Access Azure Batch from an Azure Function - azure

I'm trying to use a Service Principle to access a Batch pool from an Azure Function and running into authentication issues that I don't understand. The initial login with the Service Principle works fine, but then using the credentials to access the batch pool returns a 401.
Below is a condensed version of my code with comments at the key points
module.exports.dispatch = function (context) {
MsRest.loginWithServicePrincipalSecret('AppId', 'Secret', 'TennantId', function(err, credentials){
if (err) throw err;
// This works as it prints the credentials
var batch_client = new batch.ServiceClient(credentials, accountUrl);
batch_client.pool.get('mycluster', function(error, result){
if(error === null)
context.log('Accessed pool');
//Request to batch service returns a 401
if(error.statusCode === 404)
context.log('Pool not found yet returned 404...');
context.log('Error occurred while retrieving pool data');
//'Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly.
context.res = { body: error.body.message.value };
How can the initial login with a service principle work no problem, but then the credentials it returns not be able to access the batch pool?
The actual error says to check the auth header on the request, which I can see and the Authorisation header isn't even present.
I've triple checked the Active Directory access control for the batch account the App ID and secret are the ones belonging to the owner of the batch account. Any ideas what to try next?

The credentials expected by the Azure Batch npm client aren't the Azure Active Directory credentials/token, but the keys for the batch account. You can list your keys using the Azure CLI with a command like the following:
az batch account keys list -g "<resource-group-name>" -n "<batch-account-name>"
sample here
Then you can create the credentials parameter with those keys:
var credentials = new batch.SharedKeyCredentials('your-account-name', 'your-account-key');
You could still involve a Service Principal here if you wanted to store your batch keys in something like Key Vault, but then your code would be:
Get Service Principal auth against key vault to fetch name and key
Use name and key to create credentials

You cannot use the same OAuth token returned from the Azure Resource Management endpoint with Batch. Assuming your service principal has the correct RBAC permissions, auth with the Azure Batch endpoint: instead (assuming you are using Public Azure).
You do not need to get the shared key credentials for the Batch account, credentials via AAD should be used instead if you are using an AAD service principal.

I happened to run across this same issue and I didn't have the option of using SharedKeyCredentials so I wanted to share my solution in case anyone else finds it helpful.
As fpark mentions, we need to get an OAuth token to use with Batch instead of the default Azure Resource Management. Below is the original code posted by Mark with the minor modification needed to make it work with Batch:
module.exports.dispatch = function (context) {
let authOptions = {tokenAudience: 'batch'};
MsRest.loginWithServicePrincipalSecret('AppId', 'Secret', 'TennantId', authOptions, function(err, credentials){
if (err) throw err;
// This works as it prints the credentials
var batch_client = new batch.ServiceClient(credentials, accountUrl);
batch_client.pool.get('mycluster', function(error, result){
if(error === null)
context.log('Accessed pool');
//Request to batch service returns a 401
if(error.statusCode === 404)
context.log('Pool not found yet returned 404...');
context.log('Error occurred while retrieving pool data');
//'Server failed to authenticate the request. Make sure the value of Authorization header is formed correctly.
context.res = { body: error.body.message.value };


Need help: AADSTS700016: Application with identifier was not found in the directory Azure Account AD?

My request for an Azure AD Oauth2 token works fine when I run my node.js app on a VM on Azure. It's making the request using another team's client id/secret because further down in the code, the program will make REST APIs calls to their services using that token. The program gets an error after fetching/requesting a token if my program (node.js app) is launched from a Github workflow. (The workflow worked successfully three times before getting this error. The error occurs every time now.) Thank you for your help! It's much appreciated and I don't have much experience in this area.
async function getToken(config) {
const params = new URLSearchParams()
params.append('grant_type', 'client_credentials')
params.append('client_id', config.clientId)
params.append('client_secret', config.clientSecret)
params.append('scope', config.scopeUrl)
//url ={{AD.tenantId}}/oauth2/v2.0/token
const response = await fetch(config.tokenRequestUrl, { method: 'POST', body: params })
const jsonObj = await response.json()
if ((typeof jsonObj.access_token !== 'undefined') && (jsonObj.access_token != null)) {
return jsonObj.access_token
} else {
return null
!!!!3S0N=***"error":"unauthorizedclient","errordescription":"AADSTS700016: Application with identifier '***' was not found in the directory 'xxxxx Azure Account AD'. This can happen if the application has
not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant.***
I figured it out! The Github workflow was using the wrong client id/secret.

