Fortran Program of Strings: Counting commas - string

I am doing this assignment for my class and I don't know if I am doing it right.
The assignment is to design and implement a Fortran program to read a series of strings from the keyboard and count the commas (“,”) in each line.
The program should provide loops, formatted input/output, and processing strings.
The program should output the line number, the number of commas, and the first 70 characters of the input line.
Input will be terminated with a blank line or 9999 lines, whichever comes first.
Test the program on a series of different input values and verify that the output is correct for those input values. Assume the input string may be no longer than 999 characters.
Output shall be a formatted list of the format:
nnnn:cc:aaaaaaaaaaaa…aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa where nnnn is the line number, cc is the comma count, and aaaaaaaaaaaa…aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa is the first 70 characters of the input line without trailing spaces.
This code for this program has to be simple enough for a beginner programmer to understand. Nothing complex.
Here is what I have so far:
Program counting
implicit none
Integer :: line_number
Integer :: comma_count
Character (len = 999) :: message
WRITE (*,*)
WRITE (*,*)"Provide output the line number, the number of commas,&
and the first 70 characters of the input line."
WRITE (*,*)
DO line_number = 0, 9999
line_number = 1 + line_number
IF (line_number == 0 .or. line_number >= 9999) then
WRITE (*,*)":"
comma_count = 1 + line_number
WRITE (*,*)":"
WRITE (*,'(a70)') message
READ (*,*) line_number, comma_count, message
END Program counting


Reads a series of lines Python

Can someone enlighten me how to do this?
Write a Python program that reads a series of lines one by one from the keyboard (ending by an empty line) and, at the end, outputs the number of times that the first line occurred. For example, if it reads
We say hello
it would output 3 since the first line ("hello") occurred three times.
You may assume that the user enters at least two non-empty lines before the empty line.
not sure if you want to separate word with spaces or with the newline character and if we count the first occurence.
This is a sample solution for spaces separation between words. This works for the example that you provided
freq_dict = {}
word = input().split()
for w in word:
if w not in freq_dict.keys():
freq_dict[w] = 0
freq_dict[w] += 1

Analyzing input from an internal unit in fortran [duplicate]

