Do not see Access Key on Azure for Power Bi Workspace - azure

I am trying to create a PowerBi Embedded application on Azure Portal. I successfully created one but I am not able to see the Access Key in the list of options.
I followed the above
I have a Visual Studio Enterprise – MPN subscription. Hope that wasn't the reason.
Also I couldn't find the settings icon also.
Help is appreciated .Thanks

Why have you created a "Power BI Embedded"-service in Azure? I dont see anything mentioning that in the guide to supplied.
"Power BI Embedded" in azure is deprecated, instead you should register an app accouring to the Register with the Azure portal-step:
In the left-hand navigation pane, choose More Services, select App
Registrations under Security + Identity and select New application


How to track application sign-ins in Azure?

I know that to track user sign-ins I need to go to Active Directory -> (under Activity) Sign-ins, and have the necessary "Azure Active Directory Premium 2" subscription.
I am trying to find the equivalent for sign-ins via an access key of a given application created via app registrations.
Where can I see this in the Azure Portal? Bonus question: where is it available in the SDK or API?
From Azure portal,
Go to App registrations -> filter listed application by app Id (access key) or name.
Which lead you to application blade,
Click on Managed application in local directory, which show you sign-ins option for this application
If you want to access your active directory application by API, Office Graph can help.
Please see this document:
Do you have a Premium subscription? If you do not, you will not be able to see these logs.

Create an app in azure AD for sharepoint online

Hie everyone,
Can anyone tell me how i can create an application for SharePoint online please?
I'm using Azure AD and there is no option(1) for sharepoint online, i only see the graph application for the unified API.
Thanks a lot
(1) 2 weeks ago there were an app called Offfice365 Sharepoint, but it disappeared
Based on the image it looks like you don't have SharePoint enabled for the account that was used to login to the Azure Portal. You need to have an active license for SharePoint to be able to register an application in the Azure Portal that accesses SharePoint data.
I know this is an old question but I am going to try answer it. With Visual Studio 2015 you can create to types of SharePoint Add-ins, SharePoint Hosted and Provider Hosted. In order to create a Provider Hosted Add-in that you want to host on Azure you can use the Publish feature in Visual Studio. Right click the Web Project and Select Publish. When creating the Publishing Profile select the target for Microsoft Azure App Service. From there you will be ask to provide the information for your Azure account and can create Resource Groups and App services that will host your Provided Hosted Add-in in Azure. vs.

What is the difference between these two portals and why? And when should I use which of them?
For example:
When I want to configure if/which Java version I want to use in a WebApp, in the "manage"-portal I only can choose between off and v1.7.0_51. In the "portal"-portal I can choose between off, v7 and v8.
Or, if I want to create a new Ubuntu-VM, in the "manage"-portal I can choose between v12.04, v14.04 and v15.04. In the "portal"-portal there is only v14.04.
As commented by Mike, is the current production Azure Portal while is the preview portal which will eventually replace the production portal.
From an underlying technology perspective, there's one big difference between the production and preview portal. Production portal makes use of Azure Service Management API while the Preview portal makes use of Azure Resource Manager (ARM). Along with ARM API, you get Role-based access control (RBAC) that enables you to grant granular permissions on your Azure resources to your team members. In the production portal, there's only a concept of Subscription Administrator and Subscription Co-Administrator.
Not all services in Azure has been ported to make use of ARM API as of today and that's why you see only few services in the preview portal. Services that make use of ARM API (all the new services) will only show up the preview portal.
As to when to use what portal, just see the Azure services you need to manage. Based on how they can be managed, you will choose between production and preview portal. Also please note that functionality for a service may differ between portals even though it is present in both portals. That may be another criteria between choosing the portal.
More information Can be find from microsoft site
Azure Resource Manager vs. classic deployment: Understand deployment models and the state of your resources

How do I link my MSDN Azure Benefit to a specific Office 365 Tenancy

I have an MSDN 'Visual Studio Premium with MSDN' account.
I have created an Office 365 E3 Tenancy.
I have 'activated' Azure AD for that tenancy and can access the 'Access to Azure AD' subscription.
But this only gives me Azure AD and not all the other services.
How can I 'attach' my MSDN Azure benefit to this tenancy so that I can get all the other service options? Websites etc.
Sign in as your Office 365 administrator and go to this link:
when you sign up for an Azure Trial it will take you down the path you are aiming for. Just make sure you select the options related to an MSDN subscription when they are presented.
You will need to got and make the association there. There are instructions here:
Hi there's an updated flow that will help make it easier to register for an app directly on
You will still eventually need to go into Azure to manage and maintain the app, but if you're just getting started, you can do it in line at
The link from Michael will give instructions on registering the app through the Azure Portal as well.

Where is the Windows Azure SQL Reporting Portal?

According to the MSDN documentation for Windows Azure SQL Reporting Services, the reporting portal is supposed to be accessible from the main Azure portal:
The Windows Azure Management Portal includes portals for Windows Azure SQL Database, SQL Reporting and other services available on Windows Azure. From the portal home page, click Reporting to launch the SQL Reporting management portal
This seems to be referring to the old Azure portal. At any rate, my portal doesn't have such a link. All I see are
web sites
vitual machines
cloud services
sql databases
service bus
media services
active directory
I've used the search feature to search the Azure portal, checked out my SQL Azure database server configuration, and generally poked around for quite a while but I can't find any way to get to the reporting portal. How can get there and/or activate this feature?
Windows Azure portal currently uses new HTML version. You have to switch to old Silverlight version.
To go back to the old portal, you have to click on your account (top right) and click on "Previous Portal"
Previous portal option is no longer there. Windows Azure are preparing brand new portal. Similarly to the current one, it will be using HTML5 and JavaScript - not Silverlight technology.
