HTML support in Cortona BOT Framework - bots

We have hosted our own webchat version and enabled HTML into it.
We are now working on Cortana integration, but it seems that Cortana does not support HTML. Is it possible to enable HTML in Cortana, If not then is there any other alternative solution available?
Thank you.

Cortana does not currntly support HTML, but it does support "cards".
Docs for cards:
Some cards, such as "adaptive cards" offer support on a per-channel basis, which Cortana is not one.


integration Buttons in Dialogflow Web demo Chatbot

i have a question about chatbots with dialogflow.
I am currently building a chatbot in Dialogflow. I would like to add this chatbot to my website. My problem is that this chatbot should also contain buttons, that the user can click on this. I have built some buttons,but I can't see the buttons in the Dialogflow web demo. There are buttons on dialogflow console, but it isn't shown on the web demo. Does anyone know what that could be?
I only found it as a source, which didn't really help me either.
Thanks for answers..
Dialogflow Web Demo does not support rich responses (buttons, cards, images etc..). For integrating it to your webpage you can either use third-party solutions like Kommunicate or build your own web wedge.
Yeah, DialogFlow web demo does not provide rich responses like the card, quick replies & suggestion chips. But you can use Dialog Flow messenger(New Feature) to add buttons & images. You've to use Custom Payload for getting a rich response.

Chatbase supports other languages (Portuguese)?

I want to know if supports others language than English. My bot talks in Portuguese.
I saw the documentation, but doesn't found it there.
Advance, my chatbot has IBM Watson technology. Chatbase works properly with it, sure?
All Chatbase standard reports support UTF8 characters. Some of the advanced features such as clustering are currently only available for English and Spanish.
You can set up a custom server to server integration with any platform. Please see this guide for details on how to format your messages into a JSON payload to upload to Chatbase.

explore voice capability in Microsoft chat bot

I have chat bot developed using Microsoft bot frame work in , in chat bot we have a option for customer to ask a question for that we need to make it voice enabled as of now we are using node.js and azure for development . i wanted to know how we can achieve it ?
On google chrome, mic can be enabled easily. Google chrome will also translate the voice for you. First follow below link, see if you are using same framework :
Post that following link can also help enabling the voice. Can't Chrome's speechSynthesis work offline?
You can enable voice on Firefox as well using bing translate. This link will help you:

Is there any api for pubnub?

I want to work on personal project working with instant messaging. I was wondering if there were any APIs like pubnub that are open to the public.
thank you
You can find all the open source API's and tutorials at
You can also find a tutorial on building an instant messaging like application at
Full disclosure I am a PubNub employee
All the PubNub SDKs and the APIs are open source and public. You can choose your favorite language and start coding by looking at Developer Resources and Docs. There are several examples for Building A Basic Chat Application | PubNub itself.
I think that a solution for your issue is openpush.

Video plugin in chat.

I'm developing a social networking application for browsers using PHP and I want to have a chat application feature that supports video chat features like in Gmail (Google provides a browser plugin for this). Where can I find such an application or is there something available for a starting point for me to develop one on my own?
You could try using a service like ToxBox. They provide an API;
