require "d3-select-multi" as node module not working - node.js

I installed d3 via npm and require it in my script directly (for some reason)
npm install d3
and then
var d3 = require("d3");
works fine.
The problem is now, that I need the "d3-selection-multi"-module.
I installed it also via npm
npm install d3-selection-multi
In the d3-Doku I read you could require different modules like so:
var d3 = Object.assign({}, require("d3-format"), require("d3-geo"), require("d3-geo-projection"));
I changed that to my needs which would be to have the standard-d3-bundle (that worked already above) and add the d3-selection-multi.
var d3 = Object.assign({}, require("d3"), require("d3-selection-multi"));
That does not work however.
So I tested it by printing out the resulting object:
The result is correctly:
{version: "4.11.0", bisect: ƒ, bisectRight: ƒ, bisectLeft: ƒ, ascending: ƒ, …}
But the "d3-selection-multi"-module is not there. I can see that, because it doesn't recognize d3.selectAll().styles as a function.
I tried the following:
instead of
var d3 = Object.assign({}, require("d3"), require("d3-selection-multi"));
I just required the d3-selection-multi to see whether it works:
var d3 = require("d3-selection-multi");
and the result of console.log(d3) is
{ } An empty object.
So if this object does not contain anything the Object.assign obviously also doesn't add anything to the d3-standard-bundle. But why is it empty? Am I missing sth?

From your question, it's a little difficult to determine exactly what you're encountering that's convinced you this isn't working, so I'm working on a guess that it's this:
But the "d3-selection-multi"-module is not there. I can see that, because it doesn't recognize d3.selectAll().styles as a function.
Let's start from the beginning.
Object.assign copies enumerable properties of one or more source objects to a single target object. This is useful for creating shallow copies of objects--for example, allowing you to manipulate the target object without necessarily manipulating the source object--or to compose a new object with properties from the source objects.
const foo = { a: 1 };
const bar = { b: 2 };
const baz = Object.assign({}, foo, bar);
// 1
d3-selection-multi exports an empty object, as you observed. Thus, your attempt to use Object.assign resulted in the creation of an empty object, the copying of d3 enumerable properties to that empty object, and the copying of the empty d3-selection-multi object's enumerable properties--nothing--to that initial empty object.
What d3-selection-multi does, in fact, is modify the selection and transition prototypes from d3-selection and d3-transition directly.
You should be able to verify this by the following trivial example:
const d3 = require('d3');
// [Function: selection_styles]
// [Function: selection_attrs]
That stated, you should see the same result given your original method as well:
const d3 = Object.assign({}, require('d3'), require('d3-selection-multi'));
If you are indeed able to access d3.selectAll().styles and attrs this way but still having problems, we'll need to see the exact implementing code along with console output.


populate object properties using lambda expression in typescript

Newbie Alert! I feel silly asking this question but I need someone to teach me the correct syntax.
I have code that looks like this:
let thing: INewThing;
thing.personId = another.personId;
thing.address =;
thing.greades = another.subjectInfo.grades;
thing.isCurrent = another.student.isCurrent;
I know it can be written cleaner. I want to use a lamda expression, something like this:
let thing: INewThing => {
personId = another.personId,
address =,
grades = another.subjectInfo.grades,
isCurrent = another.student.isCurrent
} as IThingUpdate;
I have looked and looked for an example. I have yet to find one that works for me. It's just syntax but no matter what I try it doesn't work.
You're just looking to create a new object, which is a pretty different thing from a "lambda" (function). Just declare the object. You don't need a function.
const thing = {
personId: another.personId,
// use the correct spelling below - no 'greades'
grades: another.subjectInfo.grades,
isCurrent: another.student.isCurrent,
If the another is typed properly, that should be sufficient.
If the another object had more properties using the same path, another option would be to destructure those properties out, then declare the object with shorthand, eg:
const originalObj = { prop: 'val', nested: { foo: 'foo', bar: 'bar', unwanted: 'unwanted' } };
const { foo, bar } = originalObj.nested;
const thing = { foo, bar };
Destructuring like this, without putting the values into differently-named properties, helps reduce typos - if a property starts out, for example, as someLongPropertyName, putting it into a standalone identifier someLongPropertyName and then constructing an object with shorthand syntax ensures that the new object also has the exact property name someLongPropertyName (and not, for example, someLongPRopertyName - which isn't that uncommon of a mistake when using the more traditional object declaration format).
But since all the paths in your another object are different, this approach wouldn't work well in this particular situation.

