I am trying to print a linked list in Haskell using the following code:
data List = Node {value:: Double, next:: List}
| Empty
printList :: List -> String
printList x | x == (Node v n) = show v ++ " " ++ printList n
| otherwise = show '_'
And getting the compilation error:
:load scratch.hs
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( scratch.hs, interpreted )
scratch.hs:5:26: error: Variable not in scope: v :: Double
scratch.hs:5:28: error: Variable not in scope: n :: List
scratch.hs:5:38: error: Variable not in scope: v
scratch.hs:5:53: error: Variable not in scope: n :: List
Failed, modules loaded: none.
While I'm able to do the same using pattern matching without guards.
printList (Node v n) = show v ++ " " ++ printList n
printList Empty = ""
What's wrong with the first code?
You do not do pattern matching by using an equality check: it is possible that two different patterns are considered equal.
So what you can do is define a pattern in the head of one of the clauses of your function. For instance:
printList :: List -> String
printList (Node v n) = show v ++ " " ++ printList n
printList _ = show '_'
So now Haskell will, for a given List check if it matches with the Node v n pattern, and if so unpack the element and assign the head to v and the tail to n.
We can however still improve the code. Usually you better do not use wildcard patterns, but use all possible patterns. Since if you later want to alter the definition of List, the compiler can give you a warning that you forgot a pattern:
printList :: List -> String
printList (Node v n) = show v ++ " " ++ printList n
printList Empty = show '_'
Another thing we can improve is using "_" over show '_'. Since show '_' will add quotes to the content. For instance:
printList :: List -> String
printList (Node v n) = show v ++ " " ++ printList n
printList Empty = "_"
Finally we can also use a "cons" construction over appending with a singleton list:
printList :: List -> String
printList (Node v n) = show v ++ ' ' : printList n
printList Empty = "_"
I do have the following code:
suffixes :: [a] -> [[a]]
suffixes [] = [[]]
suffixes l#(_:t) = l : suffixes t
prefixes :: [a] -> [[a]]
prefixes [] = [[]]
prefixes l#x = l : prefixes (init x)
menu :: Char -> [a] -> Either String [[a]]
menu 'p' l = Right (prefixes l)
menu 's' l = Right (suffixes l)
menu x _ = Left ("(" ++ show x ++ ")" ++ "is not supported, use (p)refix or (s)uffix")
I do have the following test function:
testMenuP = "Expected Right [[1,2],[1],[]]; menu 'p' [1,2] returned " ++ show (menu 'p' [1,2] :: Either String [[Int]])
testMenuS = "Expected Right [[1,2],[2],[]]; menu 's' [1,2] returned " ++ show (menu 's' [1,2] :: Either String [[Int]])
testMenuC = "Expected Left \"(d) is not supported, use (p)refix or (s)uffix\"; menu 'd' [1,2] returned " ++ show (menu 'd' [1,2] :: Either String [[Int]])
testMenu = putStr (testMenuP ++ "\n" ++ testMenuS ++ "\n" ++ testMenuC ++ "\n")
My question is now, how do I get rid of the quotes '' in the Char 'd' when I output the string (as shown in the test function testMenuC).
You can replace the part of menu with:
menu x _ = Left ("(" ++ [x] ++ ")" ++ "is not supported, use (p)refix or (s)uffix")
or even
menu x _ = Left . mconcat $ ["(", [x], ")", "is not supported, use (p)refix or (s)uffix"]
I want to know how to make modifications to a text that is full of special characters and codes and replace those codes with strings.
I have the following text:
"#chomsky/syntactic structures/chomskySynt/: published in 1957. #bloomfield/language/bloomfieldLan/: published in 1933. #chomsky/aspects of a theory of syntax/chomskyAsp/: published in 1965. ... #see/chomskySynt/ is considered the starting point of generative linguistics.... Another hypothesis was introduced in #see/chomskyAsp/."
I want to turn it into=
"Chomsky 1: Syntactic structures : published in 1957. Bloomfield 1: Language : published in 1933. Chomsky 2: Aspects of a theory of syntax : published in 1965. ... Chomsky 1 is considered the starting point of generative linguistics ... Another hypothesis was introduced in Chomsky 2..."
Explanation of the special characters and codes: the information on a book starts with # followed by the name of the author (chomsky for example) followed by / then title of the book / then the special code for the book (chomskyAsp) then /
The citation of a book starts with #see followed by / then the special code of the book (ex. chomskySyn) /
The modifications are:
To count how many times an author is cited and concatenate the number to the name: Chomsky 1, for example.
Author name will start with a capital letter
Remove the special code : chomskySynt which serves only as an identification code.
Replace the reference : #see/chomskyAsp with the Chomsky 2. That is replace the reference with the actual author and number.
