I have read this post Select random lines from a file in bash and Random selection of columns using linux command however they don't work specifically with a set of lines that need to stay in the same order. I also searched to find if there was any randomization option using the cut command.
My attempt:
I am trying to replace spaces with new lines, then sort Randomly and then use Head to grab a random string (for each line).
cat file1.txt | while read line; do echo $line | sed 's/ /\n/g' | sort -R | head -1
While this does get the basic job done for one random string, I would like to know if there is a better more efficient way of writing this code? This way, I can add the options to get 1-2 random strings rather than just one.
Here's file1.txt:
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Here's my desired output (random values):
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If you know a better way to implement this code, I would really appreciate your positive input and support.
This is the solution
while read -r line; do echo "$line" | grep -oP '(\S+)' | shuf -n $((RANDOM%2+1)) | paste -s -d' '; done < file1.txt
Using AWK:
%awk 'BEGIN { srand() } { print $(1+int(rand()*NF))}' data.txt
You can modify this to select 2 (or more) random words per line (with duplicates), by repeating the $(rand...) construct, a corresponding number of times (or defining a user function to do this).
Choosing N words from an each line w/o duplicates (by position), is a bit more tricky:
awk '
BEGIN { N=2; srand() }
#Collect fields into an array (w)
delete w;
for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) w[i]=$i;
#Randomize Array (Fisher–Yates style)
for(j=NF;j>=2;j--) {
if(r!=j) {
x=w[j]; w[j]=w[r]; w[r]=x;
#Take N first items off the randomized array
for(g=1;g<=(N<NF?N:NF);g++) {
if(g>1) printf " "
printf w[g];
printf "\n"
}' data.txt
N - is a (maximum) number of words to pick per line.
To pick a random (at most N) number of items per line, modify the code like that:
awk '
BEGIN { N=2; srand() }
#Collect fields into an array (w)
delete w;
for(i=1;i<=NF;i++) w[i]=$i;
#Randomize Array (Fisher–Yates style)
for(j=NF;j>=2;j--) {
if(r!=j) {
x=w[j]; w[j]=w[r]; w[r]=x;
#Take L < N first items off the randomized array
for(g=1;g<=(L<NF?L:NF);g++) {
if(g>1) printf " "
printf w[g];
printf "\n"
}' data.txt
This will print 1 or 2 (N) randomly chosen words per each line.
This code can still be optimized a bit (i.e. by only shuffling first L elements of an array), yet it is 2 or 3 orders of magnitude faster than a shell based solution.
An attempt on bash
cat file1 | xargs -n1 -I# bash -c "output_count=2; \
line=\$(echo \"#\"); \
words=\$(echo \${line} | wc -w); \
for i in \$(eval echo \"{1..\${output_count}}\"); do \
select=\$((1 + RANDOM % \${words})); \
echo \${line} | cut -d \" \" -f \${select} | tr '\n' ' '; \
echo \" \" "
Assumes that the file is called file1.
In order to change the number of randomly selected words, set a different number to output_count
$ cat file1 | xargs -n1 -I# bash -c "output_count=2; \
line=\$(echo \"#\"); \
words=\$(echo \${line} | wc -w); \
for i in \$(eval echo \"{1..\${output_count}}\"); do \
select=\$((1 + RANDOM % \${words})); \
echo \${line} | cut -d \" \" -f \${select} | tr '\n' ' '; \
echo \" \" "
#Example #Example
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$ cat file1 | xargs -n1 -I# bash -c "output_count=2; \
line=\$(echo \"#\"); \
words=\$(echo \${line} | wc -w); \
for i in \$(eval echo \"{1..\${output_count}}\"); do \
select=\$((1 + RANDOM % \${words})); \
echo \${line} | cut -d \" \" -f \${select} | tr '\n' ' '; \
echo \" \" "
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This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed 'y/ /\n/;s/.*/echo "&"|shuf -n$((RANDOM%2+1))/e;y/\n/ /' file
Replace the spaces in each line by newlines and the using seds substitution eflag, pass each set of lines into the shuf -n command
How to find 10 most frequent words in the file in Unix/Linux?
