I am using cygwin to create a side-by-side diff to text files. However when simply doing diff -y SomeFile SomeOtherFile > diffresult.txt the resulting textfile has no linebreaks when opened in windows, and when opened in vim the indentation makes it incredibly hard to read.
Is it possibly to reformat the output and keep it readable in a non-manual way?
I have tried to utilize unix2dos and dos2unix, in hopes that it was a cygwin messing with the spacing, however those had useful effect.
I'm trying to save my modified "menu.lst" file in vi. When I save the file, vi says: 'menu.lst' is read only.
How can I fix this?
The file you are trying to save is read-only, meaning you cannot modify its contents. It needs to be marked as writable. The process varies depending on your OS. Here are some helpful resources on how to change permissions of files:
For Windows 10: Nibbleguru: How to remove read-only attribute in Windows 10
For Linux (using chmod): TLDP: File Permissions
For macOS: Chron: How to Change File Permission From Read-Only to Read-Write on a Mac
As filbranden pointed out, for Grub's files, you should be opening vi using the sudo command. Grub's files are meant to be modified by root only. You should be opening your files using sudo vi menu.lst instead.
I have this on my vimrc
cnoremap w!! execute 'silent! write !sudo tee % >/dev/null' <bar> edit!
command! SaveAsRoot w !sudo tee %
cnoreabbrev sudow SaveAsRoot
For instant use, just copy to the clipboard and run:
The :#+ loads your clipboard into vim memory which allows you to run the given commands while not saved on your vimrc.
People suggest using sudo vi(m) on unix, but this could have unwanted consequences: all commands executed in this window are done by root and so you could accidentally do unwanted things like deleting file or just creating files owned by root.
Instead you should think about using sudoedit instead. It will copy the file to /tmp and open it in $EDITOR (if you are using vim, you should set it in your ~/.profile / ~/.bash_profile).
But beware: Something I stumbled across: the original file is only replaced when you close vim - no matter how often you save! (This is, because you are editing the file in /tmp and not the original).
It is not that I don't use sudo vim but if I do, I am extra cautious about what I do ;) I do it for example if I know that I will need to edit multiple files as root, or that I want to execute other commands from within vim as root (e.g. git)
And something even more important to me: sudo vim is using roots vimrc instead of mine, but with sudoedit I have my own config...
I'm trying to configure OpenSwan, an open source IPsec solution written in C.
I have a script to download a configuration file ipsec.conf on an Amazon Linux EC2 that was created on my Macbook and uploaded to S3.
When I start the ipsec service, it segfaults.
Curiously, if I open the configuration file with VIM, make no changes, and simply write/quit, it works. This lends me to believe somehow the file has some weird characters/formatting.
I know of dos2unix, which I ran on the configuration file but that did not prevent the segfault.
I'm wondering what exactly VIM is doing when I write/quit. I could script that operation on my configuration file after pulling it. Or anything else that would help me understand what's going on.
First, try to open the file with vim, then exit vim (:q) without having saved the file before. If vim says File modified since last complete write; write or use ! to override., this means that this is not something that vim does when write/quit that changes your file, but that this is something that vim does when it opens the file. And this is the most common case.
Vim parses the input file depending on the locale, and if some characters can not be understood according to the locale, vim may forget them. So, when saving the file, those characters will be removed.
Now, use vim to save your file as ipsec-ok.conf.
And run the following command:
bash -c 'diff <(od -xa ipsec.conf) <(od -xa ipsec-ok.conf)'
This will display the differences between the original file and the one that works with OpenSwan. In ascii and hexadecimal formats. This way, you will find the unsupported characters that make OpenSwan dump a core.
Quiet simply I am trying to add new files to my repository, my command goes like this:
svn add * --force
but this produces:
svn: File 'install/config.xml.php' has inconsistent newlines svn:
Inconsistent line ending style
The thing is that this file is not yet under version control, so when I try to propdel or anything similar it doesn't work.
I am sure this file is not under version control because svn status shows this:
? install/version
? install/config.xml.php
I have already enabled the autoprops in svn default config but this did not help.
Any ideas?
Btw: this is a server, so no GUI.
vim makes it easy to force line endings to entirely CRLF or entirely CR.
:set ff=unix
d2u, dtox, dos2unix, are some names for simple utilities that are often installed on systems to do this task. You could also use the standard tr(1) utility:
tr -d '\r' < input > output
While working on Windows OS use Notepad ++:
Edit -> EOL Conversion.
- Windows Format
- UNIX/OSX Format
- Old Mac Format
You have current format information in the status bar.