Azure keyvault, request for multiple secrets

Im making use of the following node library azure-keyvault to get retrieve stored secrets from azure keyvault. Ive only found the client.getSecret api exposed to retrieve a secret value. Im searching for a way to retrieve multiple secret values in one call. I hav'nt found one yet. Is there a way to do this that i'm missing or its simply not supported.
const { SecretClient } = require('#azure/keyvault-secrets')
const client = new SecretClient(
new DefaultAzureCredential()
const [secret1, secret2] = await Promise.all([
Here is the complete code for getting the multiple client secret at once:
var credentials = new KeyVault.KeyVaultCredentials(authenticator);
var client = new KeyVault.KeyVaultClient(credentials);
client.setSecret(vaultUri, 'mysecret', 'my password', options, function (err, secretBundle) {
// List all secrets
var parsedId = KeyVault.parseSecretIdentifier(;
client.getSecrets(parsedId.vault,, function (err, result) {
if (err) throw err;
var loop = function (nextLink) {
if (nextLink !== null && nextLink !== undefined) {
client.getSecretsNext(nextLink, function (err, res) {
You can find the complete reference for azure key vault using node js below:
Hope it helps.
You can use read-azure-secrets npm package which will return all secrets to you.
const secretClient = require('read-azure-secrets');
async function loadKeyVaultValues() {
let applicationID = '';
let applicationSecret = '';
let vaultURL = 'https://<your-key-vault-name>';
let secrets = await secretClient.getSecrets(applicationID, applicationSecret, vaultURL);
secrets.forEach(secret => {
You can try using client.getSecrets(..) method exposed by the REST Api.
Kindly go through the following useful blog, in which all methods have been implemented.
You haven't specified what information about the secret you want to fetch so I am going to assume that you are looking for the secret's value. I am also going to assume you are looking to minimize network traffic for fetching multiple secrets (either for costs or for performance).
Looking at the Azure REST API documentation while there is a route to list multiple secrets it only provides the secret identifier and metadata about the secret (attributes, tags, etc). So if you want to get the secret's value (the actual secret) you will need to make individual calls although get-secrets route can be used to find all the secrets stored in the Key Vault.
As far as the client library, #azure/keyvault-secrets maps pretty closely to the REST API it supports so it will not provide a method that fetches multiple secrets. Even if it did, it would just be a facade over multiple network calls so it would not help reduce the number of network trips.
So to answer your question - it does not look possible today unless all you want is metadata about the secret and not the secret value itself.

In the groups claims of an AAD access token, why do I get a GUID that is not the objectId of any group in the AAD tenant?

Using a modified version of the Microsoft MSAL quickstart for node.js (original here), I successfully received an access token for the Azure Storage API using the implicit flow. The token included a groups claim, but one of the GUIDs in the claim does not seem to correlate with any group in the tenant. After removing the user from every group, the claim still contains that GUID (and as expected no others anymore):
"groups": [
A Google search for that GUID didn't result in any hits, so I'm assuming it is not a well-known GUID of some sort.
Why do I get this "unknown" GUID in a group claim?
The AAD tenant involved is a very small tenant, exclusively used by me for learning AAD and authentication. As such, it only contains a single group. The user involved is not a member of this single group.
I've looked at user page in the Azure Portal, which indeed shows that the user is "not a member of any groups". Azure CLI also show that the user isn't a member of any group:
$ az ad user get-member-groups --upn
The full list of groups in this tenant contains just a single group, and as you can see its ObjectID does not match the GUID I get in the claim:
$ az ad group list --query [].objectId --output tsv
I've also created another application registration and have it expose a dummy API. When using that dummy API as scope I again successfully receive
an access token, but this one again includes the same unknown GUID as the single group claim.
Here are the hopefully relevant bits of the code.
As mentioned above, first I retrieved an access token for Azure Storage:
var requestObj = {
scopes: [""]
... but I get the exact same result with a dummy API:
var requestObj = {
scopes: ["api://7c7f72e9-d63e-44b6-badb-dd0e43df4cb1/user_impersonation"]
This bit logs the user in:
function signIn() {
myMSALObj.loginPopup(requestObj).then(function (loginResponse) {
//Successful login
}).catch(function (error) {
//Please check the console for errors
The token is acquired here. I'm aware that callMSGraph won't work here given the scope of the token. I get the token from the browser console log and decode it using
function acquireTokenPopup() {
//Always start with acquireTokenSilent to obtain a token in the signed in user from cache
myMSALObj.acquireTokenSilent(requestObj).then(function (tokenResponse) {
console.log("Access Token from cache: " + JSON.stringify(tokenResponse.accessToken));
callMSGraph(graphConfig.graphMeEndpoint, tokenResponse.accessToken, graphAPICallback);
}).catch(function (error) {
// Upon acquireTokenSilent failure (due to consent or interaction or login required ONLY)
// Call acquireTokenPopup(popup window)
if (requiresInteraction(error.errorCode)) {
myMSALObj.acquireTokenPopup(requestObj).then(function (tokenResponse) {
console.log("Access Token after interaction: " + JSON.stringify(tokenResponse.accessToken));
callMSGraph(graphConfig.graphMeEndpoint, tokenResponse.accessToken, graphAPICallback);
}).catch(function (error) {
You will also get directoryRole ids in the groups(got from the access token). You can request to check the details. Here is the graph explorer.