Cannot pass array of string to function

I have this function:
function proc(unames: Array<string>){}
I try to pass it this:
import _ = require('lodash');
const usernames = _.flattenDeep([unames]).filter(function (item, index, arr) {
return item && arr.indexOf(item) === index;
const recipient = 'foobarbaz';
I get this error:
Does anyone know how to mitigate this?
I tried this, and I get an even longer and crazier error:
function proc(unames: Array<string | ReadonlyArray<string>>){}
however, this made the error go away:
function proc(unames: Array<string | ReadonlyArray<any>>){}
not really sure what's going on.
The warning seems to be referring to the use of .concat() rather than proc().
When called on an Array, such as usernames, TypeScript is validating that the arguments given to .concat() are also Arrays.
To resolve the warning, you have a few options:
Since you're using Lodash, its own _.concat() allows for appending individual values, and TypeScript's validation should be aware of that:
const recipient = 'foobarbaz';
proc(_.concat(usernames, recipient));
Define recipient as an Array or wrap it when calling .concat():
const recipient = [ 'foobarbaz' ];
const recipient = 'foobarbaz';
proc(usernames.concat( [recipient] ));
You may also be able to configure TypeScript to validate for a later version of ECMAScript. Between 5.1 and 2015 (6th edition) of the standard, the behavior of the built-in .concat() was changed to support individual values (by detecting spreadable).
For now, TypeScript is validating .concat() for 5.1 or older.

node ejs reference error data not defined at eval when handing data to view

i've been closing in on a node application using express and ejs, but when i try to hand data to my view from the controller like so
var myData = {
theData: data
res.render(path.join(__dirname + '/../views/index'), myData);
i get a nice error
ReferenceError:.. myData is not defined eval (from ejs lib)
when trying to access myData in the view like so
var data = <%-myData%>;
or in any other way basically, i've tried stringifying the data, wrapping it in another object and stuff like that but it still just won't show up, i have the feeling i'm missing something really basic here, does anyone have an idea on how to fix this?
The second argument you pass to render() is an object containing the view variables you want to use in your template. So the error you are seeing makes sense. If you want to use myData in that way you'd have to do something like this in your controller/app:
res.render(..., { myData: JSON.stringify(myData) });
There's a silly mistake I make when I try to send data from the server.
Here's the mistake:
var data = <%=myData%>;
What you should do when passing it:
var data = <%-myData%>;
It's supposed to be a dash NOT an equal before the variable name.
If your are generating the template with the HtmlWebpackPlugin plugin, the data should be passed in your webpack configuration file, along with the templateParameters property.
For example:
plugins: [
new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
filename: __dirname + "/src/views/index.ejs",
template: "./src/views/index_template.ejs",
templateParameters: {

Run getter in javascript object defined by Object.setProperty()?

