Issue dump Twig with Vuejs - twig

I have some problem with Twig and Vuejs2 when i try to {{dump(variable)}} in my Twig template.
My dump is broken (style and tree) and i have an error in the dev tool :
[Vue warn]: Error compiling template: [...]
Templates should only be responsible for mapping the state to the UI. Avoid placing tags with side-effects in your templates, such as , as they will not be parsed.
I think the problem come from the script tag appended to the DOM due to dump.
How can i fix the dump (style and tree) ?
I need some help please.


Page template - Object reference not set to an instance of an object

I have a page template that has this line of code below:
<div id="<%= CurrentDocument.NodeAlias %>" class="lvl3">
Things work - the id value shows correctly. However, when using the Page Templates module Design tab, there's an error. In Event log, I saw the error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". Taking the id snippet out, the error is gone. I'm not sure what the error means and how to fix it. Could you help?
I do need some page-specific unique identifier in there (NodeAlias in this case) for other purposes.
The answer is pretty simple - if you open your page template in Kentico Page Templates application - your CurrentDocument is always null (because you are editing Template itself without specific document).
You could do absolutely the same thing in Pages application with the Design tab. It's also possible to edit all the template properties from there, including the Layout:
Using code blocks on page template layout is not supported. I assume you are using ASCX layout. Moreover your code looks more like a macro - so, maybe you are using HTML layout type? If yes, then the syntax should be {%CurrentDocument.NodeAlias%}
If you are using ASCX layout you may face also this issue:
Note that in portal engine the life cycle is bit modified, so we cannot ensure the code blocks will work every time - it may work sometimes. It mainly depends on what other web parts/controls and in what order are placed in the page template. I would rather recommend using the workaround from the article.
Or, you can give it a try, with no guarantee, this may work in certain cases, you need to specify the full namespace:
<%= CMS.MacroEngine.MacroResolver.Resolve("{%CurrentDocument.NodeAlias#%}") %>

How to share html report of pytest-html with out changing the css

I am using python 3.6 and pytest-html to generate HTML reports .
Everything is successfully working but when i share my html report to my manager the css of the entire document is out of placed .can someone tell the reason to why it is happening and the solution for it .
The view of reports when i run:
The view of the reports when i share the document with my manager
include --self-contained-html when you are calling your pytest...such as
pytest your.pyfilename --html=pathandfilename --self-contained-html.
Your result file have inline css in it.
html=report.html --self-contained-html
It seems like you are not sharing whole bunch of items like CSS with html file you are giving. Just place the CSS code inside your HTML rather than giving the path and it will solve your problem.

how to use pug-bootstrap module in nodejs?

I installed the pug-bootstrap module in a nodejs project. I am trying to create a menu from a navbar.
I have done those files:
include /node_modules/pug-bootstrap/_bootstrap.pug
extends layout
block head
+nav_item("#", undefined, true)
string test
block body
h1= title
p Welcome to #{title}
the _bootstrap.pug contains the bootstrap css file : But it is not loaded on the webpage.
Someone know why? And how to fix that?
Any help would be appreciate.
When you extend a part of a template with block, you're replacing any code that was already in that block, before. In this case, I assume that the head included a reference to that CSS file, which you're overwriting.
Generally speaking, use append instead of block for the head section (see this page from their docs). That way, previous content of parent templates is not overwritten.
In your usecase, I am doubtful whether you should be placing anything at all in that head block, since it is reserved for meta-tags, not for actual visible content. In other words: You'll need to move the code you have there to the body anyway, since visible document objects belong in the body, not in the head.

Jade Syntax does not work with pug : Node Js

I am in a situation where I have one anchor tag in pug template: The href tag is getting its value at runtime. This code was working with Jade but as soon as I take it to pug, It stops working
a.more(href='/posts/show/#{post._id}') Read more
in the above syntax #{post._id} is suppose the bring the data at runtime but it is not working as expected.
Please help me on this.
Just got it resolved by using the following line
href="/posts/show/" + post._id
Its kind of weird that they stopped support for jade syntax in pug.

"Unexpected identifier" when adding extends/block to wintersmith-jade content file

I am making a static website using Wintersmith alongside the wintersmith-stylus and wintersmith-jade plugins.
I want to add a specific CSS file in a help page. The help page is based off the "layout" template. When I try to use a block to insert the stylesheet into the html head, I receive the following error:
Line ##: Unexpected identifier
doctype html
block head
link(rel="stylesheet" href="/styles/layout.css")
template: layout.jade
//- Error inducing code
extends ./layout.jade
block head
link(rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../styles/help.css")
//- end of error inducing code
Even if I move the extends and block head lines on top of the metadata block containing template: layout.jade, I still receive the same error. Removing extends ./layout.jade results in the error lines position moving from 40 to 5 in my case.
My guess is the error is caused by the wintersmith-jade plugin, but even if that's the case I'm lost for how I would go about fixing it.
Since I wanted to use both Stylus and Jade (with Jade for both content and templates), I ended up moving over to Harp. Harp not only has Stylus and Jade "built-in", but it's also slightly simpler than Wintersmith.
It's quite a workaround, but I'd say it's actually an upgrade at the same time.
I'm not using wintersmith-jade, but it looks like that plugin shouldn't affect the regular templates in /templates (which is what I think you're referring to).
Looking at templates/article.jade, it looks like you should use just extends layout instead of extends ./layout.jade.
The default templates also do not have the metadata block, but maybe that's necessary for the plugin you're using.
