object.create(obj) to create objects and assign the new object's prototype as the reference being passed in to Object.create(obj)
Here's an example from MDN
// Shape - superclass
function Shape() {
this.x = 0;
this.y = 0;
// superclass method
Shape.prototype.move = function(x, y) {
this.x += x;
this.y += y;
console.info('Shape moved.');
// Rectangle - subclass
function Rectangle() {
Shape.call(this); // call super constructor.
// subclass extends superclass
Rectangle.prototype = Object.create(Shape.prototype);
Rectangle.prototype.constructor = Rectangle;
var rect = new Rectangle();
console.log('Is rect an instance of Rectangle?',
rect instanceof Rectangle); // true
console.log('Is rect an instance of Shape?',
rect instanceof Shape); // true
rect.move(1, 1); // Outputs, 'Shape moved.'
Class constructor initializes and create objects/functions in a class. If I'm using functions, how would I initialize a function within the function?
This is the simple class
export default class MainProcess{
constructor() {
this.isReady = false
init() {
how can I initiate a MainPRocess Function?
While I'm not entirely sure I understand the question, I think you're asking "How can I create a function in a way that's similar to how I'm used to writing classes, but without using the class keyword?" Here's an example of that:
function Example () {
this.value = 10;
// instance method
this.print = function () {
// static method
Example.printHello = function () {
console.log('hello world');
const example1 = new Example();
example1.print(); // 10
example1.value = 20;
example1.print(); //20
console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(example1).constructor.name); // "Example"
const example2 = new Example();
example2. print(); //10
Example.printHello(); // "hello world"
Functions are part of the class. Classes are a grouping of functions(methods) and data(as properties). These functions are used to modify properties.
In the above example, you created a class MainProcess with some functions. However, functions defined in the init method is not present. The compiler will throw an error.
constructor is a special method used to create an object with that class.
If I'm using functions, how would I initialize a function within the
It seems you are mixing two concepts function constructors in JS and Classes which are introduced later. Class is nothing, but a syntactic sugar on function constructor. JS is a prototype-based language.
difference b/w function and function constructor?
Functions created with the Function constructor do not create closures to their creation contexts; they always are created in the global scope. When running them, they will only be able to access their own local variables and global ones, not the ones from the scope in which the Function constructor was created. This is different from using Global_Objects/eval with code for a function expression.
var x = 10;
function createFunction1() {
var x = 20;
return new Function('return x;'); // this |x| refers global |x|
function createFunction2() {
var x = 20;
function f() {
return x; // this |x| refers local |x| above
return f;
var f1 = createFunction1();
console.log(f1()); // 10
var f2 = createFunction2();
console.log(f2()); // 20
I highly recommend you first understand the how JS has implemented class in it.
I'm developing a classifier for text categorisation using Weka java libraries. I've extracted a number of features using Stanfords' CoreNLP package, including a dependency parse of the text which returns a string "(rel, head, mod)".
I was wanting to use the dependency triplets returned from this as features for classification but I cannot figure out how to properly represent them in the ARFF file. Basically, I'm stumped; for each instance, there are an arbitrary number of dependency triplets, so I can't define them explicitly in the attributes, for example:
#attribute entityCount numeric
#attribute depTriple_1 string
#attribute depTriple_2 string
#attribute depTriple_n string
Is there a particular way to go about this? I've spent the better part of the day searching and have not found anything yet.
Thanks a lot for reading.
Extracted from Weka Wiki:
import weka.core.Attribute;
import weka.core.FastVector;
import weka.core.Instance;
import weka.core.Instances;
* Generates a little ARFF file with different attribute types.
* #author FracPete
public class SO_Test {
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
FastVector atts;
FastVector attsRel;
FastVector attVals;
FastVector attValsRel;
Instances data;
Instances dataRel;
double[] vals;
double[] valsRel;
int i;
// 1. set up attributes
atts = new FastVector();
// - numeric
atts.addElement(new Attribute("att1"));
// - nominal
attVals = new FastVector();
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
attVals.addElement("val" + (i+1));
atts.addElement(new Attribute("att2", attVals));
// - string
atts.addElement(new Attribute("att3", (FastVector) null));
// - date
atts.addElement(new Attribute("att4", "yyyy-MM-dd"));
// - relational
attsRel = new FastVector();
// -- numeric
attsRel.addElement(new Attribute("att5.1"));
// -- nominal
attValsRel = new FastVector();
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++)
attValsRel.addElement("val5." + (i+1));
attsRel.addElement(new Attribute("att5.2", attValsRel));
dataRel = new Instances("att5", attsRel, 0);
atts.addElement(new Attribute("att5", dataRel, 0));
// 2. create Instances object
data = new Instances("MyRelation", atts, 0);
// 3. fill with data
// first instance
vals = new double[data.numAttributes()];
// - numeric
vals[0] = Math.PI;
// - nominal
vals[1] = attVals.indexOf("val3");
// - string
vals[2] = data.attribute(2).addStringValue("This is a string!");
// - date
vals[3] = data.attribute(3).parseDate("2001-11-09");
// - relational
dataRel = new Instances(data.attribute(4).relation(), 0);
// -- first instance
valsRel = new double[2];
valsRel[0] = Math.PI + 1;
valsRel[1] = attValsRel.indexOf("val5.3");
dataRel.add(new Instance(1.0, valsRel));
// -- second instance
valsRel = new double[2];
valsRel[0] = Math.PI + 2;
valsRel[1] = attValsRel.indexOf("val5.2");
dataRel.add(new Instance(1.0, valsRel));
vals[4] = data.attribute(4).addRelation(dataRel);
// add
data.add(new Instance(1.0, vals));
// second instance
vals = new double[data.numAttributes()]; // important: needs NEW array!
// - numeric
vals[0] = Math.E;
// - nominal
vals[1] = attVals.indexOf("val1");
// - string
vals[2] = data.attribute(2).addStringValue("And another one!");
// - date
vals[3] = data.attribute(3).parseDate("2000-12-01");
// - relational
dataRel = new Instances(data.attribute(4).relation(), 0);
// -- first instance
valsRel = new double[2];
valsRel[0] = Math.E + 1;
valsRel[1] = attValsRel.indexOf("val5.4");
dataRel.add(new Instance(1.0, valsRel));
// -- second instance
valsRel = new double[2];
valsRel[0] = Math.E + 2;
valsRel[1] = attValsRel.indexOf("val5.1");
dataRel.add(new Instance(1.0, valsRel));
vals[4] = data.attribute(4).addRelation(dataRel);
// add
data.add(new Instance(1.0, vals));
// 4. output data
Your problem is in particular a "relational" attribute. This code segment has dealt with such relational attribute.
Alright, I did it! Just posting this as an answer incase anyone else has a similar problem. Previously I was following the guide found on the Weka Wiki (as posted below by Rushdi), but I was having a lot of trouble following as the guide is creating static instances of the relational attribute, where as I required dynamic declarations of an arbitrary amount. So I decided to re-evaluate how I was generating the attributes, and I managed to get it to work with slight changes to the above guide:
//1. Set up attributes
FastVector atts;
FastVector relAtts;
Instances relData;
atts = new FastVector();
//Entity Count - numeric
atts.addElement(new Attribute("entityCount"));
//Dependencies - Relational (Multi-Instance)
relAtts = new FastVector();
relAtts.addElement(new Attribute("depTriplet", (FastVector) null));
relData = new Instances("depTriples", relAtts, 0);
atts.addElement(new Attribute("depTriples", relData, 0));
atts.addElement(new Attribute("postTxt", (FastVector) null));
//2. Create Instances Object
Instances trainSet = new Instances("MyName", atts, 0);
/* 3. Fill with data:
Loop through text docs to extract features
and generate instance for train set */
//Holds the relational attribute instances
Instances relAttData;
for(Object doc: docList) {
List<String> depTripleList = getDepTriples(doc);
int entCount = getEntityCount(doc);
String pt = getText(doc);
//Create instance to be added to training set
Instance tInst = new Instance(trainSet.numAttributes());
//Entity count
tInst.setValue( (Attribute) atts.elementAt(0), entCount);
//Generate Instances for relational attribute
relAttData = new Instances(trainSet.attribute(1).relation(), 0);
//For each deplist entry, create an instance and add it to dataset
for(String depTriple: depTripleList) {
Instance relAttInst = new Instance(1);
relAttInst.setValue(0, depTriple);
//Add relational attribute (now filled with a number of Instances of attributes) to the main Instance
tInst.setValue( (Attribute) atts.elementAt(1), trainSet.attribute(1).addRelation(relAttData));
//Finally, add the instance to the relational attribute
//4. Output data
I realise this could probably be done differently, but this works well with my situation. Please keep in mind this is not my actual code, but an excerpt of multiple parts stitched together to demonstrate the process used to fix the problem.
