How to tell the webhook the 'unpublish()' order comes from the API, not the Contentful console? - contentful

I use this trick (thanks #Robban) to publish a Contentful entry through the API, without triggering the webhook.
However, I could not figure out how to UNpublish an entry through the API without triggering the webhook.
According to the Contentful documentation, to unpublish an entry through the API, it goes like this:
.then((space) => space.getEntry('<entry_id>'))
.then((entry) => entry.unpublish())
As <entry_id> is the only payload, how could I indicate to the webhook it should not proceed as usual, as it was an API call?

There is unfortunately, again, no difference between a call from the API directly or from the web app. The web app does exactly this call under the hood.
Further more, in the case of an unpublish the only thing your webhook would recieve is a deletion object which does not contain any fields. This means that the trick shown in the previous answer does not apply here.
The only way I can think of solving this would be to make another call to some data store (could be Contentful) and put the entry id and perhaps also some timestamp in there. Your webhook could then upon recieving an unpublish event query this datastore and see if processing should continue or if it seems the unpublish was made through the web app.
Basically something like this:
.then((space) => space.getEntry('<entry_id>'))
.then((entry) => {
Then in your webhook with some pseudo code:
function HandleUnpublish(object entry) {
//Do some processing...
You could opt to use a field in Contentful as your store for this. In that case you would just before unpublishing set this field. Something like this:
.then((space) => space.getEntry('<entry_id>'))
.then((entry) => {
entry.fields['en-US'].unpublishedTroughApi = true;
.then((entry) => entry.unpublish())
Then in your webhook you would have to fetch the entry again via the management API and inspect the field. Keep in mind that this would result in a number of extra API calls to Contentful.


Manifest v3 fetch data from external API

I'm developing a Browser (Chrome, Firefox) extension with react with Manifest v3.
In my app, I have a search bar where I show suggested words based on the value typed by the user (like search engine do).
In manifest v2, I used to load this script like so:
"content_security_policy": "script-src 'self'; object-src 'self'"
In v3 this is not supprted anymore but I cannot find the way how I could still make my code work.
he most relevant resource I found online are this answer: Content Security Policy in Manifest V3 for Facebook Page Plugin
and this documentation:
But I cannot understand how I can implement my script from the background.js page since It needs to fetch the API dynamically, every time the user type something in the input field.
This is the react code: where I fetch the api
useEffect(() => {
const fetchSuggestedWords = async () => {
try {
const res = await fetchJsonp(`${process.env.SUGGESTED_WORDS_URL}${searchValue}`)
const suggestedWordsArray = await res.json()
setSuggestedWords(suggestedWordsArray[1].slice(0, 10))
} catch {
console.log('error fetching suggested results')
if (searchSuggestedWords) {
}, [searchValue])
Where searchValue is a state update whenever the onChange event is trigger on the input field.
Any tips on how to approach this new format?
Would people recommend not switching to Manifest v3 just yet?
From what I gathered, you're trying to talk to an api and not load an external script.
If you're trying to load external, that will not work.
Fetching data on the other hand has multitudes of ways it can be done, not all are proper though.
Also I've noticed that you're misunderstanding the core keys of the async messaging system and service worker cycle.
Add a service worker
*Background.js or svc-worker.js
and give it a on message listener, try to at least handle messaging between your extension, if you're not sure, you can always get an example on github.
After that, it's a matter of setting the CSP and optimizing where you'll be fetching the data.
After a little while, I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.
the code in content should be like
inputElement.oninput = (e) => {let input =;
chrome.runtime.sendMessage({Origin: 'Content', Message: input})};
Handle the message in svc worker
svc-worker.js formatted
chrome.runtime.onMessage(request => {
const {Origin, Message} = request
// parse message
// fetch chain here
Please note, this is not the only way to handle this.
There's a billion different ways, if you want to add some of this data in a use Effect hook as a dependency, that's going to be tricky, as the data given obtained is always counted as different when obtained via message. < At least in my case scenario.

How can I get all envelopes status and their signers status in one request?

