Insert or update multiple documents in MongoDB - node.js

I want to implement hashtags functionality with NodeJS and MongoDB support, so that I can also count the uses. Whenever a user adds hashtags to a page, I want to push or update them in the database. Each hastag looks like this:
{_id:<auto>, name:'hashtag_name', uses: 0}
The problem I'm facing is that the user can add new tags as well, so when he clicks 'done', I have to increment the 'uses' field for the existing tags, and add the new ones. The trick is how to do this with only one Mongo instruction? So far I thought of 2 possible ways of achieving this, but I'm not particularly happy with either:
Option 1
I have a service which fetches the existing tags from the db before the user starts to write a new article. Based on this, I can detect which tags are new, and run 2 queries: one which will add the new tags, and another which will update the existing one
Option 2
I will send the list of tags to the server, and there I will run a find() for every tag; if I found one, I'll update, if not, I'll create it.
Option 3 (without solution for now)
Best option would be to run a query which takes an array of tag names, do a $inc operation for the existing ones, and add the missing ones.
The question
Is there a better solution? Can I achieve the end result from option #3?

You should do something like this, all of them will be executed in one batch, this is only an snippet idea how to do it:
var db = new Db('DBName', new Server('localhost', 27017));
// Establish connection to db, db) {
// Get the collection
var col = db.collection('myCollection');
var batch = col.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
for (var tag in hashTagList){
// Add all tags to be executed (inserted or updated)
batch.find({}).upsert().updateOne({$inc: {uses:1}});
batch.execute(function(err, result) {

I would use the Bulk method offered by Mongodb since version 2.6. In the same you could perform insertion operations when the tag is new and the counter update when it already exists.


update multiple records in one query in MongoDB NodeJS without any loop

i have array of objects and I want update all records in one query
var arrayObj=[
I am new to node and mongo, how can I update this. I don't want to use loop, as I have done with loop. Now I want to learn this.
What I trying to say, are:
You can't bulk update in this way, just passing many objects to some magic function.
MongoDb are a document oriented database, so, it's not normalised. To update some document, you need pass instructions (where you want to update and what you want to update).
If you have an array, you need a loop function to update each array item.
There's no possibility (without some third part library), to update many documents without loop. The links I sent explains the right way to do this.
You can use bulk operations.
var bulkOpr = <collectionName>.initializeUnorderedBulkOp();
bulkOpr.find({ _id: 1 }).updateOne({ /* update document */ });
bulkOpr.find({ _id: 2 }).updateOne({ /* update document */ });
// etc
You can do whatever you need to and the database do it all at once.
Ref. links:

How can I get the entire updated entry in a $afterUpdate hook in objection models?

Im using Objection.js as my ORM for a simple rainfall application. I need to be able to dynamically update and entry of one table when a lower level tables entires has been updated. To do this I need the whole entry I am updating so I can use that data to correctly update the dynamically updated entry.
Im using the $afterUpdate hook for the lower level table entry which. The issue I am having is that when I log this within the $afterUpdate hook function it only contains the properties for the parts of the entry I want to update. How can I get the entire entry? Im sure I could get the record by running an additional query to the DB but I was hoping there would be away to avoid this. Any help would be appreciated
I think, as of right now, you can only get the whole model with an extra query.
If you are doing the update with an instance query ($query) you can get the other properties from options.old.
const user = await User.query().findById(userId);
await user.$query()
.patch({ name: 'Tom Jane' })
$afterUpdate(opt, queryContext) {
If you don't need to do this in the hook, you might want to use patch function chained with first().returning('*') to get the whole model in a single query, it's more efficient than patchAndFetchById in postgreSQL. Like stated in the documentation.
Because PostgreSQL (and some others) support returning('*') chaining, you can actually insert a row, or update / patch / delete (an) existing row(s), and receive the affected row(s) as Model instances in a single query, thus improving efficiency. See the examples for more clarity.
const jennifer = await Person
.patch({firstName: 'Jenn', lastName: 'Lawrence'})
.where('id', 1234)

Sequelize/Postgres - how to update each row individually on migrate?

