Plugin to open file at eof - sublimetext3

I'm tryng to create a plugin that opens a .log file associated with a file i'm editing. I was able to open the file but could not make the cursor move to end of file, unless I run the code again when the file is already open.
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
class OpenlogCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
if os.path.isfile(self.view.file_name()[:-3]+"log"):
a.run_command("move_to", {"to": "eof"})
Does anybody know how to do it?

The reason that this doesn't work unless the file is already open is because the loading of a file is asynchronous; the command to open the file returns right away and the file is loaded in the background if it's not already open.
Thus the first time you run the command, the move_to command does nothing because it's already at the end of an empty buffer, but when the file has already been loaded it does what you expect.
To get around that, you need to detect if the file is still loading and defer the call to jump to the end of the file until after it's finished. An example of that is the following:
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import os
class OpenLogCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit):
log_name = self.view.file_name()[:-3] + "log"
log_view = self.view.window().open_file(log_name)
if log_view.is_loading():
log_view.settings().set("_goto_eol", True)
log_view.run_command("move_to", {"to": "eof"})
def is_enabled(self):
fname = self.view.file_name()
if fname is not None and not fname.endswith(".log"):
return os.path.isfile(fname[:-3] + "log")
return False
class OpenLogListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_load(self, view):
if view.settings().get("_goto_eol", False):
view.run_command("move_to", {"to": "eof"})
An issue with your existing version of this is that the file_name() method returns None if the file has not been saved to disk yet. Thus if you run that command on an unsaved file it will generate an error in the console. This is harmless, but a little unclean since it might be a red herring if you have other problems and happen to see those errors in the console.
Here the command will only enable itself if the file has been saved to stop that kind of problem. It will also only enable itself if it's not already a log file (since that would be redundant), and where an associated log file actually exists.
When a command is disabled, you can't execute it. That means that it also won't show up in the Command Palette and it will appear grayed out in menus (assuming you've added it to either of those).
When you run the command, it first calls open_file to open the associated log file, and then asks the view "Are you still loading?". When the view says NO, it means that the file is already open, and so we can immediately jump to the end of the file.
If the view says YES to this question, we then set a temporary setting in the view so that we know that when the contents of this view is finished loading, we want to jump to the end of the buffer.
The event listener asks every view as it's finished loading if it has this setting set, and when it does it will remove the setting and then jump to the end of the file.
As mentioned in the comments below, the move_to command behaves slightly differently for a file that's already open versus a file that has just finished loading.
I'm not entirely sure why that's the case, but I suspect that there is some subtle interplay between the on_load notification being delivered right when the file content has been loaded but not yet displayed or something along those lines, although this is just a guess.
In any case, the most expedient fix would be to make a slight modification to the event listener by replacing that part of the code above with this instead:
class OpenLogListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_load(self, view):
if view.settings().get("_goto_eol", False):
sublime.set_timeout(lambda: view.run_command("move_to", {"to": "eof"}), 1)
This changes things up a bit so that the call to the move_to command effectively happens after all event handling has been completed. That seems to resolve the issue on my test machine, at least.


closing a tab > go to the previous edited one

When closing a tab in sublimetext3, it always brings me back to the left one, whereas on sublimetext2, I was brought to the previously opened-one(not necessarily the left one).
That behavior was really handy in sublimetext2, because it created a kind of history that was easy to go-back through, just by closing tabs successively.
Is there a setting for that in sublimetext3 ?
Steps to reproduce
I have 3 tabs open, and the 3rd-one is active:
I now go and edit the 2nd-one:
I'm done and decide to close the 2nd-tab:
FAIL: i'm not back to the previously edited one: the 3rd-one
There is no setting to do that. However since it can be done with a plugin, and I like to keep my plugin writing skills up to scratch, I've written it for you.
It's called FocusMostRecentTabCloser and the code is both below and in this GitHub Gist.
To use it save it as somewhere in your Packages directory structure and assign keys to the focus_most_recent_tab_closer command. e.g.
{"keys": ["ctrl+k", "ctrl+w"], "command": "focus_most_recent_tab_closer"},
I have not tested it extensively and it requires Sublime Text 3 build 3024 or later (but that's quite old now).
Reply with a comment if there are any bugs and I'll see what I can do.
# MIT License
import sublime
import sublime_plugin
import time
LAST_FOCUS_TIME_KEY = "focus_most_recent_tab_closer_last_focused_time"
class FocusMostRecentTabCloserCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
""" Closes the focused view and focuses the next most recent. """
def run(self, edit):
most_recent = []
target_view = None
window = self.view.window()
if not window.views():
for view in window.views():
if view.settings().get(LAST_FOCUS_TIME_KEY):
most_recent.sort(key=lambda x: x.settings().get(LAST_FOCUS_TIME_KEY))
# Target the most recent but one view - the most recent view
# is the one that is currently focused and about to be closed.
if len(most_recent) > 1:
target_view = most_recent[1]
# Switch focus to the target view, this must be done before
# close() is called or close() will shift focus to the left
# automatically and that buffer will be activated and muck
# up the most recently focused times.
if target_view:
# If closing a view which requires a save prompt, the close()
# call above will automatically focus the view which requires
# the save prompt. The code below makes sure that the correct
# view gets focused after the save prompt closes.
if target_view and window.active_view().id() !=
class FocusMostRecentTabCloserListener(sublime_plugin.EventListener):
def on_activated(self, view):
""" Stores the time the view is focused in the view's settings. """
view.settings().set(LAST_FOCUS_TIME_KEY, time.time())