Unable to get the MSI credentials with NodeJs

I am working with the NodeJs Azure Function V2 and I want to get the secret from Key-Vault.
I tried with following reference. Here's a link.
I am using ms-rest-azure NPM library package.
My code as follows:
function getKeyVaultCredentials(){
return msRestAzure.loginWithAppServiceMSI({resource: "",msiEndpoint: process.env["MSI_ENDPOINT"],msiSecret:process.env["MSI_SECRET"]});
function getKeyVaultSecret(credentials) {
var keyVaultClient = new KeyVault.KeyVaultClient(credentials);
return keyVaultClient.getSecret("", 'secret', "mySecretName");
).then(function (secret){
console.log(`Your secret value is: ${secret.value}.`);
}).catch(function (err) {
throw (err);
The function call executed successfully but never getting the credential.
Note :
I have enabled the MSI identity and given access to kevault for that Azure function.
The error I am getting is as follows:
MSI: Failed to retrieve a token from "" with an error: {"ExceptionMessage":"AADSTS500011: The resource principal named was not found in the tenant named 6620834b-d11e-44cb-9931-2e08b6ee81cc00. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You might have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant.\r\nTrace ID: 1f25ac6c-01e0-40d8-8146-269f22d49f001\r\nCorrelation ID: 4beede0c-2e83-4bcc-944d-ba4e8ec2c6834\r\nTimestamp: 2019-03-29 02:54:40Z","ErrorCode":"invalid_resource","ServiceErrorCodes":["500011"],"StatusCode":400,"Message":null,"CorrelationId":"e6e8108d-e605-456b-8fb6-473962dcd5d678"}
I might doing some silly/blunder - please help!!
There are some subtle fixes that your code needs
resource should be set to This basically has to be the resource in general, not your instance as such.
The method is actually getSecret('<KEYVAULT_URI>', '<SECRET_NAME>', '<SECRET_VERSION>')
Here is how your code should look like at the end
function getKeyVaultCredentials() {
return msRestAzure.loginWithAppServiceMSI({
resource: ''
function getKeyVaultSecret(credentials) {
var keyVaultClient = new KeyVault.KeyVaultClient(credentials);
return keyVaultClient.getSecret(
.then(function(secret) {
console.log(`Your secret value is: ${secret.value}.`);
.catch(function(err) {
throw err;

Accessing Skype for Business API (UCWA) : HTTP 403 / Forbidden

I'm trying to connect to & use Skype for Business API (UCWA) following this procedure, using a Node.js test script.
I've registered a test app in Azure AD and checked all permissions concerning Skype for Business Online.
I'm doing this (simplified):
var adal = require('adal-node');
var https = require('https');
var clientId = 'a5cbbd......cc4a1'; // = app ID
var clientSecret = 'IOSDk1......LJ6vE=' // test key from Azure AD
var context = new adal.AuthenticationContext('');
// 'Autodiscover' step
// (callRestAPI() makes an HTTPS request using https.request() and returns results as JSON)
callRestAPI('', 443, '/autodiscover/autodiscoverservice.svc/root', 'GET', null /* no specific headers */, function(err, res) {
if (err) { console.log(err); return err; }
// extract discovered domain (I get something like
let regex = new RegExp('^(https?://[^/]*)', 'g');
let sfbDiscoveredDomain = regex.exec(response._links.user.href);
sfbDiscoveredDomain = sfbDiscoveredDomain[1];
// 'Acquire token' step
context.acquireTokenWithClientCredentials(sfbDiscoveredDomain, clientId, clientSecret, function(err, res) {
if (err) { console.log(err); return err; }
regex = new RegExp('^https?://([^/]*)', 'g');
let sfbHost = regex.exec(res.resource);
sfbHost = sfbHost[1]; // here I get something like ''
// 'Resending an autodiscovery request with the bearer token' step
callRestApi(sfbHost, 443, '/autodiscover/autodiscoverservice.svc/root/oauth/user', 'GET', {'Authorization': 'Bearer '+res.accessToken}, function(err, res) {
if (err) { console.log(err); return err; }
The last step (resending an autodiscovery request) always fails with error HTTP 403/Forbidden.
There is an additional interesting response header:
'x-ms-diagnostics': '28070;source="";reason="Service does not allow a cross domain request from this origin."'
...but I still don't understand why this error occurs.
I've played with additional headers seen here and there in various code samples (X-Ms-Origin and Host), with no luck.
This issue (Service does not allow a cross domain request from this origin.) is mostly caused by the "Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS)" and that the address which is requesting the access isn´t "whitelisted".
An Skype for Business Administrator can configure that via (more info's here) when the server is on premises (see StackOverflow question here):
$x = New-CsWebOrigin -Url ""
Set-CsWebServiceConfiguration -Identity "{YOUR_IDENTITY}" -CrossDomainAuthorizationList #{Add=$x}
However as your Skype for Business isn´t on premises (its online) I assume there is nothing you can do as this section is mostly controlled by the cloud admins from Microsoft.
However as UCWA is supported with Skype for Business online I assume there is something wrong on your side. Did you checked if the application is correctly registered as explained here? If yes a fiddler trace might be useful to see what caused that issue.
