Clone a entire Document/Excel/Presentation on specific Version - onlyoffice

Is There any Options to Clone a Word / Excel / Presentation Based on document version number
for Ex:
version - 4
version - 3
version - 2
version - 1
Here I need to clone Version 4 In Onlyoffice Document Integration Server
and without any mismatch of editor contents
here I uploaded the image in that 7 version are there, I need to clone a 4'th version (which means version 4,3,2,1 and I don't want 5,6,7) it's not like rollback, original document should not get change while cloning.

Please describe the case more detailed, we need more information about the whole process, i.e. are you going to just copy the file or start a new conversion process?
Could you please specify if the versioning already works in your environment.
If yes, how is it organized.


How do I create an AutoCommandBufferBuilder in vulkano-rs "0.23.0"?

I am following along the examples in the vulkano-rs website and at the section where it says to create an AutoCommandBufferBuilder, it says to use AutoCommandBufferBuilder::new() to create it.
However, in the latest version of vulkano-rs - 0.23.0 - this method is missing.
If I downgrade to version 0.22.0, the method exists.
So, how do I create an AutoCommandBuffer in the latest version of vulkano-rs?
From vulkano-rs/vulkano#1527:
AutoCommandBufferBuilder::new renamed to AutoCommandBufferBuilder::primary/secondary. For primary form there is a new additional 3rd parameter. Use CommandBufferUsage::MultipleSubmit for this parameter to fulfill the same behavior you previously had with old new constructor.

How to determine why GitVersion chose a specific base version?

I am using GitVersion (version 3.5.3 if it matters), and getting some unexpected results; specifically the produced version has an unexpected commit count portion. Looking at the log I can see the commit count is calculated correctly, but the base version used by GitVersion is wrong (or at least not what I thought it would be).
However the log file for GitVersion is less than helpful, it just lists a series of tags, then a long list of merge bases, and at the end it just says which base version it decided to use.
Can GitVersion let me know somehow why it chose that specific base version?
I am not sure, you already checked or not; but it is explained how they calculate base version and also new versions in their documentation
UPDATE: Added main information from documentation.
GitVersion has three distict steps for calculating versions in v3.0.
If the current commit is tagged, the tag is used and build metadata (Excluding commit count) is added. The other two steps will not execute
A set of strategies are evaluated to decide on the base version and
some metadata about that version. These strategies include
HighestReachableTag, NextVersionInConfig, MergedBranchWithVersion,
VersionInBranchName etc
The highest base version is selected, using that base version the new
version is calculated.
Visually it looks something like this:
Base Version Strategies
HighestTagBaseVersionStrategy - Finds the highest reachable tag from
the current branch
VersionInBranchBaseVersionStrategy - Extracts version information
from the branch name. eg release/3.0.0 will find 3.0.0
ConfigNextVersionBaseVersionStrategy - Returns the version from the
GitVersion.yaml file
MergeMessageBaseVersionStrategy - Finds version numbers from merge
messages. eg.
Merge 'release/3.0.0' into 'master' will return 3.0.0
FallbackBaseVersionStrategy - Always returns 0.1.0 for new
Each strategy needs to return an instance of BaseVersion which has the following properties
Source - Description of the source. eg `Merge message 'Merge
'release/3.0.0' into 'master''
ShouldIncrement - Some strategies should have the version
incremented, others do not. eg ConfigNextVersionBaseVersionStrategy
returns false, HighestTagBaseVersionStrategy returns true
SemanticVersion - SemVer of the base version strategy
BaseVersionSource - Sha of the source. Commits will be counted from
this Sha. Can be null (eg ConfigNextVersionBaseVersionStrategy
returns null)
BranchNameOverride - When useBranchName or {BranchName} is used in
the tag configuration, this allows the branch name to be changed by a
base version. VersionInBranchBaseVersionStrategy uses this to strip
out anything before the first - or /. So foo ends up being evaluated
as foo. If in doubt, just use null

How can I add some selective features/ subfeatures to a new release build through Automation Interface

I am using Install Script in Install Shield 2013 on Windows 7, Lang Used C#.
I have a project and it has some features and sub features added to it. Now I want to build a new release using Automation Interface need to add some selective features/ subfeatures to this release so that the original features remains unaltered.
We can pass the New release name and features required in this release using Command Line.
How can I add selective features supplied as command line arguments to my release. Is there any predefined Object/function/Method for this. Please advise.
Need to achieve this in Install Script only.
We can do so by using IncludeInBuild() property of ISWiFeature. It alters the default IncludeInBuild value of a feature.
To make it temp store the current values of the features to be altered in a list , then build a new release. After making new release, once again assign the value stored in list to the altered features.

