Routing to sub docs with express 4 and mongoose - node.js

EDIT: It's possible the problem is an issue with pathing. my current query looks like this:
.get(function(req, res) {
Project.findById(req.params.project_Id, function(err, project) {
if (err)
return res.send(err);
console.log('get success (project techDetails)');
this returns null. even though it's identical to a working line of code in every way except for the addition of `/techDetails' to the route.
original question:
I'm building a MEAN stack app with express and mongo. I can't figure out how to route to nested documents properly.
here is my Project schema:
const ProjectSchema = new Schema({
idnumber: { type: Number, required: true },
customername: String,
projectdetails: String,
jobaddress: String,
techDetails: [{
scope: String,
edgedetail: String,
lamination: String,
stonecolour: String,
slabnumber: String,
slabsupplier: String,
purchaseordernum: String,
splashbacks: String,
apron: String,
hotplate: String,
sink: String,
sinkdetails: String,
tappos: String
sitecontactname: String,
sitecontactnum: String,
specialreq: String,
install_date: String,
created_on: { type: Date, default: },
created_by: { type: String, default: 'SYSTEM' },
active: { type: Boolean, default: true },
flagged: { type: Boolean, default: false },
I can successfully route to /projects with GET and POST, and /projects/:project_id with GET, PUT and DEL.
using the PUT route and a project's _ID i can push new entries to a project's techDetails subdoc array. the resulting JSON data looks like this:
"_id": "59e577e011a3f512b482ef13",
"idnumber": 52,
"install_date": "10/20/2017",
"specialreq": "some...",
"sitecontactnum": "987654321",
"sitecontactname": "bill",
"jobaddress": "123 st",
"projectdetails": "some stuff",
"customername": "B Builders",
"__v": 16,
"flagged": false,
"active": true,
"created_by": "SYSTEM",
"created_on": "2017-10-17T03:24:16.423Z",
"techDetails": [
"scope": "Howitzer",
"edgedetail": "12mm",
"lamination": "No",
"stonecolour": "Urban™",
"slabnumber": "1",
"slabsupplier": "Caesarstone",
"purchaseordernum": "no",
"splashbacks": "No",
"apron": "No",
"hotplate": "N/A",
"sink": "N/A",
"sinkdetails": "no",
"tappos": "no",
"_id": "59e577e011a3f512b482ef14"
"scope": "kitchen",
"edgedetail": "12mm",
"lamination": "etc",
"_id": "59e7da445d9d7e109c18f38b"
"scope": "Vanity",
"edgedetail": "12mm",
"lamination": "No",
"stonecolour": "Linen™",
"slabnumber": "1",
"slabsupplier": "Caesarstone",
"purchaseordernum": "1",
"splashbacks": "No",
"apron": "No",
"hotplate": "N/A",
"sink": "N/A",
"sinkdetails": "no",
"tappos": "woo",
"_id": "59e81e3324fb750fb46f8248"
}//, more entries omitted for brevity
as you can see everything so far is working as expected. However now i need to edit and delete individual entries in this techDetails array. i'd also like to route to them directly using projects/:project_id/techDetails and projects/:project_id/techDetails/:techdetails_id.
From what i can see there are two approaches to this. either i can:
A) use a new routing file for the techDetails that uses mergeParams. this is the approach i'm trying currently, however I can't figure out how to complete the .find to return all techDetails, since i can only use the Project model schema and i'm unsure how to access the sub docs.
an excerpt from my routes.js:
const techDetails = require('./techDetails');
//other routes here
//see techdetails file
router.use('/projects/:project_id/techdetails', techDetails);
//here lies an earlier, failed attempt
/* router.route('/projects/:project_id/techdetails/:techDetails_id')
.get(function(req, res) {
Project.findById(req.params.project_id.techDetails_id, function(err,
project) {
if (err)
return res.send(err);
console.log('get success (techDetails)');
; */
and my techdetails.js:
const express = require('express');
const Project = require('./models/project');
const router = express.Router({mergeParams: true});
router.get('/', function (req, res, next) {
/* Project.find(function(err, techDetails) {
if (err)
return res.send(err);
console.log('get success (all items)');
}); */
res.send('itemroutes ' + req.params);
router.get('/:techDetails_id', function (req, res, next) {
res.send('itemroutes ' + req.params._id)
module.exports = router
I can successfully check that the routes work with Postman, both will receive the response. now the problem is, instead of res.send i want to use res.json with Project.find (or similar) to get the techDetails.
however there is also another option:
B) put the techDetails document into it's own schema and then populate an array of IDs inside projects.
however this seems more complex so i'd rather avoid having to do so if i can.
any thoughts and suggestions welcome. let me know if more of my code is needed.