I have specific dataformat, say 'n' (arbitrary) row and '4' columns. If 'n' is '10', the example data would go like this.
1.01e+00 -2.01e-02 -3.01e-01 4.01e+02
1.02e+00 -2.02e-02 -3.02e-01 4.02e+02
1.03e+00 -2.03e-02 -3.03e-01 4.03e+02
1.04e+00 -2.04e-02 -3.04e-01 4.04e+02
1.05e+00 -2.05e-02 -3.05e-01 4.05e+02
1.06e+00 -2.06e-02 -3.06e-01 4.06e+02
1.07e+00 -2.07e-02 -3.07e-01 4.07e+02
1.08e+00 -2.08e-02 -3.08e-01 4.07e+02
1.09e+00 -2.09e-02 -3.09e-01 4.09e+02
1.10e+00 -2.10e-02 -3.10e-01 4.10e+02
Constraints in building this input would be
data should have '4' columns.
data separated by white spaces.
I want to implement a feature to check whether the input file has '4' columns in every row, and built my own based on the 'M.S.B's answer in the post Reading data file in Fortran with known number of lines but unknown number of entries in each line.
program readtest
use :: iso_fortran_env
implicit none
character(len=512) :: buffer
integer :: i, i_line, n, io, pos, pos_tmp, n_space
integer,parameter :: max_len = 512
character(len=max_len) :: filename
filename = 'data_wrong.dat'
open(42, file=trim(filename), status='old', action='read')
print *, '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
print *, '+ Count lines +'
print *, '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
n = 0
i_line = 0
pos = 1
pos_tmp = 1
i_line = i_line+1
read(42, '(a)', iostat=io) buffer
(*1)! Count blank spaces.
n_space = 0
pos = index(buffer(pos+1:), " ") + pos
if (pos /= 0) then
if (pos > pos_tmp+1) then
n_space = n_space+1
pos_tmp = pos
pos_tmp = pos
end if
if (pos == max_len) then
end if
end do
pos_tmp = pos
if (io /= 0) then
end if
print *, '> line : ', i_line, ' n_space : ', n_space
n = n+1
end do
print *, ' >> number of line = ', n
end program
If I run the above program with a input file with some wrong rows like follows,
1.01e+00 -2.01e-02 -3.01e-01 4.01e+02
1.02e+00 -2.02e-02 -3.02e-01 4.02e+02
1.03e+00 -2.03e-02 -3.03e-01 4.03e+02
1.04e+00 -2.04e-02 -3.04e-01 4.04e+02
1.05e+00 -2.05e-02 -3.05e-01 4.05e+02
1.06e+00 -2.06e-02 -3.06e-01 4.06e+02
1.07e+00 -2.07e-02 -3.07e-01 4.07e+02
1.0 2.0 3.0
1.08e+00 -2.08e-02 -3.08e-01 4.07e+02 1.00
1.09e+00 -2.09e-02 -3.09e-01 4.09e+02
1.10e+00 -2.10e-02 -3.10e-01 4.10e+02
The output is like this,
+ Count lines +
> line : 1 n_space : 4
> line : 2 n_space : 4
> line : 3 n_space : 4
> line : 4 n_space : 4
> line : 5 n_space : 4
> line : 6 n_space : 4
> line : 7 n_space : 4
> line : 8 n_space : 3 (*2)
> line : 9 n_space : 5 (*3)
> line : 10 n_space : 4
> line : 11 n_space : 4
>> number of line = 11
And you can see that the wrong rows are properly detected as I intended (see (*2) and (*3)), and I can write 'if' statements to make some error messages.
But I think my code is 'extremely' ugly since I had to do something like (*1) in the code to count consecutive white spaces as one space. I think there would be much more elegant way to ensure the rows contain only '4' column each, say,
read(*,'4(X, A)') line
(which didn't work)
And also my program would fail if the length of 'buffer' exceeds 'max_len' which is set to '512' in this case. Indeed '512' should be enough for most practical purposes, I also want my checking subroutine to be robust in this way.
So, I want to improve my subroutine in at least these aspects
Want it to be more elegant (not as (*1))
Be more general (especially in regards to 'max_len')
Does anyone has some experience in building this kind of input-checking subroutine ??
Any comments would be highly appreciated.
Thank you for reading the question.
Without knowledge of the exact data format, I think it would be rather difficult to achieve what you want (or at least, I wouldn't know how to do it).
In the most general case, I think your space counting idea is the most robust and correct.
It can be adapted to avoid the maximum string length problem you describe.
In the following code, I go through the data as an unformatted, stream access file.
Basically you read every character and take note of new_lines and spaces.
As you did, you use spaces to count to columns (skipping double spaces) and new_line characters to count the rows.
However, here we are not reading the entire line as a string and going through it to find spaces; we read char by char, avoiding the fixed string length problem and we also end up with a single loop. Hope it helps.
EDIT: now handles white spaces at beginning at end of line and empty lines
program readtest
use :: iso_fortran_env
implicit none
character :: old_char, new_char
integer :: line, io, cols
logical :: beg_line
integer,parameter :: max_len = 512
character(len=max_len) :: filename
filename = 'data_wrong.txt'
! Output format to be used later
100 format (a, 3x, i0, a, 3x , i0)
open(42, file=trim(filename), status='old', action='read', &
form="unformatted", access="stream")
! set utils
old_char = " "
line = 0
beg_line = .true.
cols = 0
! Start scannig char by char
read(42, iostat = io) new_char
! Exit if EOF
