Download of android studio 3 RC 1 - android-studio

I've decided to upload my alfa app to google play .....
After harsh strugle with it I passed an automatic test.
And failed in all mobiles .... a simple anko toast was the culprit I remove it
Then I noticed that my 1.2 MB app turned into a mamooth of 18 MB
So I turn to enable minify ... shrink resources and so one in gradle
The next trimed version once upload proveed definitelly slim, in fact allmost everything was removed, so nothing worked.
Whent back to previous one and on the next day I've recived a notification on my android-studio 3 telling me that the Release Candidate 1 was available, read release notes and found
Issue #65519025: Missing classes in APK
Issue #65829618: Incremental builds fail when enabling resource shrinking
apparently I was saved, but no when I click the download button I get a link to my current version, mistakes are everywhere .....

try it
I found it using this link.

Android Studio cant be updated via delta update. You will need to download entire build from this link

You Can Download Android Studio Preview from following links
Android Studio Preview: Link 1
Android Studio Archives: Link 2
Android Studio 3.0 RC 1
Windows (64-bit)
Windows (32-bit)

The download link I speculated


Why does Android Studio show errors in my code but app still runs

I have recently upgraded my laptop and re-installed Android Studio to the latest version and imported my app. The problem I am facing now is that when Android Studio start it finishes the gradle build etc, but shows errors all over my code. I can still debug the app on my phone and all is working.
How can I get this resolved?
I finally resolved this when it happened to me. The steps I did to resolve my problem
Build -> clean
File -> invalidate caches / restart
Delete .idea folder, close and reopen project
Normally one of the first two first steps is enough but today I actually had to delete the entire .idea folder and reopen the project to get rid of the "errors" (only IDE errors, project still ran for me).
If Methods named (A) (B) (C) (D), do not help you, then the following 4 steps are AGNI ASTRA.
Step 1 : Go To App Folder In Android Studio.
Step 2 : Locate Build Folder.
Step 3 : Delete Build Folder.
Step 4 : Sync File.
I will advise to use AGNI ASTRA, after trying, Methods named (A) (B) (C) (D) .
The Methods Are :
Method (A)
Method (B)
Method (C)
Method (D)
In my case (Windows), I have faced the same issue with 2 version of Android Studio,
1. Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Patch 4 (My previous/normal IDE used)
2. Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 Patch 1 (My updated/current IDE used)
First, I thought this problem can be solve by Build>Clean Project, or Build>Rebuild Project, or File>Invalidate Caches..., but sadly won't work. So, I decided to update my IDE Arctic Fox to Dolphin.
Download from official site, installed with different folder (C:\Program Files\Android\Android Studio1), but project folder still same. During opening project, it won't run unless change Java version to Java 11 (File>Settings>Build, Exectuion, Deployment>Build Tools>Gradle>Gradle JDK>11 version).
Try opening several projects, however the IDE sometime still show the redline code, but the app can still debug/run as usual. Latest method I used, File>Invalidate Caches... And IDE haven't show any redline code.
*Remark: Don't know how long the latest method I used will work.

Android Studio upgrade automatic to 2.1 from 1.5 won't work

Ever since version 2.0 there is no way that I can get the button "Update and Restart" back when checking for updates. This missed button downloaded and applied automatically the patch to the newer version. It stopped working when 2.0 came to be. I am currently on 1.5, and would like to get 2.1 but not downloading the zip.
Now all I get is this, which forces me to download the zip file, but doesn't install the application. I have seen other posts related but none of them have solved my problem.
In my case I just had to close that dialog and click again on Check for Updates until 'Update and Restart' appeared. I had to re open the dialog like 3 times.
I had 1.5.1 and updated to 2.1.1
There was no Update and restart button from 1.5 to 2.0. You need to go to download page and download the newest version --> 2.1. If you had a version 2.0 and you want to upgrade to 2.1, the functionality of downloading & restarting would be fully operational.
The differences between 1.5 and 2.0 are too major just to download a patch and update your old Android Studio. Here you have all revisions and changes.
You can still add your settings from the previous Android Studio, so there should be no problem for you.
Steps to install Android Studio from a .zip folder:
If you have Windows:
Open the .zip folder using Windows Explorer.
Click on 'Extract all' (or 'Extract all files') option in the ribbon.
Enter any extract location you like. Extract them.
Go to the extract location. Go to android-studio\bin and run
Go through the installation wizard. You are done
If you have any other OS:
Go here or here (the second link is preferred).
If you chose the first link then run application and unzip your
folder. If you chose the second link then upload your file, get it
unzipped and download it.
Go to the extract/download location. Go to android-studio\bin and
run the studio executable for your OS.
Go through the installation wizard. You are done.
My Android Studio was 1.5.1. After closing the dialog 2 times and checking again for the update solved the issue. Got the "Update and Restart" button 3rd time

