NodeJS / NPM - Remote package bug - node.js

I'm building an electron app that needs an open/save dialog window.
I'm following this guide online: Standard Dialogs in Electron which uses the remote package.
I'm getting a syntax error with one of the dependency files within the remote package, shown below:
Unexpected token >: node_modules/remote/libs/
Line 8 is module.exports = (opts = {}) ->, probably supposed to be =>. If I change that, I get an Unexpected identifier error instead. This leads me to think there's some kind of ES6 support issue here.
Are there any troubleshooting steps I could take to help narrow down the issue?
Or alternatively, suggestions for a different electron-compatible package for open file/save file dialog windows (mac).

This error was caused by an update issue regarding the require syntax. The solution is the following:
// use these lines instead to set up dialog instead of the remote package.
const remote = require('electron').remote;
const dialog = remote.dialog;
Fix courtesy of this Github comment


PG (Node-Postgres) Pool Hangs on Connect ... But Only Inside Gatsby?

NOTE: This is mainly a question about the pg or Node-PostgreSQL module. It has details from Gatsby and Postgraphile, but I don't need expertise in all three, just pg.
I have a database that works great with a PostGraphile-using Express server. I can also acces it via node at the command line ...
const { Pool } = require("pg");
const pool = new Pool({ connectionString: myDbUrl });
pool.connect().then(() => console.log('connected'));
// logs 'connected' immediately
The exact same database also previously worked great with Gatsby/PostGraphile via the gatsby-source-pg plug-in ... but recently I changed dev machines, and when I try to build or run a dev server, Gatsby hangs on the "source and transform nodes" step. When I debug it, it's hanging on a call to pool.connect().
So I literally have two codebases both using PostGraphile, both with the same config, and one works and the other doesn't. Even stranger, if I edit the source code of the Gatsby plug-in in node_modules, to make it use the exact same code (which I can run at the command line successfully) ... it still hangs.
The only thing I can think of is that some other Gatsby plug-in is using up all the connections and not releasing them, but as far as I can tell (eg. by grep-ing through node_modules) no other plug-in even uses pg.
So really I have two questions:
A) Can anyone help me understand why connect would hang? Bonus points if you can help me understand why it would do so with a known-good config and only inside Gatsby (after some environmental factor changed)?
B) Can anyone help me fix it? If it might be some sort of "previous code forgot to release connections" issue, is there any way I can test for that? If I could just log new Pool().areYouBroken() somehow that would be amazingly useful.
npm install pg#latest
This is what got my pool/connection to start working as expected.
Annoying answer: because of a bug (thank you #charmander). For further details see:
P.S. I never did find any sort of new Pool().areYouBroken() function.

I don't seem to be able to use ipcRenderer in electron

Using electron 8.0.3 (but the issue is also apparent with 8.1.0). The HTML page loads fine until I use ipcRenderer. Here is the Javascript code which I am including in the page:
const {ipcRenderer} = require('electron');
ipcRenderer.sendSync('testSync', 'sync ping');
When this is included I get the following error in the developer console in electron:
electron/js2c/renderer_init.js:1095 Uncaught Error: Unable to deserialize cloned data due to invalid or unsupported version.
at EventEmitter../lib/renderer/api/ipc-renderer.ts.ipcRenderer.sendSync (electron/js2c/renderer_init.js:1095)
at login.js:4
Any ideas? This is a freshly created project. I'm not even sure what the error is referring to with "invalid or unsupported version". I also get just a white screen in the electron window because the error is not caught, but even if I try to catch it, the process still dies.
The issue was JQuery. By adding the following code block from the electron docs, before JQuery was included, the problem was solved.
window.nodeRequire = require;
delete window.require;
delete window.exports;
delete window.module;
Funnily enough, I spent hours looking for a solution to this before posting this question. A solution then presented itself minutes later. Such is the life of the developer!

GitHub Clone from VSCode eg-02-react-implicit-grant error /src/hoc/aux invalid argument

This question is regarding the repo for react implicit grant for docusign using react.
When I tried to clone the repo using VSCode, I received an error
Git: fatal: cannot create directory at 'src/hoc/Aux': Invalid argument
When I looked into the repo, there is a file under src/hoc/aux/aux.js which has the text below.
const aux = (props) => props.children;
export default aux;
Is the file aux.js necessary? Because I was able to extract the zip files after skipping to extract aux.js.
I just tried to clone the repo using the GitHub desktop and did not have any problems.
I suggest that you download the repo using git directly or use the download zip option from the repo's page.
Re: aux.js
TL;DR. -- Yes, I believe the aux.js is needed.
Details: Unfortunately I'm not a React expert. (Even though I wrote this example.)
The /hoc directory is used for React Higher Order Components. In this case, I'm using it for a simple component that checks to see if the user has a valid token. I believe that the js file is needed. But you can find out by not including it as seeing what happens.
Also, note that I wrote this React example almost a year ago. You'll want to update it to current React best practices.
Try renaming the aux folder and aux.js file inside it to any random name do it preferably in vscode it will let you know which name is allowed and which isn't, worked for me.

Error in setting up swagger in expressjs project

I have followed [this][1] link to add swagger to my existing project. I encountered the following error while setting up swagger. Any leads will be highly appreciated.
self.appHandler.get(self.resourcePath.replace(self.formatString, self.jsonSuff
ix), resourceListing);
^TypeError: Cannot read property 'get' of null
This error is popping out because of -
var applicationUrl = 'http://localhost:9000'; //application runs properly on this url
swagger.configure(applicationUrl, '1.0.0');//error here
Looking at the line of code in question node-swagger-express it seems as if you need to call :
Before the configure call.
I specifically see the maintainer of the project you are using ( has a commit message related to setAppHandler in his last commit. Perhaps there is now an issue related to it.

Bluemix node.js doesn't like "=>"

I'm new to Bluemix and node.js. I'm creating a Bluemix app that integrates with Box, but the built in Box service uses out-of-date node.js support, and I'd like to use the most recent node.js Box SDK.
I'm including this line at the top of my code
var BoxSDK = require('box-node-sdk');
But in processing this SDK, the log file throws an error on this line (line 191 of box-node-sdk/lib/api-request.js):'error', err => this.eventBus.emit('response', err));
The error is:
SyntaxError: Unexpected token =>
What do I need to do to get Bluemix's node.js to recognize this (apparently new) syntax?
After some further digging, I discovered this page in the Bluemix runtime documentation, which says:
A node version should always be specified in the package.json file. If it is not, the latest node version will be used.
I removed the engines{} section from my package.json file to force it to use the latest node version, and I've gotten past this problem. (On to my next error...)
Thanks very much to jfriend00, who gave the crucial information that led me where I needed to go!
