Xamarin iOS Transparent Navigation bar - xamarin.ios

Need to have transparent navigation bar
tried with this but not working.
Any Suggestion ?

Although, your question is not fully descriptive and not sure what exactly you want to achieve by saying "Not Working" from the given link.
Write following code in respective override methods of the ViewController in which you want to achieve the Transperent NavigationBar for that specific ViewController only.
public override void ViewWillAppear(bool animated)
if (NavigationController != null)
NavigationController.NavigationBar.SetBackgroundImage(new UIImage(), UIBarMetrics.Default);
NavigationController.NavigationBar.ShadowImage = new UIImage();
NavigationController.NavigationBar.Translucent = true;
NavigationController.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
NavigationController.NavigationBar.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
public override void ViewWillDisappear(bool animated)
if (NavigationController != null)
NavigationController.NavigationBar.SetBackgroundImage(null, UIBarMetrics.Default);
NavigationController.NavigationBar.ShadowImage = null;
NavigationController.NavigationBar.BarTintColor = UIColor.Red; //Provide your specific color here
If you want to set this Globally, Try it in AppDelegate's FinishedLaunching method :
UINavigationBar.Appearance.SetBackgroundImage(new UIImage(), UIBarMetrics.Default);
UINavigationBar.Appearance.ShadowImage = new UIImage();
UINavigationBar.Appearance.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Clear;
UINavigationBar.Appearance.Translucent = true;
Hope this helps!.

A single navigation bar is used for a particular navigation controller in iOS. So if you want to make it transparent for a single VC then you have to make it transparent when you navigate to that VC. And then change it back when you coming back from that VC in viewWillDisappear (or viewDidDisappear) methods.


Xamarin.ios: Search bar displays in every tab bar view

I'm building an iOS app with Xamarin.ios MvvmCross. In this app I use a tabbed view. on one tab view I wan't to display a search bar, but this search bar displays in every tab view. Anyone know how to resolve this so that I can hide the search bar in the other tab views?
Search bar Tab view:
public override void ViewWillAppear(Boolean animated)
var searchController = new UISearchController(searchResultsController: null);
searchController.SearchBar.SearchBarStyle = UISearchBarStyle.Prominent;
TabBarController.NavigationItem.HidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = false;
TabBarController.NavigationItem.SearchController = searchController;
NavigationController.NavigationBar.PrefersLargeTitles = true;
this.Title = "Search";
_searchBar = searchController.SearchBar;
_searchBar.SearchButtonClicked += SearchBar_SearchButtonClicked;
_searchBar.TextChanged += SearchBarOnTextChanged;
_searchBar.CancelButtonClicked += SearchBarOnCancelButtonClicked;
TabBarController.NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = null;
Picture of tab view with search bar:
Other tab views where I want to hide the search bar but can't get it done:
public override void ViewWillAppear(Boolean animated)
//var searchController = new UISearchController(searchResultsController: null);
//searchController.SearchBar.Hidden = true;
var search = new UISearchController(searchResultsController: null);
TabBarController.NavigationItem.HidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = true;
search.SearchBar.Hidden = true;
NavigationController.NavigationBar.PrefersLargeTitles = true;
TabBarController.NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = null;
Picture of tab view where I don't want to show the search bar:
This issue occurs because you just use one Navigation Controller wrapping your TabbarController. When user enter the second tabbar item(Search), you initialize a UISearchController and set it to the NavigationItem's SearchController. So this search bar appears as you want.
But when you return to the Home controller, this UISearchController will be still there since you just use one UINavigationController. Add the code below in your Home Controller's ViewWillAppear() event will fix your issue:
TabBarController.NavigationItem.SearchController = null;
I really recommend you to separate your one UINavigationController to four in your situation. Then each tabbar item controller has its own NavigationItem and will not affect each other. UITabbarController should be your app's root ViewController. Your app's hierarchy can be like this:
I use storyboard to draw two tabbar items helping you understand what I mean.
In this way in the Home controller, there's no need to add any code. You can just add the search bar in your Search controller with the code:
public override void ViewDidLoad()
var searchController = new UISearchController(searchResultsController: null);
searchController.SearchBar.SearchBarStyle = UISearchBarStyle.Prominent;
this.NavigationItem.HidesSearchBarWhenScrolling = false;
this.NavigationItem.SearchController = searchController;
NavigationController.NavigationBar.PrefersLargeTitles = true;
this.Title = "Search";
_searchBar = searchController.SearchBar;
_searchBar.SearchButtonClicked += _searchBar_SearchButtonClicked; ;
_searchBar.TextChanged += _searchBar_TextChanged; ;
_searchBar.CancelButtonClicked += _searchBar_CancelButtonClicked; ;
this.NavigationItem.RightBarButtonItem = null;
I move your code to ViewDidLoad() event and modify TabBarController.NavigationItem to this.NavigationItem.

