Assigning variables to cells in a Pandas table (Python) - python-3.x

I'm working on a script that takes test data from a website, assigns the data to a variable, then creates a pie chart of the responses for later analysis. I'm able to pull the data without a problem and format the information into a table, but I can't figure out how to assign a specific variable to a cell in the table.
For example, say question 1 had 20% of students answer A, 20% answer B, 30% answer C, and 30% answer D. I would like to take this information and assign it to the variables 1A for A, 1B, for B, etc.
I think the answer lies in this code. I've tried splitting columns and rows, but it looks like the column header doesn't correlate to the data below it. I'm also attaching the results of 'print(df)' below.
header = table.find_all('tr')[2]
cols = header.find_all('td')
cols = [ele.text.strip() for ele in cols]
cols = cols[0:3] + cols[4:8] + cols[9:]
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns = cols)
0 6 84 1 9 B
1 6 1 91 2 C
2 12 1 14 72 D
3 77 3 11 9 A
4 82 7 8 2 A

Do you want try something like this with 'autopct'?
df1 = df.T.set_axis(['Question '+str(i+1) for i in df.T.columns.values], axis=1, inplace=False).iloc[:4]
ax = df1.plot.pie(subplots=True,autopct='%1.1f%%',layout=(5,1),figsize=(3,15),legend=False)


How to turn a column of a data frame into suffixes for other column names? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I pivot a dataframe?
(5 answers)
Closed 1 year ago.
Suppose I have a data frame like this:
0 1 10 x 5
1 1 20 y 5
2 1 30 z 5
3 2 40 x 6
4 2 50 y 6
5 2 60 z 6
This, can be viewed, as a table that stores the value of B as a function of A, C, and D. Now, I would look like to transform the B column into three columns B_x, B_y, B_z, like this:
A B_x B_y B_z D
0 1 10 20 30 5
1 2 40 50 60 6
I.e., B_x stores B(A, D) when C = 'x', B_y stores B(A, D) when C = 'y', etc.
What is the most efficient way to do this?
I have a found a solution like this:
frames = []
for c, subframe in df.groupby('C'):
subframe = subframe.rename(columns={'B': f'B_{c}'})
subframe = subframe.set_index(['A', 'D'])
del subframe['C']
out = frames[0]
for frame in frames[1:]:
out = out.join(frame)
out = out.reset_index()
This gives the correct response, but I feel that it is highly inefficient. I am also not too happy with the fact that to implement this solution one would need to know which columns should not get the prefix in column C explicitly. (In this MWE there were only two of them, but there could be tens in real life.)
Is there a better solution? I.e., a method that says, take a column as a suffix column (in this case C) and a set of 'value' columns (in this case only B); turn the value column names into name_prefix and fill them appropriately?
Here's one way to do it:
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame( data = {'A':[1,1,1,2,2,2],
df2 = df.pivot_table( index=['A','D'],
df2.columns = ['_'.join(col) for col in df2.columns.values]
df2 = df2.reset_index()

Compare two classes with range of Marks

I have a dataframe with two classes (A or B) and marks and I want to present the mark ranges per class.
Class Mark Department
A 74.0 1
A 73.0 2
B 72.0 1
A 75.0 1
B 64.0 2
What I want to achieve:
Class Mark Range
A 73.0-75.0
B 64.0-72.0
and I was thinking of using the min max (creating a new field for the range). But as a start, I tried to just group it:
df['count'] = 1
result = df.pivot_table('count', index='Mark', columns='Class', aggfunc='sum').fillna(0)
which is complex and I abandoned this quickly.
I then I only kept two columns in my dataframe (Mark and Class) and used the following:
And now I just have to create the Mark range column. I was thinking whether there was a simpler way without the steps to simply pivot the data and check the range (min max of columnA grouped by ColumnB).
We can use GroupBy.apply and get the max and min per group and represent them as string with f-strings:
df = (
df.groupby('Class')['Mark'].apply(lambda x: f'{x.min()}-{x.max()}')
.reset_index(name='Mark Range')
Class Mark Range
0 A 73.0-75.0
1 B 64.0-72.0
Simple but ugly:
temp = df.groupby('Class')['Mark'].agg({'min': min, 'max': max})
temp['range'] = temp['min'].map(str) + '-' + temp['max'].map(str)
Result of doing temp[['range']]:
A 73.0-75.0
B 64.0-72.0
If you are interested in using pivot_table:
df_new = (df.pivot_table('Mark', 'Class', aggfunc=lambda x: f'{x.min()}-{x.max()}')
.add_suffix(' Range').reset_index())
Class Mark Range
0 A 73.0-75.0
1 B 64.0-72.0
As in your comment. To add Deparment, just use the list ['Class', 'Department'] for index as follows
df_new = (df.pivot_table('Mark', ['Class', 'Department'],
aggfunc=lambda x: f'{x.min()}-{x.max()}')
.add_suffix(' Range').reset_index())
Class Department Mark Range
0 A 1 74.0-75.0
1 A 2 73.0-73.0
2 B 1 72.0-72.0
3 B 2 64.0-64.0

