how to define a class with a type family [duplicate] - haskell

This question already has an answer here:
How to make lenses for records with type-families [duplicate]
(1 answer)
Closed 3 years ago.
The following code generates an "Expected a constraint" error :
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ExistentialQuantification #-}
type family Note a
type instance Note String = String
data SomeNote = forall a. Note a => SomeNote a
class HasNote b where
noteOf :: b -> SomeNote
The error is Expected a constraint, but 'Note a' has kind '*', in the definition of SomeNote. Why ? How can I fix it ?
The goal is to include an instance of the Note type family in some data structure b, and use noteOf b to extract it, whatever the instance is.

The goal is to include an instance of the Note type family in some data structure b, and use noteOf b to extract it
That's not how type families work. All you've really said is that you can map one type, represented by variable a into another type via the type function Note. It doesn't mean values of type a contain a value of type Note b at all. It is the type class that rather strongly implies the Note a type is within or computable from the a type.
The code is along the lines of:
type family Note a
type instance Note String = String
class SomeNote a where
noteOf :: a -> Note a
Even better, consider using an associated type:
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
class SomeNote a where
type Note a :: *
noteOf :: a -> Note a
instance SomeNote String where
type Note String = String
noteOf = id


Apply constraint within constraint in Haskell

Is there anyway to apply a constraint within another constraint such that this
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
module Test where
type Con a = (Num a, Show a)
type App c a b = (c a, c b)
program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
program a b = show a ++ " " ++ show (b+1)
will work?
Currently GHC is giving me the following errors:
[1 of 1] Compiling Test ( Test.hs, interpreted )
Test.hs:9:12: error:
• Expected a constraint, but ‘App Con a b’ has kind ‘*’
• In the type signature: program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
9 | program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
| ^^^^^^^^^^^
Test.hs:9:16: error:
• Expected kind ‘* -> *’, but ‘Con’ has kind ‘* -> Constraint’
• In the first argument of ‘App’, namely ‘Con’
In the type signature: program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
9 | program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
| ^^^
Failed, no modules loaded.
An easy way to fix this is to use the LiberalTypeSynonyms extension. This extension allows GHC to first treat the type synonyms as substitutions and only afterwards check that the synonyms are fully applied. Note that GHC can be a little silly at kind inference, so you'll need to be very clear with it (i.e., an explicit signature). Try this:
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LiberalTypeSynonyms #-}
module Test where
import Data.Kind (Constraint)
type Con a = (Num a, Show a)
type App c a b = (c a, c b) :: Constraint
program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
program a b = show a ++ " " ++ show (b+1)
Before I understood that this could be solved with LiberalTypeSynonyms, I had a different solution, which I'll keep here in case anyone's interested.
Although the error message you're getting is a bit misleading, the fundamental problem with your code comes down to the fact that GHC does not support partial application of type synonyms, which you have in App Con a b. There are a few ways to fix this, but I find the simplest is to convert the type synonym constraint into a class constraint following this pattern:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
type Con' a = (Num a, Show a)
class Con' a => Con a
instance Con' a => Con a
You can use this definition of Con anywhere you were intending to use your old one.
If you're interested in how/why this works, it's basically a trick to get around GHC's lack of support for partial type synonym/family application for the particular cases where those type synonyms/families define simple constraints.
What we're doing is defining a class, and every class comes with a constraint of the same name. Now, notice that the class has no body, but critically, the class itself has a constraint (in the above case Con' a), which means that every instance of the class must have that same constraint.
Next, we make an incredibly generic instance of Con, one that covers any type so long as the constraint Con' holds on that type. In essence, this assures that any type that is an instance of Con' is also an instance of Con, and the Con' constraint on the Con class instance assures that GHC knows that anything that's an instance of Con also satisfies Con'. In total, the Con constraint is functionally equivalent to Con', but it can be partially applied. Success!
As another side note, the GHC proposal for unsaturated type families was recently accepted, so there may be a not-too-far-off future where these tricks are unnecessary because partial application of type families becomes allowed.
Haskell does not support type-level lambdas, nor partial application of type families / type synonyms. Your Con must always be fully applied, it can not passed unapplied to another type synonym.
At best, we can try to use "defunctionalization" as follows, effectively giving names to the type-level lambdas we need.
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds, KindSignatures, TypeFamilies #-}
import Data.Kind
-- Generic application operator
type family Apply f x :: Constraint
-- A name for the type-level lambda we need
data Con
-- How it can be applied
type instance Apply Con x = (Show x, Num x)
-- The wanted type-level function
type App c a b = (Apply c a, Apply c b)
-- Con can now be passed since it's a name, not a function
program :: App Con a b => a -> b -> String
program a b = show a ++ " " ++ show (b+1)
To call App with a different first argument, one would need to repeat this technique: define a custom dummy type name (like Con) and describe how to apply it (using type instance Apply ... = ...).

Using a default implementation of typeclass method to omit an argument

I want to be able to define a (mulit-parameter-) typeclass instance whose implementation of the class's method ignores one of its arguments. This can be easily done as follows.
instance MyType MyData () where
specific _ a = f a
As I'm using this pattern in several places, I tried to generalize it by adding a specialized class method and adequate default implementations. I came up with the following.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses, AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
class MyType a b where
specific :: b -> a -> a
specific = const dontCare
dontCare :: a -> a
dontCare = specific (undefined :: b)
{-# MINIMAL specific | dontCare #-}
This however yields the error Could not deduce (MyType a b0) arising from a use of ‘dontCare’ [..] The type variable ‘b0’ is ambiguous. I don't see why the latter should be the case with the type variable b being scoped from the class signature to the method declaration. Can you help me understand the exact problem that arises here?
Is there another reasonable way to achieve what I intended, namely to allow such trimmed instances in a generic way?
The problem is in the default definition of specific. Let's zoom out for a second and see what types your methods are actually given, based on your type signatures.
specific :: forall a b. MyType a b => b -> a -> a
dontCare :: forall a b. MyType a b => a -> a
In the default definition of specific, you use dontCare at type a -> a. So GHC infers that the first type argument to dontCare is a. But nothing constrains its second type argument, so GHC has no way to select the correct instance dictionary to use for it. This is why you ended up needing AllowAmbiguousTypes to get GHC to accept your type signature for dontCare. The reason these "ambiguous" types are useful in modern GHC is that we have TypeApplications to allow us to fix them. This definition works just fine:
class MyType a b where
specific :: b -> a -> a
specific = const (dontCare #_ #b)
dontCare :: a -> a
dontCare = specific (undefined :: b)
{-# MINIMAL specific | dontCare #-}
The type application specifies that the second argument is b. You could fill in a for the first argument, but GHC can actually figure that one out just fine.

Haskell: type classes: multiple inheritance example

I came to know that we can achieve multiple inheritance using type classes. I had written small haskell code, but unable to figure out the problem.
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
class (Eq a, Show a) => C a where
getHashCode :: a -> Integer
getHashCode obj = 123
type Id = Int
type Name = String
data Employee = Employee Id Name deriving C
When i tried to load above code, I am getting following error. Any help on this.
No instance for (Eq Employee)
arising from the 'deriving' clause of a data type declaration
Possible fix:
use a standalone 'deriving instance' declaration,
so you can specify the instance context yourself
When deriving the instance for (C Employee)
Failed, modules loaded: none.
I searched google some time, but unable to found good example for multiple inheritance. it will be helpful if you provide some info, example on multiple inheritance in Haskell.
class (Eq a, Show a) => C a where
does not mean that types that implement C automatically implement Eq and Show, it means that they must first implement Eq and Show before they can implement C.
A class in Haskell is not the same as a class in Java, either, it's closer to an interface, but it can't be used in the same ways (and shouldn't). Haskell doesn't actually have a concept of inheritance or classes in the OOP sense, as it's not an OOP language.
However, if you want to have Eq and Show instances automatically for a type, just add them to the deriving clause of the data type.

"class TypeClassName a b where" is incorrect syntax?

I am learning Haskell and I am not quite sure whether class TypeClassName a b where is incorrect.
Does it make sense to write something like that in Haskell?
I know that class TypeClassName a where is correct but I am not sure whether the extra b would make any sense there ?
You can do that with Multi-parameter type class extension enabled.
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
Regarding it's usage and requirement, it actually depends upon your application. For example, in the linked tutorial for type family they actually have to use this extension. Also, this wikibook section explains how it is used for Collection type class. For Collection typeclass, multi parameter type class makes good use case:
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
class Eq e => Collection c e where
insert :: c -> e -> c
member :: c -> e -> Bool
Here c is the collection type like List and e is the element inside the collection. So any collection which supports insert and memebership test function can be made instance of this typeclass.

How can I use restricted constraints with GADTs?

I have the following code, and I would like this to fail type checking:
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
import Control.Lens
data GADT e a where
One :: Greet e => String -> GADT e String
Two :: Increment e => Int -> GADT e Int
class Greet a where
_Greet :: Prism' a String
class Increment a where
_Increment :: Prism' a Int
instance Greet (Either String Int) where
_Greet = _Left
instance Increment (Either String Int) where
_Increment = _Right
run :: GADT e a -> Either String Int
run = go
go (One x) = review _Greet x
go (Two x) = review _Greet "Hello"
The idea is that each entry in the GADT has an associated error, which I'm modelling with a Prism into some larger structure. When I "interpret" this GADT, I provide a concrete type for e that has instances for all of these Prisms. However, for each individual case, I don't want to be able to use instances that weren't declared in the constructor's associated context.
The above code should be an error, because when I pattern match on Two I should learn that I can only use Increment e, but I'm using Greet. I can see why this works - Either String Int has an instance for Greet, so everything checks out.
I'm not sure what the best way to fix this is. Maybe I can use entailment from Data.Constraint, or perhaps there's a trick with higher rank types.
Any ideas?
The problem is you're fixing the final result type, so the instance exists and the type checker can find it.
Try something like:
run :: GADT e a -> e
Now the result type can't pick the instance for review and parametricity enforces your invariant.
