How to populate an array parameter in a Spotfire URL configurationBlock - spotfire

So...I managed to create a URL which populates a parameterised information link.
This passes in GERMANY to the pCountry parameter and is working fine.
However, I am not sure how I would push in an array of values. I have changed my parameter to be an array, and am trying different things but they are not working.
This documentation isn't great in this respect.
I have tried things like this, where I am comma separating the parameters (here I am passing in GERMANY and FRANCE separated by a url encoded comma (%3B).

A list parameter has the following syntax:
Used in a URL it must be encoded: COUNTRY%3D%7B%22GERMANY%22%2C%22FRANCE%22%7D
Learn more about configuration blocks here:


ADF web activity output parameter with special character

I'm using ADF Web activity to submit a GET request to the external API.
From the web activity (2) I'm getting the following output:
Now, I want to assign a variable with value of the element that is marked on the screen.
Unfortunately, the following expressioin is invalid:
Is looks to me that ADF is not able to parse this expression due to special character ("-") in the name of property I'm trying to extract.
When I use a different expression to access a different parameter:
it works.
Do you have any idea how I should write the expression to extract the value of "Total-Count" ?
According to this post ADF retrieves value from field with dash from json file this could work for you, too.
The expression in your case could look like this:

Add Parameter Values to Query String of get request in ADF

I have a Copy Data task which is obtaining data from an API
The API is a GET call to a method and requires 2 parameters
I have defined these as parameters
What is the syntax that allows me to use the values of my parameters as the values that are in the query string? So in the screenshot above Symbols is hard coded, but I want the value to be the value of the parameters
I need a screen solution rather than code please as I am not comfortable with ADF yet and I dont know how to get to the code/ARM views
Using a feature called string interpolation where expressions are wrapped in #{ ... }
Click on the Base URL field. Add Parameters. Using Concat expression function,
Add first parameter:
Add second parameter:
Test connection. If you see any error, it would provide a description as to debug further.

Kentico 12 Azure Search

I'm trying to implement Azure Search on Kentico 12. Following the article below.
However, I have multiple indexes defined on the smart search not just a single index code name that I can hard code and also cannot aford to hard code index fields. Is there any tutorial out there that I can follow?
It sounds as if you're referring to building an Azure Search web part, is this correct. If so, make a property in your web part which allows you to select the code name from a list in the database. Secondly, regarding field names, you should be using generic field names like DocumentName, NodeAliaspath, etc. Although if you have very specific search results that need to be displayed, simply put in a switch statement to get the field names based on a class name.

Azure NextMarker

I have created a container in Azure called files. It has 3 images and 2 txt files.
With the URL listed above, NextMarker will be empty. If I use the following URL..
It shows the NextMarker field populated, and what I understand from this article is that using NextMarker as a QueryString should give me the 2nd object. However, this URL gives the same output as the previous one.!16!aW1nL3JlZC5qcGc-
What am I missing?
Actually the query string parameter is marker and not nextmarker ( :).
So if you try:!16!aW1nL3JlZC5qcGc-, things should work just fine.

Web API - GET - passing in multiple parameters in this scenario

When I have this URI and pass in the PlayerCode: 12345, everything is good.
But when I have a list of 9000 player codes how do I pass the specific list of order code list for a GET operation?
While this question -asked before,here - suggests "an" answer I am not sure if it is "the" answer. I am not sure if I should be going for something like :,23456,34567,45678....
and then have custom model binders to cater to the above.
Does passing in 9000 comma separated values in a URI make sense?
What would be the optimal solution for this scenario?
unfortunately, when you get into the realm of big numbers like 9000, query string parameters will not be sufficient. I assume you are running your solution in IIS or IIS express, both of which have character limits on the query string of somewhere around 2048. In this scenario you can either choose to do an HTTP POST and post a body of the playerId's for the players you need to retrieve, or you could rework your architecture a bit and break your GET calls up into acceptable sizes.