Custom MvxTouchViewPresenter not showing subsequent ViewModel

I've written a custom MvxTouchViewPresenter that allows me to show either a SlidingPanel (RootView), or show a MvxTabBarViewController (AuthView).
When my app launches,
if I tell it to load the TabBarView (AuthView), it works as expected.
if I tell it to load the SlidingPanelView (RootView), it also works as expected.
The problem occurs when I load the AuthView and then try to ShowViewModel<RootView>()... basically what happens in this scenario is that I stay at the AuthView, even though I see the CustomPresenter.Show() method has run appropriately.
Here's the method
public override void Show(MvxViewModelRequest request)
var viewController = (UIViewController)Mvx.Resolve<IMvxTouchViewCreator>().CreateView(request);
RootController = new UIViewController();
// This needs to be a Tab View
if (request.ViewModelType == typeof(AuthViewModel))
_navigationController = new EmptyNavController(viewController);
if (request.ViewModelType == typeof(RootViewModel))
_navigationController = new SlidingPanelsNavController(viewController);
AddSlidingPanel<NavigationFragment>(PanelType.LeftPanel, 280);
And here's a Gist of the complete class
What am I missing in trying to make this work appropriately?
not sure if what I've done is "correct" but it's working for now. I'm still very much open to better answers.
What I've done in order to simply move on from this problem is add a call to SetWindowRootViewController(_navigationController); just before I call base.Show(request)
public override void Show(MvxViewModelRequest request)
_navigationController = null;
var viewController = (UIViewController)Mvx.Resolve<IMvxTouchViewCreator>().CreateView(request);
RootController = new UIViewController();
// This needs to be a Tab View
if (request.ViewModelType == typeof(AuthViewModel))
_navigationController = new EmptyNavController(viewController);
else if (request.ViewModelType == typeof (RootViewModel))
_navigationController = new SlidingPanelsNavController(viewController);
AddSlidingPanel<NavigationFragment>(PanelType.LeftPanel, 280);
throw new Exception("They View Type you're trying to show isn't currently supported.");

Switching to different UITableViewControllers with UISegementedControl

I've an UINavigationViewController with an UISegmentedControl in the navigation bar. I want to achieve a simple switching to different ViewControllers when users push on the segmented control.
I've tried a lot and nothing works... Considered sources:
MonoTouch Instantiating a ViewController programmatically for ContainerView
And a lot of google research...
The whole project is storyboard based! Any solutions which targets NIB's aren't useful.
Adding a ContainerControl to my UINavigationViewController. But in this case I can only embed one controller. Creating a Embedded-Segue programmatically was not possible. Even more instantiating a UITableViewController in code which is designed in IB results in an empty view. Because I've to change the c'tor from MyTableViewController(IntPtr handle) : base(handle) to an empty constructor.
Can someone publish a working example how to use a UISegmentedControl to switch between different ViewControllers? I appreciate all your help very much.
Working solution:
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
CreateAndEmbed (TrDetailNavType.Info);
partial void segmentNavigationValueChanged (MonoTouch.UIKit.UISegmentedControl sender, MonoTouch.UIKit.UIEvent e)
private void CreateAndEmbed(TrDetailNavType tab)
if (_currentViewController != null)
_currentViewController.View.RemoveFromSuperview ();
string id;
switch (tab)
case TrDetailNavType.Info:
id = "TagesRapportDetailInfoTableViewController";
case TrDetailNavType.Lohn:
case TrDetailNavType.Material:
case TrDetailNavType.Inventar:
case TrDetailNavType.Fremdleistung:
case TrDetailNavType.Regie:
id = "TagesRapportDetailDummyViewController";
_currentViewController = (UIViewController)Storyboard.InstantiateViewController (id);
_currentViewController.View.Frame = containerDetail.Bounds;
AddChildViewController (_currentViewController);
_currentViewController.DidMoveToParentViewController (this);
containerDetail.AddSubview (_currentViewController.View);