Here is my code:
RemoveSlash = myReplace "/"" " text
removeDash = map lines $ (filter(any isLetter) . groupBy ( (==) `on` (=='#'))) $ removeSlash
flattenList= concat removeDash
splitIntoWords = map words flattenList
And here is the myReplace function:
myReplace _ _ [] = []
myReplace a b s#(x:xs)= if isPrefixOf a s
then b++myReplace a b (drop(length a)s)
else x: myReplace a b xs
Here is the result so far:
[["chomsky syntactic structures chomskySynt published in 1957. "], ["bloomfield language bloomfieldLan published in 1933. "],["chomsky aspects of a theory of syntax chomskyAsp published in 1965. ... "],["see chomskySynt is considered the starting point of generative linguistics.... Another hypothesis was introduced in "],["see chomskyAsp"]]
The reason I flattened the list and split it into words is now if I do:
map head splitIntoWords
I get ["chomsky","bloomfield","chomsky","see","see"]
I am stuck at this stage. How do I count how many times an author is cited and concatenate the number to the name. I thought of using the zip function:
zipChomsky =zip [1, 2][x | x <- diviser,(head x) == "chomsky"]
This gives:
But the result is very different from: Chomsky 1: ...
EDIT: I didn't mean to make the answer this long, but the problem turned out a non-trivial task, and I'm not quite sure how much detail I should put in the answer. In case you understand all the tools I'm using, the full code is just at the end of this answer.
In your case, you'll need:
an approach to parse your input document
a suitable data structure to store the input information
displaying the data as output format
For the parsing part, perhaps Regex is enough (maybe), but I guess the Parsec library is a better choice. For detailed usage of Parsec please refer to the link, and I'll only try to show how to use it in your case:
First, import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.
A document is a list of
a literal string
a definition, with format #<Author>/<Title>/<Code>/, as in "#chomsky/syntactic structures/chomskySynt/"
a citation, with format #see/<Code>/, as in "#see/chomskyAsp/"
Hence we define
data Index = Index {
getAuthor :: String,
getTitle :: String,
getSpecialCode :: String,
getAuthorCount :: Int
-- For counting author later.
} deriving (Show)
data Content = Def Index
| Cite String Index
-- We'll fill in Index later.
| Literal String
deriving (Show)
and our input document will just be turned into [Content].
Correspondingly, we'll use the following function (actually, parser) to parse the input:
document = many (try def <|> try cite <|> literal)
literal = Literal <$> many1 (noneOf "#")
def = do
char '#'
author <- many1 $ noneOf "/"
char '/'
title <- many1 $ noneOf "/"
char '/'
code <- many1 $ noneOf "/"
char '/'
return $ Def author title code
cite = do
try $ string "#see/"
code <- many1 $ noneOf "/"
char '/'
return $ Cite code nullIndex
A short explanation:
A document is many (def or cite or literal), with operator <|> combining parsers.
A literal is a string, stopping at '#', with at least 1 char (using many1); a parser inside many should not accept empty input, think of why!
A def is #<Author>/<Title>/<Code>/, and we can write in do-notation since Parser is a monad.
A cite goes similarly.
A def, cite, or string "#see/" parse multiple characters, hence is possible to fail when they have consumed some chars; therefore, we use the combinator try.
By the way, nullIndex is just a placeholder before we actually fill this record:
nullIndex :: Index
nullIndex = Index "" "" "" 0
Now we only need a function with signiture [Content] -> String.
We can start with captializing the author name:
capitalizeAuthor :: Content -> Content
capitalizeAuthor (Def x) = Def (x {getAuthor = author'}) where
author' = toUpper (head author) : tail author
author = getAuthor x
capitalizeAuthor y = y
The other tasks are not local, since the relation between Contents should be observed, hence we will use a foldl across the list.
import Data.Map.Strict ((!))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
type CodeDict = M.Map String Index
-- Map Code Index
type AuthorDict = M.Map String Int
-- Map Author Count
type Fold = (CodeDict, AuthorDict, [Content])
emptyFold :: Fold
emptyFold = (M.empty, M.empty, [])
The Fold type will store the state when we modify along the original [Content].
(I realize that the code will be much clearer if I use the State monad, but I'm not sure if I need to explain it then ...)
In addition, a folding function for foldl
accum :: Fold -> Content -> Fold
accum (c,a,ls) (Def x) = (c',a',Def x':ls) where
a' = M.insertWith (+) author 1 a
c' = M.insert code x' c
x' = x {getAuthorCount = count}
count = maybe 1 (+1) $ a !? author
author = getAuthor x
code = getSpecialCode x
accum (c,a,ls) (Cite code _) = (c,a,Cite code (c ! code) : ls)
accum (c,a,ls) y = (c,a,y:ls)
After foldr, the resulted list will contain the contents with
getAuthorCount correctly filled
Cites transferred into Defs, since they have the same outputting format.
The resulted list is reversed, so you'll need Data.List.reverse.
