InstallShield (InstallScript Project): Uninstall files at update - How can I prevent this? - installshield

I'm quite new in the InstallShield stuff, I took this project from a leaving co-worker. However, here's my problem:
I was trying to update a MySQL Server with the setup from 5.7.17 to 5.7.19, which works great most of the times.
I got the feature "MySQL", splitted in "MySQL Data" (includes the performance_schema and mysql database), "MySQL Service" (Service batch files) and "MySQL Binaries" (the files).
For the update, I just changed the binaries by the new one and left the rest. All features are selected and my log tells me, that it installs all files which it hasn't installed by now, leaving the existing files untouched. As this is an update, it seems correct to me.
But sometimes, at the end of the setup process, it uninstalls almost anything of my MySQL Feature again; the databases, the batch files and almost any core file which wasn't changed by the setup before. But why is that and how can I stop my setup from do so?
Kind regards

I think what you're describing is that your file containing the data is not getting updated. Since this type of file cannot be versioned, that's what Windows installer uses to determine whether or not to upgrade the file, you will need to mark the component containing this file to Always Overwrite. Check out the MS docs for the Component table for how to do this with the Attributes field.

You may want to check the conditions on the components in question. Also, check the install sequence to see if it is calling uninstall out of sequence.


Upgrading Seeddms to 6.0.19 from 5.1.25

I've done a bit of googling and haven't been able to find any documentation on this, but I need to upgrade my Seeddms (Document Management System) server from 5.1.25 to 6.0.19.
I am running a Linux Lamp 4.19.0-19-amd #1 SMP Debian 4.19.232-1 (2022-03-07) with a Seeddms web server on it.
I tried copying the contents of the .gz download file of the latest version over my current /var/www/html/dms/ folder and it didn't work, I did a similar thing to update my dokuwiki site so I thought I'd give it a try here.
I am still new to Linux so any advice would be greatly appreciated!
I was able to find the solution, in the seeddms-quickstart-x.x.x/seeddmsxxx/seeddms-x.x.x/doc/
Here is what is says on upgrading versions if anyone has trouble with this as well. Make sure your server meets the requirement as well.
As SeedDMS is a smooth continuation of LetoDMS there is no difference
in updating from LetoDMS or SeedDMS.
You have basically two choices to update SeedDMS:
you install a fresh version of SeedDMS and copy over your data and configuration
you replace the software in your current installation with a new version
The first option is less interuptive but requires to be able to set up a second
temporary SeedDMS installation, which may not be possible, e.g. because of storage
limitations. It can be the only option if you change servers.
The first update procedure is only needed if the version changes on the minor
or major version number. Changes in the subminor version number will never
include database changes and consequently it is sufficient to use the existing
data directory and database with the new version. Choose the second update
option in this case.
In both cases make sure to have a backup of your data directory, configuration
and database.
Fresh installation and take over of data
The first update option is to set up a new instance of SeedDMS and once
that is running take over the data from your current (old) instance.
just do a fresh installation somewhere on your web server and make sure it
works. It is fine to use
SQLite for it, even if your final installation uses MySQL.
replace the data directory in your new installation with the data directory
from your current installation. Depending on the size of that directory (and
whether the new installation is on a new server or the old server) you
may either copy, move or place a symbolic link. The content of the data directory
will not be changed during the update. Its even perfectly save to
browse through your documents and download them after finishing the
update. The data directory will not be modified until you actually modify
copy over the configuration settings.xml into your new installation. This will
effectively make your new installation use the data from your old installation,
because all paths are still pointing to the old installation.
if you use mysql you could as well make a copy of the database to make sure
your current database remains unchanged.
modify the settings.xml to fit the environment of the new installation.
This will mostly be the
httpRoot, the paths to the installation directory and possibly the database
create a file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL in the conf directory and point
your browser at http://hostname/seeddms/install
The install tool will detect the version of your current SeedDMS installation
and run the required database updates.
If you update just within the last version number (e.g. from 5.1.6 to 5.1.9),
this step
will not be required because such a subminor version update will never
contain database updates.
Upgrading your current installation
Instead of setting up a new installation, you may as well replace the php files
in your current installation with new versions from the quickstart archive.
get the SeedDMS quickstart archive seeddms-quickstart-x.y.z.tar.gz and
unpack it somewhere on your disc.
copy the directory seeddms-x.y.z from the unpacked archive into your
current installation and make the link seeddms point to this new directory.
copy the directory pear from the unpacked archive into your current
installation, replacing the existing directory. Make a backup of pear before
the replacement if you want to ensure to be able to go back to your old version.
you may compare your conf/settings.xml file with the shipped version
conf/settings.xml.template for new parameters. If you don't do it, the next
time you save the configuration the default values will be used.
create a file ENABLE_INSTALL_TOOL in the conf directory and point
your browser at http://hostname/seeddms/install
The install tool will detect the version of your current SeedDMS installation
and run the required database updates.
If you update just within the last version number (e.g. from 5.1.6 to 5.1.9),
this step
will not be required because such a subminor version update will never
contain database updates.