Python 3 combining file open and read commands - a need to close a file and how?

I am working through "Learn Python 3 the Hard Way" and am making code more concise. Lines 11 to 18 of the program below (line 1 starts at # program: are relevant to my question. Opening and reading a file are very easy and it is easy to see how you close the file you open when working with the files. The original section is commented out and I include the concise code on line 16. I commented out the line of code that causes an error (on line 20):
$ python3 p17_text.txt
Copying from p17_text.txt to
This is text.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 20, in
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'close'
Code is below:
# program:
# This program copies one file to another. It uses the argv function as well
# as exists - from sys and os.path modules respectively
from sys import argv
from os.path import exists
script, from_file, to_file = argv
print(f"Copying from {from_file} to {to_file}")
# we could do these two on one line, how?
#in_file = open(from_file)
#indata =
indata = open(from_file).read()
# The next line was used for testing
# indata.close()
So my question is should I just avoid the practice of combining commands as done above or is there a way to properly deal with that situation so files are closed when they should be? Is it necessary to deal with the situation of closing a file at all in this situation?
Context manager and with statement is a comfortable way to make sure your file is closed as needed:
with open(from_file) as fobj:
indata =
Nowadays, you can also use Path-like objects and their read_text and read_bytes methods:
# This assumes Path from pathlib has been imported
indata = Path(from_file).read_text()
The error you were seeing... is because you were not trying to close the file, but str into which you've read its content into. You'd need to assign object returned by open a name, and then read from and close that one:
fobj = open(from_file)
indata =
fobj.close() # This is OK
Strictly speaking, you would not need to close that file as dangling file descriptors would be "clobbered" with the process. Esp. in a short example like this, it would be of relatively little concern.
I hope I got the follow up question in comment correctly to extend on this a bit more.
If you wanted a single command, look at the pathtlib.Path example above.
With open as such, you cannot perform read and close in a single operation and without assigning result of open to a variable. As both read and close would have to be performed on the same object returned by open. If you do:
var =
Now, var refers to content read out of the file (so nothing that you could close, would have a close method).
If you did:
After (but also before; at any point), you would simply open that file (again) and close it immediately. BTW. this returns None, just in case you wanted to get the return value. But it would not affect previously open file handles and file-like objects. It would not serve any practical purpose except for perhaps making sure you can open a file.
But again. It's a good practice to perform the housekeeping, but strictly speaking (and esp. in a short code like this). If you did not close the file and relied on the OS to clean-up after your process. It'd work fine.
How about the following:
# to open the file and read it
indata = open(from_file).read()
# this closes the file - just the opposite of opening and reading

Xref table not zero-indexed. ID numbers for objects will be corrected. won't continue

