Hyperledger Fabric 1.0 Ubuntu 16.04 Setup issue - node.js

Following 2 links to setup Hyperledger Fabric 1.0 in system.
First link Hyperledger-fabric setup
After following commands
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric/devenv
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
Followed hypeledger latest setup docs
After using
cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/hyperledger/fabric
make dist-clean all
An error occured...
github.com/hyperledger/fabric/vendor/github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lrocksdb collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit
status Makefile:137: recipe for target 'build/bin/peer' failed make:
*** [build/bin/peer] Error 2
On Left side my vagrant is running and right side is my Hyperledger Fabric 1.0 Setup command make dist-clean all
To me this seems to be problem of rocksdb, how can I resolve this?

Hyperledger Fabric 1.0 can be installed without having to build from source. The project publishes stable Docker images and binaries for each release. This may be a better approach to installing Fabric and its dependencies.
However, if you want to build from source, note that Vagrant is no longer needed. The build should be capable of running natively on most platforms (Mac, Windows and Ubuntu).
You will need the same prerequisites as for the Getting Started approach above - Docker (preferably the latest release), Go (1.9.x), Python 2.7 and Node 6.9.x (note that we do not yet support Node 7.x).
Occasionally, it has been observed that a fresh build (make all) from scratch may occasionally fail. If so, try running (make all) again.
As for the rocksdb error, Fabric no longer has a dependency on rocksdb and uses leveldb instead. It is entirely likely that because the vagrant environment gets little use of late, that it is not current.

I fond solution in one git hub link.
One can try to resolve this issue by using following commands-
apt-get install librocksdb-dev
apt-get install libsnappy-dev
apt-get install libbz2-dev
After this rockdb error should not be there. Will post more if found any other error and there solutions too.


Error creating channel using testnetwork on Hyperledger Fabric

I am currently learning about hyperledger fabric, and am having issues creating channels on the testnetwork. I am on windows 10 and have the latest version of the fabric and docker.
When I run this command ./network.sh up createChannel in my git bash I get this error
Error on outputChannelCreateTx: could not generate default config template: error parsing configuration:
could not create application group: failed to create application org: 1 - Error loading MSP configuration
for org Org1MSP: could not load a valid ca certificate from directory
CreateFile C:\fabric-samples\test-network\organizations\peerOrganizations\org1.example.com\msp\cacerts:
The system cannot find the file specified.
+ res=1
Failed to generate channel configuration transaction...
Create channel failed
I am unsure as the source of this issue. Do I need to install the samples and binaries again? Is it where I'm running the commands?
I'm pretty sure that you will get more troubles cause you're using Windows 10. Even if you use git-bat (or
Cygwin like, etc), you should aware that most of script was written for linux (especially for ubuntu-based linux). Next step, when you work with chaincode-nodejs, it will install some required libraries, some only works on Linux OS. Please consider switching to Linux
P/s . I'm using ubuntu 20.04 LTS for Fabric 2.2. It works perfect.

Not able to install the RYU controller

I have tried to install the RYU controller .
I am using the below commands “sudo python setup.py install “ its error out with below message
That ryu.hooks not available and when I run the command “python setup.py install” it gives the error that setuptools not available .
Please give the response as soon as possible we are in the middle of installing the controller .
Are you installing the controller in a Linux-based VM? If so, then SDN Hub (http://sdnhub.org/resources/) offers a vm with Ryu already installed. You may consider downloading and using it. Depending on your familiarity with Ryu, you may also want to use the Ryuretic framework for implementing your project. The linked lab provides instructions for getting it up and running.

