Bluetooth Android and Bluetooth iOS - bluetooth

When I press a button on a device that is connected to iOS or Android via Bluetooth, it should perform some task in an app(app installed on iOS or Android). I am not sure which Bluetooth profile will be best for my job. I think HID profile, but will it work with iOS ? Any suggestions or comments are welcome.

iOS devices can't use standard Bluetooth connection with Android. In this case you should use BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy). This means you should use GATT profile for Android. There is an important issue here: all iOS devices can BLE peripheral or central but for Android some devices only can peripheral.


Problems of finding some devices with Bluetooth Low Energy

I'm trying to implement Bluetooth Low Energy . The fact is, I can find some devices around me, so the scanning seems working, but there are some devices which I can't find ... such as a motorola, which has Android API 19, so since BLE is enabled since API 18, shouldn't it work ?
So my question is, are there some devices not compatible with BLE ? (I can found some devices but not all)
What do you mean by "device"? Motorola what? Phone? Watch? Light bulb?
If your phone can search for and find some ble enabled devices then it got both hw and sw support.
The other "device" must be ble advertising for your phone to hear it during scanning.
A Motorola phone with android api19 can only scan, not advertise. Some android 5 devices can do ble advertise, so they can be scanned by android api19 devices but not the other way round.

How to configure bluetooth 4.0 device as a iBeacon Transmitter in windows

I've configured iPhone 4s as a iBeacon Transmitter and I've received data from my Android application. Now I want to configure my bluetooth 4.0 device in windows. Is that possible? I've googled it but I couldn't find anything.
Does your computer support Bluetooth smart ? Mobile operating systems including iOS, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry, as well as OS X, Linux, and Windows 8, natively support Bluetooth Smart.
Unfortunately it's not currently supported under Windows 8.1.
check this link Beacon Windows
The managed C# library WinBeacon can be used for this purpose. It implements a simple HCI layer that talks directly to the BT4.0 dongle through a WinUSB driver (instead of the default Bluetooth driver).

Does iOS support Dual-Mode BLE?

Does Apple allow dual mode BLE connectivity in iOS? It seems that if BLE iOS apps could communicate to dual mode Bluetooth devices in BR/EDR mode, one wouldn't need to join the MFI program.
The CoreBluetooth library allows communication with a BLE peripheral using the GATT profile only.
The use of other profiles (aside from generic HFP/A2DP/AVRCP which is supported by AVFoundation and keyboards which have native HID support) requires going through the MFI program. So for example SPP.
And yes, iOS does not prevent using BLE for data communication while using an audio profile to the same device at the same time.
As of iOS 13 you can connect to both BLE and BR/EDR with CoreBluetooth, as introduced here.

Phone as Bluetooth Headset

I need my phone to act like a Bluetooth headset.
I am planning to run a J2ME application in Phone to make Phone as Bluetooth Headset.
Any idea how to do this?
Can't be done in J2ME as the Bluetooth API supports only SPP and L2CAP (and occasionally OBEX). Bluetooth headsets require the Headset profile.

Bluetooth support on Android Emulator

I want to know if the developer team which made the emulator have some information to make bluetooth work in the Android emulator, indicate some links about it, if they have some date for release or if they'll make it works in the future.
as far as I know there is no support in the emulator for bluetooth. And I will have to teach android and bluetooth in some classes. And the students will need to code stuff and test (guess it) in the android emulator.
So I came up with a bare-bone reimplementation of the android bluetooth API on top of tcp. You can find it on here on github.
Basically, you run a tcp-server on your machine, and the emulators will connect through it.
Instead of using the classes in the package android.bluetooth, you just need to use the classes in the package (and other 2 little modifies).
As for now it supports:
switch on/off the "radio"
discovery devices (only other android emulators)
creating bluetooth services
connecting to bluetooth services
It's not much, but until we got some more from the android guys, I guess there is nothing else around.
Hope it'll be useful, cheers!
The documented bluetooth limitation appears inconsistent with the qemu -bt option. So, how is bluetooth enabled in the emulator so the -bt options can be used, or at least to know that bluetooth is supported?
The target/board/.../ having "BOARD_HAVE_BLUETOOTH := true" doesn't provide a bluetooth icon or enable bluetooth. So, how do we turn on bluetooth on the android qemu emulator?
What does it mean that bluetooth is not supported given the -bt option for emulating USB devices that were provided in 2008? The post and limitations are outdated.
The functional limitations of the emulator include:
No support for placing or receiving actual phone calls. You can simulate phone calls (placed and received) through the emulator console, however.
No support for USB connections
No support for device-attached headphones
No support for determining network connected state
No support for determining battery charge level and AC charging state
No support for determining SD card insert/eject
No support for Bluetooth
