JMeter Critical Section Controller dead lock - multithreading

About Critical Section Controller:
The Critical Section Controller ensures that its children elements (samplers/controllers, etc.) will be executed by only one thread as a named lock will be taken before executing children of controller.
It's not that hard to create a dead lock and make JMeter stuck
If inside lock A add lock B and inside other lock B add lock A with a few threads there's a dead lock:
Can this be avoided ? and if not can there be a warning for users using this controller ?

Yes indeed using, the way you show it can lead to Java Dead Lock as it's the equivalent of a "synchronized" block in Java.
As JMeter provides a kind of algorithmic way to develop a test, this looks regular to me.
You can potentially raise an enhancement request for detection of Dead lock or provide a PR improving documentation.
I think project will be happy to merge it.


Scala 3 with ScalaFX thread related problem

I have an application that has multiple screens and a process that needs to get UI info from some and update others.
Tried many methods but the result always is always "not a Java FX thread". Without using some kind of thread the UI does not update Because of the multi screen nature of the app (not practical to change) I need to fundamentally change the application architecture which is why I am not posting any code - its all going to change.
What I cant work out is the best way to do this and as any changes are likely to require substantial work I am reluctant to try something that has little chance of success.
I know about Platform.runLater and tried adding that to the updates but that was complex and did not seem to be effective.
I do have the code on GitHub - its a personal leaning project that started in Scala 2 but if you have an interest in learning or pointing out my errors I can provide access.
Hope you have enjoyed a wonderful Christmas.
PS just make the repo public
The problem is not that the Platform.runLater was not working its because the process is being called form a loop in a thread and without a yield the JavaFX thread never gets an opportunity to run. It just appeared to be failing – again I fall foul of an assumption.
The thread calls a method from within a loop which terminates on a condition set by the method.
The process is planned to emulate the execution of 6502 processor instructions in 2 modes run and run-slow, run-slow is run with a short delay after each instruction execution.
The updates are to the main screen the PC, status flags and register contents. The run (debug) screen gets the current instruction display updated and other items will be added. In the future.
The BRK instruction with a zero-byte following is captures and set the execution mode to single-step essentially being a break point though in the future it will be possible via the debug screen to set a breakpoint and for the execution of the breakpoint to restore the original contents. This is to enable the debugging of a future hardware item – time and finances permitting – it’s a hobby after all 😊
It terns out that the JavaFX thread issue only happens when a FX control is written to but not when read from. Placing all reads and writes in a Platform.runLater was too complex which is why I was originally searching for an alternative solution but now only needed it protect the writes is much less a hassle.
In the process loop calling Thread.’yield’() enables the code in the Platform.runLater blocks to be executed on the JavaFX thread so the UI updates without an exception.
The code in the Run method:
val thread = new Thread {
override def run =
while runMode == RunMode.Running || runMode == RunMode.RunningSlow do
if runMode == RunMode.RunningSlow then
Thread.sleep(50) // slow the loop down a bit
Note that because yield is a Scala reserved word needs to quote it!

Which implementations of Condition do not require current thread to hold the lock?

Recently I read some examples from the Chapter 8 of the The Art of Multiprocessor Programming, about “Monitors and Blocking Synchronization” that use the signalAll() of a Condition object, without the acquisition of the lock associated with that Condition.
Surprisingly I did not find any fix for those examples in the book’s errata. Moreover they propose a correction for the example of figure 8.12 of a FifoReadWriteLock, but they keep using the signalAll() without the lock held. That perturbed me and I tried to find other considerations about these examples to understand the reasons why these Java examples were written in this way.
For instance, the answer to the question “How does a read-write mutex/lock work?” shows the same example of the implementation of a FifoReadWriteLock, which implements the writeUnlock() as:
void writeUnlock() {
writer = false;
About the absence of the lock acquisition you can read two different reasons:
only use it as pseudo code
some implementation of a condition variable doesn't require that the lock be held to signal.
It is difficult to accept the first argument since the book use examples in Java and explicitly says:
The book uses the Java programming language.
About the second point, I know that the Java API in java.util.concurrent.locks.Condition states for signal() method:
An implementation may (and typically does) require that the current thread hold the lock associated with this Condition when this method is called.
If "an implementation may" only, that means that it is NOT mandatory. Yet, to the best of my knowledge I don’t find any implementation that does NOT fulfill this requirement. So I would like to know which implementations of Java Condition do not require current thread to hold the lock?
I'm not aware of any Condition implementation in the JDK that allows waiting or signaling without owning the monitor at the same time.
Practically all of the java.util.concurrent classes rely on AbstractQueuedSynchronizer which establishes the same contract as the built-in monitor methods wait()/notify()/notifyAll() for the condition variables it provides, i.e. it requires owning the internal lock in order to allow calling await()/signal()/signalAll().
If you try a simple example using the proposed FifoReadWriteLock, you'll find that it spews a serious amount of IllegalMonitorStateExceptions courtesy of its writeUnlock() method. These exceptions disappear if you apply the lock-try-finally approach from the other methods.
While indeed owning the monitor is not absolutely required to wait or signal, often it's the preferable approach, as it saves you from racy condition reads, it shouldn't be too costly as the hand-off between the internal wait sets of the same monitor can still be done fairly efficiently, and because most often you need it for both signaling and scheduling instead of just signaling.