Is it possible to call the DocuSign API with the "docusign-client"-library in order to get status information about all envelopes with all of their recipients/signers in one request?
When we call the "EnvelopesApi.ListStatusAsync" method of the docusign client library we just retrieve an array of envelopes but without the status information of their signees.
public async Task<EnvelopesInformation> GetListStatus(EnvelopeIdsRequest envelopeIds, ListStatusOptions opt) {
return await Request(async api => await api.ListStatusAsync(settings.AccountId, envelopeIds, opt));
It seems that this information have to be determine in second request by calling
"EnvelopesApi.ListRecipientsAsync" method for every envelope.
Maybe someone have an idea or know how to call the API properly.
Are there any options we have to consider by calling the API or do we need to configure something in the DocuSign dashboard?
Remarks: In our environment we can't use webhooks. So we have to poll the DocuSign API.
No, it's not possible and maybe we should understand your statement about "we can't use webhooks".
My guess is that you have firewall or some private network and you can't have calls from outside into these servers. That's not a reason not to use webhooks.
There's a simple solution to this involving an intermediary cloud account that gets your webhooks and a queue mechanism for you to check for messages.
Here is a blog post by Larry that can help if you are willing to consider webhooks.
Yes, you're right. The main reason why we can't use webhooks is because the applicationn is behind a firewall and our customer do not want to make any changes on that.
Also I know the possibility of using DouSign with services like Azure or AWS to get notification about their bus-messaging system but this is something we do not want to implement yet. Maybe in the future.
We found out that we can use the "EnvelopesApi.ListStatusChangesAsync" method to get all of the status information we're interested in.
var options = new ListStatusChangesOptions {
envelopeIds = ids,
include = "recipients"
var result = await client.ListStatusChangesAsync(options);

Azure Build Pipeline - Pause and Enable DefinitionQueueStatus change REST API

We have many dozens of build pipelines and we want to pause and resume (re-enable) build pipelines from a simple webapp interface as we are making config changes frequently. Here is the MS doc explaining this API:
From this documentation, it appears I need to hit the REST API and change/toggle the DefinitionQueueStatus -- however, this documentation only shows a sample for a build specific operation, whereas I want to pause then re-enable the entire build pipeline. What is the proper way to make this call?
I'm using fetch - and I've tried many dozen formats in the call - the 'ourorg' and 'ourproject' are correct (we use this call structure for many other calls), but all fails for this call below. I grabbed the 'definitionID' from the URL I can visibly see when in the Azure devops portal on the specific build pipeline page, and I'm using it for the {buildID} as I don't know what else to put there. Any guidance to help here is appreciated - I don't need to use fetch btw - any working sample will help here:
fetch( {
method: 'PATCH ',
credentials: 'same-origin',
body: 'DefinitionQueueStatus: "Enabled"'
}).then(function(response) {
It seems that the body is incorrect in your post. Here is sample about how to use POSTMAN to access Azure DevOps Services REST APIs.
Generate the PAT, and then record the token, it is important to use to authorization, please see this document.
Create a new request in POSTMAN, it is recommended to put the request in a collection for Azure DevOps Services REST API;
Select the authorization as Basic Auth, you can input the username as any value, and the password as the token which is generated in step1.
Basic Auth
Set the REST API which you want to use,and select the request method type(GET,POST,FETCH ....), here you use{organization}/{project}/_apis/build/builds/{buildId}?api-version=5.0.
In the Body tab, you can set the request body as raw in json format, and input the value as following:
Everthing is ready now, you can send the request, if sccuess, you will get the response from the REST API.
In your post, the body content is incorrect, the Request Body should meet the format in the REST API document. The DefinitionQueueStatus is a type in definitions. In addition, if you send the request with parameter retry, you will get the message The request body must be empty when the retry parameter is specified..

Is it possible to lookup a database in a Dialogflow intent?

