Day and night time calculation in Excel sheet - excel

In MS Excel sheet I want to calculate the time I work in the day hours i.e. the hours between sunrise and sunset, and any hours after sunset.
An example might be that I start work at 06:00 am and finish at 09:00 pm.
Sunrise is 07:00 am and sunset is 06:30 pm.
The total time worked all day would be 15 hours.
Time worked during the day (between sunrise and sunset) would be 11 hours and 30 minutes.
Time worked at night would be 3 hours and 30 minutes.

Here is my simple solution :)
Just copy and paste the formulas in E5 and F5 and drag them down to calculate the time as per your requirement
Formula in E5 is:
Formula in F5 is:
It is important to note that my solution covers all four possibilities which are:
1. Start work at night and end at night
2. Start work at day and end at day
3. Start work at night and end at day
4. Start work at day and end at night

Below is what I think you want to achieve.
Since I have included sunrise and sunset as columns it means that you can add another column Date and then you can track each new day as a new row; since sunrise and sunset change each day you cannot simply have one cell to set the times for these for all your data.
The formulas:
Notice that I have written the times in 24 hour clock.
This is important since Excel cannot tell the difference between 07:00 if it is AM or PM and you cannot pass AM or PM in the cells.
The formula in E2 will check if you have started before sunrise or not. If you have started before sunrise then it will just use the sunrise time.
Then it will do the same check for sunset; using sunset if you have worked after sunset.
After that it will just subtract the two numbers and return the time worked.
F2 will just simply subtract the start and end time to work out total time worked all day and will then just subtract the time worked in the day.


I produce 365 items in one hour and 4000 in 10.95 hour how to set when it will complet by time

Let's say i logged in today 9:00 AM and end up 5:00 PM i have to produce 4000 items i know it will exceed the time because my software will stop working at 5 PM so tomorrow when i start working again what would be date and time of completion work
What i did
bring working hour =SUM(B2-A2)
total complete work=ROUND(D2/C2, 2)
If i understood correctly you can use the simple difference of times and correct formatting for the time cells to get the remaining hours
The Formula in cell C5 is simple =C1-C3
The formatting applied to the cells is as below
10.95 hours is equal to 10 hours and 57 (95% of 60) minutes
You can write 10:57:00 instead of 10.95
To convert the time to again a number you can divide the time by 0.041666667 and set the format to general

how to calculate time difference in excel working hours only

How can I calculate hours worked on a project using specific working hours that aren't the same each day?
So Monday - Friday I work 7 am-7 pm, Saturday 9 am -1 pm and I take Sunday off (lucky me). If i start a project on the 1st March 10 am and finish on the 5th March at 9 am how can I calculate an answer of 27 hours ??
I have two cells date/time start and date/time finish. I have multiple rows to do this to and several time points but this essentially will work the same.
I hope makes sense.
Edit - Solutions tried and opposing results
You will need a helper column with this formula:
Then sum that column.
Here it is in one formula using NETWORKDAYS.INTL

how to do 2 seperate operations if start time of shift is before 7 but end time is after 7

I'm trying to make an excel sheet where I only need to put in start and end time and excel chooses the correct pay rate and how many hours I've worked (already done) and outputs how much I've earned. So far I have a column (D) for the date of shift (DAY, day of month, Month, year) column for hours worked (E), column for start time and end time (F, G) I have already written the formula to calculate the hours worked but in Australia where I live my pay rate increases after 7 PM, and increases again after 12 AM. Is there a way to have excel automatically know that it needs to take the hours worked before 7 PM and multiply it by a 24.41, then the hours worked between 7 PM and 12 AM by 26.54 etc, if my shift starts for example at 5:30 pm and ends at 3 AM?
These are the different payrates at the different times: (Time is in cell A1, Pay rate is B1, etc)
Time Pay Rate
Regular $24.41
Mon-Fri 7pm-midnight $26.54
Mon-Fri 7midnight-7am $27.60
Saturday $29.30
Sunday $34.18
Public Holidays $48.83
Thanks in advance
Solutions to all of these type of questions use the standard formula for overlapping time periods
The best way to do it IMO is to simplify it two ways
(1) By splitting any times that cross through midnight into two parts, one up to midnight and one from midnight onwards
(2) Using a lookup table to match the conditions (day of week and time of day) to the payscale.
Then use an array formula to do the lookup and calculation. Because you can't use MAX and MIN as above in an array formula, you have to write it out using if statements and the formula gets pretty long
This has to be entered using CtrlShiftEnter
This is how my pay rates are arranged
NB When the finishing time of a pay rate is midnight, it is entered as 1 (you want it to be 24:00, but entering 24:00 just gives you the same as 00:00)
And this is the main sheet
With the following columns
A,B and C are your input.
StartDate1 and StartTime1 are just a copy of your input
The main formula
The main formula copied across by four columns to give any pay for the second day when the shift goes through midnight.
Public holidays can be added fairly easily.