In this particular case I would put techDetails in a separate schema:
const ProjectSchema = new Schema({
idnumber: { type: Number, required: true },
customername: String,
projectdetails: String,
jobaddress: String,
techDetails: [techDetailsSchema],
sitecontactname: String,
sitecontactnum: String,
specialreq: String,
install_date: String,
created_on: { type: Date, default: },
created_by: { type: String, default: 'SYSTEM' },
active: { type: Boolean, default: true },
flagged: { type: Boolean, default: false },
Don't register the techDetails schema with mongoose.model as it is a subdocument. Put it in a separate file and require it in the project model file (const techDetailsSchema = require('./techDetails.model');).
I would create the controller functions like this:
Getting with GET (all):
module.exports.techDetailsGetAll = function (req, res) {
const projectId = req.params.projectId;
.exec(function (err, project) {
let response = { };
if (err) {
response = responseDueToError(err);
} else if (!project) {
response = responseDueToNotFound();
} else {
response.status = HttpStatus.OK;
response.message = project.techDetails;
Getting with GET (one):
module.exports.techDetailsGetOne = function (req, res) {
const projectId = req.params.projectId;
const techDetailId = req.params.techDetailId;
.exec(function (err, project) {
let response = { };
if (err) {
response = responseDueToError(err);
} else if (!project) {
response = responseDueToNotFound();
} else {
let techDetails =;
if (techDetails === null) {
response = responseDueToNotFound();
} else {
response.status = HttpStatus.OK;
response.message = techDetails;
For adding with POST:
module.exports.techDetailsAddOne = function (req, res) {
const projectId = req.params.projectId;
let newTechDetails = getTechDetailsFromBody(req.body);
{ '$push': { 'techDetails': newTechDetails } },
'new': true,
'runValidators': true
function (err, project) {
let response = { };
if (err) {
response = responseDueToError(err);
} else if (!project) {
response = responseDueToNotFound();
} else {
response.status = HttpStatus.CREATED;
response.message = project.techDetails; // for example
For updating with PUT
module.exports.techDetailsUpdateOne = function (req, res) {
const projectId = req.params.projectId;
const techDetailId = req.params.techDetailId;
let theseTechDetails = getTechDetailsFromBody(req.body);
theseTechDetails._id = techDetailId; // can be skipped if body contains id
{ '_id': projectId, 'techDetails._id': techDetailId },
{ '$set': { 'techDetails.$': theseTechDetails } },
'new': true,
'runValidators': true
function (err, project) {
let response = { };
if (err) {
response = responseDueToError(err);
} else if (!project) {
response = responseDueToNotFound();
} else { (err) {
if (err) {
response = responseDueToError(err);
} else {
response.status = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT;
And deleting with DELETE:
module.exports.techDetailsDeleteOne = function (req, res) {
const projectId = req.params.projectId;
const techDetailId = req.params.techDetailId;
.exec(function (err, project) {
let response = { }
if (err) {
response = responseDueToError(err);
} else if (!project) {
response = responseDueToNotFound();
} else {
let techDetail =;
if (techDetail !== null) {
project.techDetails.pull({ '_id': techDetailId }); (err) {
if (err) {
response = responseDueToError(err);
} else {
response.status = HttpStatus.NO_CONTENT;
} else {
response = responseDueToNotFound();
And finally routing like this:
This is what I prefer when I'm constantly updating the subdocument independently of the rest of the document. It doesn't create a separate collection, so no need for populate.
This answer goes more into detail on whether you should use embedding or referencing. My answer uses embedding.

