MonoDevelop can't import VS2017 solutions - linux

I run Linux (Elementary) on my machine and for .NET MVC projects, I use Monodevelop ( version), but I cannot open projects developed using Visual Studio 2017.
Opening the .sln file, the following error will keep appearing: Error while trying to load the project '/home/emma/Documents/My-App/My-App/My-App.csproj': Unknown ToolsVersion '15.0'.
I tried to update the monodevelop version, but with no success. I, also, tried to do what is suggested here: MonoDevelop can't import VS2013/2015 solutions , but, with no success.
Can you, please, help me solving this issue?

You have two choices:
Update MonoDevelop to a version superior to 7
Change ToolsVersion from 15.0 to 14.0 or smaller based on which version of VS is supported by your version of MonoDevelop*
*To check which version of VS is supported for each MonoDevelop version check the history of MonoDevelop requirements Here


Running Azure functions will result in .net 4.7.1 installation prompt dialog

When I try to run (debug) functions in Visual Studio 2017 on one of our machines, the following dialog pops up!
The target framework for the project is <TargetFramework>net461</TargetFramework>. For some reasons I am not able to install .NET 4.7.1 and now I am completely lost. I am sure it was functioning in the past on the same machine. Probably one of the updates caused it.
Any idea how to resolve it?
This is because the latest version of the Azure Functions Tools for Visual Studio now requires .NET Framework 4.7.1 (as of February 2018).
Note that this does not impact the target framework that you compile against - only the target framework your code runs against. Similarly, when you run in Azure, you can expect the .NET runtime version to be .NET Framework 4.7.1 (at the time of writing).
I tried implementing the solution mentioned in comment. However, it didn't work for me. However, reverting the Azure Functions Tools to previous version worked. Thanks Chris for pointing that it was Azure Tools and not any packages that caused it.
If anyone else should come across this.
For me, the issue was the actual func.exe config that needed to be upgraded.
Navigate to:
.. my version was 1.4.0
Modify the func.exe.config to match the .net version installed
.. it was 4.7.1

Installing Microsoft Visual C++ 10/SDK 7.1 on Windows 10 (for Python packages that require VC++ 10)

On trying to install the scrapy package (Python 3.4, Windows 10) I got the error message
error: Microsoft Visual C++ 10.0 is required. Get it with "Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1":
I have had this problem with other packages and have yet to solve it. Having read around the problem I believe there is a problem getting SDK 7.1 to install on Windows 10 because the latter comes with a pre-installed version of .NET 4 that the SDK installer does not recognise. (It says you need .NET 4, get it from ..., but the installer you get from there says .NET 4 is already installed).
My question is: does anyone know of a link to a definitive solution to either of the problems of (1) installing Python packages that claim to need VC++ 10 or (2) installing SDK 7.1 on Window 10?
Happy to provide more details on either the Python or Windows aspects of the problem.
For installation of the SDK on Windows 10, you can trick the installer into thinking you have the expected .NET version by temporarily changing the registry keys.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Client\Version
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\NET Framework Setup\NDP\v4\Full\Version
Remember to set the values back after you're done!
There are various other potential solutions around as well that don't involve you modifying the registry, but this worked for me.

Can someone tell me how to Configure Visual C++ 2015 with CPLEX?

I tried tutorial steps for Visual 2010, the linking didn't work or the console doesn't respond to build or run. I tried for other options to configure, which also didn't work as well.
You may vote for a request for enhancement at
Alex Fleischer
It can be a bit complicated...
First, I think you should start reading the following tutorial. I find it quite straightforward as adapted to any CPLEX version. You must only notice that using a CPLEX version 12.X translates into the usage of its library: cplex12X.lib, the tutorial referring to CPLEX v12.61.
Then, you must install Visual Studio 2012, or even 2010, as they will install another Platform Toolset, v110 for VS2012 or v100 for VS2010. This is required since CPLEX comes with libraries for the 2010, 2012 and 2013 only, there is none so far for VS2015.
The configuration might work even if you have already VS2015 installed on your computer but I strongly advise you to begin installing the older version first, then the VS2015 to ensure the latter will recognize the older Platform Toolset and give you the option under: View\Property Pages\Configuration Properties\General\Platform Toolset of choosing the v110 for your project.
Be aware that using only VS2015 will prompt you a bunch of LNK2038 mismatch detected for '_msc_ver' errors letting you know that you're using version 1800 whereas you're linking libraries compiled on 1600 or 1700 versions.
One is glad to be of service
As of CPLEX 12.6.3, VS2015 is not supported (see the detailed system requirements here). It is possible to use VS2015 with a VS2013 project (e.g., see here), but this is probably not what you are looking for.

Visual Studio C++ 2010 Error

I have a problem, I've installed Visual Studio C++ 2010 Express and whenever I make a new project then run the debug to test it it gives me the following error:
Error 2 error C1107: could not find assembly 'mscorlib.dll': please specify the assembly search path using /AI or by setting the LIBPATH environment variable c:\Users\Cretu\documents\visual studio 2010\Projects\test2\test2\stdafx.cpp 1
Leaving this aside, when I close Visual C++ and open it and then try to open my project it gives me this error:
The Visual C++ project "test2" is targeting ".NETFramework, Version=v4.0", which is not installed on this machine. You must download this framework in order to open...
But I already have installed the following .NETFrameworks on my machine (Control Panel -> Installed Programs, that's where i got their name):
Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1,
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Client Profile,
Microsoft .NET Framework 4 Extended.
Can somebody please explain why this is happening? I've already re-installed .NET Framework 4.0 and rebooted my PC but I still get this error. Please help. Thanks in advance for taking the time to read my question.
You are missing quite a few packages. Im guessing you tried to install .NET manually - well that never works, you need to use an official installer, heres my list of working .NET 4 and 4.5, im guessing the "Chart Controls" are actually unnecessary :

RC2176 : old DIB in res\MyApp.ico; pass it through SDKPAINT in VC++ 2008

Yeah, a question regarding this error exists. But I think it's quite different situation from the one the OP was in.
I just created a MFC application in VC++ 2008 (pro version) and compiled it. The compilation failed because of the error
RC2176 : old DIB in res\MyApp.ico; pass it through SDKPAINT
I must've missed something because VC++ created the icon that is not compiling. Any clue would be appreciated.
UPDATE: I forgot about this issue for a while. I fixed the problem by following solution to this question - Can't open resource editor in VC++ 2008
Answered already in the linked question: error RC2176 : old DIB in res\icon3.ico; pass it through SDKPAINT?
If you would install and integrate a more recent (same or later release date than VS 2008) SDK with VS 2005, that also resolves it. You can also go to C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\bin (or your equivalent of the path) and replace the files rcdll.dll and rc.exe with the ones from a more recent VS, WDK or SDK.
Side-note: the version of rcdll.dll and rc.exe must match, that is you need to copy both at once from your source (be it VS, WDK or SDK). For me any version starting with 6.0 or 6.1 worked. That's any version starting from the compilers that accompanied the Vista SDKs and VS versions or later.
Did you install Service Pack 1? Also, if you install a newer Windows SDK and use it in your environment, this could very well cause a conflict of some kind.