I tried using this command in Unix:
sort file.txt | uniq -c | sort -nr | head -10
However I am not sure if it's correct and whether it is showing me 10 most frequent words in the large file.
I have a shell demo to deal with your problem ,even you have a file with more than one Word in one line
# filename: wordcount.sh
# usage: word count
# handle position arguments
if [ $# -ne 1 ]
echo "Usage: $0 filename"
exit -1
# realize word count
printf "%-14s%s\n" "Word" "Count"
cat $1 | tr 'A-Z' 'a-z' | \
egrep -o "\b[[:alpha:]]+\b" | \
awk '{ count[$0]++ }
for(ind in count)
{ printf("%-14s%d\n",ind,count[ind]); }
}' | sort -k2 -n -r | head -n 10
just run ./wordcount.sh filename.txt
Use the tr command to convert all uppercase letters to lowercase letters, then use the egrep command to grab all the words in the text and output them item by item. Finally, use the awk command and the associative array to implement the word count function, and decrement the output according to the number of occurrences. .
Using bash, I want to print a number followed by sizes of 2 paths on one line. i.e. output of 3 commands on one line.
All the 3 items should be separated by ":"
echo -n "10001:"; du -sch /abc/def/* | grep 'total' | awk '{ print $1 }'; du -sch /ghi/jkl/* | grep 'total' | awk '{ print $1 }'
I am getting the output as -
But I want the output as -
This should work for you. The two key elements added being the
tr - d '\n'
which effectively strips new line characters from the end of the output. As well as adding in the echo ":" to get the extra colon for formatting in there.
Hope this helps! Here's a link to the docs for tr command.
echo -n "10001:"; du -sch /abc/def/* | grep 'total' | awk '{ print $1 }' | tr -d '\n'; echo ":" | tr -d '\n'; du -sch /ghi/jkl/* | grep 'total' | awk '{ print $1 }'
Save your values to variables, and then use printf:
printf '%s:%s:%s\n' "$first" "$second" "$third"
I'd like to count the number of occurrences in a string. For example, in this string :
there are 2 different strings separated by | character.
Another example :
In this case there are 4 different strings separated by | character.
Would you know a shell or perl command that could simply count this for me?
you can use awk command as below;
echo "apache2|ntpd" | awk -F'|' '{print NF}'
-F'|' is to field separator;
NF means Number of Fields
user#host:/tmp$ echo 'apache2|ntpd|authd|freeradius' | awk -F'|' '{print NF}'
you can also use this;
user#host:/tmp$ echo "apache2|ntpd" | tr '|' ' ' | wc -w
user#host:/tmp$ echo 'apache2|ntpd|authd|freeradius' | tr '|' ' ' | wc -w
tr '|' ' ' : translate | to space
wc -w : print the word counts
if there are spaces in the string, wc -w not correct result, so
echo 'apac he2|ntpd' | tr '|' '\n' | wc -l
user#host:/tmp$ echo 'apac he2|ntpd' | tr '|' ' ' | wc -w
3 --> not correct
user#host:/tmp$ echo 'apac he2|ntpd' | tr '|' '\n' | wc -l
tr '|' '\n' : translate | to newline
wc -l : number of lines
Do can do this just within bash without calling external languages like awk or external programs like grep and tr.
num_strings=$(( ${#res} + 1 ))
echo $num_strings
Let me explain.
res=${data//[!|]/} removes all characters that are not (that's the !) pipes (|).
${#res} gives the length of the resulting string.
num_strings=$(( ${#res} + 1 )) adds one to the number of pipes to get the number of fields.
It's that simple.