Finally, you can define your own version of Show for Content. For example,
instance Show Index where
show x = getAuthor x ++ " "
++ show (getAuthorCount x) ++ ": "
++ getTitle x ++ " "
instance Show Content where
show (Def idx) = show idx
show (Cite x idx) = getAuthor idx ++ " "
++ show (getAuthorCount idx)
show (Literal x) = x
as I figured out from your output sample.
The full length code:
import Data.Char
import Data.List (reverse)
import Data.Map.Strict ((!),(!?))
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
data Index = Index {
getAuthor :: String,
getTitle :: String,
getSpecialCode :: String,
getAuthorCount :: Int
-- For counting author later.
nullIndex :: Index
nullIndex = Index "" "" "" 0
instance Show Index where
show x = getAuthor x ++ " "
++ show (getAuthorCount x) ++ ": "
++ getTitle x ++ " "
data Content = Def Index
| Cite String Index
| Literal String
instance Show Content where
show (Def idx) = show idx
show (Cite x idx) = getAuthor idx ++ " "
++ show (getAuthorCount idx)
show (Literal x) = x
document = many (try cite <|> try def <|> literal)
literal = Literal <$> many1 (noneOf "#")
def = do
char '#'
author <- many1 $ noneOf "/"
char '/'
title <- many1 $ noneOf "/"
char '/'
code <- many1 $ noneOf "/"
char '/'
return $ Def $ Index author title code 0
cite = do
try $ string "#see/"
code <- many1 $ noneOf "/"
char '/'
return $ Cite code nullIndex
capitalizeAuthor :: Content -> Content
capitalizeAuthor (Def x) = Def (x {getAuthor = author'}) where
author' = toUpper (head author) : tail author
author = getAuthor x
capitalizeAuthor y = y
type CodeDict = M.Map String Index
-- Map Code Index
type AuthorDict = M.Map String Int
-- Map Author Count
type Fold = (CodeDict, AuthorDict, [Content])
emptyFold :: Fold
emptyFold = (M.empty, M.empty, [])
accum :: Fold -> Content -> Fold
accum (c,a,ls) (Def x) = (c',a',Def x':ls) where
a' = M.insertWith (+) author 1 a
c' = M.insert code x' c
x' = x {getAuthorCount = count}
count = maybe 1 (+1) $ a !? author
author = getAuthor x
code = getSpecialCode x
accum (c,a,ls) (Cite code _) = (c,a,Cite code (c ! code) : ls)
accum (c,a,ls) y = (c,a,y:ls)
main :: IO ()
main = do
line <- getLine
let parsed = parse document "" line
case parsed of
Left x -> print x
Right cs -> do
let cs1 = map capitalizeAuthor cs
let (_,_,cs2) = foldl accum emptyFold cs1
let output = concatMap show $ reverse cs2
putStrLn output
I am just a few days into Haskell and learning it from Learn You a Haskell for a great good. While trying out one of the 99 Haskell problems, I ran into the following error while loading my function into ghci.
The problem asks to write a function elementAt k x which takes a number k, a list x and extracts the kth element of the list x.
Here is my function
elementAt :: Int -> [a] -> a
elementAt k x
| k < 0 = error "You have passed a negative index"
| null x = error "Cannot extract from an empty list"
| (length x) < k = error "The array contains fewer than " ++ (show k) ++ "elements"
elementAt 0 (x:_) = x
elementAt k (_:xs) = elementAt (k-1) xs
On loading this function into ghci I get the error
Couldn't match expected type `a' with actual type `[Char]'
`a' is a rigid type variable bound by
the type signature for elementAt :: Int -> [a] -> a at fun.hs:77:14
Relevant bindings include
x :: [a] (bound at fun.hs:78:13)
elementAt :: Int -> [a] -> a (bound at fun.hs:78:1)
In the expression:
error "The array contains fewer than " ++ (show k) ++ "elements"
In an equation for `elementAt':
elementAt k x
| k < 0 = error "You have passed a negative index"
| null x = error "Cannot extract from an empty list"
| (length x) < k
= error "The array contains fewer than " ++ (show k) ++ "elements"
The trouble seems to lie with the way I have used the show function, but I
don't see why. On removing the show call the function seems to compile and
work perfectly.
You will need to put parentheses around your error message in line 5.
Currently your implementation is equal to this one:
(error "The array contains fewer than ") ++ show k ++ "elements"
While you most likely wanted it to do this:
error ("The array contains fewer than " ++ show k ++ "elements")
You can also use the ($) syntax like so:
error $ "The array contains fewer than " ++ show k ++ "elements"
According to Haskell Report, f x ++ g y parses as (f x) ++ (g y). In your case,
error "The array contains fewer than " ++ (show k) ++ "elements"
parses as
(error "The array contains fewer than ") ++ (show k) ++ "elements"
I have a function
(.#.) :: [a] -> Integer -> a -- 1-indexing with 'Integer'
xs .#. j = xs !! (fromIntegral $ j-1)
showIntegers :: [Integer] -> String
showIntegers r = let
str = concat $ "List: " : [r (.#.) j | j <- [1..length r]]
How can I show r (.#.) j as a Char/String rather than an integer? I tried using show, but it gave me an error.