I am trying to open a pdf to get the number of pages. I am using PyPDF2.
Here is my code:
def pdfPageReader(file_name):
reader = PyPDF2.PdfReader(file_name, strict=True)
number_of_pages = len(reader.pages)
print(f"{file_name} = {number_of_pages}")
return number_of_pages
return "1"
But then i run into this error:
PdfReadWarning: Xref table not zero-indexed. ID numbers for objects will be corrected. []
I tried to use strict=True and strict=False, When it is True, it displays this message, and nothing, I waited for 30minutes, but nothing happened. When it is False, it just display nothing, and that's it, just do nothing, if I press ctrl+c on the terminal (cmd, windows 10) then it cancel that open and continues (I run this in a batch of pdf files). Only 1 in the batch got this problem.
My questions are, how do I fix this, or how do I skip this, or how can I cancel this and move on with the other pdf files?
If somebody had a similar problem and it even crashed the program with this error message
File "C:\Programy\Anaconda3\lib\site-packages\PyPDF2\", line 1604, in getObject
% (indirectReference.idnum, indirectReference.generation, idnum, generation))
PyPDF2.utils.PdfReadError: Expected object ID (14 0) does not match actual (13 0); xref table not zero-indexed.
It helped me to add the strict argument equal to False for my pdf reader
pdf_reader = PdfReader(input_file, strict=False)
For anybody else who may be running into this problem, and found that strict=False didn't help, I was able to solve the problem by just re-saving a new copy of the file in Adobe Acrobat Reader. I just opened the PDF file inside an actual copy of Adobe Acrobat Reader (the plain ol' free version on Windows), did a "Save as...", and gave the file a new name. Then I ran my script again using the newly saved copy of my PDF file.
Apparently, the PDF file I was using, which were generated directly from my scanner, were somehow corrupt, even though I could open and view it just fine in Reader. Making a duplicate copy of the file via re-saving in Acrobat Reader somehow seemed to correct whatever was missing.
I had the same problem and looked for a way to skip it. I am not a programmer but looking at the documentation about warnings there is a piece of code that helps you avoid such hindrance.
Although I wouldn't recomend this as a solution, the piece of code that I used for my purpose is (just copied and pasted it from doc on link)
import sys
if not sys.warnoptions:
import warnings
This happens to me when the file was created in a printer / scanner combo that generates PDFs. I could read in the PDF with only a warning though so I read it in, and then rewrote it as a new file. I could append that new one.
from PyPDF2 import PdfMerger, PdfReader, PdfWriter
reader = PdfReader("scanner_generated.pdf", strict=False)
writer = PdfWriter()
for page in reader.pages:
with open("fixedPDF.pdf", "wb") as fp:
merger = PdfMerger()
I had the exact same problem, and the solutions did help but didn't solve the problem completely, at least the one setting strict=False & resaving the document using Acrobat reader.
Anyway, I still got a stream error, but I was able to fix it after using an PDF online repair. I used but please be aware that you are uploading your PDF on some website, so make sure there is nothing sensible in there.

Save file before running custom command in Sublime3

This question is similar to this one Is it possible to chain key binding commands in sublime text 2? Some years have passed since that question (and the answers given), and I'm using Sublime Text 3 (not 2), so I believe this new question is justified.
I've setup a custom keybind:
"keys": ["f5"],
"command": "project_venv_repl"
to run the script:
import sublime_plugin
class ProjectVenvReplCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
Starts a SublimeREPL, attempting to use project's specified
python interpreter.
Instructions to make this file work taken from:
def run(self, edit, open_file='$file'):
"""Called on project_venv_repl command"""
cmd_list = [self.get_project_interpreter(), '-i', '-u']
if open_file:
def get_project_interpreter(self):
"""Return the project's specified python interpreter, if any"""
settings = self.view.settings()
return settings.get('python_interpreter', '/usr/bin/python')
def repl_open(self, cmd_list):
"""Open a SublimeREPL using provided commands"""
'repl_open', {
'encoding': 'utf8',
'type': 'subprocess',
'cmd': cmd_list,
'cwd': '$file_path',
'syntax': 'Packages/Python/Python.tmLanguage'
This runs the opened file in a SublimeREPL when the f5 key is pressed.
What I need is a way to mimic the "Build" shortcut (Ctrl+B). This is: when the f5 key is pressed, the current (opened) file should be saved before running the project_venv_repl command.
Can this instruction be added to the script, or to the command line in the keybind definition?
There's no need to do anything fancy. If you just want to save the current view before running the REPL, edit your ProjectVenvReplCommand class's run() method (which is called when the project_venv_repl command is executed) and add the following line at the beginning:
This will silently save the current view unless it has not been saved before, in which case a Save As... dialog will open just like usual.
If you want to save all open files in the window, you can use this code:
for open_view in self.view.window().views():

