Recursive mapping function haskell - haskell

My goal is to write a recursive function that uses the mapping function to generate a set of lists of integers that are ultimately generated from an initial list of integers.
To help me understand what my coding needs to do, I set lst0 as my initial list of integers, then used lst0 to make lst1,and lst1 to make lst2,and so on and so forth.
lst0 = [1,25,100]
lst1 = map (\x -> 0 + x) lst0
lst2 = map (\y -> map (\x -> y + x) lst0) lst1
lst3 = map (\z -> map (\y -> map (\x -> y + x) lst0) z) lst2
lst4 = map (\w -> map (\z -> map (\y -> map (\x -> y + x) lst0) z) w) lst3
Then I rewrote the above lists as functions that take as input the previous list/funcition. They all work fine (e.g., list4 lst3 which is short for list4 $ list3 $ list2 $ list1 $ list0).
list0 = [1,25,100]
list1 prev = map (\x -> 0 + x) prev
list2 prev = map (\y -> map (\x -> y + x) list0) prev
list3 prev = map (\z -> map (\y -> map (\x -> y + x) list0)z) prev
list4 prev = map (\w -> map (\z -> map (\y -> map (\x -> y + x) list0)z) w) prev
I then rewrote each function with the previous function in it to get the below functions. These also work just fine.
list0' = [1,25,100]
list1' = map (\x -> 0 + x) list0'
list2' prev = map (\y -> map (\x -> y + x) list0') prev
list3' prev = map (\z -> list2' z) prev
list4' prev = map (\w -> list3' w) prev
Yet when I try to condense all of the above functions into a recursive foo function below, I get the following error about (foo (n-1) initlst) z. The n is the depth of the game tree I am building and initlst will be lst0 (that is [1,25,100]).
foo n initlst
| n == 1 = map (\x -> 0 + x) initlst
| n == 2 = map (\y -> map (\x -> y + x) initlst) $ foo 1 initlst
| otherwise = map (\z -> (foo (n-1) initlst) z) $ foo (n-1) initlst
The error message is the following and it references this part of the foo function: (foo (n-1) initlst) z:
Couldn't match expected type ‘a1 -> a1’ with actual type ‘[a1]’
Relevant bindings include
z :: a1 (bound at BuildTreesQ3.lhs:61:24)
initlst :: [a1] (bound at BuildTreesQ3.lhs:58:9)
foo :: a -> [a1] -> [a1] (bound at BuildTreesQ3.lhs:58:3)
The function ‘foo’ is applied to three arguments,
but its type ‘a -> [a1] -> [a1]’ has only two
In the expression: (foo (n - 1) initlst) z
In the first argument of ‘map’, namely
‘(\ z -> (foo (n - 1) initlst) z)’
Any insights into what I'm missing will be very much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


foldr with 4 arguments?

I am struggling to understand why this code taken from the exercise page typechecks (and works as a list reversal function):
myReverse :: [a] -> [a]
myReverse xs = foldr (\x fId empty -> fId (x : empty)) id xs []
My first point of confusion is that foldr accepts 3 arguments, not 4 :
foldr :: Foldable t => (a -> b -> b) -> b -> t a -> b
so I am guessing that myReverse is equivalent to:
myReverse xs = foldr ((\x fId empty -> fId (x : empty)) id) xs []
but then this should not work either since in the lambda, x is a list element rather than a function ...
Think of it this way. Every function accepts exactly one argument. It may return another function (that accepts one argument). The thing that looks like a multi-argument call
f a b c
is actually parsed as
((f a) b) c
that is, a chain of single-argument function applications. A function type
f :: a -> b -> c -> d
can be decomposed to
f :: a -> (b -> (c -> d))
i.e. a function returning a function returning a function. We usually regard it as a function of three arguments. But can it accept more than three? Yes, if d happens to be another function type.
This is exactly what happens with your fold example. The function that you pass as the first argument to foldr accepts three arguments, which is exactly the same as accepting two arguments and returning another function. Now the (simplified) type of foldr is
(a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
but if you look at the first argument of it, you see it's a function of three arguments. Which is, as we have seen, exactly the same as a function that acceora two arguments and returns a function. So the b happens to be a function type. Since b is also the the return tuoe of foldr when applied to three arguments
foldr (\x fId empty -> fId (x : empty)) id
and it's a function, it can now be applied to another argument
(foldr (\x fId empty -> fId (x : empty)) id xs) []
I let you figure out what b actually is.
First of all the variables naming is atrocious. I always use r for the second argument to a foldr's reducer function, as a mnemonic for the "recursive result". "empty" is too overloaded with meaning; it is better to use some neutral name so it is easier to see what it is without any preconceived notions:
myReverse :: [a] -> [a]
myReverse xs = foldr (\x r n -> r (x : n)) id xs []
By virtue of foldr's definition,
foldr f z (x:xs) === f x (foldr f z xs)
myReverse [a,b,c,...,z]
= foldr (\x r n -> r (x : n)) id [a,b,c,...,z] []
= (\x r n -> r (x : n)) a (foldr (\x r n -> r (x : n)) id [b,c,...,z]) []
= (\x r n -> r (x : n))
(foldr (\x r n -> r (x : n)) id [b,c,...,z])
= let { x = a
; r = foldr (\x r n -> r (x : n)) id [b,c,...,z]
; n = []
in r (x : n)
= foldr (\x r n -> r (x : n)) id [b,c,...,z] (a : [])
= foldr (\x r n -> r (x : n)) id [b,c,...,z] [a]
= ....
= foldr (\x r n -> r (x : n)) id [c,...,z] (b : [a])
= foldr (\x r n -> r (x : n)) id [c,...,z] [b,a]
= ....
= foldr (\x r n -> r (x : n)) id [] [z,...,c,b,a]
= id [z,...,c,b,a]
I hope this illustration makes it clearer what is going on there. The extra argument is expected by the reducer function, which is pushed into action by foldr ... resulting in the operational equivalent of
= foldl (\n x -> (x : n)) [] [a,b,c,...,z]
As it turns out, myReverse implementation is using the equivalence
foldl (flip f) n xs === foldr (\x r -> r . f x) id xs n

