Filters for Azure Functions - azure

Is it possible to have Filters (Auth or Exception) for Azure functions? I just want to not duplicate code to validate bearer token in every function. I see that there is a filter concept in webjobs sdk.
I want to only validate the bearer token before executing any function. So if filters are not the best option then is there any other better way to handle this situation ?

Depending on how feature rich you want your responses you could use function filtered but they are very limited at the moment until this issue has been completed -
Alternatively, you could set up a pipeline in each of your functions so you could apply the same cross-cutting concern logic inside your function app. obviously this will be a lot more work but comes with a lot more flexibility.
Example -

Instead of bringing in another package, you can just pass your function code as an argument in to a wrapper method.
//business logic
public async Task<IActionResult> PostWidget(
[HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = "widgets")] Widget item, HttpRequest req, ILogger log)
return await _functionWrapper.Execute(req, item, async () =>
log.LogInformation($"posting widget: ${item.Id}");
var newItem = await dbContext.Widgets.AddAsync(item);
await dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();
return new ResponseEnvelopeResult<Widget>(HttpStatusCode.Created, newItem.Entity);
//functionWrapper class
public async Task<IActionResult> Execute(T model, HttpRequest req, Func<Task<IActionResult>> azureFunction)
var results = await _validator.ValidateAsync(model, ruleSet: $"default,audit,{req.Method}");
if (!results.IsValid)
var errors = results.Errors.Select(x => x.ErrorMessage).ToList();
_log.LogWarning($"Model validation failed for type '{typeof(T).Name}'. Validation errors: [{errors.Join()}] ");
return new ResponseEnvelopeResult<T>(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, null, errors);
return await azureFunction();
catch (Exception e)
_log.LogError(e, "Unhandled exception occured in FunctionWrapper");
return new ResponseEnvelopeResult<T>(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, null, new[] { e.Message });
Then your wrapper can be setup to do validation, retrieve user info, etc. If you need items passed back to your function layer, you can easily do so without obscuring your function intent. I've got a large example of this implementation on my blog.


Azure Function HTTP Triggers / Method Routing / Open API Implementation

I am currently making an API that will be hosted via Azure Functions. I'm running .net core 3.1. The way I have the project routed right now is defining the accepted methods as a parameter for the HttpTrigger then I have an if statement for determining how the endpoint was called. I am attempting to use the OpenAPI package to create API definitions, but when I assign Methods to the function, the Swagger document only picks up the first Method listed (PUT). I am unsure of the intended structure / usage of endpoints that have multiple possible request methods.
See code below. (OpenAPI tags are placeholder descriptions)
namespace Dyn.Sync.Func.PractifiSync
public class Prospect
[OpenApiOperation(operationId: "Run", tags: new[] { "name" })]
[OpenApiSecurity("function_key", SecuritySchemeType.ApiKey, Name = "code", In = OpenApiSecurityLocationType.Query)]
[OpenApiParameter(name: "name", In = ParameterLocation.Query, Required = true, Type = typeof(string), Description = "The **Name** parameter")]
[OpenApiResponseWithBody(statusCode: HttpStatusCode.OK, contentType: "text/plain", bodyType: typeof(string), Description = "The OK response")]
public async Task<IActionResult> Create([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", "put", Route = null)] HttpRequest req, ILogger log)
string primarySecretsContainerName = "Main";
DynUser user = await DynAuthManager.CreateDynUserAsync(req);
DynProspect prospect = JsonSerializer.Deserialize<DynProspect>(req.Body);
PFIConnection pfiConnector = PFIConnectionsCache.GetConnection(user, DynSecretsCache.GetSecretsContainer(primarySecretsContainerName));
if (!pfiConnector.IsConnected) { await pfiConnector.Connect(); }
if (req.Method == "POST") { return await pfiConnector.CreateProspect(prospect); }
if (req.Method == "PUT") { return await pfiConnector.UpdateProspect(prospect); }
else { return new ObjectResult("Invalid method.") { StatusCode = 400 }; }
catch (Exception ex)
DynError dynError = new DynError(ex);
log.LogError(ex, "Exception " + dynError.RequestID.ToString() + " occured.");
return (IActionResult)new ExceptionResult(ex, true);
My question is this: When the swagger document is created, it only lists whatever method I defined first (in other words, it ignores the "put" method). What is the intended way to structure an API when creating it in Azure functions? I tried creating a separate method in the same class for each HTTP method that it would accept, but then I couldn't even hit the endpoint when making requests. Does microsoft want us to create a new function class for each endpoint? So then instead of:
it would be:
I should note that this will eventually live under and Azure API Management instance, which makes me even more worried to implement it in a "one function per method" fashion as when loading azure functions the way I have done it, it correctly assigns the methods in APIM and I'd prefer not to have to manually configure it.
I have been searching for documentation on this specific issue with no luck. Anyone have any ideas how Microsoft intended this to be used?

Feathers JS MongoDB Service: Dynamic Collection Names

I'm attempting to build a multi-tenant application with Feathers JS. On login, the tenant ID will be included in the request. From then on, the tenant ID will be gotten from the user field with the request parameters. Every user has this tenantId field.
In MongoDB, I have one unique collection of every data type per tenant. The collection names look like tenantId.documents and tenantId.users
The service generated via the feathers generate service CLI command looks like so:
export class Documents extends Service {
//eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
constructor(options: Partial<MongoDBServiceOptions>, app: Application) {
const client: Promise<Db> = app.get('mongoClient');
client.then(db => {
this.Model = db.collection('documents');
As you can see, the generated Services seem to need their collection name ("documents" in this case) during instantiation. Normally, this makes sense since it saves time awaiting a call to app.get("mongoClient")
However, since I need to dynamically change which collection I read from based on the User's tenantId, this won't work for me.
I implemented something like the following:
export class Documents extends Service {
client: Promise<Db>
//eslint-disable-next-line #typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
constructor(options: Partial<MongoDBServiceOptions>, app: Application) {
this.client = app.get("mongoClient");
async create(data: IDocumentData, params: Params) {
const db: Db = await this.client;
this.Model = db.collection(`${params.user!!.organizationId}.documents`);
return super.create(data, params);
The problems are these:
I need to await this.client every request, even when the promise will probably already be fulfilled by the time a user actually makes a request to this service
I have to implement every method of the parent Service even though I barely need to add any real functionality.
What is the most feathers-y way to solve this problem?
I don't want to override every method that I need in every service
I don't see a way to handle this with middleware or hooks.
I also don't think it's necessary to create one service instance per tenant in my application. It seems wasteful since I don't need to make any additional external requests based on the tenant ID, I just need to change the collection
Is there a good, pretty way to do this in Feathers?
Thanks to the helpful Feather community Slack channel, I think I came across a halfway-decent solution to this specific issue. It doesn't address all of my concerns, but at least it de-clutters my code.
First, I should create a new class that extends the built in Service class that implements the feature that I want. It could look something like this:
class DynamicMongoService extends Service {
client: Promise<Db>;
collectionName: string;
options: Partial<MongoDBServiceOptions>,
app: Application,
collectionName: string
) {
this.client = app.get("mongoClient");
this.collectionName = collectionName;
async getCollection(params: Params) {
const db: Db = await this.client;
this.Model = db.collection(
async find(params?: Params) {
await this.getCollection(params!!);
return super.create(params!!);
async get(id: Id, params?: Params) {
await this.getCollection(params!!);
return super.get(id, params);
async create(data: Partial<any> | Array<Partial<any>>, params?: Params) {
await this.getCollection(params!!);
return super.create(data, params);
async update(id: NullableId, data: any, params?: Params) {
await this.getCollection(params!!);
return super.update(id!!, data, params);
async patch(id: NullableId, data: Partial<any>, params?: Params) {
await this.getCollection(params!!);
return super.patch(id!!, data, params);
async remove(id: NullableId, params?: Params) {
await this.getCollection(params!!);
return super.patch(id!!, params!!);
The key elements are thus:
Pass collection name in the constructor
Get the collection name before each method
An implementation of this service would look like this:
export class Documents extends DynamicMongoService {
constructor(options: Partial<MongoDBServiceOptions>, app: Application) {
super(options, app, "documents");
Not the best, but easy enough!

Azure Durable Function (external functions)

I developed a couple of microservice using Azure functions, every service has independent use case and different programming language.
Now I have a use case to use all service in below order, So I developed one more Azure function to use all service in given order. below code running well.
public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> Run([HttpTrigger(AuthorizationLevel.Anonymous, "post", Route = null)]HttpRequestMessage req, TraceWriter log)
string returnValue = string.Empty;
dynamic data = await req.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
if (data == null)
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, "Please pass a value in the request body");
string body = data.ToString();
var transformResult = await HttpRestHelper.CreateRequestAsync(AppConfiguration.TransformServiceEndPoint, body, HttpMethod.POST);
var validationResult = await HttpRestHelper.CreateRequestAsync(AppConfiguration.ValidationServiceEndPoint, transformResult.Result.ToString(), HttpMethod.POST);
if (validationResult.Result != null && Convert.ToBoolean(validationResult.Result))
var encryptionResult = await HttpRestHelper.CreateRequestAsync(AppConfiguration.EncryptionServiceEndPoint, transformResult.Result.ToString(), HttpMethod.POST);
var storageResult = await HttpRestHelper.CreateRequestAsync(AppConfiguration.StorageServiceEndPoint, encryptionResult.Result.ToString(), HttpMethod.POST);
returnValue = storageResult.Result.ToString();
returnValue = "Validation Failed";
return req.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, returnValue, "text/plain");
If every microservice takes 1 min to execution, I have to wait ~4min in my Super Service and billed for 4+ min. (We don't need to pay for waiting time :)
I want to use Azure Durable functions here but didn't get any method to call external url.
Please help me or suggest a better solution.
Thanks In Advance
Durable Orchestration Functions don't work with arbitrary HTTP endpoints. Instead, you need to create individual functions as Activity-triggered.
Orchestration will use message queues behind the scenes rather than HTTP. HTTP is request-response in nature, so you have to keep the connection and thus pay for it.
Queue-based orchestrator can also give you some extra resilience in face of intermittent failures.

