Moving files with a specific modification date; "find | xargs ls | grep | -exec" fails w/ "-exec: command not found" - linux

Iam using centos 7
If I want to find files that have specific name and specific date then moving these files to another folder iam issuing the command
find -name 'fsimage*' | xargs ls -ali | grep 'Oct 20' | -exec mv {} /hdd/fordelete/ \;
with the following error
-bash: -exec: command not found xargs: ls: terminated by signal 13

As another answer already explains, -exec is an action for find, you can't use it as a shell command. On contrary, xargs and grep are commands, and you can't use them as find actions, just like you can't use pipe | inside find.
But more importantly, even though you could use ls and grep on find's result just to move files older than some amount of time, you shouldn't. Such pipeline is fragile and fails on many corner cases, like symlinks, files with newlines in name, etc.
Instead, use find. You'll find it quite powerful.
For example, to mv files modified more than 7 days ago, use the -mtime test:
find -name 'fsimage*' -mtime +7 -exec mv '{}' /some/dir/ \;
To mv files modified on a specific/reference date, e.g. 2017-10-20, you can use the -newerXY test:
find -name 'fsimage*' -newermt 2017-10-20 ! -newermt 2017-10-21 -exec mv '{}' /some/dir/ \;
Also, if your mv supports the -t option (to give target dir first, multiple files after), you can use {} + placeholder in find for multiple files, reducing the total number of mv command invocations (thanks #CharlesDuffy):
find -name 'fsimage*' -mtime +7 -exec mv -t /some/dir/ '{}' +

the -exec as you wrote it is quite meaningless, moreover it seems you are mixing find syntax with shell oe (-exec as you wrote it should be passed to find)
there are probably more concise ways of doing, but this should do what you expect:
find -name 'fsimage*' -type f | xargs ls -ali | grep 'Oct 20' | awk '{ print $NF }' | while read file; do mv "$file" /hdd/fordelete/ ; done
nevertheless, you should take care of not just copy/paste things you do not really understand from the web, you may wreck you system...


deleting 10 days old folder in linux

now=$(date +"%d-%m-%Y")
year=$(date +"%Y")
echo $year
find /var/backup/backup-scripts -name '*$year*' -ctime +10 -exec rm {} \;
This script is running with no errors but not removing 10 days old folder
Please advise
Thanks in anticipation
you're single quoting a variable, it can't be expanded by the shell. Try
find /var/backup/backup-scripts -name "*$year*" -ctime +10 -exec rm {} \;
#shellter's answer is a more direct mapping to your methodology, but here's how I would code that:
find /var/backup/backup-scripts -name "*$(date +%Y)*" -mtime +10 -type f \
-print0 |xargs -0 rm -v
Some differences:
It's a one-liner (though if you want a cron job, make a script)
-mtime ("modified") replaces -ctime ("changed") because sometimes access is a change
I restricted the results to files
I passed the output to xargs (in a manner safe for spaced filenames) to distribute the task
xargs is useful because it won't be overwhelmed by too many files (you can only send so many arguments to a command line program). It also runs slightly faster since it will run its multiple instances in parallel. (If it doesn't run multiple instances, there won't be any speedup, but in that case it probably won't take too long either way.)
One of the main reasons to use pipes here is that you can edit the output even further. Let's say you wanted to keep anything from January:
find /var/backup/backup-scripts -name "*$(date +%Y)*" -mtime +10 -type f \
|egrep -v "$(date +%Y)-?01" |xargs -d "\n" rm -v
egrep -v will only show lines that do not match the given regex, so they won't be removed.
This uses \n as a delimiter rather than \0 (null), which will trip over files with line breaks in their names (don't do that!), but otherwise it excludes hits like file20150101.txt and file2015-01-01.txt (note the question mark in my extended posix regex; further explanation at regex101)

Is it possible to pipe the results of FIND to a COPY command CP?