We're searching a programm that allows us to convert a doc or docx document to a txt file. We're working with linux and we want to start a website that converts user uploaded doc files. We don't wanna use open office/libre office cause we have bad experience with that. Pandoc can't handle doc files :/
Anyone have a idea?
You will have to use two different command-line tools, depending if you are working with .doc or .docx format.
For .doc use catdoc:
catdoc foo.doc > foo.txt
For .docx use docx2txt:
docx2txt foo.docx
The latter will produce a file called foo.txt in the same directory as the original.
I'm not sure which Linux distribution you are using, but both catdoc and docx2txt are available from the Ubuntu repositories, for example:
apt-get install docx2txt
Or with Homebrew on Mac:
brew install docx2txt
here is a perl project which claims to do it. I have done a lot of this by hand also, using XSLT on the document.xml. the Docx file itself is just a zip file, you can unzip it and inspect the elements. I will say that this is not hard to do for specific files, but is very hard to do in the general case, because of the lack of documentation for how Word internally stores things, and the variance of internal representation.
For doc files you may use antiword, it's available on Homebrew and Ubuntu.
You can also use pandoc:
Keep the layout (newline as in the visualization of the document):
pandoc -s mydocument.docx -o ouput.txt
Newline only when the original text has a newline command:
pandoc --wrap=none -s mydocument.docx -o ouput.txt
I have a folder containing hundreds of TTL (TeraTermLanguage) files.
Now I wanted indent all these files.
I have created teraterm.vim for indentation and I open a file using VIM and do "gg=G" and whole file gets indented properly.
But is there any way, where I can indent all the files in folder.
I wanted to do with help of Shell. But in VIM I couldnt pass file indent command as the argument to VIM.
Please suggest which is the best way I can do indentation to all the files in VIM.
Much simpler than scripting vim from the bash command line is to use vimscript from inside of vim (or perhaps a much simpler one-liner for scripting vim from the command line). I personally prefer using the arg list for all multi-file manipulation. For example:
:args ~/src/myproject/**/*.ttl | argdo execute "normal gg=G" | update
args sets the arglist, using wildcards (** will match the current directory as well as subdirectories)
| lets us run multiple commands on one line
argdo runs the following commands on each arg (it will swallow up the second |)
execute prevents normal from swallowing up the next pipe.
normal runs the following normal mode commands (what you were working with in the first place)
update is like :w, but only saves when the buffer is modified.
This :args ... | argdo ... | update pattern is very useful for any sort of project wide file manipulation (e.g. search and replace via %s/foo/bar/ge or setting uniform fileformat or fileencoding).
(other people prefer a similar pattern using the buffer list and :bufdo, but with the arg list I don't need to worry about closing current buffers or opening up new vim session.)
Open up a terminal. Type:
$ vim -w indentme.scr foo.c
Then, type this exactly (in command mode):
This will close vim, saving the process of indenting all lines in the file to a Vim script called indentme.scr.
Note: indentme.scr will contain a record of all key commands typed, so when you are done indenting the file, don't spend a lot of time using the arrow keys to look around the file, because this will lead to a much larger script and will severely slow down batch operations.
Now, in order to indent all the lines in a file, just type the following command:
$ vim -s indentme.scr unindented-file.c
Vim will flash open-shut (if you're on a fast computer and not editing a huge file), indenting all lines, then saving the file in-place.
Unfortunately, this will only work on one file at a time, but you can scale the functionality easily using sh's for loop:
for filename in *.ttl ; do
vim -s indentme.scr "$filename"
Note: This will save-over any file. Unless set bk is in your ~/.vimrc, don't expect a backup to be saved.
I went off of amphetamachine's solution. However, I needed to recursively search through multiple directories. Here's the solution that I used:
$ find . -type f -name '*.ttl' -exec vim -s indentme.scr "{}" \;
Taking reference from the above answers I would like to make this complete.
I will start from the scratch so that a beginner can understand.
Install astyle (tool used for formatting ) by using the following command
Open up a terminal. Type:
sudo apt-get install astyle
Step-2 Make sure you have vim installed on your system.Run the below commands from the directory in which your code files are.The below command will create a script that we intend to run recursively so as to beautify each and every file in our directory.(as mentioned in the above answer)
vim -w indentme.scr foo.c
Step-3 Then, type this exactly (in command mode) and press enter
Step-4Then type this exactly (in command mode) and press enter
Step-5 Last run this recursively by the following command:
find . -type f -name '*.cpp' -exec vim -s indentme.scr "{}" \;
All your cpp files will be formatted properly.