Use idris elaborator for sandboxed code - sandbox

I'd like to be able to run untrusted sandboxed code within Idris. Is it possible to use the idris elaborator (or some other method) to reject any untrusted code that:
references symbols from outside of a specific set of modules, or
is not total


Why we don't need to import any modules to use print(),input(),len(),int(),etc function in python

As definition say, To use any built-in functions we need to first import the respective modules in the program
But how we are using print(), input(), len(), etc many more function without importing any modules in python
Please someone clarify it..
(sorry if my question is not relevant)
Because the Python language designers chose to make them available by default, on the assumption that they were useful enough to always be available. This is especially common for:
The simplest I/O functions (e.g. print/input) that it's nice to have access to, especially when playing around with stuff in the interactive interpreter
Functions that are wrappers around special methods (e.g. len for __len__, iter for __iter__), as it reduces the risk of people calling special methods directly just to avoid an import
Built-in classes (e.g. int, set, str, etc.), which aren't technically functions, but they're used frequently (possibly available as literals), and the definition of the class needs to be loaded for basic operation of the interpreter anyway
In short, you have access to them automatically because they might have to load them anyway (in the case of built-in classes), it's convenient to have access to them automatically, and the designers thought it was likely they'd be frequently used, nothing more complicated than that. The "likely to be frequently used" is important; some modules on the CPython reference interpreter are actually baked into the interpreter itself, rather than existing as separate modules on the file system (e.g. sys), but the contents of those modules were not considered important/commonly used enough to be worth injecting into the built-in namespace (where they'd be likely to collide with user-defined names).
The built-ins are provided through the builtins module, so if you want to see what's there (or, being terrible, change what's available as a built-in everywhere), you can import it and perform normal attribute manipulation on it to query/add/remove/change the set of available built-ins (the site module does this to inject the exit quasi-built-in for instance).

Can I use the Rust lexer or parser to retrieve a list of functions within a Rust file?

The lexer/parser file located here is quite large and I'm not sure if it is suitable for just retrieving a list of Rust functions. Perhaps writing my own/using another library would be a better route to take?
The end objective would be to create a kind of execution manager. To contextualise, it would be able to read a list of function calls wrapped in a function. The function calls that are within the function will then be able to be re/ordered from some web interface. Thought it might be nice to manage larger applications this way.
No. I mean, not really. Whether you write your own parser or re-use syntex, you're going to hit a fundamental limitation: macros.
So let's say you go all-out and expand macro_rules!-based macros, including the ones defined in external crates (which means you'll also need to extract rustc's crate metadata loading... which isn't stable). What about procedural macros and custom derive attributes? Those are defined in code and depend on compiler-internal interfaces to function.
The only way this is likely to ever work correctly is if you build on top of the compiler, or duplicate a huge amount of work (which also involves unstable binary interfaces).
You could use syntex to parse the Rust code in a build script.

Haskell as a scripting language

Are there any redistributable1 solutions2 to loading Haskell scripts3 from a Haskell program?
1 Statically linked; not need the end user to install ghc or have anything special on their PATH.
2 Ie a library plus some setup on my end.
3 That are written in Haskell, and have access to some set of symbols exported from the program doing the loading. This is the important one. I've been able to load and run code snippets with hint, but I haven't been able to get them to see any symbols in my program, which is how scripting systems normally work.
Idea #1: If you want the code to have access to certain functions, you could just pass those functions in as arguments. (May not work well if there's a huge number of them though.)
Idea #2: FFI allows you to export symbols to C, so it should be possible to import those back into Haskell on the other side. Probably ugly though.

Debug-able Domain Specific Language

My goal is to develop a DSL for my application but I want the user to be able to put a break-point in his/her DSL without the user to know anything about the underlying language that the DSL runs on and he/she see is the DSL related syntax, stack, watch variables and so on.
How can I achieve this?
It depends on your target platform. For example, if you're implementing your DSL compiler on top of .NET, it is trivial to annotate your bytecode with debugging information (variable names, source code location for expressions and statements, etc.).
If you also provide a Visual Studio extension for your language, you'll be able to reuse a royalty-free MSVS Isolated Shell for both editing and debugging for your DSL code.
Nearly the same approach is possible with JVM (you can use Eclipse or Netbeans as a debugging frontend).
Native code generation is a little bit more complicated, but it is still possible to do some simple things, like generating C code stuffed with line pragmas.
You basically need to generate code for your DSL with built-in opportunities for breakpoints, each with built-in facilities for observing the internal state variables. Then your debugger has know how to map locations in the DSL to the debug breakpoints, and for each breakpoint, simply call the observers. (If the observers have names, e.g., variable names, you can let the user choose which ones to call).

Safe execution of untrusted Haskell code

I'm looking for a way to run an arbitrary Haskell code safely (or refuse to run unsafe code).
Must have:
module/function whitelist
timeout on execution
memory usage restriction
Capabilities I would like to see:
ability to kill thread
compiling the modules to native code
caching of compiled code
running several interpreters concurrently
complex datatype for compiler errors (insted of simple message in String)
With that sort of functionality it would be possible to implement a browser plugin capable of running arbitrary Haskell code, which is the idea I have in mind.
EDIT: I've got two answers, both great. Thanks! The sad part is that there doesn't seem to be ready-to-go library, just a similar program. It's a useful resource though. Anyway I think I'll wait for 7.2.1 to be released and try to use SafeHaskell in my own program.
We've been doing this for about 8 years now in lambdabot, which supports:
a controlled namespace
OS-enforced timeouts
native code modules
concurrent interactive top-levels
custom error message returns.
This series of rules is documented, see:
Safely running untrusted Haskell code
mueval, an alternative implementation based on ghc-api
The approach to safety taken in lambdabot inspired the Safe Haskell language extension work.
For approaches to dynamic extension of compiled Haskell applications, in Haskell, see the two papers:
Dynamic Extension of Typed Functional Languages, and
Dynamic applications from the ground up.
GHC 7.2.1 will likely have a new facility called SafeHaskell which covers some of what you want. SafeHaskell ensures type-safety (so things like unsafePerformIO are outlawed), and establishes a trust mechanism, so that a library with a safe API but implemented using unsafe features can be trusted. It is designed exactly for running untrusted code.
For the other practical aspects (timeouts and so on), lambdabot as Don says would be a great place to look.