Another pure bash technique using positional-parameters
$ userString="apache2|ntpd|authd|freeradius"
$ printf "%s\n" $(IFS=\|; set -- $userString; printf "%s\n" "$#")
Thanks to cdarke's suggestion from the commands, the above command can directly store the count to a variable
$ printf -v count "%d" $(IFS=\|; set -- $userString; printf "%s\n" "$#")
$ printf "%d\n" "$count"
With wc and parameter expansion:
$ data='apache2|ntpd|authd|freeradius'
$ wc -w <<< ${data//|/ }
Using parameter expansion, all pipes are replaced with spaces. The result string is passed to wc -w for word count.
As #gniourf_gniourf mentionned, it works with what at first looks like process names but will fail if strings contain spaces.
You can do this with grep as well-
echo "apache2|ntpd|authd|freeradius" | grep -o "|" | wc -l
That output is the number of pipes.
To get the number of commands-
var=$(echo "apache2|ntpd|authd|freeradius" | grep -o "|" | wc -l)
echo $((var + 1))
Output -
You could use awk to count the occurrances of delimiters +1:
$ awk '{print gsub(/\|/,"")+1}' <(echo "apache2|ntpd|authd|freeradius")
may be this will help you.
mails=$(echo $IN | tr "|" "\n")
for addr in $mails
echo "> [$addr]"
I'm sorry for the very noob question, but I'm kind of new to bash programming (started a few days ago). Basically what I want to do is keep one file with all the word occurrences of another file
I know I can do this:
sort | uniq -c | sort
the thing is that after that I want to take a second file, calculate the occurrences again and update the first one. After I take a third file and so on.
What I'm doing at the moment works without any problem (I'm using grep, sed and awk), but it looks pretty slow.
I'm pretty sure there is a very efficient way just with a command or so, using uniq, but I can't figure out.
Could you please lead me to the right way?
I'm also pasting the code I wrote:
# count the number of word occurrences from a file and writes to another file #
# the words are listed from the most frequent to the less one #
touch .check # used to check the occurrances. Temporary file
touch distribution.txt # final file with all the occurrences calculated
page=$1 # contains the file I'm calculating
occurrences=$2 # temporary file for the occurrences
# takes all the words from the file $page and orders them by occurrences
cat $page | tr -cs A-Za-z\' '\n'| tr A-Z a-z > .check
# loop to update the old file with the new information
# basically what I do is check word by word and add them to the old file as an update
cat .check | while read words
word=${words} # word I'm calculating
strlen=${#word} # word's length
# I use a black list to not calculate banned words (for example very small ones or inunfluent words, like articles and prepositions
if ! grep -Fxq $word .blacklist && [ $strlen -gt 2 ]
# if the word was never found before it writes it with 1 occurrence
if [ `egrep -c -i "^$word: " $occurrences` -eq 0 ]
echo "$word: 1" | cat >> $occurrences
# else it calculates the occurrences
old=`awk -v words=$word -F": " '$1==words { print $2 }' $occurrences`
let "new=old+1"
sed -i "s/^$word: $old$/$word: $new/g" $occurrences
rm .check
# finally it orders the words
awk -F": " '{print $2" "$1}' $occurrences | sort -rn | awk -F" " '{print $2": "$1}' > distribution.txt
Well, I'm not sure that I've got the point of the thing you are trying to do,
but I would do it this way:
while read file
cat $file | tr -cs A-Za-z\' '\n'| tr A-Z a-z | sort | uniq -c > stat.$file
done < file-list
Now you have statistics for all your file, and now you simple aggregate it:
while read file
cat stat.$file
done < file-list \
| sort -k2 \
| awk '{if ($2!=prev) {print s" "prev; s=0;}s+=$1;prev=$2;}END{print s" "prev;}'
Example of usage:
$ for i in ls bash cp; do man $i > $i.txt ; done
$ cat <<EOF > file-list
> ls.txt
> bash.txt
> cp.txt
$ while read file; do
> cat $file | tr -cs A-Za-z\' '\n'| tr A-Z a-z | sort | uniq -c > stat.$file
> done < file-list
$ while read file
> do
> cat stat.$file
> done < file-list \
> | sort -k2 \
> | awk '{if ($2!=prev) {print s" "prev; s=0;}s+=$1;prev=$2;}END{print s" "prev;}' | sort -rn | head
3875 the
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507 shell
I am trying to make a a simple script of finding the largest word and its number/length in a text file using bash. I know when I use awk its simple and straight forward but I want to try and use this method...lets say I know if a=wmememememe and if I want to find the length I can use echo {#a} its word I would echo ${a}. But I want to apply it on this below
for i in `cat so.txt` do
Where so.txt contains words, I hope it makes sense.
