Sublime text multiple cursors? - sublimetext3

Sublime Text is so damn advanced and this seems like such a stupid question, but...
I started writing a for loop in PHP (using SFTP), loved that it gave me a choice to auto-generate the loop. However, it enters this weird multi-cursor mode, which
1)I am not really sure how to use/exit without using the mouse;
2) it seems useless, seeing as all 3 type the same thing, even though I need to change, for example, the $i > x or $i = x.

Although Sublime does indeed support the idea of multiple cursors (which is an incredible time saver and useful as all get out, as we're about to see), what you're actually asking about here is a snippet which in this case happens to also include multiple cursors.
The general idea is that for code that you're likely to type many times (e.g. a for loop), you can create a snippet that will generate the bulk of the text for you in one shot, and then allow you to easily customize it as needed. In this case, the snippet in question is part of the default functionality of Sublime and is provided by the shipped PHP package.
To answer point #2 in your question first, this is far from useless. As seen here, I enter the text for and then press Tab to expand the snippet out. The first thing to notice here is that the status line says Field 1 of 4 to tell me that I'm in a snippet and that it contains four fields.
The first field is the name of the control variable for the loop, and all of them are selected so that as I change the name, all of them change at the same time because when there are multiple cursors, the text you type appears at all of them at the same time.
Once I'm done changing the name of the variable, I press Tab again to go to the next field, which allows me to easily change the point at which the loop starts. Another press of Tab takes me to the third field, where I can specify where the loop ends.
One last press of Tab exits the snippet and selects the text in the loop, so I can start writing my code (caveat: I am not a PHP developer).
At this point you can see Sublime offering another snippet for echo, which would expand out to an echo statement complete with quotes, then allow me to edit the text in the echo and skip to the end.
Circling back around to the first point in your question, you can use Esc at any point to jump out of a snippet and go back to regular editing. You can also use Tab or Shift+Tab to move through the fields in the snippet, and pressing Tab at the last field in the snippet exits it as well.
In this particular case, the first field in the snippet sets up multiple cursors, and so exiting the snippet while this field is active leaves multiple cursors in effect. You can jump back to a single cursor by pressing Esc one more time (this is true regardless of how you ended up with multiple cursors).


Unwanted text appears every time I close a bracket in VIM using VimTex

I am typesetting a latex file in VIM using the Vimtex plugin.
Every time I close a bracket, this text shows up automatically in the <++>.
For example:
\section{This is one}<++>
\section{The variable $V_L$<++> explains things}<++>
LaTeX compiles my text with those printed out in the pdf so I have to manually remove the every time. This behavior goes from $$ to {} to others also and even inside certain areas when using autocompletion features wit F5.
I did look add this question but it did not provide much help as to how to solve my issue.
How can I prevent the from being added to my tex files?
If they are a feature meant for something I do not understand, how do I prevent them from compiling in my pdf's?
This part of the documentation on the vim-latex (not Vimtex) repo on github
explains how the macro system works, how it's useful and solely meant for editing
NOTE: Place Holders
Almost all macros provided in Latex-Suite implement Stephen Riem's
bracketing system and Gergely Kontra's JumpFunc() for handling
place-holders. This consists of using "place-holders" to mark off
locations where the next relevant editing has to be done. As an example,
when you type EFI in |insert-mode|, you will get the following: >
\caption{<+caption text+>}
The text <+htpb+> will be selected and you will be left in |select-mode|
so that you can continue typing straight away. After having typed in the
placement specifier, you can press <Ctrl-J> (while still in insert-mode).
This will take you directly to the next "place-holder". i.e, <+file+> will
be visually selected with Vim in select mode again for typing in the file
aaaa. This saves on a lot of key presses.
Note: Upon testing I realized that the placeholder only appears when the bracketing is empty.

Delimiting quick-open path with fullstops in Sublime Text 3?

I'm making the move to ST3, and I'm having some trouble. I'd like to be able to delimit the quick-open filepath (⌘ + T) with periods instead of slashes or spaces. However, I can't find the setting to do that.
For example:
should be able to open the file that
component biz_site_promotions presentation
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
There is no setting in Sublime that changes the way this works; the search term is always used to directly match the text in the list items (except for space characters).
Note however that the Goto Anything panel uses fuzzy matching on the text that you're entering, so in many cases trying to enter an entire file name is more time consuming anyway.
As an example, to find the file you're mentioning, you could try entering the text cbspp, which in this case is the first letters of all of the parts of the file name in question.
As you add to the search term, the file list immediately filters down to text that matches what you entered; first only filenames that contain a C, then only filenames that contain a C that is followed somewhere after by a B, and so on.
Depending on the complexity and number of files that you have in your project, you may need to add in a few extra characters to dial in better (e.g. comb_s_pp). Usually this search method will either end you up at the exact file you want, or filter the list so much that the file that you want will be easier to find and select.
Additionally, when you select an item and there was more than one possible match, Sublime remembers which item you selected for that particular search term and brings it to the top of the search results next time you do it, under the assumption that you want the same thing again.
As you use Sublime more (and with different projects) you will quickly get a handle on what partial search terms work the best for you.
In addition to finding files, you can do other things with that panel as well, such as jumping to a specific line and/or column or searching inside the file for a search term and jumping directly to it. This applies not only to the current file but also the one that you're about to open.
For more complete details, there is a page in the Unofficial Documentation that covers File Navigation with Goto Anything
As an extra aside, starting with Sublime Text build 3154, the fuzzy searching algorithm handles spaces differently than previous builds.
Historically, spaces in the search term are essentially ignored and the entire input is treated as one search term to be matched character by character.
Starting in build 3154, spaces are handled by splitting up a single search term into multiple search terms, which are applied one after the other.
This allows multiple search terms to hit out of order. For example, index doc in build 3154 will find doc/index.html, but it won't find it in previous versions because the terms aren't in the right order.
As such, assuming you're not currently using such a build (as of right now it's a development build, so only licensed users have access to it), moving forward if you continue to search the way you're searching in your question, you might start getting more results than you expected.

