Cosmos DB succeeds and fails on randomly on the same query, saying they are cross partition when they aren't - azure

I have a collection with the partition key "flightConversationId".
I am doing a very simple query, BY THE PARTITON KEY FIELD
SELECT * from root WHERE root.flightConversationId="b36d13c0-cbec-11e7-a4ad-8fcedf370f98"
When doing this query via the nodeJS SDK, it will work one second, and fail the next with the error:
Cross partition query is required but disabled. Please set x-ms-documentdb-query-enablecrosspartition to true, specify x-ms-documentdb-partitionkey, or revise your query to avoid this exception.
I realize I could enable cross-partition querying, but I do not need cross partition queries. What is going on???

This situation seemed to resolve itself over time.
My theory is that when we deleted a collection and recreated it with a new partition key, it took a long time for all remnants of the original collection to really be deleted from the cloud, and that some requests were going to the "old" collection that had the same name as the "new".

You have to explicitly scope the query to a partition by providing an FeedOptions or RequestOptions class with a partitionKey property. Using the PartitionKey in your where clause isn't enough without that explicit scope. This is for C# but should be same object model:
Document result = await client.ReadDocumentAsync(
UriFactory.CreateDocumentUri("db", "coll", "XMS-001-FE24C"),
new RequestOptions { PartitionKey = new PartitionKey("XMS-0001") });


How can I query Cassandra with GraphQL using a non-primary key column?

I am using GraphQL for Cassandra database operation. The following search query work perfectly when filtering the column with partition key:
query oneUsers{
users(value: { username:"username" }) {
values {
But getting following errors when trying to search other columns:
graphql: Exception while fetching data (/users) : org.apache.cassandra.stargate.exceptions.InvalidRequestException: Cannot execute this query as it might involve data filtering and thus may have unpredictable performance. If you want to execute this query despite the performance unpredictability, use ALLOW FILTERING
What is the best way to search columns in Cassandra using GraphQL?
You can only retrieve records from Cassandra by specifying (a) the partition key, or (b) the primary key column(s).
If you would like to filter by non-primary key columns, you will need to create an index on the column. For example if you want to filter by id, create an index with:
mutation createIndexes {
users: createIndex(
You should then be able to query by id.
For details and more examples, see Developing with the Astra DB GraphQL API. Cheers!

How To Get Item From DynamoDB Based On Multiple (one primary) Attributes Lambda/NodeJS

My table structure in DynamoDB looks like the following:
uuid (Primary Key) | ip | userAgent
From within a NodeJS function inside of lambda, I would like to get the uuid of an item whose ip and useragent match the information I provide.
Scan becomes less and less efficient and more expensive over time as millions of items are added to the table every week.
Here is the code I am using to try and accomplish this:
function tieDown(sIP, uA){
const userQuery = {
Key : {
"ip" : "",
"userAgent" : "sample"
TableName: "mytable"
return ddb.get(userQuery, function(err, data){
if (err) console.log(err.stack);
When this code executes, the following error is thrown ValidationException: The provided key element does not match the schema.
So I guess my questions are:
Is it even possible to get one specific item based on non-primary attributes
Are there any issues with the code sample I provided that could lead to this error being thrown? (I'm using DocumentClient so no need to explicitly declare strings, numbers etc.
You cannot get a single item using the get operation without specifying the partition key, and sort key if you have one. Scans should be avoided in most cases. What you probably need is a Global Secondary Index that allows you to query by ip and userAgent. Keep in mind that the records on a GSI are not guaranteed unique, so you may get more than one result.

How to delete a document from a collection in cosmos db using Java?

How can I delete a document from a collection.
AsyncDocumentClient client = getDBClient();
RequestOptions options = new RequestOptions();
options.setPartitionKey(new PartitionKey("143003"));
client.deleteDocument(String.format("dbs/test-lin/colls/application/docs/%s",, options);
I am trying to delete a set of documents from collection based on some condition. I have set the partition key. The read-write keys are being used (So no permission issue).
There are no errors when executing this code. The document is not getting deleted from the collection.
How to fix the issue?
#Suj Patil
You should call subscribe(). The publisher does not do anything until some one subscribes.
client.deleteDocument(String.format("dbs/test-lin/colls/application/docs/%s",, options).subscribe()

DocumentDB: Bulk-Import Stored Procedure: Insert multiple partition key documents in COSMOS DB

I am working on Bulk insert stored procedure in Cosmos database using document client but the challenge that I am facing is, I need to insert documents in bulk that may have different partition keys.
Is there any way to achieve it?
I am currently using the below code:
Uri uri = UriFactory.CreateStoredProcedureUri("test-db", "test-collection", "sp_bulk_insert");
RequestOptions options = new RequestOptions { PartitionKey = new PartitionKey("patient")};
var result = await _client.ExecuteStoredProcedureAsync<string>(uri, options , patientInfo, pageInfo);
return result;
But I also have pageInfo object having partition key: "page" but given PartitionKey in RequestOptions is "patient" that is the partition key of patientInfo object
When I am trying to execute the SP it is giving following error:
Requests originating from scripts cannot reference partition keys other than the one for which client request was submitted
Stored procedures are scoped to a single partition key so this not possible. Also there is no reason to use stored procedures for bulk operations. You are better off using the .NET SDK v3 and leveraging the bulk support in there.

Which is the correct way to scan a table on DynamoDB?

As the title says, I want to know which is the best way to scan a table in Amazon DynamoDB, searching by another field than the primary key.
I searched about this and read a lot, but I found this solution for me:
let DynamoDBServiceObj = new AWS.DynamoDB({apiVersion: '2012-08-10'});
let params = {
ExpressionAttributeValues: {
':hash' : { S: req.param('wildcard') }
ProjectionExpression: 'directory',
FilterExpression: 'qrCode = :hash',
TableName: 'business'
let business = await DynamoDBServiceObj.scan(params).promise();
if (business.Count == 1) return res.ok();
else return res.view('404');
This works for me, but I also read that perform an scan on a table is a bad idea, for performance and pricing. But, how to do it then?
Which is the correct way to scan a table, searching by another than the primary key?
What is the difference between DocumentClient and DynamoDB Object?
I always use .get() for obtain what I want on DynamoDB. Is this a good or a bad practice?
I read these posts, and I suppose that GSI is the solution, but I don't understand how it works.
Global Secondary Indexes (GSI)
DynamoDB: Scan on multiple non key attribute
Step 4: Query and Scan the table
Querying and Scanning a DynamoDB Table
What is the difference between scan and query in dynamodb?
How to fetch/scan all items from AWS dynamodb using node.js
Like you said, scanning the table is not a great idea and you have already read about it. I would suggest two things.
Use a composite primary key (if you're not doing so yet). Using the combination of partition key and sort key gives you more possibilities to query (and not scan) your table depending on your frequent access patterns.
If you still need to query the table by an attribute other than the ones included in your composite primary key, you are right that the GSI is the solution. You can check this post on how the GSI works. Choose primary index for Global secondary index
You can think of a GSI as a copy of your table with a different primary key.