So, the solution i came to was a combo of A) and B). I used a separate routing file and put ({mergeParams: true}) in the router declaration, and i created a separate file for the techDetails nested model, without declaring it. However I don't believe either of these actually made any significance... but anyway.
the working code i ended up with was, in my routes:
router.use('/projects/:project_id/techDetails', TechDetails);
and in techDetails.js:
const router = express.Router({mergeParams: true});
.get(function(req, res) {
'techDetails', function(err, project) {
if (err)
return res.send(err);
console.log('get success (project techDetails)');
What's different about it? namely, the 'techDetails', parameter in the Project.findById line. According to the mongoose API this acts as a select statement. The only other major difference is I fixed a typo in my original code ( project_id was written project_Id. dubious... ). I probably would have noticed this if i was using VS or something instead of notepad++, but it is my preferred coding arena.
It may be possible to return res.json(project.techDetails) and remove the 'techDetails', select parameter, but I likely won't test this.
Edit: Turns out migrating techDetails to a separate file meant they no longer generated with objectIds, which is crucial for PUT and DEL. I might've been able to work around them with a simple pair of curly braces inside the array declaration, but I didn't think of that until after i re-migrated it back to the project schema...


Can you set the property in a get request?

I'm trying to make a movie application using node and mongodb for back-end. And the movies have a rating property, and I created a carousel collection, that have a title property. I'm creating a list that sorts the movies by rating, but the list's title is automatically "Drama", can I do something to set it to "Best Rated Movies"?
//Carousel Schema
const CarouselSchema = new mongoose.Schema(
title: { type: String },
genre: { type: String },
content: { type: Array }
{ timestamps: true }
//Get Request
router.get("/rating", async (req, res) => {
let carousel = [];
try {
carousel = await Carousel.aggregate([
{ $sample: { size: 10 } },
{ $sort: { rating: 1 } }]);
} catch (err) {
Yes you can send request body in a GET request but its preferably that it doesnt have any important meaning, if you give it a meaning and parse it to the server you are ignoring this recommendation:
Here is an example of a body with a GET request