How to change the Sublime Text 3 StatusBar message in a command or macro (no plugin)?

addressing Sublime Text 3 users here.
I wrote a couple of macros to enable spell-check and load a specific dictionary, as I constantly swap between French and English and I wanted a simple shortcut for this (instead of browsing the menu or two successive commands in the command pallet).
My macros work as expected (french-spellcheck.sublime-macro, english-spellcheck.sublime-macro).
But I would like to display a message in the Status Bar, for instance "Switched to French" or "Switched to English" (for some time, let say 5 sec).
I looked everywhere I know and I tried for some time, but apparently there is no way to do this in a command (that could be added at the end of the macro), as the set_status internal ST3's Python API command (from Window package) is only available for plugins...
Does any one has an idea of how to display a message to the SublimeText3 StatusBar in a command/macro and not with a plugin? Thanks!
There is no built in command that invokes the API methods for doing this (at least not a documented one), so there's no way to go about this without a plugin of some sort.
That said, in order to do what you want, the following is all you would need to save into a file named e.g. in your Packages/User folder (alongside your macros). This provides a set_status command that takes a value named value for the text to display, as mentioned in the commented out portion of your macro file.
import sublime, sublime_plugin
class SetStatusCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand):
def run(self, edit, value="set_status: use arg 'value' to set text"):
self.view.window ().status_message (value)
This uses a different API than the one you mention in your macro file comments; status_message does the work of displaying a message in the status bar, waiting a few seconds, and then removing it, which makes the command simple to implement.
If you wanted more control (i.e. to change the duration) you would need to modify this to invoke the API commands your macro files already mention: view.set_status() and sublime.set_timeout().

dialog/whiptail radiolist consistence

So basically I am trying to rewrite a bash script which uses dialog --radiolist for choosing locale,keyboard,time. At the moment the tag is a number that corresponds to a local (I created a hashtable for it). But because I have, and want to keep it that way for now, around 100 locales it gets messy at the end.
What I wanna achieve is to make it more compact without having to add or add an artificial, non visible item that might easily translate to its tag. (as a tag I would put the locale name)
What I have tried:
1. Noobish thing but I though that there might be some way to include empty like NULL in ASCII or 0, blank space etc, but dialog would always make it visible.
2. Exclude the item at all and finish on on/off but instead on/off takes place of item (not surprisingly if options are as follow --radiolist text height width list-height [ tag item status ])
3. Instead of letting the dialog on exit write to the output the name of the chosen locale I created an output statement myself.
I had red a lot about dialog and whiptail(, but always end up with having to add tag and an item. Would appreciate any suggestions and maybe some info if there is easily plug-gable dialog/whiptail compatible libs.
Thank You in advance
Perhaps you overlooked the --no-tags option (see manpage):
Some widgets (checklist, inputmenu, radiolist, menu) display a
list with two columns (a "tag" and "description"). The tag is
useful for scripting, but may not help the user. The --no-tags
option (from Xdialog) may be used to suppress the column of tags
from the display. Unlike the --no-items option, this does not
affect the data which is read from the script.
The question mentions whiptail and consistency, which could refer to consistency across dialog and whiptail. There is none, since
whiptail provides fewer options than dialog (inevitably, there will be differences, since there is no one-one mapping possible)
consistency as such between the two is done in dialog occasionally to help with compatibility (the reverse is not true).

Something preventing default (explorer-style) CListCtrl jump to line behaviour

I'm maintaining an MFC/COM/ATL 45-odd project solution originally written with VS6. I'm now using VS2008.
I'm looking at a list control(vanilla CListCtrl) which doesn't behave as we think it should.
Normally in an MFC list control you can press a key, (Q say) & selection will jump down to the 1st line beginning with 'Q' (like windows explorer). Does anyone have an idea as to why this might not happen?
The styles/Extended styles are set the same as another control in the same project, which DOES work OK.
Do I have to send my own message, or is there a flag, etc. that controls that functionality or what? Normally Google would supply the answer, but I haven't been able to frame my query correctly to come up with the relevant info this time.
Here's the line from the .rc file for the CListCtrl that doesn't jump to a line on keypress:
And here's a line from the same .rc file showing a list control that does do that:
As you can see, there's no obvious difference to the properties, so what program code would affect it?
I've now realised what the problem is (coming back to it after a break) - CListCtrl matches on Column ZERO(the "label" column as some have called it I think) - which is a hidden column(in this particular list control) that sometimes contains a number & sometimes is blank, so unsuprisingly doesn't do anything when an alpha key is pressed. Obvious,really - I apologise for making the problem sound more complicated that it actually was ;)
