Fast way to check if a list of IP is in a list of IP-ranges (CIDR notation) - python-3.x

I am looking for a fast way to check if IP addresses are part of a list of CIDR notated IP ranges. I've seen examples before use netaddr like:
from netaddr import IPNetwork, IPAddress
if IPAddress(row[0]) in IPNetwork(CIDR):
However this solution is way too slow for my problem (800 IP ranges in CIDR and 500.000 IP adresses).
What could be a way to do this faster? I've read about using pytries, but I am not certain this is the solution.

Patricia/Radix tree/tries seem to be the answer. I found them by searching for algorithms for looking up routing tables.
There is a python implementation here.
A little later: I now have this working fine in Ruby:
require 'rpatricia'
require 'uoainfoblox'
ib = ({'user' => 'xxxxx', 'password' => 'yyyy', 'host' => ''})
pt =
ib.get_networks('*roaming_network=true').each do |net, info |
puts "' #{ pt.include?('')}"
puts " #{pt.include?('') }"
Infoblox is an IP Management system and UoAInfoblox is a wrapper around their web api. So here I get a list of the roaming networks add them into a patricia tree and then check two IP addresses (that I know the status of).
Edit: I have just found out from a friend who uses python and who teaches networking in our CS department that he used the python radix module in his research scripts. I know he was processing very large amounts of data from a /8 darkenet for CAIDA.


How to visualize a count of all values in an array field in Kibana

I am having trouble creating a particular type of visualization in Kibana. My events in Kibana are statistics on communications between two ip address. Two of the fields are lists of ports used by the particular ip address. An example of the fields would be:
ip1 =
ip2 =
ip2Ports = 80,443
ip1Ports = 80,57000,0
I would like to have a top count of all the values such as
port count
80 2
57000 1
443 1
I have been able to parse ip2Ports to be ip2Ports_List.column1, ip2Ports_List.column2, ect, but I can only choose one term with term aggregation in the visualization. I can split the chart, but that leads to separate counts for each field. If I go by the original ip2Ports field, it is just aggregated as the string such as, "80,443".
Is it even possible to create a top count visualization of fields with multiple values? If so, how would I do so. If not, is there a way to restructure my data so I can do it? Thank you!
My issue stemmed from the format of the values being sent in by Logstash. I had thought that the 'ip2Ports_List.column1' format, which was a result from using the csv filter, was part of an array. It wasn't. After analyzing it, 'ip2Ports_List.column1' didn't seem to be much different from a new field.
Elastic needed an array to give me the visualization I wanted. I wasn't sure what the best way to produce it was, so I just ended up using the ruby filter. This is what the code ended up looking like:
ruby {
code => "fields = event.get('portsIp').split(',')
Where 'portsIp' looked something like "80,443". Splitting it turned 'portsIp' into a Ruby array. I just set that array as the value for a new event field, 'portsIpArray'.
From there when I tried visualize the 'portsIpArray' field, it looked exactly how I wanted it to, treating each port as separate value, and still associating each port with the same event/field.
Also something I discovered is if you're writing your code like I was, directly in the Logstash conf file, Logstash doesn't like it if you use double quotes within the double quoted code. In hindsight it makes sense, but it doesn't give a clear error so it's difficult to figure out.

Chef - looking for a better way to find the last octet of an IP address.

I'd like to know what would be the best way to populate a Chef attribute in a cookbook with the last octet of the IP address.
Here is how I do it now. It seems to work; however,I'd like to know how I can improve it.
default['application']['host_ip'] = node['network']['interfaces']['eth0']['addresses'].keys[1]
default['application']['app_id'] = node['application']['host_ip'].split('.')[-1]
That looks fine. You might want some error handling since this will crash if there isn't an eth0, but that's up to you. You could also use node['ipaddress'] which is the IP on the default interface.

TXT to CSV file with IP Range to CIDR conversion

HI everyone first of all thank you for visiting my question
I am working with a new IDS, OSSIM, It's database requires a host's:
Name, CIDR, and Description in a .csv format for uploading through a web UI.
Version 4.x.x: "Netname";"CIDRs(CIDR1,CIDR2,...
)";"Description";"Asset value"*;"Net ID"
Currently I have the full list of hosts in a .txt file like so,
If anyone has any Idea how to get the IP range converted into CIDR notation then the file into a .csv format I would greatly appreciate it.
For CIDR1 and CIDR2 in their binary representation, compare CIDR1 and CIDR2 bit-by-bit and set a bit in the target netmask until the bits stopped matching.
CIDR1 = = 11000000101010000111111100000000
CIDR2 = = 11000000101010000111111100100000
Netmask = = 11111111111111111111111111000000
In order to automate this, as per your comment, you ought to use a language that has easy access to IP functions, e.g. php has ip2long function.ip2long as well as CSV handling functions fgetcsv function.fgetcsv

IP to ASN mapping algorithm

Is there no easy way to map a given IP adress to the corresponding ASN number? For example:
ping to find out the IP adress:
$ ping
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
whois lookup for the ASN number:
$ whois -h -v
Warning: RIPE flags used with a traditional server.
AS | IP | BGP Prefix | CC | Registry | Allocated | AS Name
559 | | | CH | ripencc | 1993-09-22 | SWITCH SWITCH, Swiss Education and Research Network
So the mapping in this case would be (IP)-> 559 (ASN). Easy. But what if I would like to create my own local mapping service with the public available information from the Regional Internet Registries? So, for the above example, it would be this list, right?
And to find the matching entrie is also not a problem:
But how do I get the ASN number from the line above?? How are those two informations linked together?
Thanks in advance for a reply!
I explain how to do this here: (formerly at
It basically involves downloading a dump from a router and then using an efficient data representation to map an IP address to a netmask.
I'd propose doing this based on MRT dumps collected from an actual BGP speaker.
There is this python library f.e. that can be used to easily parse MRT dumps:
If you're not able to run your own BGP speaker, you can download dumps at
Make sure you checkout their other stuff too. They provide also DNS zonefiles that would enable you to do such lookups using a standard DNS server such as Bind or NSD:
I hope that gets you started...
I have made a tool that appends ASNs to HTTP log lines. I explain how to build the database off RIPE raw data and use it with binary search. Also, C code is ready for use. 1.6M look-ups in a few seconds on a regular virtual instance:

What is the easiest way using common linux tools to check if a bunch of ip addresses belongs to given network?

What is the easiest way using common linux tools to check if a bunch of ip addresses belongs to given network? I just need a number of how many of given addresses belongs to given subnet. Lets say network is and addresses is,,,, and
I'm not sure whether you consider Ruby as a "common linux tool" but it has a nice module called IPAddr that has a method called include? for that.
require 'ipaddr'
net1 ="")
net2 ="")
net3 ="")
p net1.include?(net2) #=> true
p net1.include?(net3) #=> false
I needed this to, and decided to create a short script. I requires sed and bash. I'd call them both common linux tools.
Edit: Script too long to paste, apparently. You can find it here:
$ cat ips
$ cat ips | netaddr
Warning: Input IP "" is invalid.
Warning: Input IP "" is invalid.
And finally, for the count you requested:
$ cat ips | netaddr | wc -l
Warning: Input IP "" is invalid.
Warning: Input IP "" is invalid.