Sublime Text 3: confirm to delete file

Is there a way to confirm deleting a file from the tree (left hand side) or remove the option from the context menu?
It is too easy to miss i.e. rename and click delete file instead. Then the file is gone.
I googled and found it should be moved to the trash folder but either that doesn't apply to Win7 or to using network drives. As a result the files are actually deleted or moved somewhere I have failed to track them down so far.
Using Sublime Text (build 3083)
Important: take a look at iron77 answer. It says that if you modify Default.sublime-package (options 1 and 3) this changes might be overriden if sublime text is updated.
Option 1: modify file
You can use sublime API to show an ok/cancel dialog. The code you are looking for is in a file called This file is located inside the zip file Default.sublime-package. In windows this is usually located in C:\Program Files\Sublime Text 3\Packages\Default.sublime-package and can be explored using programs such as WinRar.
Inside that file locate DeleteFileCommand and add this 3 new lines, so it is changed from this:
class DeleteFileCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, files):
# Import send2trash on demand, to avoid initialising ctypes for as long as possible
import Default.send2trash as send2trash
To this
class DeleteFileCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, files):
isSure = sublime.ok_cancel_dialog('Are you sure you want to delete the file?')
if isSure != True:
# Import send2trash on demand, to avoid initialising ctypes for as long as possible
import Default.send2trash as send2trash
We are showing a ok/cancel dialog and if the user doesn't press Ok then we return and the file isn't removed.
You will have to add the same code in class DeleteFolderCommand in order to confirm also when deleting folders.
Is a good practice to backup your Default.sublime-package file first just in case something goes wrong. EDIT: use a different folder for the backup or the package could be loaded twice causing problems as the OP has said in his comment.
As this is python code indentation is extremly important, don't
replace any spaces for tabs nor add any extra space or it will not
work (you can see it console).
Option 2: use an existing package
As user leesei said in his answer you can use SideBarEnhancements package to achieve your goal. This package adds many other features to the file context menu as you can see in the following image, but it is a very good choice as you only need to install an exsiting package.
Option 3: remove option from context menu
Edit Side Bar.sublime-menu inside Default.sublime-package (see option 1) and remove this line (and if you want remove also the line reffering to deleting folders):
{ "caption": "Delete File", "command": "delete_file", "args": {"files": []} },
While sergioFC's answers work great, I'm bit worried of modifying Default.sublime-package, as it might someday get overwritten when Sublime is updated, so the fix would need to be manually re-applied after each such update. SideBarEnhancements, on the other hand, might have too many features for someone who only wants the confirmation when deleting a file.
Alternatively, you can add a simple confirmation dialog that should be more resistant to ST updates, by creating a file (plugin). On Linux it should be somewhere around ~/.config/sublime-text-3/Packages/User/, and if you're on Windows/Mac or this path does not work for you, you can simply choose from the top menu: Tools -> Developer -> New Plugin and later save as - thanks to harrrrrrry for this suggestion. Code to put in:
from Default.side_bar import *
class DeleteFileCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, files):
if len(files) == 1:
message = "Delete File %s?" % files[0]
message = "Delete %d Files?" % len(files)
if sublime.ok_cancel_dialog(message, "Delete") != True:
# Import send2trash on demand, to avoid initialising ctypes for as long as possible
import Default.send2trash as send2trash
for f in files:
v = self.window.find_open_file(f)
if v != None and not v.close():
def is_visible(self, files):
return len(files) > 0
This code is basically a copy of DeleteFileCommand function from Default.sublime-package's combined with confirmation dialogs from DeleteFolderCommand from the same file, as Sublime has such dialog natively for folder removal.
When I choose delete by right clicking on a file in the SideBar, I get a confirmation.
Maybe it's SideBarEnhancements. It is worth a try.
WTF a software that doesn't have a confirm dialog before delete. I can't believe this. Sad but true. Just stupid software!
Unfortunately there is no way to activate a confirmation. Usually the the deleted file is moved to the trash folder but as you mentioned this is only true for local files. Files on a shared network drive are still deleted immediately. This is a Windows 'feature' :(
Locally the Recycle Bin is part of Windows Explorer -- and on the network you are NOT dealing with explorer on the server. Explorer locally isn't going to copy the file to the user's workstation just to put it into the recycle bin.
You CAN implement Microsofts Shadow Copy however, then users can undelete and compare versions. This would be the only way so far for network drives until the sublime developer decides to make an optional confirmation dialog.
According to #iron77's answer, the path for plugin could not exist (in my case). An easier way is:
1) Click Sublime Text topbar menu Tools -> Developer -> New Plugin.
2) Paste the snippet
from Default.side_bar import *
class DeleteFileCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand):
def run(self, files):
if len(files) == 1:
message = "Delete File %s?" % files[0]
message = "Delete %d Files?" % len(files)
if sublime.ok_cancel_dialog(message, "Delete") != True:
# Import send2trash on demand, to avoid initialising ctypes for as long as possible
import Default.send2trash as send2trash
for f in files:
v = self.window.find_open_file(f)
if v != None and not v.close():
def is_visible(self, files):
return len(files) > 0
3) Save as