OwnCloud Remove all files prompt

I have a owncloud server and the owncloud desktop client.What I want to do is to be able to delete things server wise and have it automatically delete from the pc. The problem is that the owncloud client displays a warning message of "Remove All Files"? with the choices of Remove all files or to keep files when the files are deleted from the server. Is there a way to not have the prompt come up and automatically remove all files?
In the version 2.2.3 (maybe earlier), you can change the configuration file to disable the prompt.
See the code where the prompt is invoked and the code showing the configuration file property.
If you edit (on Windows): c:\Users\myuser\AppData\Owncloud\owncloud.cfg and add the following, under the [General] section, you will no longer get the prompt.
The short answer: You cannot change this currently.
The long answer: The dialog was added as a safe-guard because there were cases where you could lose all your files unintentionally, e.g. if your admin re-created your account and left it empty. The client would assume the files had gone and would replicate this (it could not know better), so it would replicate the data removal locally. The code is still there today just to be safe.
If you are fearless, you can patch Folder::slotAboutToRemoveAllFiles(). Alternatively, you could open a bug report so we can solve this for everyone. What is your motivation to be able to do this without a prompt?
PS: The sources can be found on GitHub. URL and build instructions at
I have a script that processes the files that someone drops into ownCloud and it will then move them to the final storage place. However, this prompt stops the client from syncing until I manually log in to acknowledge it... I guess I will learn how to patch this.. Dropbox doesn't do this. Google Drive doesn't do this. But since I can't use cloud services (compliance issues), I have to use this solution until I can build a new secure upload means.

Get last version not working Visual Studio 2012 in TFS

I have Visual Studio 2012 and when I'm trying to get last version it doesn't work and it says that it's says that "All files are up to date". It is because I deleted file locally after I got it from TFS and I guess in Visual Studios memory it's written that there were no changes from that time I got it and now it doesn't let me download it although I don't have it.
How to "tell" VS that my local folder is changed?
P.S. I guess it can be also done with "Get specific version" but that option doesn't appear to me when i right-click on file I want to get from server.
I found that my workspace changed automatically (or rather with me not being concentrated while making new project), so VS was actually checking other directory all the time. For all those who might have the same problem - check your local path and if you see that it's not good, change it.
Here is how you can change it:
You are right, TFS saves what version he gaves you and changing/deleting it without to notify TFS, you won't get anything. The "Get Specific Version ..." is what you need. Therefore rightclick on the item you want, in context menu choose "Advanced --> Get Specific Version". Check the second option to "Overwrite all files even if the local version matches the specified version".
Not saying this is a solution, but I had similar issues after remapping one of my projects. Ultimately what I did was delete my local Solution File (.sln) and re-opened the project via the Project File (.vbproj). After that I was able to see all of my latest file versions that appeared to not be down loading. Once you click save on anything it will re-prompt you to save a new solution file.
i don't know if this is specifically what the OP was trying to accomplish, but here's my story: my machine crashed, had to get it reimaged; once VS2015 was installed, i went to source control explorer, right clicked the branch i needed >> Advanced >> Get Specific Version, checked the "Overwrite..." boxes, clicked "Get" and got the "All files up to date..." message. buster. obviously the code was NOT up to date.
fast forward: i fixed this issue by deleting my workspace's pertinent mapping to code base i needed, saved it, and re-added it.
hope this saves some headaches.
You'll want to Get Specific Version and to check the box to enable overwriting of existing files. That will ensure you're actually up to date.
You can also switch from a server worspace to the new local workspace which should also help solve issues like this.

Removing extra files after uninstalling a clickonce application

I have a project that uses clickonce to generate the setup.exe. During the run time my program create some extra files like "Log" and "Attachments" inside the User Folder. However, those folders are not removed when I perform an uninstall of the clickonce application from the ARP. These remaining files are interfering the next install.
I know that click once does not support for adding custom action to install or uninstall. I am wondering if is there is a way that I can remove those extra file programmingly after performing uninstall?
One way I have tried was to create a cleanup script and added it as a bootstrapper package to pre-requisite of the click once project. That worked in a way that every time before a new product was installed, the previous dirty data had been removed. However, this messed up the upgrade case.
Any ideas on how to remove the extra files that left by clickonce uninstallation?
Thank you
There is no way to do anything when uninstalling a ClickOnce application other than uninstall the ClickOnce application.
Have you considered putting the files in the ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.DataDirectory ? Then they will be removed when the application is unisntalled.
If the files are part of the project, you can set the type to Data in the Application Files dialog, and it will automatically place them in the data directory when deploying.
This solution works on multiple re-installations (clean), however it doesn't remove the data on last uninstall or until the next installation takes place.
Stil there is no custom action place on uninstall to remove the files beyond clickonce scope.
Leave a file in to ApplicationDeployment.CurrentDeployment.DataDirectory.
On startup, see if the file exists on conditions network deployed, firstrun (which resets on upgarde too).. success case, it is a first installation or upgrade. Failure case, the application is been uninstalled and installing again .. now you have a chance to clean up the application data.
If the data is sensitive, you may want to use other solution to remove files on uninstall ( as of now I don't see that Microsoft is given us an option)

InstallShield: Uninstalling program not removing all folders

I am using Installshield 2010. I made a basic MSI setup, and I am having a problem with uninstalling.
Uninstalling does not remove all folders.
After a complete install, I then uninstall only to find that there is still a path leftover.
For example, C:\ProgramFiles\CompanyName\Account\User_1234.xml
still remains, while everything else is gone.
The User_1234.xml file is generated by the application, and this file is not normally in the install process. So it makes sense why this file may have some problems getting rid of it (installer side).
At the same time, I would think that it would be removed due to the fact that it is within the CompanyName folder.
Is there any way to specify to get rid of everything inside and including the CompanyName folder?
Thanks for any ideas.
You have a couple problems and I'll address the obvious one first. Yes, Windows Installer default behavior is to not delete user data. This could be files not installed by the installer or files that were modified since the installer modified them. To get the installer to remove them, you must author the RemoveFiles table to teach it which files to remove.
Remove Files Table (Windows Installer)
Now I'll address the less obvious problem. You shouldn't expect your application to be able to write to ProgramFiles at runtime. I don't know what your software does but you should seriously consider this aspect of your application design.