I have lots of records in my postgres. (using sequelize to communicate)
I want to have a migrate script, but due to locking, I have to do each change as atomic as possible.
So I don't want to selectAll and then modify and then saveAll.
In mongo I have forEach cursor which allows me to update a record, save it and only then move to the next one.
Anything similar in sequelize/postgres?
Currently, I am doing that in my code - getting the IDs, then for each performing a query.
return migration.runOnAllUpdates((record)=>{
record.change = 'new value';
where runOnAllUpdates will simply give me records one by one.

Can you use CouchDB 'document update handlers' with replication?

I am replicating docs from DB A to DB B, every time a Doc from DB A arrives in DB B I want to run a 'stored procedure' to remove most of the fields from DB A (DB A is private, but has attachments that I want to be publicly available)
So far I've seen that this might be achieved using the _changes feed (continuous)and then running an 'update' handler on each document.
The document update handlers doc:
This seems like something that CouchDB would implement for me... (and I'm not really sure yet how to do the above).
Is there something like a 'hook' that can be run on every document that enters the database?
== EDIT ==
It seems that I would want to somehow include the update handler command in the replication trigger?
It sounds like with some changes to how your storing documents you may be able to benefit from CouchDB's filtered replication. You'd need to store the attachments in documents that could be equivalently copied (without modification) between the two databases.
If that's not an option, then you could potentially use transform-pouchdb plus PouchDB's .replicate.from() method to manage the replication.
Some quick pseudo-code for this idea looks a bit like this:
var PouchDB = require('pouchdb');
var dbA = new PouchDB('a'); // "a" could be a URL to CouchDB or Cloudant
var dbB = new PouchDB('b');
incoming: function (doc) {
// do something to the document before storage
return doc;
In theory, that (or something like it) should do what you're wanting...or at least giving you the framework in which to do what you're wanting. ^_^
Hope that helps!

Delete multiple couchbase entities having common key pattern

I have a use case where I have to remove a subset of entities stored in couchbase, e.g. removing all entities with keys starting with "pii_".
I am using NodeJS SDK but there is only one remove method which takes one key at a time:
In some cases thousands of entities need to be deleted and it takes very long time if I delete them one by one especially because I don't keep list of keys in my application.
I agree with the #ThinkFloyd when he saying: Delete on server should be delete on server, rather than requiring three steps like get data from server, iterate over it on client side and finally for each record fire delete on the server again.
In this regards, I think old fashioned RDBMS were better all you need to do is 'DELETE * from database where something=something'.
Fortunately, there is something similar to SQL is available in CouchBase called N1QL (pronounced nickle). I am not aware about JavaScript (and other language syntax) but this is how I did it in python.
Query to be used: DELETE from <bucketname> b where META(b).id LIKE "%"
layer_name_prefix = cb_layer_key + "|" + "%"
query = ""
query = N1QLQuery('DELETE from `test-feature` b where META(b).id LIKE $1', layer_name_prefix)
except CouchbaseError, e:
To achieve the same thing: alternate query could be as below if you are storing 'type' and/or other meta data like 'parent_id'.
DELETE from <bucket_name> where type='Feature' and parent_id=8;
But I prefer to use first version of the query as it operates on key, and I believe Couchbase must have some internal indexes to operate/query faster on key (and other metadata).
The best way to accomplish this is to create a Couchbase view by key and then range query over that view via your NodeJS code, making deletes on the results.
For example, your Couchbase view could look like the following:
function(doc, meta) {
emit(, null);
Then in your NodeJS code, you could have something that looks like this:
var couchbase = require('couchbase');
var ViewQuery = couchbase.ViewQuery;
var query = ViewQuery.from('designdoc', 'by_id');
query.range("pii_", "pii_" + "\u0000", false);
var myBucket = myCluster.openBucket();
myBucket.query(query, function(err, results) {
for(i in results) {
// Delete code in here
Of course your Couchbase design document and view will be named differently than the example that I gave, but the important part is the ViewQuery.range function that was used.
All document ids prefixed with pii_ would be returned, in which case you can loop over them and start deleting.