I'm trying to make an app using DialogFlow which finds a specific object in a specific place.
This is a generic example.
The user would say something like "Where to I find Dog in Europe" and the app would reply with "Dog can be found in Europe via: breeding, finding it out in the wild or by buying it"
considering Dog as input1 and europe as input2
Ideally the app should be able to cross reference input1 and input2 to find the correct response. Can I implement a database like structure and do this?
You can't access a database from Dialogflow directly, but you can build your own fulfillment backend that can do anything you want. It communicates with Dialogflow via HTTP requests/responses in the Dialogflow Webhook format.
Here is an example fulfillment that reads data from Firebase database -
You can't access a database directly in Dialog flow, but you can build your own fulfillment back end. I have been using Airtable as a database and Integromat and Webhooks to query the database and parse the results back to Dialogflow. As a novice coder I found this to be the simnplest way.
KaySubb is right, you can make a fulfillment that reads data from a firebase database(or firestore).
You can do this turning on fulfillment at the bottom page of the intent page.
First go to (login with google account) and you should be able to see your google cloud platform project.
To use firebase, you need to first install it. Get node.js as you need npm first. I'm not sure what OS you're on but go into command line or terminal and type.
npm install firebase --save
then type:
firebase login
this will authenticate your login and connect your project when you deploy.
Then use go to the directory you want to create your project in:
firebase init functions
Select your project and select javascript, install all dependencies
Now go to functions and open the index.js file. Here you can change you write code needed in js.
Write your functions and type:
firebase deploy
in the command line open in the file directory. When it completes, it will
give you a link. This as the webhook URL in dialogflow (it should start with
https://us-central). If you see only 1 link which says then open that link on a browser, click on
"functions" on the left side of the screen and get the link from there.
This should get you started with firebase, now you can link your project to firebase fulfillment. There is great firestore explanation here
But I'll give you a brief explanation:
On the top of your index.js file you will need:
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
var admin = require("firebase-admin");
var firestore = admin.firestore();
The basic code is here:
exports.webhook = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
case 'saveData':
let params = request.body.result.parameters
}).then(() => {
`this is a response for "${}".`
.catch((e => {
console.log('Error getting documents', e);
`Sorry, something has gone wrong. Try again and if the problem persists, please report it.`
I'll explain what it does:
You need the switch to decide which intent to do. request.body.result.action returns the action name (write this in dialogflow just above the parameters).
Once that is decided request.body.result.parameters give you the parameters from the intent. params.______ gives you the parameter.
I would definitely recommend reading the official documentation:
to help understand the data structure to help create the ideal database for you. Essentially a collection is a list and within that a doc is one entry. You can name them yourself of using the entries from param.
respond.send is what the bot will reply to the user, I've also shown how to use the parameters in the response.
.catch will just store any errors in the log, you can read the log in open your project and click on function. There will be a place to read logs there. You can check any errors encountered over there.
default: will output whatever default response you wrote on dialogflow at the bottom of the intent.
Hope this helps,comment any questions. I have gone through a huge amount as concisely as I could. This will take some time to get used to and become good at, follow the docs and the youtube videos if you have a lot of trouble!
If you're having even more trouble, there is a slack that helps people that I can direct you to.

Progressive Web Application receiving data to trigger notification

Hello i'm newbie and im hardly to understand this notification in service-worker, and because my knowledge isn't good yet then probably i will unable to explain my problem clearly.
so here's the code :
// triggered everytime, when a push notification is received.
self.addEventListener('push', function(event) {'Event: Push');
var title = 'New commit on Github Repo: RIL';
var body = {
'body': 'Click to see the latest commit',
'tag': 'pwa',
'icon': './images/48x48.png'
self.registration.showNotification(title, body)
this is the code that trigger to POP the notification, what I do not understand is where the argument to accept/ receive the data ?
I've been searched a lot: ,
there's some new data JSON or from git-server or push api, but I still hardly to understand where's to accept the data.
sorry if you still do not understand what's my problem.
Here to make it simple what I want :
Let's say i make a button, and everytime i click the button it will value as 'True' and I want that 'True' value to pass into argument and trigger the push of notication in service-worker.
2nd questions: am I able to trigger notification with header or text in html ? since we can manipulate the text with DOM ?
am I able to trigger notification without GCM, or API cause I just want a simple notification in serivce-worker like above without passing much data.
If you give more advice or maybe notification without service-worker but real time , I am surely happy to read it but I hope Im able to understand.
There are basically two concepts involved that work well together but can be used independently. The first is the visible UI shown to a user that tells them information or prompts them for an action. The second is sending an event from a server to the browser without requiring the user to currently be active on the site. For full details I recommend reading Google's Web Push docs.
Before either of those scenarios you have to request permission from the user. Once permission is granted you can just create a notification. No server or service worker required.
If you want to send events from a server you will need a service worker and you will need to get a subscription for the user. Once you have a subscription you would send it to a server for when you want to send an event to that specific browser instance.
Once you receive a push event from a server you display the UI the same as in the first scenario except you have to do it from the service worker.
