Downloaded Node Module has unrecognized function - node.js

I recently did an npm install of the following module -
I edited the index.js according to the Usage but when I do a -
"node index.js", node complains that reporter.generate is not a recognized function.
Could someone take a look and help me debug this?
Many thanks.

fork this repo to your own github account.
Fix the bug.
PR to the original repo.
ask this guy commit a new version for this package on


Angular custom library module not found after updating to version 15

I have updated my custom library and UI Angular applications to version 15 but now when I try to run "ng serve" it says it can't find the module for my custom library. We are working with Artifactory for our repositorys. And I noticed that since I updated the Jenkins build to use Node 16 it packages the npm package differently.
So I'm curious if anyone has come across this before. I was able to consume the library without any issues when it was version 11, but after the update to 15 I get the following error.
Error: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve '#cto_compliance_amf/amf-library' in 'C:\Users\zkafpf7\Documents\MyProjects\amf_ui\src\app'
Any and all help is appreciated.
Turns out that when I updated to Node 16 for the Jenkins build, the babel script wasn't working correctly. I updated my pre-pack script to use shx instead of babel to move the files from the dist folder to the root folder. Then updated the .npmignore file to omit the files that weren't needed in the package. And now everything works. Hope this helps someone else.

Error - ESLint: 7.32.0 ESLint couldn't find the config "standard" to extend from

We have a CircleCI Pipeline. We have a older version of eslint i.e. 5.10.0 which was around three years ago installed and now client wants to upgrade node version to 16 and upgrade related packages.
I have modified package.json file and changes eslint version from "eslint": "^5.10.0" to "eslint": "^7.10.0".
Now, while pushing changes on branch CircleCI test execution fails with the below error.:
Oops! Something went wrong! :(
ESLint: 7.32.0
ESLint couldn't find the config "standard" to extend from. Please check that the name of the config is correct.
The config "standard" was referenced from the config file in "/home/xxx/xxx/.eslintrc.yml".
I have googled for this issue but did not find the proper solution for this.
I have tried to
Removed .eslintrc.yml file by guessing that it can be created automatically.
Try to run the command yarn run eslint --init inside package.json under script tag
"scripts": {
"test": "yarn run eslint --init && yarn lint && yarn flow && yarn jest",
But here, CircleCI pipeline is used so eslint --init command will ask question
How would you like to use ESLint?
We don't have any provision in CircleCI during automated file and test execution to provide any answer.
I had a similar case, where this error was due to my eslint version being too new compared to the one required by standard.
Here are some steps you can try to verify whether that's the case for you as well:
Locally in your project, run npm init #eslint/config (will ask you some questions and generate a new .eslint.{js|yml|json} out of it)
When asked "Which style guide do you want to follow?" reply standard
at this point, you should see something on the line of
The style guide "standard" requires eslint#^7.12.1. You are currently using eslint#{version}
Do you want to downgrade?
choosing "No" will warn you as follow and cause the error you mentioned when trying to execute linting.
Note: it might not work since ESLint's version is mismatched with the standard config
In my case the eslint version was differing by major (8.11.0) which makes it more obvious, but it looks very similar to what you have too.
If by this point you figured that's indeed the issue, here are some alternatives that might help:
Downgrade eslint (easy one but won't work in the long run if you like your dependencies to be up-to-date)
Switch to another style guide which doesn't have this limitation with eslint version (eg. airbnb or google's are suggested by the config setup)
Switch to using standard directly instead of going through eslint
I am no expert in js world, so please feel free to point out anything I missed

Fork node_module react and install not working

I tried to fork this react native module to make some corrections, because the author abandoned the project and he was the only tool I found and meets my need, so reading an article I found out about the fork, I did this procedure, then I cloned and did necessary correction, only when having to add the module to my react project with the
yarn add lucassouza16/react-native-svg-uri
I get this error:
error Couldn't find the binary git
I'm new to this forking function, is there anything else I need to do?
My bifurcated repository:
Original repository:
To add it via npm or yarn you will need to add this firstly to npm registry. Here you have more information about it
You can also add via github doing like this:
yarn add git+
You can read more about it here:
How to install an npm package from GitHub directly?
In the end all responses resulted in the same error, yet thanks to everyone who tried to help me, but it worked when I added the release version, this is the correct format:
yarn add lucassouza16/react-native-svg-uri#1.2 .4

Cant resolve 'sha1'

I already run "npm install" and when I hovered sha1, the code already seen it.
but I got a error like this when I'm about to build it:
Please help me for my problem :) thanks
Seems like you have installed the typescript definitions but not the module it self. Try running npm i --save sha1 (please note that not #types/sha1 which is the typescript definitions)

Cannot find module 'express' cloudfoundry node08 during deployment

While deploying the nodejs application in cloudfoundry.. it s giving error "Cannot find module 'express'".. Appreciate any help in this regard.. It is very simple hello world program.. Even the package.json is pretry simple.. Is there any cloudfoundry specific changes that needs to be done..
Make sure to have modules already installed using "npm install". Or, do "npm shrinkwrap", Create package.json file w/ {"ignoreNodeModules": true} to ask CF to install modules in the cloud. See:
