JHipster not generating to current directory - jhipster

I have installed JHipster on my Windows laptop using NPM according to the instructions here: http://www.jhipster.tech/installation/
In order to generate a JHipster Java project, I am making a new directory, changing into that directory and then issuing the JHipster command, as instructed here: http://www.jhipster.tech/creating-an-app/
However, whatever directory I have moved to to when issuing the jhipster command, all artefacts are always created in the root of my C:/Users/ rather than the folder/directory I have navigated to.
This is very messy, any ideas what settings I can change to fix this?


How do I create a new project in Neos CMS?

I recently turned a computer into a Ubuntu server. I have installed all dependencies following the article below http://neos.readthedocs.io/en/stable/GettingStarted/Installation.html
My version of Ubuntu (or Apache) did not have a "htdocs" folder like the previous article suggested, so I created a folder called newsletter in var/www/html per this article https://askubuntu.com/questions/683953/where-is-apache-web-root-directory-on-ubuntu
Then I try to complete step 2 of "Fundamental Instruction" by using the following code
cd /your/htdocs/
php /path/to/composer.phar create-project neos/neos-base-distribution Neos
but it does not work.
Instead of inputting "cd /your/htdocs" I navigate to /var/www/html
I am getting "Could not open input file: /path/to/composer.phar"
I believe I already have composer installed, so I don't really want to have to go through https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-install-and-use-composer-on-ubuntu-16-04
Should I change "/path/to/composer.phar"? Has the location changed?
It look like your composer is not in the given path /path/to/composer.phar
composer is not included in a bare bone Ubuntu, so you should have to follow the setup. If you want to test Neos, check https://bitnami.com/stack/neos
Should I change "/path/to/composer.phar"? Has the location changed?
This path is just an example.

threejs build guide unclear

so i need to modify three.js.min and i need to rebuild it to have the changes take effect.
i did it before when it used to be via phyton, but the process & method seems to have changed.
i downloaded node.js as linked here in the quickstart guide: https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/wiki/Build-instructions, and restarted my pc
this happens when i try to clone threejs as described:
the Quickstart says that i can also "download and unzip" the directory which i already did to work on it, but i am unsure where to place it and where the relative path starts.
so if i use cd ./three.js would the threejs folder be in the c:/programs/nodejs directory? do i need to register it first? am i on the completely wrong path?
sorry if this is a really dumb question, but the guide just does not make sense to me
ok so here are the mistakes i made:
i used the Node.js command window (from programs) instead of the windows cmd
i need to navigate to my threejs root folder containing the package.json file using cd ./nextFolder
now compiled & working without a problem

Spring roo installation

Spring roo seems a convenient tool and I have a chance to try it. I created a linux package so that I can maintain it using the package manager to install or uninstall or share it in my team. The package manager will install the spring-roo to the /opt/spring-roo directory. But when running the roo command it will create a cache directory in the $ROO_HOME(/opt/spring-roo) and generates many small bundle files. But a normal user doesn't have the write access to the /opt/spring-roo. So my question is: is there a way to use another path as a cache directory just like the $HOME/.cache/roo? I noted that there is a config.properties in the $ROO_HOME but I can't figure a way to configure it.
After researching the roo.sh I found I can set the cache dir directly from the roo.sh. So I change it to the user's home, just likeROO_OSGI_FRAMEWORK_STORAGE="$HOME/.cache/spring-roo".

Need to create dfs.domain.socket.path manually in Hadoop-2.0.0 to use Impala?

I am following the instructions to configure hadoop-2.0.0 cluster for installing Impala. In hdfs-site.xml, I add two properties "dfs.client.read.shortcircuit" and "dfs.domain.socket.path" (/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/dn_socket).
But when I start the Hadoop cluster by start-dfs.sh, it fails to start datanodes. The log in datanode says that "failed to stat a path component: '/var/lib/hadoop-hdfs'". Then I create /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs manually, and start Hadoop cluster again. It fails again and log says that it's the permission problem about that directory. OK, fine. I change the owner of hadoop-hdfs from root to ubuntu (ubuntu is the machine username). Now it finally works normally.
I am just confused. Am I doing in the right way? Do we really need to create /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs by ourselves and change the permission or the owner of that directory? Or I missed some configuration setting?
I was running into similar problems using Cloudera Manager. It was an issue of trying to run in 'single-user mode' instead of using root. I think you are doing something similar with user ubuntu. Is this a clean install or are you upgrading / did you have a failed install last time?
I'm guessing you sudo-ed somewhere you should have run something as 'ubuntu'.
If you can make it work by manually setting permissions, go for it. I have a feeling there are lots of other files owned by root that should be owned byubuntu lurking about in your system.
Anecdotally, if there is no critical data in the server, I have found it is easier to very thoroughly remove any and all files from the old install and then reinstall fresh.
I was facing a similar issue with starting the datanodes. Then, I came across this link https://github.com/cloudera/Impala/wiki/Build-prerequisites, where it states that we need to create the /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs manually and set the appropriate permissions. This has also fixed my problem.
Make certain directory /var/lib/hadoop-hdfs/present is OK.

grunt-init not creating any file(s)

I probably missed something here. I'm using Node 0.10.1 on Win7/64bit and installed grunt 0.4.1 with
npm install grunt
npm install -g grunt-cli
npm install -g grunt-init
Then I tried to install a template while in folder %USERPROFILE%
git clone git#github.com:gruntjs/grunt-init-gruntfile.git ~/.grunt-init/gruntfile
But git wants a passphrase for key [current folder]. So I just created a folder
and copied
to it. Now I switched to the project folder and was able to start grunt-init with
grunt-init gruntfile
DOM involved? n
files concatenated or minified? Y
package.json? n
any changes? N
Process ends with "Done, without errors", but no file ist created, or at least I can't find it.
dont know how to clone into your userhome on windows, but IMPORTANT(!) you also need to copy the whole "root" directory ( https://raw.github.com/gruntjs/grunt-init-gruntfile/master/root) to '%USERPROFILE%.grunt-init\gruntfile\'
you know that this init-template will just create a gruntfile.js for you? (inside the root-directory you can see that). if you want to create a node-module, jquery-plugin and so on, use one of the other templates (grunt-init-node, grunt-init-jquery) and so on.
creating your own template is easy. just create a new folder in '%USERPROFILE%.grunt-init' with your template-name. add the template.js. add a root-directory where all the files are which you want to be copied, maybe add a rename.json (for folder and file-renamings) and maybe change some stuff in the template.js.
I think you are have few a different issues here - from your comments it looks like you are using a Windows.
The first issue is that you can't clone the repository. Having tried this myself, I found the problem was fixed by setting up a valid ssh key on my github account. So to clone this repository you need to create a github account and install ssh keys on both your machine and your github account. Github's documentation on how to do this is very good and can be found here for Windows https://help.github.com/articles/set-up-git#platform-windows.
The second issue is that the git clone command you are using won't work on a Windows machine as it supplies a path to a Linux home directory ~/.grunt-init/gruntfile.
From your comments I am guessing the %USERPROFILE%.grunt-init\gruntfile\ is the correct install directory for Windows and so changing your working directory to that and using the command git clone git#github.com:gruntjs/grunt-init-gruntfile.git should install it.
You may also consider working using Cygwin which allows you to use a linux working environment on a windows machine.
Happy node hacking.