Here is an example of how I used show:
str = concat $ "List: " : [show $ r (.#.) j | j <- [1..length r]]
Example input and output:
> showIntegers [1,2,3]
List: 1 2 3
You should just use Data.List.intercalate or even better use unwords.
import Data.List
showIntegers :: [Integer] -> String
showIntegers r = "List: " ++ intercalate " " $ map show r
--showIntegers r = "List: " ++ unwords $ map show r
EDIT: In either case you should avoid using !! especially to enumerate the original list.
First I would get rid of .#. it is just going to confuse you to use a different numbering system, best to rip that bandaid off.
Next realize that [show $ r !! j <- 0 .. length r - 1] is the same as map show r (and the latter is standard).
Now going with that you have: concat $ "List: " : (map show r) which creates List: 123 because we lost the spaces.
We could reproduce the spaces but what is the difference between using intercalate and concat? Honestly the best solution without using intercalate would be to reproduce intercalate (whose source code is available on Hackage).
Just remove the parenthesis around (.#.) and it works.
If you have an infix operator !#$ , with something before and after it, e.g. x !#$ y, you must not use parentheses. In the other cases, add parentheses, like in the type declaration.
(this technically answers the question, but Guvante's advice is better.)
I have the following functions in Haskell that must print the sales of weeks. Each sale in a new line. But it is not working the way i expect it to. The problem i have is the newline character '\n'.
printWeeks :: Int->String
printWeeks 0 = printWeek 0
printWeeks x = printWeeks(x-1) ++ printWeek x
printWeek :: Int->String
printWeek x = show(x) ++ " " ++ stars (sales x) ++ "'\n'"
I have tried many ways but the new line character is not working as expected. Everything is printed on the same line whichis not what i want.
Need help?
The following is not working because of compile errors. The errors comes from the second line of formatLines. The type decalaration is causing errors. Need help here
formatLine :: (Name,Price)->IO()
formatLine (a,b) = putStrLn (a ++ dots ++ p)
x=(length a)
p=(formatPence b)
y=length p
dots = printDots z
formatLines :: [(Name,Price)]->IO()
formatLines []= ""
formatLines (a:x) = formatLines x ++ formatLine a
You should use ++ "\n" to append a newline to the output; your current code will add a ', then a newline, then another '.
As #marcog points out, be sure to use putStr to print it out (or don't append the newline at all and use putStrLn). Example:
Hugs> putStr (show 4 ++ "\n")
Hugs> putStrLn (show 4 ++ "\n")
Hugs> print (show 4 ++ "\n")
(Note that the Hugs interpreter adds extra newlines after each output.)
You are probably printing the string using print x, which is equivalent to putStrLn (show x). show x is converting the newlines into readable characters \ and n. You need to use putStrLn x instead, or putStr x if you don't want to append a newline to the end of the string.
You should also remove the single quotes you have around the newline, unless that was intentional.
It's a bit of a riddle why so much action is happening under the heading of IO. This is maybe a little verbose. I couldn't tell where lineLength was coming from so I made it a parameter.
formatLine :: Int -> (Name,Price) -> String
formatLine linelength (name, price) = name ++ dotfill ++ showprice
showprice :: String
showprice = formatPence price
extra :: Int
extra = linelength - length (name ++ showprice)
dotfill :: String
dotfill = replicate extra '.'
formatLines :: Int -> [(Name, Price)] -> String
formatLines linelength []= ""
formatLines linelength (first:rest) =
(formatLine linelength first ++ "\n") ++ formatLines linelength rest
standardPrint :: [(Name, Price)] -> IO ()
standardPrint listing = putStrLn (formatLines 50 listing)
fileAwayPrices :: FilePath -> [(Name,Price)] -> IO()
fileAwayPrices filename listing = writeFile filename (formatLines 70 listing)
testlist :: [(Name,Price)]
testlist = [("oats",344),("barley", 299),("quinoa",599)]
-- *Main> standardPrint testlist
-- oats...........................................344
-- barley.........................................299
-- quinoa.........................................599
type Name = String
type Price = Integer
formatPence n = show n
Re your update: your type declaration is correct, it's the rest of formatLines that's wrong.
formatLines :: [(Name,Price)]->IO()
formatLines [] = return ()
formatLines (a:x) = formatLines x >> formatLine a
A more concise way of writing that is
formatLines :: [(Name,Price)]->IO()
formatLines = mapM_ formatLine . reverse