if (io < 0) then
end if
! Deal with empty lines
if (beg_line .and. new_char==new_line(new_char)) then
line = line + 1
write(*, 100, advance="no") "Line number:", line, &
"; Columns: Number", cols
write(*,'(6x, a5)') "EMPTYLINE"
! Deal with beginning of line for white spaces
elseif (beg_line) then
beg_line = .false.
! this indicates new columns
elseif (new_char==" " .and. old_char/=" ") then
cols = cols + 1
! End of line: time to print
elseif (new_char==new_line(new_char)) then
if (old_char/=" ") then
cols = cols+1
line = line + 1
! Printing out results
write(*, 100, advance="no") "Line number:", line, &
"; Columns: Number", cols
if (cols == 4) then
write(*,'(6x, a5)') "OK"
write(*,'(6x, a5)') "ERROR"
end if
! Restart with a new line (reset counters)
cols = 0
beg_line = .true.
end if
old_char = new_char
end do
end program
This is the output of this program:
Line number: 1; Columns number: 4 OK
Line number: 2; Columns number: 4 OK
Line number: 3; Columns number: 4 OK
Line number: 4; Columns number: 4 OK
Line number: 5; Columns number: 4 OK
Line number: 6; Columns number: 4 OK
Line number: 7; Columns number: 4 OK
Line number: 8; Columns number: 3 ERROR
Line number: 9; Columns number: 5 ERROR
Line number: 10; Columns number: 4 OK
Line number: 11; Columns number: 4 OK
If you knew your data format, you could read your lines in a vector of dimension 4 and use iostat variable to print out an error on each line where iostat is an integer greater than 0.
Instead of counting whitespace you can use manipulation of substrings to get what you want. A simple example follows:
program foo
implicit none
character(len=512) str ! Assume str is sufficiently long buffer
integer fd, cnt, m, n
open(newunit=fd, file='test.dat', status='old')
cnt = 0
read(fd,'(A)',end=10) str
str = adjustl(str) ! Eliminate possible leading whitespace
n = index(str, ' ') ! Find first space
if (n /= 0) then
write(*, '(A)', advance='no') str(1:n)
str = adjustl(str(n+1:))
end if
if (len_trim(str) == 0) exit ! Trailing whitespace
cnt = cnt + 1
end do
if (cnt /= 3) then
write(*,'(A)') ' Error'
end if
end do
10 close(fd)
end program foo
this should read any line of reasonable length (up to the line limit your compiler defaults to, which is generally 2GB now-adays). You could change it to stream I/O to have no limit but most Fortran compilers have trouble reading stream I/O from stdin, which this example reads from. So if the line looks anything like a list of numbers it should read them, tell you how many it read, and let you know if it had an error reading any value as a number (character strings, strings bigger than the size of a REAL value, ....). All the parts here are explained on the Fortran Wiki, but to keep it short this is a stripped down version that just puts the pieces together. The oddest behavior it would have is that if you entered something like this with a slash in it
10 20,,30,40e4 50 / this is a list of numbers
it would treat everything after the slash as a comment and not generate a non-zero status return while returning five values. For a more detailed explanation of the code I think the annotated pieces on the Wiki explain how it works. In the search, look for "getvals" and "readline".
So with this program you can read a line and if the return status is zero and the number of values read is four you should be good except for a few dusty corners where the lines would definitely not look like a list of numbers.
module M_getvals
public getvals, readline
implicit none
subroutine getvals(line,values,icount,ierr)
character(len=*),intent(in) :: line
real :: values(:)
integer,intent(out) :: icount, ierr
character(len=:),allocatable :: buffer
character(len=len(line)) :: words(size(values))
integer :: ios, i
words=' '
read(buffer,*,iostat=ios) words
do i=1,size(values)
if(words(i).eq.'') cycle
write(*,*)'*getvals* WARNING:['//trim(words(i))//'] is not a number'
end subroutine getvals
subroutine readline(line,ier)
character(len=:),allocatable,intent(out) :: line
integer,intent(out) :: ier
integer,parameter :: buflen=1024
character(len=buflen) :: buffer
integer :: last, isize
read(*,iostat=ier,fmt='(a)',advance='no',size=isize) buffer
end subroutine readline
end module M_getvals
program tryit
use M_getvals, only: getvals, readline
implicit none
character(len=:),allocatable :: line
real,allocatable :: values(:)
integer :: icount, ier, ierr
call readline(line,ier)
call getvals(line,values,icount,ierr)
write(*,'(*(g0,1x))')'VALUES=',values(:icount),'NUMBER OF VALUES=',icount,'STATUS=',ierr
end program tryit
Honesty, it should work reasonably with just about any line you throw at it.
If you are always reading four values, using list-directed I/O and checking the iostat= value on READ and checking if you hit EOR would be very simple (just a few lines) but since you said you wanted to read lines of arbitrary length I am assuming four values on a line was just an example and you wanted something very generic.