Automate NodeJS Express Get and Post request using Cron

I have an existing get and post request from database which is:'/stackExample', async (req, res) => {
try {
const stackCron = await Borrower.aggregate([
{ $unwind: { path: "$application", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } },
$project: {
'branch': '$branch',
'status': '$application.status',
{ $match: { status: 'Active' } },
for (let k = 0; k < stackCron.length; k++) {
const branch = stackCron[k].branch;
const status = stackCron[k].status;
const lrInterest = await Financial.updateOne({ accountName: 'Processing Fee Income'},
type: 'Credit',
firstName: 'SysGen',
lastName: 'SysGen2',
amount: 100,
date: new Date(),
res.json({ success: true, message: "Success" });
} catch (err) { res.json({ success: false, message: 'An error occured' }); }
This code works fine if request is made using the client but I want to automate this via cron:
Here is what I did:
var CronJob = require('cron').CronJob;
var job = new CronJob('* * * * * *', function () {
}, null, true, 'America/Los_Angeles');
function makeRequest(message){
//Copy-paste entire router post request.
There seems to be no response if I copy-paste my code in the function. What have I missed?
There is no response from a cron job because there is no request coming to your makeRequest function. That makes sense because a cron job is independent of any incoming requests.
One other reason, you might not be getting any data from your updateOne operation is that it doesn't return the updated document. It returns the status of that operation instead. Take a look here. If you want to get the updated document you might want to use findOneAndUpdate.
const response = await Todo.findOneAndUpdate(
{ _id: "a1s2d3f4f4d3s2a1s2d3f4" },
{ title: "Get Groceries" },
{ new: true }
// response will have updated document
// We won't need this here. This is just to tell you how to get the updated document without making another database query explicitly
The body of your router function is performing an async/await operation. But you didn't specify the makeRequest function to be async. This could also be the issue.
cron job will update the database but if you want to get the updated documents, you'll have to make a GET call to the server and define a new route, with required parameters/query.
Your makeRequest function will look something like this
async function makeRequest() {
try {
const stackCron = await Borrower.aggregate([
{ $unwind: { path: "$application", preserveNullAndEmptyArrays: true } },
$project: {
branch: "$branch",
status: "$application.status",
{ $match: { status: "Active" } },
for (let k = 0; k < stackCron.length; k++) {
const branch = stackCron[k].branch;
const status = stackCron[k].status;
const lrInterest = await Financial.updateOne(
{ accountName: "Processing Fee Income" },
$push: {
transactions: {
type: "Credit",
firstName: "SysGen",
lastName: "SysGen2",
amount: 100,
date: new Date(),
* Write to a log file if you want to keep the record of this operation
} catch (err) {
* Similarly write the error to the same log file as well.
In your cron job
var job = new CronJob(
"* * * * * *",
async function () {
await makeRequest();
Your new route
router.get("/stack/:accountName", async (req, res, next) => {
const { accountName } = req.params;
try {
const financial = await Financial.find({ accountName });
res.status(200).json({ message: "success", data: financial });
} catch (err) {
res.status(500).json({ message: "error", reason: err.message });
Simply call it as
`${encodeURIComponent("Processing Fee Income")}`,
{ method: "GET" }

How to update subdocument value through mongoose?

I am trying to update the value of a nested document through a PUT request. It is working for values in the document, but not in the subdocument.
const AnotherSchema = new Schema ({
Name: String,
Age: Number,
Appearance: {
Hair: String, Eyes: String, Height: Number};
My route looks like this
router.put("/looks/:id/edit", function(req, res) {
var Name= "blob";
var Hair= "blue";
AnotherSchema.findByIdAndUpdate(, {Name, Hair}, function(err, feedback){
if (err){
} else {
This route works for updating Name, but not Hair. I have tried Appearance.Hair, but this throws an error in the console for an unexpected . I have also tried [], () and {} but none of these do the trick, nor do " " and this issue does not seem to appear in the docs.
You should be providing the paths via the object notation to the props you want to update:
router.put("/looks/:id/edit", function(req, res) {
AnotherSchema.findByIdAndUpdate(, {
Name: "blob",
Appearance: {
Hair: "blue"
}, function(err, feedback) {
if (err) {
} else {
The above findByIdAndUpdate is equivalent to:
{ $set: { Name: "blob", Appearance: { Hair: "blue" } } } as per the docs
You should use the $set operator, otherwise you will replace the whole record with the object provided as argument.
var updateObj = {
{ $set: { Name: "blob", Appearance: { Hair: "blue" } } }
AnotherSchema.findByIdAndUpdate(, updateObj, function (err, feedback) { ... });