Producer/Consumer in the kernel space - Linux

I would like to have one thread to queue some requests in a request queue and another to serve these requests. The producer should wake up the consumer when there is a new request queued.
Is there anyone who has done this already or knows how to do it?
I have tried several tutorials on the internet and none of them really worked cleanly. They either miss a request, cause a system lockup/instability, or they just do not terminate.
Note: My question in essence is similar to this one. However, I wont be specific like the one who asked that question. Anyone who can/willing to help can just throw his two cents and may be we can work something out.
You can use Work Queues. Work Queues are simple, once you set up up your work queue, you use something like the following:
DECLARE_WORK(name, void (*function)(void *), void *data);
Your function call will be scheduled and called later, take a look at this article.
I also highly recommend you this book: Linux Device Drivers
edit: I just saw you already linked an SO post where they use work queues. Have you tried it out? You run into some issues? I suggest you start with an really simple example, just to try out if it's working. Implement your core functionality later.
From the official Documentation:
Some users depend on the strict execution ordering of ST wq. The
combination of #max_active of 1 and WQ_UNBOUND is used to achieve this
behavior. Work items on such wq are always queued to the unbound
worker-pools and only one work item can be active at any given time
thus achieving the same ordering property as ST wq.
That way you will have a guaranteed FIFO execution of your workers. But be aware that the work may be executed on different CPUs. You have to use memory barriers to ensure visibility (eg. wmb()).
As #user2009594 mentioned, a single threaded wq can be created using the following macro defined in linux/workqueue.h:
#define create_singlethread_workqueue(name) \
alloc_workqueue("%s", WQ_UNBOUND | WQ_MEM_RECLAIM, 1, (name)))
Multicast Netlink sockets can work here greatly. Recently I did the same; only difference was that my consumer was in kernel while producers in user space: same can be used in kernel only space.

UpdateAllViews() from within a worker thread?

I have a worker thread in a class that is owned by a ChildView. (I intend to move this to the Doc eventually.) When the worker thread completes a task I want all the views to be updated. How can I make a call to tell the Doc to issue an UpdateAllViews()? Or is there a better approach?
Thank you.
Added by OP: I am looking for a simple solution. The App is running on a single user, single CPU computer and does not need network (or Internet) access. There is nothing to cause a deadlock.
I think I would like to have the worker thread post (or send) a message to cause the views to update.
Everything I read about threading seems way more complicated than what I need - and, yes, I understand that all those precautions are necessary for applications that are running in multiprocessor, multiuser, client-server systems, etc. But none of those apply in my situation.
I am just stuck at getting the right combination of getting the window handle, posting the message and responding to the message in the right functions and classes to compile and function at all.
UpdateAllViews is not thread-safe, so you need to marshal the call to the main thread.
I suggest you to signal a manual-reset event to mark your thread's completion and check the event's status in a WM_TIMER handler.
suggested reading:
First Aid for the Thread-Impaired:
Using Multiple Threads with MFC
More First Aid for the Thread
Impaired: Cool Ways to Take Advantage
of Multithreading

Locking HttpRuntime.Cache for lazy loading

We have a website running .NET 2.0 and have started using the ASP.Net HttpRuntime.Cache to store the results of frequent data lookups to cut down our database access.
lock (locker)
if (HttpRuntime.Cache[cacheKey] == null)
HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, GetSomeDataToCache(), null, DateTime.Today.AddDays(1), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration);
return ((SomeData)HttpRuntime.Cache[cacheKey]).Copy();
We are pessimistically locking whenever we want to look at the cache. However, I've seen various blogs posted around the web suggesting you lock after you check the cache value instead, to not incur the overhead of the lock. That doesn't seem right as another thread may have written to the cache after the check.
So finally my question is what is the "right" way to do this? Are we even using the right thread synchronization object? I am aware of ReaderWriterLockSlim() but we're running .NET 2.0.
As far as I know the Cache object is thread safe so you wouldn't need the lock.
The Cache object in .NET is thread safe, so locking is not necessary. Reference:
Your code is probably making you think you'll have that item cached for 1 day and your last line will always give that data to you, but that's not the case. As others said, the cache operations are synchronized so you shouldn't lock at that point.
Take a look here for the proper way of doing it.
Thread safe. Does it mean all other processes are waiting for ever for your code to finish?
Thread safe is you can be sure that the item you fetch will not be "cut in half" or partially demolished by an update to the cache at the same time you are reading the item.
item = cache.Get(key);
But anything you do after that - another thread can operate on the cache (or any other shared resource). If you want to do something to the cache based on your fetched item being null or not I would not be 100% sure it is not already fixed by a an other instance of your own code being a few CPU instructions ahead servicing another reader of the same page of your on line motor magazine.
You need some bad luck. The risk of other processes bothering about the same cache object, non atomic, in a few lines of code appart, is randomly small. But if it happens you will have a hard time figuring out why the image of the Chevy is sometimes the small suitcase from page two.