Clearcase client installation issue- Linux RHEL5

I am not sure if it is the right place to ask this question. I have been trying to install clearcase client 8015 on a new machine with RHEL5u8 image. Tried googling a lot but could not resolve the issue as per suggestions on other forums.
It gets installed successfully. (As per the prompt)
listing of the views is done properly. (cleartool lsview)
When I do cleartool mount -all,
cleartool: Error: The MVFS file system is not installed or not loaded,
or the 'viewroot' is not mounted or is inaccessible: not a ClearCase
logging in as root then starting clearcase, executing "/opt/rational/clearcase/etc/clearcase start"
ClearCase is stopped Starting ClearCase ClearCase daemons: albd_server
FATAL: Error inserting mvfs
(/lib/modules/2.6.18-308. Unknown
symbol in module, or unknown parameter (see dmesg) Loading the MVFS
was unsuccessful(8:1) /opt/rational/clearcase/etc/clearcase: Loading
MVFS failed
---- Please review /var/log/messages for information on the problem.
---- You may need to rebuild your kernel, rebuild your mvfs module,
---- and reboot your system. Information on how to do this can be found in
---- your Release Notes and file /var/adm/rational/clearcase/mvfs/mvfs_src/README.txt.
I have followed all the steps in /var/adm/rational/clearcase/mvfs/mvfs_src/README.txt but still cannot achieve anything.
Uninstallation also fails as:-
ERROR: Installation data has incompatible version 1.8.0; expected
1.7.0. Newer version of the Installation Manager was used on this system.
java.io.IOException: Installation data has incompatible version 1.8.0;
expected 1.7.0. Newer version of the Installation Manager was used on
this system.
00:01.33 ERROR [main]
com.ibm.cic.agent.core.application.HeadlessApplication run
Installation data has incompatible version 1.8.0; expected 1.7.0.
Newer version of the Installation Manager was used on this system.
java.io.IOException: Installation data has incompatible version 1.8.0;
expected 1.7.0. Newer version of the Installation Manager was used on
this system. java.io.IOException: Installation data has incompatible
version 1.8.0; expected 1.7.0. Newer version of the Installation
Manager was used on this system.
at com.ibm.cic.agent.internal.core.InstallRegistryParser.parse(InstallRegistryParser.java:160)
at com.ibm.cic.agent.internal.core.InstallRegistry.load(InstallRegistry.java:679)
at com.ibm.cic.agent.internal.core.InstallRegistry.openFile(InstallRegistry.java:485)
at com.ibm.cic.agent.internal.core.InstallRegistry.open(InstallRegistry.java:429)
Cannot proceed with installation, cannot uninstall either to try another version of clearcase, tried googling for the version mismatch of IBM installation manager but could not find anything addressing the issue properly for Linux.
Any suggestions on how to proceed? I am new to clearcase tool.
Usually, when I see only snapshot views are supported, and MVFS (for dynamic views) hasn't installed properly, I uninstall everything and try the all process from the start again.
In your case, that means installing or downgrading the IBM IM Installation Manager to the right version (similar to this issue).
It can be an IM update issue, as seen in this technote.
Further to #VonC's comment re: incompatible IM install,
review the following doc: MVFS not loading after kernel upgrade or is missing after installation on Linux.
I encountered a similar problem after an incompatible kernel path / ClearCase version. In my case, the error was similar to what is documented here in the post MVFS not installed - RHEL6 and I had to edit the kernel source to the same as the patch and rebuild. Then things stared up fine.
Review also the link How to manually restore a pre-built MVFS on Linux.
If the corresponding kerenl level is not provided it will not start and you will have to patch and make your own.

Golang cross-compilation: gccgo - unrecognized command line option `-marm`

I'm trying to compile a Go app for linux/arm and keep running into problems on my Ubuntu machine. When I run GOOS=linux GOARCH=arm go build in my source directory, I get tons of erorrs that are variations of:
# github.com/huin/mqtt
gccgo: error: unrecognized command line option `-marm`
Running gccgo --help informs me that options starting with -g, -f -m (and others) will be passed on to any sub-processes started by gccgo, so I don't know which process it's sending -marm to.
Any clues? Ubuntu 14.10 LTS, 64bit
So thanks to a clue by Dean, I've worked out the issue and solved it.
The issue was caused by me installing Go via apt-get, then removing it (via apt-get), then installing Go from the golang website. There were still files left over from the first install, which were probably older versions and therefore didn't have support for the -marm flag.
I was going to wipe my dev machine anyway, so I did, installed Ubuntu again, installed Go from the website (not via apt-get) and everything worked first time. If you don't want to wipe your machine, then just make sure to look around to see if there are version conflicts.
I've been stung by this sort of thing before (when installing node.js via apt-get, realising it was many versions out of date, then removing, and installing node.js via source), so if anyone is reading this, be careful when installing software via apt-get, then upgrading, as you might have similar version issues like I did!

libusb1 fails do_configure task with "udev support requested but libudev not installed"

I'm trying to build a Yocto image.
I'm running Ubuntu 12.04. I've installed the packages the link above recommends (and more)
I cloned the poky git repository, and checked out the daisy-11.0.0 tag.
conf/local.conf has MACHINE=qemux86, nearly all other settings are default.
I tweaked # of threads for bitbake and make.
bitbake -k core-image-minimal
I get the following error during the do_configure task of libusb1_1.0.18.bb:
configure: error: "udev support requested but libudev not installed"
libudev-dev is installed.
This seems strange to me because I'm using a plain vanilla no frills setup.
Does anyone know how to resolve this configure error?
I'm not 100% sure this is on-topic for SO. Please direct me to the proper place if so before closing.
You should just do a repo sync, it has been solved and pushed today (20 may 2014)
I got the exact same problem but in a slightly different environment. I’m just sharing this answer in case it helps you solve your problems.
Anyway, I am running Ubuntu 14.04, and I checked out the latest from git://github.com/openembedded/oe-core.git. I started a build but got the exact same problem. Just like you, I get the following error during the do_configure task of libusb1_1.0.18.bb:
configure: error: "udev support requested but libudev not installed"
So I checked the git logs and noticed that that particular recipe was modified on May 15, which was a day before my checkout. I decided to pull out those changes (by checking out the previous commit) and rebuilt the image. It succeeded, which makes me think that update may have broken the build.