Get specific Version (#Label) for an old version tree

I'm having some problem to get a specific Label version for an old tree path (moved, renamed, etc..) in TFS2008.
The problem I have is the following:
I renamed and moved some portion of tree version files and folder and now I'm not able to get a specific version from a specific Label. This Label was applied on the old tree path, and when I get specific version (with overwrite options checked) appear "Not downloaded" on the Latest column and I'm not able to work on the old baseline (labelled files and folder).
There is the way to get specific version in a custom target path?
The TFPT are helpful to do this?
The solution is get specific version Label on the project root, so the old tree version path is proposed.
Nicola Celiento: I was about to post this as new question when I saw your question and answer, which have also worked for me.
I had a branch called $/MyProject/Dev/OldName, which was renamed to $/MyProject/Dev/NewName in May 2015. I now want to get all the files for this branch as of April 2014 (before the branch rename), but I can't work out how to do this. So far I have tried:
Creating a new workspace mapped to $/MyProject/Dev/NewName. Do Get Specific Version on $/MyProject/Dev/NewName, set Type to Date as of April 2014, set Overwrite writeable files and Overwrite all files. This results in the message: "All files are up to date. No files were updated because the requested file versions were previously downloaded. To force an update, use the "Get Specific Version" command with the "Overwrite all...) option checked." This message is odd because it is telling me to do precisely what I have done to get the message! In Source Control Explorer all files have a status of Not downloaded.
From the command line, do a get using the new branch name (does not work - no files in workspace):
C:\Workspace>tf get $/MyProject/Dev/NewName /version:D"2014-04-08 21:00:00" /overwrite /force /recursive
All files are up to date.
From the command line, do a get using the old branch name (also does not work - no files in workspace):
C:\Workspace>tf get $/MyProject/Dev/OldName /version:D"2014-04-08 21:00:00" /overwrite /force /recursive
No appropriate mapping exists for $/MyProject/Dev/OldName.
Changed my workspace to map to the old branch $/MyProject/Dev/OldName, and then repeated the previous get (also does not work - no files in workspace):
C:\Workspace>tf get $/MyProject/Dev/OldName /version:D"2014-04-08 21:00:00" /overwrite /force /recursive
Getting OldName
Using View History on individual files, I can see the files definitely existed at April 2014, and I can also see their contents, I just can't get them for that date (but I can get them OK after the branch rename).
Based on Nicola Celiento's answer the solution for me was to Get Specific Version on the root $/MyProject/Dev project. This got all the branches below $/MyProject/Dev, including the old $/MyProject/Dev/OldName that I wanted.

SharePoint Document Library version restore not behaving as expected

I have some code which I am attempting to use to "rollback" a sharepoint document and it's metadata properties to a previous version using ootb version control and the SharePoint API. Here is a sample of my code:
int versionCount = item.Versions.Count;
if (versionCount > 0)
// this only restores properties
The expected result of calling restore using 1 (the newest version before the current version) would be to restore the file and metadata. Instead, only the metadata is restored and the current file is copied to the new "restored" version.
The versions page clearly displays multiple versions and restoring through the UI restores the desired file.
Furthermore, I have attempted to use item.File.Versions only to find item.File.Versions.Count is 1.
Can anyone provide any insight?
The versions page generates a version entry for each relevant combination of file and item versions. When SPFile.Versions is 1, this indicates that the file has one version in addition to the current version. SPListItem.Versions contains all versions of the file, including the current version (at index 0).
When SPFile.Versions.Restore(iIndex) is called, the file is restored along with the associated SPListItem version which applies to this file
Your 'SPListItem' would have a File property, type SPFile. This also has a .Versions property.. you might have to use that or both.
