npm install required after upgrading node/npm? - node.js

I'm trying to understand if it is necessary to run a npm install after upgrading node/npm from 6.x to 8.x. If so, can you please explain why this is done? I had a hard time finding some documentation around this.

You should at least run npm rebuild.
Some packages may choose to do things differently in a different Node.js environment, particularly when it comes to binary modules.


Why do I receive deprecated package warnings when using npm install

I hope you are doing well!
I got asked about why should I use -f to force npm install packages to install. In the documentation it states that
force npm to fetch remote resources even if a local copy exists on disk.
But does this mean that it redownloads global packages for the local project or what does it solve exactly?
Another thing happens is when I use npm install, I see a lot of warnings in the console that
WARNING: X package is deprecated
But when I run npm outdated I see that all packages are all fairly up to date (all match the recommended version to download), so I assume this might be a dependency for a certain package. But does it affect our work negatively? Why does this happen?
For the packages I download, I generally look for packages that have in the 6 digits Weekly Downloads from npm so I don't think we are using unfamiliar packages.
I am asking these questions because they have been asked to me but I don't have a straight answer to them.
Thank You!
I don't understand how npm install -f works

how to install nodejs and npm on linux and have a working semver module

after trying to update nodejs because there was a problem with the semver module it was not working anymore. searching the internet revealed that there is something wrong with the installation. after removing nodejs as well as npm and installing them again i cannot run npm anymore as the binary is not found.
as far as i can tell there are multiple ways to install nodejs and npm and i am wondering which is the best way. i would prefer a method that does not rely on a package manager. also i might have trace amounts of previous nodejs installations left and i don't know how to get rid of them.
i don't know if this is important, but i need npm for a laravel project that is using vue. without it i would never have touch it.
thank you very much for any help!

What exactly is the relation between the versions of npm and node when installing them with nvm

Is there is a reason that I shouldn't do the following; Install and manage packages with a version of npm that is different (much newer) from the npm version that comes with the node version I am going to be using to run my app.
Some context why I am asking. I have to work with a service that supports only node 0.10.32 (I know, don't ask) and an app that was written some time ago. We need to add some functionality and unfortunately when I try to run the codebase locally it does not because some dependency of some dependency updated the minor version and they introduced const or fat arrow notation (=>). We had used shrinkwrap to lock down the versions but something must have slipped.
I have spent days on this and at some point it came to me that the problem lies with the package manager not doing what I want. So I managed to install the packages I wanted and shrinkwrapped it using npm#3.10.10 which is what I get when I use node#6.12.3 (nvm use 6.12.3). And when I want to run the app I just switch to the node#0.10.32 to make sure that is going to work on the service.
Can anyone think of any problems with this solution or a reason I shouldn't do that?
Side question
I noticed that when installing node versions using nvm, they usually come with a specific version of npm? What is the relation of those versions? How are they decided? Was it the latest npm version along with that node version when it was released? Is it the latest version of npm that can run with that specific version of node?

Do I have to learn node.js in order to use npm?

I need to use a package on npm, so I'm trying to learn how to use npm. The tutorials are fine, but I feel like they're assuming I know node.js, which I don't, and I'm having a hard time finding a tutorial for npm that doesn't also assume I know node.js. Do I need to learn node.js to use npm?
you don't need to know anything about node to use npm, its just a package manager. Install npm and then npm install all the packages you want. You will need to learn the npm toolchain, however, and it also helps to know which options are available for the various commands.
At the very least you should know the difference between installing a package globally and installing a package locally, i.e npm install -g vs. npm install respectively.

Confused in starting a project in node.js with npm install

Hello I am just a noob and still learning. I have already downloaded and tried the chat tutorial of get-started part from Now, I am again learning from another source. What's confusing me is that, do I always have to npm install in the beginning of every project after writing the dependencies in the package.json? Or is there any other way? I would be very glad if you could help me understand my confusion. Thank you!
Yes, before running, all dependencies must be installed. So you must run npm install.
When developing, you can use npm install --save <package_name> to install a dependency and automatically add it to package.json.
NPM means Node Package Manager. It is used to manage your dependencies to other node modules dynamically thanks to a configuration file called package.json. This way you can easily define the exact versions you need or a mask in order to always retrieve the stable ones for instance.
The command npm install allows to interpret your configuration file and then download the good versions (and this recursively).