If I create an object property via Object.defineProperty() with a getter/setter method (an accessor descriptor) like:
var myObj = function myObj() {
var myFoo = 'bar';
Object.defineProperty(this, 'foo', {
enumerable: true,
get: function() {
return myFoo;
set: function(newValue) {
myFoo = newValue;
return this;
If I do something like var f = new myObj(); console.log(f) in Node, the output is something like:
{ foo: [Getter/Setter] }
console.log( gets the proper 'bar' value, but is there a way to indicate that upon logging/inspecting, it should just run the getter and show the value?
First, it's important to understand why this happens. The logging functions don't run getters by design because your getter function could have side effects, whereas the logging function can guarantee that getting the value of a primitive doesn't.
When you pass an object to console.log, it's really just passing it off to the util module's inspect to format into human-readable text. If we look there, we see that the very first thing it does is check the property descriptor, and if the property has a getter, it doesn't run it. We can also see that this behavior is unconditional – there's no option to turn it off.
So to force getters to run, you have two options.
The simplest is to convert your object to a string before handing it off to console.log. Just call JSON.stringify(obj, null, 4), which will produce reasonably human-readable output (but not nearly as nice as util.inspect's). However, you have to take care to ensure that your object doesn't have any circular references and doesn't do something undesired in a toJSON function.
The other option is to implement a inspect function on your object. If util.inspect sees a function called inspect on an object, it will run that function and use its output. Since the output is entirely up to you, it's a much more involved to produce output that looks like what you'd normally get.
I'd probably start by borrowing code from util and stripping out the part about checking for getters.
This behavior is certainly intentional. I know I wouldn't want all the getter functions on an object running whenever I logged that object; that sounds like potential a debugging landmine, where debugging could alter the state of my program.
However, if indeed that is the behavior you want, you can add a new function:
Object.getPrototypeOf(console).logWithGetters = function(obj) {
var output = {};
var propNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj);
for(var i=0; i<propNames.length; ++i) {
var name = propNames[i];
var prop = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name);
if(prop.get) {
output[name] = prop.get();
} else {
output[name] = obj[name];
// set output proto to input proto; does not work in some IE
// this is not necessary, but may sometimes be helpful
output.__proto__ = obj.__proto__;
return output;
This allows you to do console.logWithGetters(f) and get the output you want. It searches through an object's properties for getters (checking for the existence of Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, propName).get) and runs them. The output for each property is stored in a new object, which is logged.
Note that this is a bit of a hacky implementation, as it doesn't climb the object's prototype chain.

Cannot access properties on a populate()'d object from Mongoose?

This is very odd... I'm using populate() with a ref to fill in an array within my schema, but then the properties are inaccessible. In other words, the schema is like this:
new Model('User',{
'name': String,
'installations': [ {type: String, ref: 'Installations'} ],
'count': Number,
Of course, Insallations is another model.
Then I find & populate a set of users...
model.find({count: 0}).populate('installations').exec( function(e, d){
for(var k in d)
var user = d[k];
for(var i in user.installations)
} );
So far so good! I see nice data printed out, like this:
{ runs: 49,
hardware: 'macbookpro10,1/x86_64',
mode: 'debug',
version: '0.1' }
However, if I try to actually ACCESS any of those properties, they're all undefined! For example, if I add another console log:
Then I see "undefined" printed for this log.
If I try to operate on the object, like this:
Object.keys(user.installations[i]).forEach(function(key) { } );
Then I get a typical "[TypeError: Object.keys called on non-object]" error, indicating that user.installations[i] is not an object (even though it is outputted to the console as if it were). So, I even tried something ugly like...
var install = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(user.installations[i]));
console.log(install, install.mode);
And, again, the first output (install) is a nice object containing the property 'mode'... but the 2nd output is undefined.
What gives?
Finally, I solved this...
I tried doing a console.log(typeof user.installations[i]); and got "string" as the output. This seemed odd, given that printing the object directly created console output (above) that looked like a normal object, not a string. So, I tried doing a JSON.parse(); on the object, but received the error "SyntaxError: Unexpected token r"
Finally, I realized what was going on. The "pretty console output" I described above was the result of a string formatted with \n (newlines). I had not expected that, for whatever reason. The JSON.parse() error is due to the fact that there is a known necessity with the node.js parser when attempting to parse object keys without quotations; see the SO question here:
Why does JSON.parse('{"key" : "value"}') do just fine but JSON.parse('{key : "value"}') doesn't? .
Specifically, note that the JSON parser in my case is failing on the character 'r', the fist character of "runs," which is the first key in my JSON string (above). At first I was afraid I needed to get a custom JSON parser, but then the problem hit me.
Look back to my original schema. I used a String-type to define the installation ref, because the array field was storing the installations's _id property as a String. I assume the .populate() field is converting the object to a String on output.
Finally, I looked at the Mongoose docs a little closer and realized I'm supposed to be referencing the objects based upon Schema.ObjectID. This explains everything, but certainly gives me some fixing to do in my schemas and code elsewhere...
