I have a project that is configure for .Net Framework 4, hence I donĀ“t want to see suggestions for newer frameworks. Is it possible to configure Resharper to show only intellisense for certain .Net Framework version?
Select your project in the Solution Explorer, press F4 to open its properties window, change the 'C# Language Level' to the version of C# you are using (C# 4.0 or C# 5.0)
I installed visual studio 15.3 and the .net core 2.0 sdk today. I created a console application(netcoreapp2.0) with a project reference to a library(netstandard2.0). With ReSharper enabled I'm not getting any intellisense for types in the library. Lot's of errors in VS but the project builds/runs if done from the command line(dotnet build). If I suspend ReSharper, intellisense starts working. With ReSharper enabled, if I set the library to netstandard1.x intellisense works.
Is there a workaround for this?
ReSharper 2017.1 doesn't support the final versions of .net core 2 or .net standard 2 - it was released before they were. There is better support in the current (as of 16/08/2017) EAP builds of 2017.2, but there are still some issues. We'll be improving the support for the rest of the Early Access Program, and be ready for the release of ReSharper 2017.2, which should be very soon.
For now, if you can, change your library project from netstandard2.0 to netcoreapp2.0.
It will work just fine :)
I don't see the option to create an Azure function class library template in new projects under Visual Studio Mac. If I created one manually - what files do I need to include and what framework target should I use for the library? .net core or .net standard or something custom?
Alternatively - if I use a CSX script file instead, how would I debug that on a mac?
Azure Functions support for Visual Studio for Mac is available in the alpha channel, so you need to switch to that in order to use this functionality.
The tooling there is similar to what is available for Visual Studio 2015, supporting CSX based projects (as opposed to pre-compiled, class library projects) and giving you a local run/debug experience.
In Visual Studio Mac 7.2 this feature was moved into an extension. Just open the extension manager - search for "functions" and you can install that feature again.
We have a 4 year old MonoTouch application, now a Xamarin.iOS application. It has a tag in each project
In the list of warnings with the current Xamarin.iOS and Xcode 6.1.1, I see
/Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/External/xbuild/Xamarin/iOS/Xamarin.iOS.Common.targets: Warning: The iOS SDK version '3.0' is not installed. Using newer version '8.1' instead'. ({myProjectName})
I could manually update this tag or remove it. I do not see in the Xamarin Studio where to configure this on each project. Thanks much.
That should map to the Project options, Build, iOS Build, General, SDK version combobox.
If not found it could show you Default (not sure about the logic) but, beside Default it will only let you select the SDK that the presently configured Xcode provides (e.g. for Xcode 6.1 would see 8.1 for device builds).
note: it's possible it was left over to that value during the project's conversion to unified (which implies switching to msbuild).
How do I go about changing the version for the targeted version of the .NET Framework from 4.5.1 to 4.5 in Visual Studio 2012?
You can usually select your desired target framework within the application properties. Your setup may be slightly different, my Visual Studio installation is using the C# development settings by default, and the example image below is from a WPF project (on the off chance yours is different).
Either right-click on your project in the Solution Explorer and select Properties->Application, or select Properties from the main toolbar in Visual Studio, and select the Application tab. You should be able to select the target framework.
If you can't select the particular framework you're after, the issue may be slightly different.
You need to install the Microsoft .NET Framework x.x.x Developer Pack then only it will be visible under the Target Framework dropdown
I fixed it! I right clicked on my project - select Edit Project File - Went and looked for the <TargetFrameworkVersion>v4.5</TargetFrameworkVersion> - then saved and reloaded the project.
Check the target framework of the project you created. To fix your problem change it to .NET Framework version.
To do this right-click your project and select Properties. On the Compile tab, Click Advance Compile Options... and set the Target Framework dropdown to .NET Framework version.
VS 2010 comes with .NET Framework 4.0, let's say I want to use a new ability that is in C# 4.0, so I think if I just go and download .NET Framework 4.0 I should still be able to use that ability with VS 2008? right? it is a little confusing for me .
Here are the release date of every version of C# and the .NET Framework, and with which version of Visual Studio they were released.
You can see that .NET Framework 4.0 has been released with Visual Studio 2010. So you won't be able to target .NET 4.0 with VS 2008 since it does not know about it.
You will need to use Visual Studio 2010 and install .NET 4 if you want to use all the new C# 4.0 features. Some features do work - see this question for more information.
Visual Studio 2008 doesn't know about targeting the .NET 4 framework so you can't use that.
MSDN Forum reference
No, Microsoft. dont allow you to use its .Net 4.0 in VS2008 as it is for. Net 3.5. You need to have VS2010 to use. Net 4.0.
Because there are certain tools which are in VS2010 to work with that framework and VS2008 dont have them.