Generating Binary Encoded Symbols Python Program

I have an assignment that has instructions as follows:
write a program that reads in 4 sets of 4 dashed lines and outputs the four binary symbols that each set of four lines represents.
input consists of 16 lines in total, consisting of any number of dashes and spaces.
the first four lines represents a symbol, the next four lines represents the next symbol and so on.
print out the four binary-encoded symbols represented by the 16 lines in total.
each binary symbol should be on its own line
This is based upon a previous program that I wrote where input is a single line of text consisting of any number of spaces and dashes. If there is an even number of dashes in the line, output 0. Otherwise, output 1.
This is the code for the above:
line = input()
num_dashes = line.count("-")
mod = num_dashes % 2
if mod == 0:
Please may someone assist me?
Thank you.
The code you have for processing one line is fine, although you could replace the if...else with just:
Now to extend this to multiple lines, it might be better not to call print like that, but to collect the output in a variable, and only output that variable when all 16 lines have been processed. This way the output does not get mixed with the input from the console.
So for instance, it could happen like this:
output = []
for part in range(4): # loop 4 times
digits = ""
for line in range(4): # loop 4 times
line = input()
num_dashes = line.count("-")
mod = num_dashes % 2
digits += str(mod) # collect the digit
output.append(digits) # append 4 digits to a list
print("\n".join(output)) # print the list, separated by linebreaks

ASCII Table confusion

for my class we have to create a program that shows the ASCII characters from ! to ~. I have the program running but it has to be 10 characters per line, and my program is adding 80-84. Can anyone help, I don't know what is wrong.
for i in range(33, 126, 10): #determines range of characters shown
for characters in range(i, i+10): #determins characters per line
print('%2x %-4s'%(characters, chr(characters)) , end="") #prints number and ASCII symbol
Your problem is that when the ouuter loop stops, at "123", it will still run the whole inner loop, from "123" to "123 + 10" - as those characters are not printable (unicode codepoints 0x80 - 0xa0 have no associated glyph), you only see the numbers.
You have to add an extra condition to stop printing - either at your program as it is, inside the inner loop, or reformat your program to use one single loop, and a counter variable to do the line breaks.
for i in range(33, 126, 10): #determines range of characters shown
for characters in range(i, i+10): #determins characters per line
if characters >= 0x80:
print('%2x %-4s'%(characters, chr(characters)) , end="") #prints number and ASCII symbol

How to read numeric data from a string in Fortran

I have a character string array in Fortran as ' results: CI- Energies --- th= 89 ph=120'. How do I extract the characters '120' from the string and store into a real variable?
The string is written in the file 'input.DAT'. I have written the Fortran code as:
implicit real*8(a-h,o-z)
character(39) line
read(1,'(A)') line,phi
write(*,'(A)') line
Upon execution it shows:
At line 5 of file string.f (unit = 1, file = 'input.dat')
Fortran runtime error: End of file
I have given '39' as the dimension of the character array as there are 39 characters including 'spaces' in the string upto '120'.
Assuming that the real number you want to read appears after the last equal sign in the string, you can use the SCAN intrinsic function to find that location and then READ the number from the rest of the string, as shown in the following program.
program xreadnum
implicit none
integer :: ipos
integer, parameter :: nlen = 100
character (len=nlen) :: str
real :: xx
str = "results: CI- Energies --- th= 89 ph=120"
ipos = scan(str, "=", back=.true.)
print*, "reading real variable from '" // trim(str(1+ipos:)) // "'"
read (str(1+ipos:),*) xx
print*, "xx = ", xx
end program xreadnum
! gfortran output:
! reading real variable from '120'
! xx = 120.000000
To convert string s into a real type variable r:
READ(s, "(Fw.d)") r
Here w is the total field width and d is the number of digits after the decimal point. If there is no decimal point in the input string, values of w and d might affect the result, e.g.
s = '120'
READ(s, "(F3.0)") r ! r <-- 120.0
READ(s, "(F3.1)") r ! r <-- 12.0
Answer to another part of the question (how to extract substring with particular number to convert) strongly depends on the format of the input strings, e.g. if all the strings are formed by fixed-width fields, it's possible to skip irrelevant part of the string:
s = 'a=120'
READ(s(3:), "(F3.0)") r
