Can I use lambda to compress all images under a bucket? - node.js

Can I use lambda to compress images under a bucket?
I can get the images under a particular bucket visa listObject. How do you compress these returns and write it in another bucket?

Yes, you can absolutely use lambda. Try this library: aws-lambda-image-compressor
AWS lambda function to compress and resize images
This is a Lambda Function which resizes/reduces images automatically. When an image is put on some AWS S3 bucket, this function will resize/reduce it and save it into a new bucket. I have used it in the past and I loved it.
edit lambda-config.js file and assign name, description, memory size, timeout of your lambda function.
edit .env file with your AWS access data
npm install
gulp deploy
You can also try this other library which is more popular in the crowd - aws-lambda-image
If you really want to create something of your own and want a good start.
I would recommend these 2 articles that explain it very well -
Image conversion using Amazon Lambda and S3 in Node.js
Automating Image Compression Using S3 & Lambda
If you are fine to use Amazon API Gateway then u can follow this AWS Compute Blog -
Resize Images on the Fly with Amazon S3, AWS Lambda, and Amazon API Gateway
Hope this was useful.


How can i add a file to my AWS SAM lambda function runtime?

While working with aws i need to load a WSDL file in order to setup a soap service. The problem I now encounter however is that i don't know how i can possibly add a file to the docker container running my lambda function so that i can just read the file inside my lambda like in the code snippet below.
const files = readdirSync(__dirname + pathToWsdl);
files.forEach(file => {;
any suggestions on how i can do this are greatly appreciated!
Here are a few options:
If the files are static and small, you can bundle them in the Lambda package.
If the files are static or change infrequently then you can store them in S3 and pull from there on Lambda cold start.
If the files need to be accessed and modified by multiple Lambda functions concurrently or if you have a large volume of data with low-latency access requirements, then use EFS.
EFS is overkill for a small, static file. I would just package the file with the Lambda function.

HTML to PDF creation in AWS Lambda using Python

I am trying to create a pdf file that contains images, tables from HTML data in AWS lambda using python. I searched a lot on google and I didn't find any super cool solution. I tried some libraries in local(FPDF, pdfKit) and but it doesn't work on AWS. Is there any simple tool to create pdf and upload it to S3 bucket. Thanks in advance.
you can use reportlab PDF python module. It is good for all the things you have asked for. You can add images, create tables etc. There are a lot of styling options available as well. You can find more about it here:
I am using this is in my production and works pretty well for my use case where I have to create an invoice. You can create the invoice in the /tmp directory and then upload this to S3
pdfkit library works with aws lambda. pdfkit internally needs the wkhtmltopdf binaries installed, you can add them as lambda layer. You can download files from
Once you add the lambda layers you can set the config path as following:
config = pdfkit.configuration(wkhtmltopdf="/opt/bin/wkhtmltopdf")
pdfkit.from_string/from_file(input, <temp path of pdf file on lambda>, configuration=config)
You can uplod the file generated in your lambda temp location to S3 bucket using upload_file(). You can refer on how to upload to s3 bucket.

How to upload downloaded file to s3 bucket using Lambda function

I saw different questions/answers but I could not find the one that worked for me. Hence, I am really new to AWS, I need your help. I am trying to download gzip file and load it to the json file then upload it to the S3 bucket using Lambda function. I wrote the code to download the file and convert it to json but having problem while uploading it to the s3 bucket. Assume that file is ready as x.json. What should I do then?
I know it is really basic question but still help needed :)
This code will upload to Amazon S3:
import boto3
s3_client = boto3.client('s3', region_name='us-west-2') # Change as appropriate
s3._client.upload_file('/tmp/foo.json', 'my-bucket', 'folder/foo.json')
Some tips:
In Lambda functions you can only write to /tmp/
There is a limit of 512MB
At the end of your function, delete the files (zip, json, etc) because the container can be reused and you don't want to run out of disk space
If your lambda has proper permission to write a file into S3, then simply use boto3 package which is an AWS SDK for python.
Be aware that if the lambda locates inside of VPC then lambda cannot access to the public internet, and also boto3 API endpoint. Thus, you may require a NAT gateway to proxy lambda to the public.

Jimp write image to Google cloud storage node js

I'm currently writing images to my filesystem using jimp.
For example: image.write('path')
This cannot be used on Google App Engine because its read only filesystem.
How can I write this to a Google storage bucket? I've tried writestreams but keep getting read only errors so I feel like jimp is still writing to the drive.
Thanks heaps
As I can understand you are modifying some images on your App Engine and you want to upload them to a bucket but you didn't mention if you are using standard or flex environment. In order to do this you want to make your publicly readable so it can serve files.
Following this Google Cloud Platform Node.js documentation you can see that to upload a file to a bucket you need to create object first using:
const blob = bucket.file(yourFileName);
Then using createWriteStream you can upload the file

Implemntation of AWS lambda function to resize images in S3 bucket

I am working on a project which uses the zoom functionality for images. In few images, zoom is not working. I need to know few things:
1) How AWS Lambda function helps me in this?? As the images are stored in the s3 bucket.
2) How to implement Lambda function on my local.
