According to this tutorial Create a Service Fabric cluster by using Azure Resource Manager , I created the server Self-Signed .pfx certificate.After that I enter certificate thumbprint,SourceVault,CertificateURL to azure portal.
What should I do to get client certificate,to enter its thumbprint to azure portal?
When you generated the client cert you should have generated the thumbprint at that point. If not then you should be able to install that cert locally on your machine (If it's not already) and using MMC go into the properties and find the thumbprint there to copy and paste, keep in mind it needs to have all spaces removed.
Did you uplooad the certificate to the keyvault?
Invoke-AddCertToKeyVault -SubscriptionId <guid> -ResourceGroupName westus-mykeyvault -Location "West US" -VaultName mywestusvault -CertificateName mycert -Password "<password>" -UseExistingCertificate -ExistingPfxFilePath "C:\path\to\mycertkey.pfx"
After that - you'll be able to fetch the thumbprint as specified in the guide.
Name : CertificateThumbprint
Value : E21DBC64B183B5BF355C34C46E03409FEEAEF58D
Name : SourceVault
Value : /subscriptions/<guid>/resourceGroups/westus-mykeyvault/providers/Microsoft.KeyVault/vaults/mywestusvault
Make sure to follow all the steps in the guide you listed and you should have your inputs.
I am having trouble uploading a new SSL pfx certificate onto my WAF V2 application gateway. I currently have 3 basic wildcard listeners setup (* * and * for example) and I would like to update the certificate associated with *
The problem with using the UI is that if I attempt to update and save the certificate on the listener I get an error message indicating "This Basic HTTP listener cannot use the same frontend port as an existing listener". I understand this is likely because using multiple basic listeners is still in preview and can only be setup via powershell or ARM templates. I originally setup the gateway via ARM templates.
I instead attempted to update the listener's certificate using powershell. I first uploaded the pfx cert to a key vault. I then created a user managed identity with azure role assignments for both the app gateway and the key vault. After, I ran the following powershell commands from inside the portal's CLI but got the resulting error message.
PS > Select-AzureRmSubscription -Scope CurrentUser -SubscriptionName "Pay-As-You-Go"
PS > $appgw = Get-AzApplicationGateway -ResourceGroupName "myresourcegroup" -Name "myappgateway"
PS > $secret = Get-AzKeyVaultSecret -VaultName "mykeyvault" -Name "contoso-cert"
PS > $secretId = $secret.Id
PS > set-AzApplicationGatewaySSLCertificate -Name "contoso-cert" -ApplicationGateway $appgw -KeyVaultSecretId $secretId
PS > Set-AzApplicationGateway -ApplicationGateway $appgw
Set-AzApplicationGateway: Application Gateway 'myappgateway' requires a 'UserAssigned' Identity with 'get' access policy to the referenced KeyVault. Please provide so by using top level 'Identity' property.
Why am I unable to update the certificate on the basic listener using powershell? Is there any alternative option I can try in order to set the certificate? Please help
Pretty sure I came across this same issue when looking at the Wildcard Listeners Preview in App Gateway.
I don't have a test environment configured in such a way that I can try this for you at the moment, but I believe the solution was to create a Multisite HTTPS listener (instead of basic) with an arbitrary FQDN, and using the same SSL cert as the one you want to update. Then use that listener to update the SSL cert (you could probably even update the cert at the same time as you create the listener).
Let us know how you get on!
Im trying to bind an exisiting certificate in the resource group in a custom domain.
New-AzWebAppSSLBinding -ResourceGroupName $webappname -WebAppName $webappname -Thumbprint "$newthumbprint" -Name "$customdomain"
When I Debug this the custom domain isn't found, But when I check the domain in microsoft azure under tls/ssl bindings, the domain is there with his old thumbprint.
When im using the original domain of the webapp ( then it would say that there is a conflict because in the new certificate is that domain not registered and thats good because I dont want that.
Anyone know how I can change the thumbprint of customdomains in powershell instead of waste my time in microsoft azure application and doing it more then 100 times manually...
For the error, "custom domain isn't found" or "Hostname '' does not exist", here are possible reasons:
You could check the certificate's subject name must match the domains used to access the Web App.
You should find the existing certificate under TLS/SSL settings---Private Key Certificates. When you run the PowerShell commands, ensure that you type the correct Hostname and matched Thumbprint.
The command is working well on my side.
In addition, If you update an SSL certificate from a local machine to the Azure web app, you can use this command.