bash one liner.
sed 's/ /\n/g' YOUR_FILENAME | sort | uniq | awk '{print length, $0}' | sort -nr | head -n 1
read file and split the words (via sed)
remove duplicates (via sort | uniq)
prefix each word with it's length (awk)
sort the list by the word length
print the single word with greatest length.
yes this will be slower than some of the above solutions, but it also doesn't require remembering the semantics of bash for loops.
Normally, you'd want to use a while read loop instead of for i in $(cat), but since you want all the words to be split, in this case it would work out OK.
for word in $(<so.txt)
if (( len > longest ))
printf 'The longest word is %s and its length is %d.\n' "$longword" "$longest"
Another solution:
for item in $(cat "$infile"); do
length[${#item}]=$item # use word length as index
maxword=${length[#]: -1} # select last array element
printf "longest word '%s', length %d" ${maxword} ${#maxword}
for word in $(cat so.txt); do
if [ ${#word} -gt ${#longest} ]; then
echo $longest
awk script:
#!/usr/bin/awk -f
# Initialize two variables
# Loop through each word on the line
# Assign the maxlength variable if length of word found is greater. Also, assign
# the word to maxword variable.
if (length($i)>maxlength)
# Print out the maxword and the maxlength
print maxword,maxlength;
[jaypal:~/Temp] cat textfile
AWK utility is a data_extraction and reporting tool that uses a data-driven scripting language
consisting of a set of actions to be taken against textual data (either in files or data streams)
for the purpose of producing formatted reports.
The language used by awk extensively uses the string datatype,
associative arrays (that is, arrays indexed by key strings), and regular expressions.
[jaypal:~/Temp] ./script.awk textfile
data_extraction 15
Relatively speedy bash function using no external utils:
# Usage: longcount < textfile
longcount ()
declare -a c;
while read x; do
echo ${#c[#]} "${c[${#c[#]}]}"
longcount < /usr/share/dict/words
23 electroencephalograph's
'Modified POSIX shell version of jimis' xargs-based
answer; still very slow, takes two or three minutes:
tr "'" '_' < /usr/share/dict/words |
xargs -P$(nproc) -n1 -i sh -c 'set -- {} ; echo ${#1} "$1"' |
sort -n | tail | tr '_' "'"
Note the leading and trailing tr bit to get around GNU xargs
difficulty with single quotes.
for i in $(cat so.txt); do echo ${#i}; done | paste - so.txt | sort -n | tail -1
Slow because of the gazillion of forks, but pure shell, does not require awk or special bash features:
$ cat /usr/share/dict/words | \
xargs -n1 -I '{}' -d '\n' sh -c 'echo `echo -n "{}" | wc -c` "{}"' | \
sort -n | tail
23 Pseudolamellibranchiata
23 pseudolamellibranchiate
23 scientificogeographical
23 thymolsulphonephthalein
23 transubstantiationalist
24 formaldehydesulphoxylate
24 pathologicopsychological
24 scientificophilosophical
24 tetraiodophenolphthalein
24 thyroparathyroidectomize
You can easily parallelize, e.g. to 4 CPUs by providing -P4 to xargs.
EDIT: modified to work with the single quotes that some dictionaries have. Now it requires GNU xargs because of -d argument.
EDIT2: for the fun of it, here is another version that handles all kinds of special characters, but requires the -0 option to xargs. I also added -P4 to compute on 4 cores:
cat /usr/share/dict/words | tr '\n' '\0' | \
xargs -0 -I {} -n1 -P4 sh -c 'echo ${#1} "$1"' wordcount {} | \
sort -n | tail