Azure Timer Function is running multiple times on trigger - azure

I have a timer function that runs every 12 hours that refreshes an oAuth token. For some reason the function run over and over many times resulting in about 3500 calls every 12 hours. Not sure if it is relevant but I have implemented the function in c# in Visual Studio and deployed to azure. My function does have an output binding to a azure blob for writing the refreshed token information. I thought originally that the problem was because I implemented the function as Async but the problem persists despite removing async.

Cron expression is wrong. I was using * * */12 * * * instead of 0 0 */12 * * *


.net 6 azure function time trigger 404 not found error

First time with .NET 6 runtime on Azure and I get the following error.
The time trigger function is not fired and I can not run it manually from portal.
Also, I try the following documentation
but i get 404 not found error again.
*Time trigger working from localhost
*Visual Studio 2022 v 17.2.3
Every time I create Time Trigger Azure function for NCRONTAB expression I use the following site
In this case (once every 4 hours) is not working. So the 404 error not found based on an incorrect expression.
The valid expression is "0 0 */4 * * *" and i was using "0 */4 * * *"

Azure Functions timer trigger fires unstable

Our function app has TimerTrigger-function with CRON expression */10 * * * * * (every 10 seconds), and periodically it seems like trigger stops to fire, only manual app restarting helps. We're sure that function wasn't fired because it should insert records into DB.
We're using .net6 (In-Process) and runtime v4, App Service Plan with 'Always On' enabled and disabled logging sampling.
Sample InvocationId: 74089037-5f8a-4f30-beca-0261aba58400
You can see gaps in a timeline chart from Application Insights (all executions for last 48 hours).

How to configure azure webjob to run every 30 seconds

This should be quick - I know how to run .net webjobs down to every minute..
eg 0 0/1 * 1/1 * *
but I would like to run every 10 seconds!! I can find unix methods, but no azure webjobs / ,net examples..
To schedule a triggered WebJob you need to add a schedule property to the settings.job file. The value of the schedule is cron expression that has 6 fields to represent the schedule: {second} {minute} {hour} {day} {month} {day of the week}.
So you just add the following to a settings.job file if you want to run every 10 seconds.
"schedule": "*/10 * * * * *"
If your app runs continuous or scheduled WebJobs, enable Always On to ensure that the WebJobs run reliably. This feature is available only in the Basic, Standard, and Premium pricing tiers.
For more details, you could refer to this article.
the patterns seems to be like Cron schedule jobs
*/10 * * * *

Cron job scheduled not running automatically in Node.js BOT

I am working on a Bot, using BotFramework-node.js hosted on Azure.
I am using four cronjobs in my bot to run different functions at different points of a day. The only issue is that the jobs are not running automatically. They will run normally if i compile/run the code, but wont if i don't compile/run it within 12 hours i.e, if i run the code manually today morning, the jobs will execute fine for today but tomorrow it won't unless i run it again.
Tried changing the modules. I have tried using node-schedule, node-cron. Now using cron
var Name = new CronJob({
cronTime:'0 15 11 * * 0-6',
onTick: function(){
//function call / another js file call

Function App Time trigger not working

I have a function App. type is Timetrigger. I have given the time trigger expression 0 0 * * * * , as my requirement it to run with 1 Hour interval. I have refereed the TimeTrigger Cheat Sheet
But Unfortunetly its triggering in each 5 min. Somehow it's not working. Help me regarding this.
target--> Run the function App in the interval of 1 Hour.
If you have changed your code, I suggest you could right click project>rebuild your project to try again. Or you could try to use expression like '0 0 */1 * * *'.
The result:
But not sure why its getting triggered 5 min while putting the code in Azure Portal.
The code in portal and Visual Studio is different. You could try to right click project>publish>choose Azure function service to publish your function to portal. Then check the schedule in function.json:
In Portal, you could also click '+' to create TimeTrigger in Azure function service directly:
I got a conclusion out of the Issue, Although you will update the Time trigger schedule in the Code level, this will not impact the Running schedule. What ever is there in the configuration ( go to Integrate tab of the function App & check the timer value). Code value changes not impacting the config values. Need to change the config values manually.
You can set the trigger time as a config value, something like this:
public static async Task Run(
TimerInfo timerInfo,
TraceWriter log)
and then define schedule in the Application Settings of your Function App in Azure portal:
schedule 0 */5 * * * * (in this case every five minutes)
I'm using for choosing triggering intervals