Monotouch Dialog Datepicker and RadioGroup Navigationitem

I can´t figure out how to correctly design the pushed viewcontrollers navigation back item of a RadioGroup.
So in the follow up screen where the languages are selectable the back Button says "Settings" and is blue. But I want to make it say back and change its design which mechanisms exists and I´m already using in other screens.
I build it up like this:
var rootSettings = new RootElement ("Settings");
var sectionNotificationSettings = new Section ("Notification settings");
BooleanElement pushEnabled = new BooleanElement("Push notifications", settings.PushEnabled);
var sectionCountrySettings = new Section("Country settings");
var rootRadioGroup = new TransparentRootElement ("Language", new RadioGroup("languages", 0));
var sectionRadioElements = new Section("");
foreach(var language in settings.Languages)
RadioElement selectableLanguage = new RadioElement(language.Key, "languages");
rootSettings.Add (sectionNotificationSettings);
And here I define the TransparentRootElement where I thought I can edit the navigation Item:
public class TransparentRootElement : RootElement {
public TransparentRootElement (string caption) : base (caption)
public TransparentRootElement (string caption, Group radioGroup ) : base (caption, radioGroup)
public override void Selected (DialogViewController dvc, UITableView tableView, NSIndexPath path)
base.Selected (dvc, tableView, path, true);
void HandleMenuButtonTouchUpInside (object sender, EventArgs e)
public override UITableViewCell GetCell (UITableView tv)
var cell = base.GetCell (tv);
//cell.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White;
return cell;
I tried many edit approaches but none of the worked. I also began editing the Elements.cs in Monotouch Dialog but this also did not helped me alot.
Anyone who has a suggestion?
Thank you very much!
I believe to change the navigation's back button, you have to hide the default back button and then assign your own. (Right before you push the new view controller, I believe in your case, it would be before you push the Language screen) Something like this:
toPushscreen.NavigationItem.SetHidesBackButton(true, true);
toPushscreen.NavigationItem.LeftBarButtonItem = new UIBarButtonItem("Back", UIBarButtonItemStyle.Plain, myHandler);
currentScreen.NavigationController.PushViewController(toPushscreen, true);
Hope this helps!

How to use QLPreviewController in a non-modal way? Why does my code not work?

I have QLPreviewController up and running but I'm using PresentModalViewController() to show the QLPreviewController directly. For reasons beyond explanation, I would like to have my own UIViewController which will create its own view and within that view I would like to use the QLPreviewController. Should be easy I thought, but the code below just does nothing. The QLPreviewControllers ViewDidAppear never gets called. (In my example below, PreviewController inherits from QLPreviewController and encapsulates delegate, preview item and source).
Can somebody explain what is wrong with the code below (besides the fact that it is pointless :-))?
Oh, yeah: in my test scenario, I present the controller below modally. It shows up but witout the preview.
public class OuterPreviewController : UIViewController
public OuterPreviewController (QLPreviewControllerDataSource oDataSource) : base()
this.oDataSource = oDataSource;
private PreviewController oPreviewController;
private QLPreviewControllerDataSource oDataSource;
public override void LoadView ()
this.View = new UIView();
this.View.Frame = new RectangleF(0, 0, 500, 500);
this.View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red;
public override void ViewDidAppear (bool animated)
// Code execution comes her. No errors, no issues.
base.ViewDidAppear (animated);
this.oPreviewController = new PreviewController();
this.oPreviewController.DataSource = this.oDataSource;
// Preview controller's view is added but it never shows up.
this.oPreviewController.View.Frame = this.View.Frame;
this.oPreviewController.View.Center = this.View.Center;
public override bool ShouldAutorotateToInterfaceOrientation (UIInterfaceOrientation toInterfaceOrientation)
return true;
Found a solution by coincidence today: all ReloadData() on the preview controller and magically it will show its contents.
This allows to add a QLPreviewController to an existing view as a subview and embed a preview. It also gets you rid of the toolbar which contains the open in menu.