Specific overtime calculation

I'm working on a simple timesheet that should calculate overtime1 and overtime2, I just cant figure out a good way to fix it.
Normal workday on 8hrs from 07:00 to 17:00 give no overtime (eg 07:00 to 16:00 or 08:00 to 17:00), but when time exceeds 8 hours I would like to get the exceeding hours in a cell.
My business rules are:
1) Any work greater than 8 hours between the hours of 06:00 to 20:00 get paid as overtime1.
2) Any work less than 8 hours will not generate any overtime2 even if after 20:00
3) Any work performed earlier than 06:00 or later than 20:00 get paid at the overtime2 rate.
Example 1: Working from 07:00 to 18:00 would get a value of 3 hours of overtime1
Example 2: Working from 14:00 to 22:00 would generate 0 hours of overtime2.
Example 3: Working 05:00 to 21:00 would give overtime1 6 hours and overtime2 2 hours (1 hour before 06:00, 1 hour after 20:00).
This is a pretty easy problem to solve if your data is laid out smartly. With column A as clock in time and column B as clock out time, use this formula as a helper to determine if you should use the clock in time or your base of 06:00:
Then use this formula to determine if you should use clock out time or 20:00:
Then you subtract the two to get fractions of a day, multiply by 24 to convert to hours, then subtract 8 to get hours of overtime1. Combined in a super formula it looks like this in C1:
OT1: =IF(OR(ISBLANK(A1),ISBLANK(B1)),"",(IF(B1-FLOOR(B1,2)>20/24,20/24,B1-FLOOR(B1,2))-IF(A1-FLOOR(A1,2)<6/24,6/24,A1-FLOOR(A1,2)))*24-8)
Remember, Excel formats dates where 1 = 24 hours. Also, I added in an OR(ISBLANK(A1),ISBLANK(B1)) statement to make sure you get a null string if one of the values is blank.
Starting on the overtime2, you need to split it into two parts: before 06:00 and after 20:00. The first part checks if the clock in time is earlier than 06:00 and if so figures out how many hours. The formula ultimately ends up being:
For after 20:00, the same pattern is used. Figure out how many parts of a day were logged after 20:00. The final formula ends up being:
Finally, to figure out the total number of overtime 2, just add the two formulas together in D1:
OT2: =IF(OR(ISBLANK(A1),ISBLANK(B1)),"",IF(IF(A1-FLOOR(A1,2)<6/24,6/24,A1-FLOOR(A1,2))<=6/24,(6/24-(A1-FLOOR(A1,2)))*24,0)+IF(IF(B1-FLOOR(B1,2)>20/24,20/24,B1-FLOOR(B1,2))>=20/24,((B1-FLOOR(B1,2))-20/24)*24,0))
It's just about getting the logic right and understanding that Excel treats 07:00 as a decimal equal to 7/24, for example.

Excel how get number of hours in a time interval?

I have 2 columns with:
Night shift start: 19:00
Night end: 04:00
And I have some date columns with for each day..
Work started: 07:30
Worked ended: 22:00
I want to get the number of hours as a decimal that is between the night shift start and night end. I need to calculate the number of "night shift hours" for worked hours.
From comment: I do not want to get the total number of hours. I want to calculate the number of "night shift hours" and that is hours between 19:00-04:00
=IF(B1-A1 < 0, 1-(A1-B1),( B1-A1))
Assuming that cell A1 contains start, B1 contains end time.
Let me know, if it helps OR errors.
Time without date is not enough to do the subtraction considering the start can be the night before today.
Are you OK to try VBA?
EDIT: The formula is meaningful within 12 hour limit. I will see if it can be made simpler.
Given start time in B5 and end time in C5 this formula will give you the decimal number of hours that fall in the range 19:00 to 04:00
format result cell as number
just substract the two dates to get the difference in days, and multiply by 24 to get the difference in hours
this is correct when both B1 and A1 contain a datetime value, but in case your cells contain just a time value, with no day value, and given that the calculation spans the night (there is a day change in between) you need to add one day to the difference:
