Removing a num from a string in a list of numbers - python-3.x

An example like:
print("1.", get_list_nums_without_9([589775, 677017, 34439, 48731548, 782295632, 181967909]))
print("2.", get_list_nums_without_9([6162, 29657355, 5485406, 422862350, 74452, 480506, 2881]))
print("3.", get_list_nums_without_9([292069010, 73980, 8980155, 921545108, 75841309, 6899644]))
print("4.", get_list_nums_without_9([]))
nums = [292069010, 73980, 8980155, 21545108, 7584130, 688644, 644908219, 44281, 3259, 8527361, 2816279, 985462264, 904259, 3869, 609436333, 36915, 83705, 405576, 4333000, 79386997]
print("5.", get_list_nums_without_9(nums))
I'm trying to get number list without 9. If the list is empty or if all of the numbers in the list contain the digit 9, the function should return an empty list. I tried the function below, it doesn't work.
def get_list_nums_without_9(a_list):
for i in a_list:
return a_list
1. [677017, 48731548]
2. [6162, 5485406, 422862350, 74452, 480506, 2881]
3. []
4. []
5. [21545108, 7584130, 688644, 44281, 8527361, 83705, 405576, 4333000]

your lists contain integers. To remove the ones containing 9 the best way is to test if 9 belongs to the number as string and rebuild the output using a list comprehension with a conditional.
(Besides, rstrip removes the trailing chars of a string. Not suitable at all for your problem)
def get_list_nums_without_9(a_list):
return [x for x in a_list if "9" not in str(x)]
testing with your data:
>>> numbers = [
... [589775, 677017, 34439, 48731548, 782295632, 181967909],
... [6162, 29657355, 5485406, 422862350, 74452, 480506, 2881],
... [292069010, 73980, 8980155, 921545108, 75841309, 6899644],
... [],
... [292069010, 73980, 8980155, 21545108, 7584130, 688644, 644908219,
... 44281, 3259, 8527361, 2816279, 985462264, 904259, 3869, 609436333,
... 36915, 83705, 405576, 4333000, 79386997]
... ]
>>> for i, l in enumerate(numbers, 1):
... print("{}. {}".format(i, get_list_nums_without_9(l)))
1. [677017, 48731548]
2. [6162, 5485406, 422862350, 74452, 480506, 2881]
3. []
4. []
5. [21545108, 7584130, 688644, 44281, 8527361, 83705, 405576, 4333000]

You don't want to replace anything in the list, you want to generate a new list based on what you detect in the old list:
def get_list_nums_without_9(numbers):
sans_9 = []
for number in numbers:
if '9' not in str(number):
return sans_9
This will get you an empty list if there are no valid numbers.


Python all possible combinations/permutation of X items and of length X+1

I've been searching everywhere but can't find a thing for my issue.
Let's say I've got three numbers : ['1','2','3'].
I want, using itertool or not, all possible combinations/permutations with a length of 4 and I only want combinations containing these 3 numbers (I don't want '1111' or '1221' and so).
The wanted result would be like that :
1 2 3 1
1 1 2 3
2 2 3 1
from itertools import combinations_with_replacement as irep
res = [' '.join(x) for x in irep('123',4) if {'1','2','3'}.issubset(x)]
# output
# ['1123', '1223', '1233']
from itertools import product
res= [' '.join(x) for x in product('123',repeat=4) if {'1','2','3'}.issubset(x)]
# output
# ['1123', '1132', '1213', '1223', '1231', '1232', '1233',
# '1312', '1321', '1322', '1323', '1332', '2113', '2123',
# '2131', '2132', '2133', '2213', '2231', '2311', '2312',
# '2313', '2321', '2331', '3112', '3121', '3122', '3123',
# '3132', '3211', '3212', '3213', '3221', '3231', '3312', '3321']
import itertools
elements = ['1', '2', '3']
permutations = [''.join(combination) for combination in
itertools.product(elements, repeat = 4) if
all(elem in combination for elem in elements)]
Does this produce what you are looking for?
The code produces the following output:
['1123', '1132', '1213', '1223', '1231', '1232', '1233', '1312', '1321', '1322', '1323', '1332', '2113', '2123', '2131', '2132', '2133', '2213', '2231', '2311', '2312', '2313', '2321', '2331', '3112', '3121', '3122', '3123', '3132', '3211', '3212', '3213', '3221', '3231', '3312', '3321']

How to remove or eliminate all dictionary which contains one list value from a list of dictionaries?