New-AzWebAppSSLBinding -ResourceGroupName $webapprg -WebAppName $webappname -CertificateFilePath $PathToPfxFile -CertificatePassword $PlainTextPwd -Name $customdomain
I want to automate this process where I am uploading my certificate to my Web App.
I came across New-AzWebAppSSLBinding which enables upload but also binds the certificate to the web app.
I was trying it like so -
New-AzWebAppSSLBinding -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupName -WebAppName $webAppName -Thumbprint "" -Name "certificatetest"
However, it gives an error because the domain is not set in the Web App.
I do not want to bind the certificate. I just want to be able to automate certificate upload through powershell. Is there an alternate way to do this?
I have already found this:
Upload Certificate to App Service from key Vault,
but it doesn't help much and I was hoping there is an ARM independent process through powershell?
According to my research, Azure PowerShell module does not provide any command used to upload SSL certificate to Azure Web APP. It just provides command used to upload SSL certicifate and bind SSL. So if you just want to upload SSL certificate to Azure Azure Web APP, I suggest you use Azure CLI. We can use CLI command az webapp config ssl upload to implement it. For more details, please refer to the document.
Besides, if you just want to implemrnt it with Azure PowerShell, please refer to the following script
#get app service plan which you want to associate the certificate with
$plan =Get-AzAppServicePlan -ResourceGroupName $planGraoup -Name $planName
#Get cert content
$pfxFileBytes = get-content $pfxpath -Encoding Byte
pfxBlob =$pfxblob;
New-AzResource -Location $plan.Location -ResourceName "cert" -ResourceType "Microsoft.Web/certificates" -ResourceGroupName "jimtest"-Properties $properties -Force
I've a wildcard SSL that has expired, and I have the new cert (different authority) uploaded to Azure already..
..but I'd like to know if there's a way to bulk change all the sites using the old cert, over to the new cert. On normal IIS when you make a change for any one of your sites on the old cert, to the new cert, it asks you if you want to update other bindings that are using the old cert so that they also use the new cert. I've around 30 sites I need to move to the new cert and it's going to be quite a drag one by one
Is there an equivalent functionality on Azure? Powershell is acceptable if the won't do it..
I've been using Azure CLI in Powershell for this. First build a CSV file or array with the values. It will need to contain:
- Web App Name
Then iterate through
$Thumbprint = "12bnhgikjbkj13kjbblahblah"
$WebApps = #("WebApp1","WebApp2","WebApp3") #OR
Foreach ($WebApp in $WebApps) {
az webapp config ssl bind --certificate-thumbprint $Thumbprint --ssl-type SNI --resource-group ResourceGroupName --name "$WebApp"
You can also do it with New-AzureRmWebAppSSLBinding from here. Also a guide here on how to do it.
I used the following code in Azure Cloud Shell to enumerate how many apps were using the old thumbprint and updated them to the new one. I found this easier than writing down each of the app service names.
You'll need to make sure you import your new certificate first.
az account set --subscription "My Application"
$webapp_ids=(az webapp list --query "[?hostNameSslStates.[thumbprint=='OLD_THUMBPRINT']].id" --output tsv)
az webapp config ssl bind --certificate-thumbprint "NEW_THUMBPRINT" --ssl-type SNI --ids $webapp_ids
I'm unable to connect to my azure service fabric cluster using powershell.
I have created a certificate "Admin" on my computer using
I have imported this certificate in my Key Vault, and added an "Admin client" authentication using "Certificate Thumbprint" authentication mode in the cluster (with the thumbprint of the created certificate)
I am using the below powershell command :
$ClusterName= "***"
$ThumbPrint= "e8*****"
Connect-serviceFabricCluster -ConnectionEndpoint $ClusterName -KeepAliveIntervalInSec 10 `
-X509Credential `
-ServerCommonName "Admin" `
-FindType FindBySubjectName `
-FindValue "Admin" `
-StoreLocation CurrentUser `
-StoreName My
As described in
(I have also tried with -FindByThumPrint)
What did I miss ?
SSL certificate and SF Cluster endpoint URI must match
There are few ways to solve this:
If the Cluster Certificate was issued to a custom domain (lets say you need to use that custom domain URL into $ClusterName. Also both and *** must resolve to the same IP address.
You can also fix it by creating new certificate and pointing it to *** After doing this, replace it with the old one in your cluster and connect by using *** endpoint.
This is not a fix but workaround. You can disable certificate name check by modifying C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe.config and setting checkCertificateName to false. Like this (click here):
<configuration><><settings><servicePointManager checkCertificateName="false" /></settings><></configuration>