How to apply a function to a specific element of a list

How can I apply a function to only a single element of a list?
Any suggestion?
let list = [1,2,3,4,3,6]
function x = x * 2
in ...
I want to apply function only to the first occurance of 3 and stop there.
List = [1,2,6,4,3,6] -- [1, 2, function 3, 4, 3, 6]
To map or not to map, that is the question.
Better not to map.
Why? Because map id == id anyway, and you only want to map through one element, the first one found to be equal to the argument given.
Thus, split the list in two, change the found element, and glue them all back together. Simple.
See: span :: (a -> Bool) -> [a] -> ([a], [a]).
Write: revappend (xs :: [a]) (ys :: [a]) == append (reverse xs) ys, only efficient.
Or fuse all the pieces together into one function. You can code it directly with manual recursion, or using foldr. Remember,
map f xs = foldr (\x r -> f x : r) [] xs
takeWhile p xs = foldr (\x r -> if p x then x : r else []) [] xs
takeUntil p xs = foldr (\x r -> if p x then [x] else x : r) [] xs
filter p xs = foldr (\x r -> if p x then x : r else r) [] xs
duplicate xs = foldr (\x r -> x : x : r) [] xs
mapFirstThat p f xs = -- ... your function
etc. Although, foldr won't be a direct fit, as you need the combining function of the (\x xs r -> ...) variety. That is known as paramorphism, and can be faked by feeding tails xs to the foldr, instead.
you need to maintain some type of state to indicate the first instance of the value, since map will apply the function to all values.
Perhaps something like this
map (\(b,x) -> if (b) then f x else x) $ markFirst 3 [1,2,3,4,3,6]
markFirst :: a -> [a] -> [(Boolean,a)]
markFirst a [] = []
markFirst a (x:xs) | x==a = (True,x): zip (repeat False) xs
| otherwise = (False,x): markFirst a xs
I'm sure there is an easier way, but that's the best I came up with at this time on the day before Thanksgiving.
Here is another approach based on the comment below
> let leftap f (x,y) = f x ++ y
leftap (map (\x -> if(x==3) then f x else x)) $ splitAt 3 [1,2,3,4,3,6]
You can just create a simple function which multiples a number by two:
times_two :: (Num a) => a -> a
times_two x = x * 2
Then simply search for the specified element in the list, and apply times_two to it. Something like this could work:
map_one_element :: (Eq a, Num a) => a -> (a -> a) -> [a] -> [a]
-- base case
map_one_element _ _ [] = []
-- recursive case
map_one_element x f (y:ys)
-- ff element is found, apply f to it and add rest of the list normally
| x == y = f y : ys
-- first occurence hasnt been found, keep recursing
| otherwise = y : map_one_element x f ys
Which works as follows:
*Main> map_one_element 3 times_two [1,2,3,4,3,6]

Meaning of different lambda functions and characters

At the moment I am learning Haskell, but I am struggling with the syntax of a few example. What do they exactly mean?
First: What is the difference between these two lambdas (-> \y and y)?
lambda1 = \x -> \y -> x + y
lambda2 = \x y -> x + y
Second: What does this mean? Is this a lambda that act as a "pseudo" list generator that generates a list with 3 elements. How can I create such a list?
lambda3 = [\x -> x+1, \x -> 2*x, \x -> x^2]
Third: What does the \_ exactly mean?
lambda4 = \_ -> (\x -> x+1, \() -> 'a')
lambda2 is syntactic sugar for lambda1. All of these are equivalent:
f = \x -> \y -> x + y
f = \x y -> x + y
f x = \y -> x + y
f x y = x + y
f x y = (+) x y
f x = (+) x
f = (+)
lambda3 is a list of unary functions on numbers. Each function has the type (Num a) => a -> a, so the list has type (Num a) => [a -> a]. You could produce a list of values from this with map or a list comprehension:
fs = [\x -> x+1, \x -> 2*x, \x -> x^2]
map (\f -> f 3) fs
map ($ 3) fs
[f 3 | f <- fs]
[4, 6, 9]
lambda4 uses pattern-matching syntax. For example, if you have a data type:
data Foo = Foo Int String
Then you can write a lambda that pattern-matches on it:
f = \ (Foo n s) -> concat (replicate n s)
f (Foo 3 "bar") == "barbarbar"
(But unlike case, there is no way to provide alternative patterns if Foo has multiple constructors.)
The _ pattern just says “accept a value and ignore it”, so lambda4 is a function that accepts an argument, ignores it, and returns a pair (2-tuple) of unary functions, the first of type (Num a) => a -> a and the second of type () -> Char, so its type is Num a => r -> (a -> a, () -> Char).
lambda4 = \_ -> (\x -> x+1, \() -> 'a')
lambda4 = \ignored -> (\x -> x+1, \() -> 'a')
(inc, getA) = lambda4 ()
inc 3 == 4
getA () == 'a'
Functions that ignore their arguments can be constructed with the const function, and operator sections ((+ 1)) are typically preferred over lambdas (\x -> x + 1), so you can also write the above as:
lambda4 = const ((+ 1), const 'a')
On your second question, lambda3 is just a bad variable name. this is a list of functions of type Num a => a -> a. You can verify that by typing the following in ghci:
:t [\x -> x+1, \x -> 2*x, \x -> x^2]
First: What is the difference between these two lambdas (-> \y and y)?
There is no difference. Both produce the same output for the same input, and since they're pure functions, you can be sure that they produce no external effects that you wouldn't see.
The difference lies in that the first lambda uses syntactic sugar for currying.
\x y -> x + y is equal to \x -> \y -> x + y. Now, don't you think it looks a lot like type signatures, such as foo :: Int -> Int -> Int ? ;)
It means that the function foo takes 2 Int and produces an Int.
Since I don't have a very precise answer for the 2nd…
Third: What does the \_ exactly mean?
It's a lambda function (\) to which is associated the _ variable. _ is used as a placeholder to say “I don't care about the content of this variable, I'm even going to give it a proper name”.
There is no -> y. The correct way to read this is
(\ x -> (\ y -> (x + y)))
As it happens, Haskell has "curried functions", which means that
\ x y -> (x + y)
just happens to be equivalent to the above.
lambda3 is a list which contains three elements. Each of those elements happens to be a function. Functions are data in Haskell; you can pass them as arguments, return them as results, stuff them into lists, etc.
lambda3 = [ (\x -> x+1) , (\x -> 2*x) , (\x -> x^2) ]
lambda4 = \_ -> (\x -> x+1, \() -> 'a')
The "_" character basically means "I don't care what this is; ignore it". You can use it anywhere you can use a pattern. For example,
foobar x _ z = x + y
is a 3-argument function that completely ignores argument #2. Read about pattern matching and this should become clear. (I.e., it's not to do with lambdas, it's to do with patterns.)

bind parser returning wrong type

I am reading haskell book and curious why the return type of the bind operator look odd to me
For the given definitions
type Parser a = String -> [(a, String)]
item :: Parser Char
item = \inp -> case inp of
[] -> []
(x:xs) -> [(x,xs)]
bind :: Parser a -> (a -> Parser b) -> Parser b
p `bind` f = \inp -> concat [ f x inp' | (x, inp') <- p inp]
when I define z in GHCI as
let z = item `bind` (\x -> (\y -> result (x,y))) "Rohit"
the return type is
>> :t z
z :: Parser ([Char], Char)
(1) Shouldn't the return type of (Char, [Char])? looking at the list comprehension, "(x, inp') <- p inp" should yield -> "('r', "ohit")". Next f x inp' is left associative, so f x should yield character 'r' and pass to the lambda that should return result tuple ('r', "ohit"), but why is it that z type is ([Char], char) :: (x,y)
(2) How can i print the value of z in the above case on the ghci
Assuming that result is of type a -> [a] (did you mean return for the list monad?), the issue you encounter comes from the fact that you use the infix bind.
item `bind` (\x -> (\y -> result (x,y))) "Rohit"
is parsed as
bind item ((\ x y -> result (x, y)) "Rohit")
rather than what you expected which I assume is:
bind item (\ x y -> result (x, y)) "Rohit"
You can fix this by using $:
let z = item `bind` (\x -> (\y -> result (x,y))) $ "Rohit"
I'm unsure what result is here, but this is a problem of associativity. Consider your z:
let z = item `bind` (\x -> (\y -> result (x,y))) "Rohit"
This is equivalent to
let z = item `bind` ((\x -> (\y -> result (x,y))) "Rohit")
= item `bind` (\y -> result ("Rohit",y))
I believe you would get the result you desire by adding the following brackets:
let z = (item `bind` (\x -> (\y -> result (x,y)))) "Rohit"

Where do theses values come from in this haskell function?

Let's say I have the following function:
sumAll :: [(Int,Int)] -> Int
sumAll xs = foldr (+) 0 (map f xs)
where f (x,y) = x+y
The result of sumAll [(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)] will be 12.
What I don't understand is where the (x,y) values are coming from. Well, I know they come from the xs variable but I don't understand how. I mean, doing the code above directly without the where keyword, it would be something like this:
sumAll xs = foldr (+) 0 (map (\(x,y) -> x+y) xs)
And I can't understand, in the top code, how does the f variable and (x,y) variables represent the (\(x,y) -> x+y) lambda expression.
Hopefully this will help. The key is that f is applied to the elements of the list, which are pairs.
sumAll [(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)]
-- definition of sumAll
= foldr (+) 0 (map f [(1,1),(2,2),(3,3)])
-- application of map
= foldr (+) 0 (f (1,1) : map f [(2,2),(3,3)])
-- application of foldr
= 0 + foldr (+) (f (1,1)) (map f [(2,2),(3,3)])
-- application of map
= 0 + foldr (+) (f (1,1)) (f (2,2) : map f [(3,3)])
-- application of foldr
= 0 + (f (1,1) + foldr (+) (f (2,2)) (map f [(3,3)]))
-- application of f
= 0 + (2 + foldr (+) (f (2,2)) (map f [(3,3)]))
-- application of map
= 0 + (2 + foldr (+) (f (2,2)) (f (3,3) : map f []))
-- application of foldr
= 0 + (2 + (f (2,2) + foldr (+) (f (3,3)) (map f [])))
-- application of f
= 0 + (2 + (4 + foldr (+) (f (3,3)) (map f [])))
-- application of map
= 0 + (2 + (4 + foldr (+) (f (3,3)) []))
-- application of foldr
= 0 + (2 + (4 + f (3,3)))
-- application of f
= 0 + (2 + (4 + 6))
= 0 + (2 + 10)
= 0 + 12
= 12
In Haskell, functions are first class datatypes.
This means you can pass functions around like other types of data such as integers and strings.
In your code above you declare 'f' to be a function, which takes in one argumenta (a tuple of two values (x,y)) and returns the result of (x + y).
foldr is another function which takes in 3 arguments, a binary function (in this case +) a starting value (0) and an array of values to iterator over.
In short 'where f (x,y) = x + y' is just scoped shorthand for
sumAll :: [(Int,Int)] -> Int
sumAll xs = foldr (+) 0 (map myFunctionF xs)
myFunctionF :: (Int,Int) -> Int
myFunctionF (x,y) = x + y
Edit: If your unsure about how foldr works, check out Haskell Reference Zvon
Below is an example implementation of foldl / map.
foldl :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldl _ x [] = x
foldl fx (y:ys) = foldl f (f y x) ys
map :: (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map _ [] = []
map f (x:xs) = (f x) : (map f xs)
Not an answer, but I thought I should point out that your function f:
f (x, y) = x + y
can be expressed as
f = uncurry (+)