Is it possible to pipe the results of find to a COPY command cp?
Like this:
find . -iname "*.SomeExt" | cp Destination Directory
Seeking, I always find this kind of formula such as from this post:
find . -name "*.pdf" -type f -exec cp {} ./pdfsfolder \;
This raises some questions:
Why cant you just use | pipe? isn't that what its for?
Why does everyone recommend the -exec
How do I know when to use that (exec) over pipe |?
There's a little-used option for cp: -t destination -- see the man page:
find . -iname "*.SomeExt" | xargs cp -t Directory
Good question!
why cant you just use | pipe? isn't that what its for?
You can pipe, of course, xargs is done for these cases:
find . -iname "*.SomeExt" | xargs cp Destination_Directory/
Why does everyone recommend the -exec
The -exec is good because it provides more control of exactly what you are executing. Whenever you pipe there may be problems with corner cases: file names containing spaces or new lines, etc.
how do I know when to use that (exec) over pipe | ?
It is really up to you and there can be many cases. I would use -exec whenever the action to perform is simple. I am not a very good friend of xargs, I tend to prefer an approach in which the find output is provided to a while loop, such as:
while IFS= read -r result
# do things with "$result"
done < <(find ...)
You can use | like below:
find . -iname "*.SomeExt" | while read line
cp $line DestDir/
Answering your questions:
| can be used to solve this issue. But as seen above, it involves a lot of code. Moreover, | will create two process - one for find and another for cp.
Instead using exec() inside find will solve the problem in a single process.
Try this:
find . -iname "*.SomeExt" -print0 | xargs -0 cp -t Directory
# ........................^^^^^^^..........^^
In case there is whitespace in filenames.
I like the spirit of the response from #fedorqui-so-stop-harming, but it needed a tweak to work in my bash terminal.
In this version...
find . -iname "*.SomeExt" | xargs cp Destination_Directory/
The cp command incorrectly takes Destination_Directory/ as the first argument. I needed to add a replacement string in order to get xargs to insert the argument in the right position for cp. I used a percent symbol for the replacement string, but you can use anything that doesn't conflict with the input from the pipe. This version works for me.
find . -iname "*.SomeExt" | xargs -I % cp % Destination_Directory/
This SOLVED my problem.
find . -type f | grep '\.pdf' | while read line
If there are spaces in the filenames, try:
find . -iname *.ext > list.txt
cat list.txt | awk 'BEGIN {a="'"'"'"}{print "cp "a$0a" Directory"}' >
You can inspect list.txt and before sh Remember to delete the list.txt and afterwards.
I had some files with parenthesis and wanted a progress bar, so replaced the cat line with:
cat list.txt | awk -v X='"' '{print "rsync -Pa "X$0X" /Volumes/Untitled/"}' >

Optimal string replacing in files for AIX

I need to remove about 40 emails from several files in a distribution list.
One Address might appear in different files and need to be removed from all of them.
I am working in a directory with several .sh files which also have several lines.
I have done something like this in a couple of test files:
find . -type f -exec grep -li ADDRESS_TO_FIND {} 2>/dev/null \; | xargs sed -i 's/ADDRESS_TO_REMOVE/ /g' *
It works fine but once I try it in the real files, it takes a long time and just sits there. I need to run this in different servers, this is the main cause I want to optimize this.
I have tried to run something like this:
find . -type f -name '*sh' 2>/dev/null | xargs grep ADDRESS_TO_FIND
but that will return:
How do I add something like this:
awk '{print substr($0,1,10)}'
But to return me everything before the ":"?
I can do the rest from there, but haven't found how to trim that part
You can use -exec as a predicate in find, as long as you don't use the multiple file + version, which means that you can provide several -exec clauses each of which will be dependent on the success of the previous one. This style will avoid the construction of lists of filenames, which makes it much more robust in the face of files with odd characters in their names.
For example:
find . -type f -name '*sh' \
-exec grep -qi ADDRESS_TO_FIND {} \; \
-exec sed -i 's/ADDRESS_TO_FIND/ /g' {} \;
You probably want to provide the address as a parameter rather than having to type it twice, unless you really meant for the two instance to be different (ADDRESS_TO_FIND vs. ADDRESS_TO_REMOVE):
clean() {
find . -type f -name '*sh' \
-exec grep -qi "$1" {} \; \
-exec sed -i "s/$1/ /g" {} \;
(Watch out for / in the argument to clean. I'll leave making the sed more robust as an exercise.)
After looking back at your question, I noticed something that's potentially quite important:
find -type f -exec grep -li ADDRESS {} \; | xargs sed -i 's/ADDRESS/ /g' *
# here! -----------------------------------------------------------------^
The asterisk is being expanded, so the sed line is operating on every file in the directory.
Assuming that this wasn't a typo in your question, I believe that this is the source of your poor performance. You should remove it!

How to pipe the results of 'find' to mv in Linux

How do I pipe the results of a 'find' (in Linux) to be moved to a different directory? This is what I have so far.
find ./ -name '*article*' | mv ../backup
but its not yet right (I get an error missing file argument, because I didn't specify a file, because I was trying to get it from the pipe)
find ./ -name '*article*' -exec mv {} ../backup \;
find ./ -name '*article*' | xargs -I '{}' mv {} ../backup
xargs is commonly used for this, and mv on Linux has a -t option to facilitate that.
find ./ -name '*article*' | xargs mv -t ../backup
If your find supports -exec ... \+ you could equivalently do
find ./ -name '*article*' -exec mv -t ../backup {} \+
The -t option is a GNU extension, so it is not portable to systems which do not have GNU coreutils (though every proper Linux I have seen has that, with the possible exception of Busybox). For complete POSIX portability, it's of course possible to roll your own replacement, maybe something like
find ./ -name '*article*' -exec sh -c 'mv "$#" "$0"' ../backup {} \+
where we shamelessly abuse the convenient fact that the first argument after sh -c 'commands' ends up as the "script name" parameter in $0 so that we don't even need to shift it.
Probably see also
I found this really useful having thousands of files in one folder:
ls -U | head -10000 | egrep '\.png$' | xargs -I '{}' mv {} ./png
To move all pngs in first 10000 files to subfolder png
mv $(find . -name '*article*') ../backup
Here are a few solutions.
find . -type f -newermt "2019-01-01" ! -newermt "2019-05-01" \
-exec mv {} path \;**
find path -type f -newermt "2019-01-01" ! -newermt "2019-05-01" \
-exec mv {} path \;
find /Directory/filebox/ -type f -newermt "2019-01-01" \
! -newermt "2019-05-01" -exec mv {} ../filemove/ \;
The backslash + newline is just for legibility; you can equivalently use a single long line.
xargs is your buddy here (When you have multiple actions to take)!
And using it the way I have shown will give great control to you as well.
find ./ -name '*article*' | xargs -n1 sh -c "mv {} <path/to/target/directory>"
Number of lines to consider for each operation ahead
sh -c
The shell command to execute giving it the lines as per previous condition
"mv {} /target/path"
The move command will take two arguments-
1) The line(s) from operation 1, i.e. {}, value substitutes automatically
2) The target path for move command, as specified
Note: the "Double Quotes" are specified to allow any number of spaces or arguments for the shell command which receives arguments from xargs