I'm trying to make a Map with an object as a key. The problem is, that when I try to get elements from this map, I always get null. It's because I'm not providing the exact same reference as the key was. I'm providing an object with the same values, so the reference is different.
Is there any way to solve that? Can I make it use some kind of equals() function?
class PointInt
public var x:Int;
public var y:Int;
var map = new Map<PointInt, Hex>();
var a = new PointInt(1, 1);
var b = new PointInt(1, 1);
var hex_a = new Hex();
map[a] = hex_a;
var hex_b = map[b];
/// hex_b == null now because reference(a) == reference(b)
As explained here and here, Map in Haxe works using the reference of the object as the key.
What you want to use instead is a HashMap like this (try.haxe link):
import haxe.ds.HashMap;
class Test {
static function main() {
var map = new HashMap();
map.set(new PointInt(1, 1), 1);
trace(map.get(new PointInt(1,1)));
class PointInt
public var x:Int;
public var y:Int;
public function new(x:Int, y:Int)
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
public function hashCode():Int
return x + 1000*y; //of course don't use this, but a real hashing function
public function toString()
return '($x,$y)';
What you need to change in your code, besides using haxe.ds.HashMap instead of Map is to implement a hashCode : Void->Int function in your key object
Since you're using an object that has 2 ints, and the hash map is just 1 int, it will happen that 2 PointInt will have the same hash code. To solve this you could create a hash map that uses strings as hashcode but if you can write (or google) a good hash function you will get better performance.
I'm playing with util.inherits method from node.js and can't seem to get the desired behavior.
var util = require("util");
function A() {
this.name = 'old';
A.prototype.log = function(){
console.log('my old name is: '+ this.name);
function B(){
this.name = 'new';
util.inherits(B, A);
B.prototype.log = function(){
console.log('my new name is: ' + this.name);
var b = new B();
The result is:
my old name is: undefined
my new name is: new
However what I would like is:
my old name is: new
my new name is: new
What am I missing?
Here's how to achieve what you are looking for:
B.prototype.log = function () {
console.log('my new name is: ' + this.name);
This ensures the this context is the instance of B instead of being B.super_.prototype I suppose.
I prefer to call method of super through prototype chain instead of constructor chain like following.
var prototype = C.prototype;
prototype.log = function() {
// or old style
They are all accessing prototype object of super class, but using prototype chain might be better than constructor.super_.prototype of constructor chain.
because usually I hide protected, private methods in separated files and under a prototype folder. Only public methods are with the constructor function in the same scope. In addition, to make them easy to move around different classes. All of them are named as prototype.method = function() {...}, so most of them can only access the prototype object.
Or it would be appreciated to know any benefit to go through constructor chain? This is why I found this post.
I have a js function that is named getID which is basically return document.getElementById(id)
I want to make another function, getTag that would return getElementsByTagName.
The part that I can't seem to manage is that I want to be able to call them like this:
getID('myid').getTag('input') => so this would return all the input elements inside the element with the id myid
ps: getTag would also have to work if it's called by it's own, but then it would just return document.getElementsByTagName
Thanks to all that have replied! Using your suggestions I came up with this, which works well for me:
function getEl(){
return new getElement();
function getElement() {
var scope = document;
this.by = function(data){
if (data.id) scope = scope.getElementById(data.id);
if (data.tag) scope = scope.getElementsByTagName(data.tag);
return scope;
and I use it like this:
var inputs = getEl().by({id:"msg", tag:"input"});
The way to do that is to prototype Object. To do that, you'll need the following piece of code:
Object.prototype.getTag = function(tagName) {
return this.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
However, this will expand all objects because what you really need to prototype, an HTMLElement, is very hard to do consistently. All the experts agree that you should never expand the Object prototype. A much better solution would be to create a function that gets the tag name from another argument:
function getTag(tagName, element) {
return (element || document).getElementsByTagName(tagName);
// Usage
var oneTag = getTag('input', getID('myid')); // All inputs tags from within the myid element
var twoTag = getTag('input'); // All inputs on the page
This would require that whatever is returned by getID('myid') (an HTML element) exposes a method named getTag(). This is not the case. Browsers implement the DOM specification and expose the methods defined there.
While you technically can enhance native objects with your own methods, it's best not to do it.
What you try to do has been solved rather nicely in JS libraries like jQuery already, I recommend you look at one of them before you invest time in mimicking what they can do. For example, your line of code would become:
$("#myid input")
in jQuery. jQuery happens to be the most widely used JS library around, there are many others.
Basically, you're going to create a single object that contains each of your methods and also stores all data returned by the native functions. It would look something like this (not tested, but you get the idea):
var MyLib = {
getID: function(id) {
var element = document.getElementById(id);
this.length = 1;
this[0] = element;
return this;
getTag: function(tag) {
var elements;
if (this.length) {
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {
var byTag = this[i].getElementsByTagName(tag);
for (var j = 0; j < byTag.length; j++) {
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) {
this[i] = elements[i];
this.length = elements.length;
return this;
You can then use it like this:
var elements = MyLib.getID('myid').getTag('input');
for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++)
console.log(elements[i]); // Do something
The only real problem with this approach (besides it being very tricky and hard to debug) is that you have to treat the result of every method like an array, even if there is only a single result. For example, to get an element by ID, you'd have to do MyLib.getID('myid')[0].
However, note that this has already been done before. I recommend you take a look at jQuery, if only to see how they accomplished this. Your code could be simplified to this:
$("#myid input")
jQuery is more lightweight than you think, and including it on your page will not slow it down. You have nothing to lose by using it.
Just use the DOMElement.prototype property.
You'll get something like this :
function getTag(tagName) {
return document.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
DOMElement.prototype.getTag = function(tagName) {
return this.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
But you should use jQuery for this.
EDIT: My solution doesn't work on IE, sorry !
You could define it as follows:
var Result = function(el)
this.Element = el;
Result.prototype.getTag = function(tagName)
return this.Element.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
var getTag = function(tagName)
return document.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
var getID = function(id)
var el = document.getElementById(id);
return new Result(el);
Whereby a call to getID will return an instance of Result, you can then use its Element property to access the HTML element returned. The Result object has a method called getTag which will return all child elements matching that tag from the parent result. We then also define a seperate getTag method which calls the document element's getElementsByTagName.
Still though...JQuery is so much easier... $("#myId input");
Unless this is an academic exercise on how to chain methods in JavaScript (it doesn't seem to be, you simply seem to be learning JavaScript), all you have to do is this:
var elements = document.getElementById("someIdName");
var elementsByTag = elements.getElementsByTagName("someTagName");
for (i=0; i< elementsByTag.length; i++) {
alert('found an element');
If you want to define a reusable function all you have to do is this:
function myFunction(idName,tagName) {
var elements = document.getElementById(idName);
var elementsByTag = elements.getElementsByTagName(tagName);
for (i=0; i< elementsByTag.length; i++) {
alert('found a ' + tagName + ' element within element of id ' + idName);
It's true that if this is all the JavaScript functionality you need on your page, then there is no need to import jQuery.