Downloading latest Android Studio

My current Android Studio installation (linux-64bit) is showing a pop-up saying there is a new Version of Android Studio 2.
I am unable to download the current stable of Android Studio.
The download-link (on big green button) reffers to the Terms and Conditions. If i Accept and klick the button (which is showing no text, which is also strange) it redirects me to the index page again.
Here is the index page:
Have they withdrawn the release or something? Does anybody know a direct-link?
Thank you for any help on it
You need to have a little patience and try to check for update from time to time until you'll be able to update Android Studio from within the IDE. I encountered the same issues as you but after a while it worked well.
My advise is to wait with the upgrading to 2.0 and stick with your 1.5 version because a lot of people here have problems with Android Studio 2.0 (for now it is kind of buggy, maybe later Google will fixed some issues...).
As an example of my problems with Android Studio 2.0 I've posted recently, check this: After upgrading to Android Studio 2.0, I cannot change the screen orientation in the Android emulator, but of course it is your decision to upgrade or not :) .
P.S. I'm a linux user too.
As this is entirely a new version, you will not be able to update (or upgrade) from within the app.
You will have to download the installer and install at the same location replacing your Android studio 1.5
I did the same thing and is working for me.

android studio not working well not displaying packages

hey guys im not new to java but this android studio thing, im definitely not used to it,
so i just want to know what packages/tools i need to download from the sdk manager to get me started (im currently dev' apps to be run on api 2.3 gingerbread devices )
From the sdk manager this is what i did,
i downloaded and installed all the latest android sdk build tools,sdk platiform for 4.4 and 5.0
then i also downloaded the whole 2.3 api 10 since its what i was developing for....
after that when i start android studio,just right in the work space where you see the 'package' menu
i get nothing displaying,i mean even all the api i installed i still get nothing.
anybody who been using this tool can gimme help.thx
kind regards C.B!
When you open SDK manager, right click on the .exe and select
"Run As Administrator".
Don't open it from within android studio, find the exe file on your machine. Worked for me when I ran into that problem.
EDIT: You may need to download the sdk separately form here:
Click VIEW ALL DOWNLOADS and pick the appropriate 'sdk only' download for your machine.

Can you upgrade your Android Studio Preview to Android Studio beta (0.8.x)

Has anyone been able to upgrade from within the Android Studio Preview (canary channel) to Android Studio beta or do you have to start with a fresh beta install?
You cannot upgrade Android Studio Preview to Beta. These are two different products. You have to uninstall the preview and install the beta. It was straitforward for me. Beta setup can even import Preview settings. I just had to update my build.gradle file (on a small project) since I also downloaded API 20. It was not more painfull than an ordinary canary update of Android Studio Preview after all ;)
This page may be usefull for a step by step Android Studio Beta installation guide:
As Dazzibao said, you cannot. However I would like to point out that I can't seem to find the Preview version being advertized for download anywhere on Google's site anymore. It would seem to me then that it IS recommended to upgrade to Beta as soon as possible if you're already on the Preview build. I would have posted a comment to reply directly to amchang87's comment on going against recommending it, but I simply don't have the rep yet.
I'm swapping mine out as I type this.