Move all files except one

How can I move all files except one? I am looking for something like:
'mv ~/Linux/Old/!Tux.png ~/Linux/New/'
where I move old stuff to new stuff -folder except Tux.png. !-sign represents a negation. Is there some tool for the job?
If you use bash and have the extglob shell option set (which is usually the case):
mv ~/Linux/Old/!(Tux.png) ~/Linux/New/
Put the following to your .bashrc
shopt -s extglob
It extends regexes.
You can then move all files except one by
mv !(fileOne) ~/path/newFolder
Exceptions in relation to other commands
Note that, in copying directories, the forward-flash cannot be used in the name as noticed in the thread Why extglob except breaking except condition?:
cp -r !(Backups.backupdb) /home/masi/Documents/
so Backups.backupdb/ is wrong here before the negation and I would not use it neither in moving directories because of the risk of using wrongly then globs with other commands and possible other exceptions.
I would go with the traditional find & xargs way:
find ~/Linux/Old -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -not -name Tux.png -print0 |
xargs -0 mv -t ~/Linux/New
-maxdepth 1 makes it not search recursively. If you only care about files, you can say -type f. -mindepth 1 makes it not include the ~/Linux/Old path itself into the result. Works with any filenames, including with those that contain embedded newlines.
One comment notes that the mv -t option is a probably GNU extension. For systems that don't have it
find ~/Linux/Old -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -not -name Tux.png \
-exec mv '{}' ~/Linux/New \;
A quick way would be to modify the tux filename so that your move command will not match.
For example:
mv Tux.png .Tux.png
mv * ~/somefolder
mv .Tux.png Tux.png
I think the easiest way to do is with backticks
mv `ls -1 ~/Linux/Old/ | grep -v Tux.png` ~/Linux/New/
Use backslash with ls instead to prevent using it with alias, i.e. mostly ls is aliased as ls --color.
mv `\ls -1 ~/Linux/Old/ | grep -v Tux.png` ~/Linux/New/
Thanks #Arnold Roa
For bash, sth answer is correct. Here is the zsh (my shell of choice) syntax:
mv ~/Linux/Old/^Tux.png ~/Linux/New/
Requires EXTENDED_GLOB shell option to be set.
I find this to be a bit safer and easier to rely on for simple moves that exclude certain files or directories.
ls -1 | grep -v ^$EXCLUDE | xargs -I{} mv {} $TARGET
This could be simpler and easy to remember and it works for me.
mv $(ls ~/folder | grep -v ~/folder/exclude.png) ~/destination
The following is not a 100% guaranteed method, and should not at all be attempted for scripting. But some times it is good enough for quick interactive shell usage. A file file glob like
(which will match all files with names starting with a, b or c) can be negated by inserting a "^" character first, i.e.
I sometimes use this for not matching the "lost+found" directory, like for instance:
mv /mnt/usbdisk/[^l]* /home/user/stuff/.
Of course if there are other files starting with l I have to process those afterwards.
How about:
mv $(echo * | sed s:Tux.png::g) ~/Linux/New/
You have to be in the folder though.
This can bei done without grep like this:
ls ~/Linux/Old/ -QI Tux.png | xargs -I{} mv ~/Linux/Old/{} ~/Linux/New/
Note: -I is a captial i and makes the ls command ignore the Tux.png file, which is listed afterwards.
The output of ls is then piped into mv via xargs, which allows to use the output of ls as source argument for mv.
ls -Q just quotes the filenames listed by ls.
mv `find Linux/Old '!' -type d | fgrep -v Tux.png` Linux/New
The find command lists all regular files and the fgrep command filters out any Tux.png. The backticks tell mv to move the resulting file list.
ls ~/Linux/Old/ | grep -v Tux.png | xargs -i {} mv ~/Linux/New/'
move all files(not include except file) to except_file
find -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -not -name except_file -print0 |xargs -0 mv -t ./except_file
for example(cache is current except file)
find -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -not -name cache -print0 |xargs -0 mv -t ./cache