Refactoring several mongoose models to similar collections

I have several collections that have the same documents type, except for the language.
Let's say imagesES, imagesEN, imagesFR, and so on....
I just thought about definig just one schema, but also one model that get the proper collection with a parameter:
var mongoose = require('mongoose')
var Schema = mongoose.Schema
let authorSchema = require('./Authors').authorSchema
const imageSchema = new Schema({
authors: [authorSchema],
status: Number, // published (1), unpublished (0)
created: { type: Date, default: },
lastUpdated: { type: Date, default: },
license: {
type: String,
enum: ['Creative Commons BY-NC-SA'], //just one license right now
default: 'Creative Commons BY-NC-SA'
downloads: {
type: Number,
default: 0
tags: [String]
module.exports = locale => {
return mongoose.model('Image', imageSchema, `image${locale}`)
However in the controller I should require the model inside the controller (when I know the locale):
getImageById: (req, res) => {
const id =
const locale = req.swagger.params.locale.value
const Images = require('../models/Images')(locale)
Images.findOne({_id: id}).lean().exec( (err, image) => {
I'm not sure if this is the proper way as each request I get I have to require the model module (syncronously) or should I require all the different models previous to the use in the function.
const locales = ['es', 'en', 'fr']
const Images = []>Images[locale] = require('../models/Images')(locale))
getImageById: (req, res) => {
const id =
const locale = req.swagger.params.locale.value
Images[locale].findOne({_id: id}).lean().exec( (err, image) => {
Finally this is how I resolved it. Where it says Pictograms, could be Images as in the question
const setPictogramModel = require('../models/Pictograms')
const languages = [
const Pictograms = languages.reduce((dict, language)=> {
dict[language]= setPictogramModel(language)
return dict
}, {})
module.exports = {
getPictogramById: (req, res) => {
const id = req.swagger.params.idPictogram.value
const locale = req.swagger.params.locale.value
// Use lean to get a plain JS object to modify it, instead of a full model instance
Pictograms[locale].findOne({id_image: id}).exec( (err, pictogram) => {
if(err) {
return res.status(500).json({
message: 'Error getting pictograms. See error field for detail',
error: err
if(!pictogram) {
return res.status(404).json( {
message: `Error getting pictogram with id ${id}`,
return res.json(pictogram)

MongoDB : Nested array update issue

I am using MEAN stack to display the following array in a grid.
Nested array:
Mangoose update: I am using express.js to add/update and delete the entry in MangoDB. I am facing the issue in update in nested array. Please see below the code for update the nested array.'/appDomain/update/:appDomainName/:envName', function(req, res, next) {
AppDomain.findOne({}, {_id: 0, appDomain: {$elemMatch: {appDomainName: req.params.appDomainName,}}}, function (err, appDomain) {
if(appDomain.appDomain[0].dashboard[0].envName == req.params.envName )
appDomain.appDomain[0].dashboard[0].envDetails.push({}) (err) {
if(err) {
However, it is not updating. It would be great if anyone can help me out..
AppDomainModel Schema
var Schema = mongoose.Schema;
var serverDetails = new Schema({
hostname: String,
ip: String,
status: String,
path: String,
host: String,
port: String
var hostDetail = new Schema({
hostHdrName: String,
hostDetails: [serverDetails]
var keyValue = new Schema({
keyHdrName: String,
keyValueData: [{key: String, value:String}]
var envSchema = new Schema({
hostnme: String,
ip: String,
cpu: String,
memory: String,
disk: String,
downtime: String,
version: String,
hostDetails: [hostDetail],
keyValues: [keyValue],
recent: [keyValue],
planned: [keyValue]
var dashboardSchema = new Schema({
envName: String,
envDetails: [envSchema]
var appDomainSchema = new Schema({
appDomainName: {type:String,index: { unique: true }},
dashboard: [dashboardSchema]
var AppDomain = mongoose.model('AppDomain', appDomainSchema);
var Dashboard = mongoose.model('Dashboard', dashboardSchema);
var EnvSchema = mongoose.model('EnvSchema', envSchema);
After updating.I am using the following function to check the value .. However the updated one is not available in the DB.
router.get('/app/domain/get/:appDomainName', function(req, res, next) {
AppDomain.find({}, {_id: 0, appDomain: {$elemMatch: {appDomainName: req.params.appDomainName,}}},function (err, appDomain) {
After a long struggle, I figured it out . See below the answer.
var data2 = {};
{_id:1,'appDomain.appDomainName': req.params.appDomainName,'dashboard.$.envName':{$nin:[req.params.envName]}},
{$push: {'appDomain.$.dashboard.0.envDetails':{'envDetails':[data2]}}},
function(err, model) {
I suspect your changes are actually being saved successfully, but you're returning the response too soon. Try this: (err, savedAppDomain) {
if(err) {
// Removed:
