How to add a field via logstash - logstash

I want to insert following field:
"date": {
"type": "date",
"format": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss,SSS"
In my Logstash configuration I tried the following:
grok {
patterns_dir => "/etc/logstash/conf.d/patterns"
match => { "message" => "%{USERACTIVITY}" }
mutate {
add_field => {
"type" => "date"
"format" => "%{date}"
mutate {
add_field => {
"timestamp" => "{ %{type} , %{fomat} }"
But it is not working. Is it possible to add a key value pair from exitsting?

mutate {
add_field => {
"type" => "date"
"format" => "%{[date][format]}"


Logstash Grok Pattern, mutate

i ran into a problem.
i have a pipeline:
input {
tcp {
host => ""
port => "5959"
codec => "json"
type => "my_type"
mode => "server"
filter {
if [type] == "my_type" {
grok {
match => {"message" => ['\#%{GREEDYDATA:who}%{SPACE}#%{GREEDYDATA:what}\n\n%{GREEDYDATA}: %{GREEDYDATA:contact}%{SPACE} #%{GREEDYDATA:ident}\n%{GREEDYDATA}Cost:%{SPACE}%{DATA:cost}\n%{GREEDYDATA}Date:%{SPACE}%{DATE_EU:when}\n%{GREEDYDATA}Vacant:%{SPACE}%{DATA:vacant}\n(?<info>(.|\r|\n)*)\n\[%{GREEDYDATA}']
mutate {
gsub => [
"what", "milkshake", "Milk 🥛",
"what", "icecream", "Ice 🍦"
mutate {
gsub => [
"cost", "-1", "?",
"contact", "9", "+9"
mutate {
gsub => [
"contact", "\+9", "tel:+9"
if [date] {
date {
match => [ "date", "ISO8601", "YYYY-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.ZZZ" ]
target => "#timestamp"
} }
if "_grokparsefailure" in [tags] {
drop {}
output {
if [type] == "my_type" {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["https://localhost:9200"]
index => "my_type-%{+xxxx.ww}"
ilm_rollover_alias => "my_type"
ilm_policy => "my_type"
ilm_enabled => "true"
cacert => ["/etc/logstash/ca.crt"]
user => "elastic"
password => "password"
in the mutate section after the GROK i replace one word with another which will contain emoji and be capitalized
mutate {
gsub => [
"what", "milkshake", "Milk 🥛",
"what", "icecream", "Ice 🍦"
but in elasticsearch in the "what" field I see that the word is substituted with a non-capital letter "milk 🥛" instead of "Milk 🥛"
I tried to force mutate for the capital letter, but that doesn't help either ("mutate" for the capital letter was placed after the "mutate" for replacement)
mutate {
capitalize => [ "what" ]
What can be wrong?

Convert a string to date in logstash in json DATA

From this source data
2022-01-21 12:25:01,339 {"category":"runtime","some_id":"order","correlation_id":"OEID_1","servid":"143","provision_id":"898769049","operation_name":"CREATE", "processing_state":"ACTIVE","lifecycle_state":"ACTIVE","created":"2022-01-21 12:25:00,369","changed":"2022-01-21 12:25:00,806","runtime":"0.437"}
and my basic logstash config
filter {
grok {
match => { message => "^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logdate}%{SPACE}*%{DATA:json}$" }
add_tag => [ "matched", "provisioning_runtime" ]
json {
source => "json"
add_tag => [ "json" ]
# matcher for the #timestamp
date {
match => [ "logdate", "ISO8601", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"]
i tried to convert the created field from string to a date field, but not replacing the #timestamp field. How to insert this in the config, i dont understand this, all i tried doesnt work
From what I understand, you want to convert created and changed to date values as well. This can be done like this:
filter {
grok {
match => { message => "^%{TIMESTAMP_ISO8601:logdate}%{SPACE}*%{DATA:json}$" }
add_tag => [ "matched", "provisioning_runtime" ]
json {
source => "json"
add_tag => [ "json" ]
# matcher for the #timestamp
date {
match => [ "logdate", "ISO8601", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"]
# matcher for the created
date {
match => [ "created", "ISO8601", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"]
target => "created"
# matcher for the changed
date {
match => [ "changed", "ISO8601", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"]
target => "changed"
You can use something like
date {
match => [ "logdate", "ISO8601", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,SSS"]
target => "logdate"
Here's the documentation.


I need to save only the contents of the ship node in a Kafka topic, unfortunately I have already performed several tests and the filter is not working
My json is similar to that
"_index": "abd",
"type" : "doc",
"response_body": {
"type" : "iPhone",
"number": "0123-4567-8888"
"type" : "iPhone",
"number": "0123-4567-4444"
My logstash is configured like this
input {
file {
path => "${PWD}/logstash_input"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"
type => "json"
source => "message"
target => "_source.response_body"
output {
kafka {
bootstrap_servers => "localhost:9092"
codec => json{}
topic_id => "testtopic"

Logstash: TestResult comes out as an array

The generated results of running the config below show the TestResult section as an array. I am trying to get rid of that array to make sending the data to Elasticsearch.
I have the following XML file:
<tem:SubmitTestResult xmlns:tem="" xmlns:acs="" xmlns:acs1="">
And I am using this config:
input {
file {
path => "/var/log/logstash/test3.xml"
filter {
multiline {
pattern => "<tem:SubmitTestResult>"
negate => "true"
what => "previous"
if "multiline" in [tags] {
mutate {
gsub => ["message", "\n", ""]
mutate {
replace => ["message", '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>%{message}']
xml {
source => "message"
target => "SubmitTestResult"
mutate {
remove_field => ["message", "#version", "host", "#timestamp", "path", "tags", "type"]
remove_field => ["[SubmitTestResult][xmlns:tem]","[SubmitTestResult][xmlns:acs]","[SubmitTestResult][xmlns:acs1]"]
mutate {
replace => [ "[SubmitTestResult][LabId]", "%{[SubmitTestResult][LabId]}" ]
replace => [ "[SubmitTestResult][userId]", "%{[SubmitTestResult][userId]}" ]
mutate {
replace => [ "[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0][CreatedBy]", "%{[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0][CreatedBy]}" ]
replace => [ "[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0][CreatedDate]", "%{[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0][CreatedDate]}" ]
replace => [ "[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0][LastUpdatedBy]", "%{[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0][LastUpdatedBy]}" ]
replace => [ "[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0][LastUpdatedDate]", "%{[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0][LastUpdatedDate]}" ]
replace => [ "[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0][Capacity95FHigh]", "%{[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0][Capacity95FHigh]}" ]
replace => [ "[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0][Capacity95FHigh_AHRI]", "%{[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0][Capacity95FHigh_AHRI]}" ]
replace => [ "[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0][CondensateDisposal_AHRI]", "%{[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0][CondensateDisposal_AHRI]}" ]
replace => [ "[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0][DegradationCoeffCool]", "%{[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0][DegradationCoeffCool]}" ]
output {
stdout {
codec => "rubydebug"
The result is:
"SubmitTestResult" => {
"LabId" => "123",
"userId" => "123",
"TestResult" => [
[0] {
"CreatedBy" => "123",
"CreatedDate" => "123",
"LastUpdatedBy" => "123",
"LastUpdatedDate" => "123",
"Capacity95FHigh" => "123",
"Capacity95FHigh_AHRI" => "123",
"CondensateDisposal_AHRI" => "123",
"DegradationCoeffCool" => "123"
As you can see, TestResult has the "[0]" array in there. Is there some config change I can do to make sure that it doesn't come out as an array? I want to send this to Elasticsearch and want the data correct.
I figured this out. After the last mutate block, I added one more mutate block. All I had to do was rename the field and that did the trick.
mutate {
rename => {"[SubmitTestResult][TestResult][0]" => "[SubmitTestResult][TestResult]"}
The result now looks proper:
"SubmitTestResult" => {
"LabId" => "123",
"userId" => "123",
"TestResult" => {
"CreatedBy" => "123",
"CreatedDate" => "123",
"LastUpdatedBy" => "123",
"LastUpdatedDate" => "123",
"Capacity95FHigh" => "123",
"Capacity95FHigh_AHRI" => "123",
"CondensateDisposal_AHRI" => "123",
"DegradationCoeffCool" => "123"

how to make two condition check in logstash and write better configuration file

I am using logstash 1.4.2,
I have logstash-forwarder.conf in client log-server like this
"network": {
"servers": [ "" ],
"timeout": 15,
"ssl ca": "certs/logstash-forwarder.crt"
"files": [
"paths": [ "/var/log/messages" ],
"fields": { "type": "syslog" }
"paths": [ "/var/log/secure" ],
"fields": { "type": "linux-syslog" }
In logstash server
1. filter.conf
filter {
if [type] == "syslog" {
date {
locale => "en"
match => ["syslog_timestamp", "MMM d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss"]
timezone => "Asia/Kathmandu"
target => "#timestamp"
add_field => { "debug" => "timestampMatched"}
grok {
match => { "message" => "\[%{WORD:messagetype}\]%{GREEDYDATA:syslog_message}" }
add_field => [ "received_at", "%{#timestamp}" ]
add_field => [ "received_from", "%{host}" ]
syslog_pri { }
if [type] == "linux-syslog" {
date {
locale => "en"
match => ["syslog_timestamp", "MMM d HH:mm:ss", "MMM dd HH:mm:ss"]
timezone => "Asia/Kathmandu"
target => "#timestamp"
add_field => { "debug" => "timestampMatched"}
grok {
match => { "message" => "%{SYSLOGTIMESTAMP:syslog_timestamp} %{SYSLOGHOST:syslog_hostname} %{DATA:syslog_program}(?:\[%{POSINT:syslog_pid}\])?: %{GREEDYDATA:syslog_message}" }
add_field => [ "received_at", "%{#timestamp}" ]
add_field => [ "received_from", "%{host}" ]
syslog_pri { }
mutate { replace => [ "syslog_timestamp", "%{syslog_timestamp} +0545" ] }
2. output.conf
output {
if [messagetype] == "WARNING" {
elasticsearch { host => "" }
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
if [messagetype] == "ERROR" {
elasticsearch { host => "" }
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
if [type] == "linux-syslog" {
elasticsearch { host => "" }
stdout { codec => rubydebug }
I want all the logs to forward from /var/log/secure and only ERROR and WARNING log from /var/log/messages, I know this is not a good configuration. I want someone to show me a better way to do this.
I prefer to make decisions about events in the filter block. My input and output blocks are usually quite simple. From there, I see two options.
Use the drop filter
The drop filter causes an event to be dropped. It won't ever make it to your outputs:
filter {
#other processing goes here
if [type] == "syslog" and [messagetype] not in ["ERROR", "WARNING"] {
drop {}
The upside of this is that it's very simple.
The downside is that the event is just dropped. It won't be output at all. Which is fine, if that's what you want.
Use a tag
Many filters allow you to add tags, which are useful for communicating decisions between plugins. You could attach a tag telling your output block to send the event to ES:
filter {
#other processing goes here
if [type] == "linux-syslog" or [messagetype] in ["ERROR", "WARNING"] {
mutate {
add_tag => "send_to_es"
output {
if "send_to_es" in [tags] {
elasticsearch {
#config goes here
The upside of this is that it allows fine control.
The downside of this is that it's a bit more work, and your ES data ends up a little bit polluted (the tag will be visible and searchable in ES).