Take the mean of n numbers in a DataFrame column and "drag" formula down similar to Excel

I'm trying to take the mean of n numbers in a pandas DataFrame column and "drag" the formula down each row to get the respective mean.
Let's say there are 6 rows of data with "Numbers" in column A and "Averages" in column B. I want to take the average of A1:A2, then "drag" that formula down to get the average of A2:A3, A3:A4, etc.
list = [55,6,77,75,9,127,13]
finallist = pd.DataFrame(list)
finallist.columns = ['Numbers']
Below gives me the average of rows 0:2 in the Numbers column. So calling out the rows with .iloc[0:2]) works, but when I try to shift down a row it doesn't work:
finallist['Average'] = statistics.mean(finallist['Numbers'].iloc[0:2])
Below I'm trying to take the average of the first two rows, then shift down by 1 as you move down the rows, but I get a value of NaN:
finallist['Average'] = statistics.mean(finallist['Numbers'].iloc[0:2].shift(1))
I expected the .iloc[0:2].shift(1)) to shift the mean function down 1 row but still apply to 2 total rows, but I got a value of NaN.
Here's a screenshot of my output:
What's happening in your shift(1) approach is that you're actually shifting the index in your data "down" once, so this code:
Produces the output:
0 NaN
1 55.0
Then you take the average of these two, which evalutes to NaN, and then you assign that single value to every element of the Averages Series here:
df['Averages'] = statistics.mean(df['Numbers'].iloc[0:2].shift(1))
You can instead use rolling() combined with mean() to get a sliding average across the entire data frame like this:
import pandas as pd
values = [55,6,77,75,9,127,13]
df = pd.DataFrame(values)
df.columns = ['Numbers']
df['Averages'] = df.rolling(2, min_periods=1).mean()
This produces the following output:
Numbers Averages
0 55 55.0
1 6 30.5
2 77 41.5
3 75 76.0
4 9 42.0
5 127 68.0
6 13 70.0

Exporting a list as a new column in a pandas dataframe as part of a nested for loop

I am inputting multiple spreadsheets with multiple columns of data. For each spreadsheet, the maximum value of each column is found. Then, for each element in the column, the element is divided by the maximum value of that column. The output should be a value (between 0 and 1) for each element in the column in ascending order. This is appended to a list which should be added to the source spreadsheet as a column.
Currently, the nested loops are performing correctly apart from the final step, as far as I understand. Each column is added to the spreadsheet EXCEPT the values are for the final column of the source spreadsheet rather than values related to each individual column.
I have tried changing the indents to associate levels of the code with different parts (as I think this is the problem) and tried moving the appended column along in the dataframe, to no avail.
for i in distlist:
#listname = i[4:] + '_norm'
df2 = pd.read_excel(i,header=0,index_col=None, skip_blank_lines=True)
df3 = df2.dropna(axis=0, how='any')
cols = []
for column in df3:
for x in cols:
listname = x + ' norm'
maxval = df3[x].max()
mylist = []
for j in df3[x]:
findNL = (j/maxval)
df3[listname] = mylist
saveloc = 'E:/test/'
filename = i[:-18] + '_Normalised.xlsx'
df3.to_excel(saveloc+filename, index=False)
New columns are added to the output dataframe with bespoke headings relating to the field headers in the source spreadsheet and renamed according to (listname). The data in each one of these new columns is identical and relates to the final column in the spreadsheet. To me, it seems to be overwriting the values each time (as if looping through the entire spreadsheet, not outputting for each column), and adding it to the spreadsheet.
Any help would be much appreciated. I think it's something simple, but I haven't managed to work out what...
If I understand you correctly, you are overcomplicating things. You dont need a for loop for this. You can simplify your code:
# Make example dataframe, this is not provided
df = pd.DataFrame({'col1':[1, 2, 3, 4],
'col2':[5, 6, 7, 8]})
col1 col2
0 1 5
1 2 6
2 3 7
3 4 8
Now we can use DataFrame.apply and use add_suffix to give the new columns _norm suffix and after that concat the columns to one final dataframe
df_conc = pd.concat([df, df.apply(lambda x: x/x.max()).add_suffix('_norm')],axis=1)
col1 col2 col1_norm col2_norm
0 1 5 0.25 0.625
1 2 6 0.50 0.750
2 3 7 0.75 0.875
3 4 8 1.00 1.000
Many thanks. I think I was just overcomplicating it. Incidentally, I think my code may do the same job, but because there is so little difference in the values, it wasn't notable.
Thanks for your help #Erfan

Pandas Add Column Index Level to Data Frame

Given the following data frame:
Item other
0 y aa
1 y bb
2 z cc
3 x dd
I'd like to add a column index level 1 under the existing one (I think) because I want to join this data frame to another that is a multi-index.
I don't want to alter the other data frame because I have already written a lot of code assuming its current structure.
Thanks in advance!
IIUC you can add parameter append=True to set_index:
print (d2.set_index('Item', append=True))
0 y aa
1 y bb
2 z cc
3 x dd