Seeing lots of exception in collectionSelfLink

I'm seeing a lot of exceptions in the collectionSelfLink when making DocumentDb call -- see image below.
I'm able to connect to DocumentDb and read data but these exceptions concern me -- especially in something that's pretty straight forward like a collectionSelfLink.
Any idea what may be causing them and how to fix them?
Here's the function that's using the selfLink
public async Task<IEnumerable<T>> ReadQuery<T>(string dbName, string collectionId, SqlQuerySpec query)
// Prepare collection self link
// IMPORTANT: This is where I'm seeing those exceptions when I inspect the collectionLink. Otherwise, I'm NOT getting any errors.
var collectionLink = UriFactory.CreateDocumentCollectionUri(dbName, collectionId);
var result = _client.CreateDocumentQuery<T>(collectionLink, query, null);
return await result.QueryAsync();
And here's the QueryAsync() extension method
public async static Task<IEnumerable<T>> QueryAsync<T>(this IQueryable<T> query)
var docQuery = query.AsDocumentQuery();
var batches = new List<IEnumerable<T>>();
var batch = await docQuery.ExecuteNextAsync<T>();
while (docQuery.HasMoreResults);
var docs = batches.SelectMany(b => b);
return docs;
So SelfLink is an internal property that is set by DocumentDB. It cannot be set by the user and will only be populated on resources that have been returned from a call to the server.
The UriFactory code that you are using is construction a link that can be used to execute operations, but it is not a SelfLink.
If you are looking at a SelfLink property on a newly initialized DocumentCollection() object the SelfLink will be null as it has not been persisted on the server yet. This would explain all those errors in debug watch.

ServiceStack keep a long-live connection and send response asynchronously

I have a client app which monitors the changes in real-time by establishing a long-live HTTP connection to server.
In ASP.NET WebAPI, the server can take use PushStreamContent to keep the connection for a long time and send response once there is an update.
But in ServiceStack, seems there is no similar stuff.
I looked at the sample code of Different ways of returning an ImageStream
IStreamWriter.WriteTo method is only called once, and I can't use async IO operation to avoid blocking server thread.
Is there a way to send progressive response to client asynchronously?
here is sample code in WebAPI which does the job
public static async Task Monitor(Stream stream, HttpContent httpContent, TransportContext transportContext)
ConcurrentQueue<SessionChangeEvent> queue = new ConcurrentQueue<SessionChangeEvent>();
TaskCompletionSource<object> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
Action<SessionChangeEvent> callback = (evt) =>
OnSessionChanged += callback;
using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(stream, new UTF8Encoding(false)))
await sw.WriteLineAsync(string.Empty);
await sw.FlushAsync();
await stream.FlushAsync();
for (; ; )
Task task = tcs.Task;
await Task.WhenAny(task, Task.Delay(15000));
if (task.Status == TaskStatus.RanToCompletion)
tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
SessionChangeEvent e;
while (queue.TryDequeue(out e))
string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(e);
await sw.WriteLineAsync(json);
// write an empty line to keep the connection alive
await sw.WriteLineAsync(string.Empty);
await sw.FlushAsync();
await stream.FlushAsync();
catch (CommunicationException ce)
OnSessionChanged -= callback;
Writing to a long-running connection is exactly what Server Events does. You can look at the implementation for ServerEventsHandler or ServerEventsHeartbeatHandler to see it's implemented in ServiceStack.
Basically it just uses a custom ASP.NET IHttpAsyncHandler which can be registered at the start of ServiceStack's Request Pipeline with:
appHost.RawHttpHandlers.Add(req => req.PathInfo.EndsWith("/my-stream")
? new MyStreamHttpHandler()
: null);
Where MyStreamHttpHandler is a custom HttpAsyncTaskHandler, e.g:
public class MyStreamHttpHandler : HttpAsyncTaskHandler
public override bool RunAsAsync() { return true; }
public override Task ProcessRequestAsync(
IRequest req, IResponse res, string operationName)
//Write any custom request filters and registered headers
if (HostContext.ApplyCustomHandlerRequestFilters(req, res))
return EmptyTask;
//Write to response output stream here, either by:
//or if need access to write to underlying ASP.NET Response
var aspRes = (HttpResponseBase)res.OriginalResponse;
//After you've finished end the request with
res.EndHttpHandlerRequest(skipHeaders: true);
return EmptyTask;
The ApplyCustomHandlerRequestFilters() and ApplyGlobalResponseHeaders() at the start gives other plugins a chance to validate/terminate the request or add any HTTP Headers (e.g. CorsFeature).
Have a look at ServerEvents. If I understood you right, this is what you are looking for.