I have a list of dictionaries and I am looking to remove or eliminate all the dictionaries which contain one list-value from each dictionary in that list . This is an example of a dictionary which has one list-value ({'': ['07:46:06']}). This is an example of list of dictionaries:
[{'': ['19:48:46', '20:15:46', '19:49:37', '20:15:08', '19:48:46', '19:47:30', '19:49:13', '20:15:50', '19:45:34', '19:45:33', '19:49:13', '19:49:16', '19:49:36', '19:50:02', '19:54:25', '20:15:06', '19:45:25', '20:15:49', '19:55:10', '19:47:33'], '': ['16:23:40', '16:23:39', '16:23:20'], '': ['20:14:07', '20:14:09']}, {}, {'': ['07:46:06']}, {}, {'': ['21:19:02', '21:45:21', '21:22:04', '21:18:53', '21:38:47', '21:22:52', '21:38:49', '21:22:05', '21:18:55', '21:22:03', '21:18:45', '21:19:01', '21:22:53', '21:18:25', '21:38:51', '21:22:09', '21:18:15'], '': ['20:09:24', '20:33:57', '20:09:13', '20:09:39', '20:09:29', '20:03:06', '20:09:33', '20:33:58', '20:09:19', '20:09:38', '20:09:37', '20:18:28', '20:09:17', '20:09:22', '20:33:59', '20:29:53', '20:07:47', '20:09:36', '20:18:29', '20:03:04', '20:34:00'], '': ['18:57:32'], '': ['20:43:06', '20:43:05', '20:43:04'], '': ['20:18:36']}]
This is my code:
My_list = [mhist, mhist1,mhist2,mhist3,mhist4]
print (My_list)
while {} in My_list:
for dect in My_list:
count = sum(len(v) for v in dect.values())
print (count)
You can try:
>>> data = [{'': ['19:48:46', '20:15:46', '19:49:37', '20:15:08', '19:48:46', '19:47:30', '19:49:13', '20:15:50', '19:45:34', '19:45:33', '19:49:13', '19:49:16', '19:49:36', '19:50:02', '19:54:25', '20:15:06', '19:45:25', '20:15:49', '19:55:10', '19:47:33'], '': ['16:23:40', '16:23:39', '16:23:20'], '': ['20:14:07', '20:14:09']}, {}, {'': ['07:46:06']}, {}, {'': ['21:19:02', '21:45:21', '21:22:04', '21:18:53', '21:38:47', '21:22:52', '21:38:49', '21:22:05', '21:18:55', '21:22:03', '21:18:45', '21:19:01', '21:22:53', '21:18:25', '21:38:51', '21:22:09', '21:18:15'], '': ['20:09:24', '20:33:57', '20:09:13', '20:09:39', '20:09:29', '20:03:06', '20:09:33', '20:33:58', '20:09:19', '20:09:38', '20:09:37', '20:18:28', '20:09:17', '20:09:22', '20:33:59', '20:29:53', '20:07:47', '20:09:36', '20:18:29', '20:03:04', '20:34:00'], '': ['18:57:32'], '': ['20:43:06', '20:43:05', '20:43:04'], '': ['20:18:36']}]
>>> final_data = []
>>> for d in data:
... if len(d.values()) > 1:
... final_data.append(d)
>>> final_data
[{'': ['19:48:46', '20:15:46', '19:49:37', '20:15:08', '19:48:46', '19:47:30', '19:49:13', '20:15:50', '19:45:34', '19:45:33', '19:49:13', '19:49:16', '19:49:36', '19:50:02', '19:54:25', '20:15:06', '19:45:25', '20:15:49', '19:55:10', '19:47:33'], '': ['16:23:40', '16:23:39', '16:23:20'], '': ['20:14:07', '20:14:09']}, {'': ['21:19:02', '21:45:21', '21:22:04', '21:18:53', '21:38:47', '21:22:52', '21:38:49', '21:22:05', '21:18:55', '21:22:03', '21:18:45', '21:19:01', '21:22:53', '21:18:25', '21:38:51', '21:22:09', '21:18:15'], '': ['20:09:24', '20:33:57', '20:09:13', '20:09:39', '20:09:29', '20:03:06', '20:09:33', '20:33:58', '20:09:19', '20:09:38', '20:09:37', '20:18:28', '20:09:17', '20:09:22', '20:33:59', '20:29:53', '20:07:47', '20:09:36', '20:18:29', '20:03:04', '20:34:00'], '': ['18:57:32'], '': ['20:43:06', '20:43:05', '20:43:04'], '': ['20:18:36']}]
You can try this -
d = [{'': ['19:48:46', '20:15:46', '19:49:37', '20:15:08', '19:48:46', '19:47:30', '19:49:13', '20:15:50', '19:45:34', '19:45:33', '19:49:13', '19:49:16', '19:49:36', '19:50:02', '19:54:25', '20:15:06', '19:45:25', '20:15:49', '19:55:10', '19:47:33'], '': ['16:23:40', '16:23:39', '16:23:20'], '': ['20:14:07', '20:14:09']}, {}, {'': ['07:46:06']}, {}, {'': ['21:19:02', '21:45:21', '21:22:04', '21:18:53', '21:38:47', '21:22:52', '21:38:49', '21:22:05', '21:18:55', '21:22:03', '21:18:45', '21:19:01', '21:22:53', '21:18:25', '21:38:51', '21:22:09', '21:18:15'], '': ['20:09:24', '20:33:57', '20:09:13', '20:09:39', '20:09:29', '20:03:06', '20:09:33', '20:33:58', '20:09:19', '20:09:38', '20:09:37', '20:18:28', '20:09:17', '20:09:22', '20:33:59', '20:29:53', '20:07:47', '20:09:36', '20:18:29', '20:03:04', '20:34:00'], '': ['18:57:32'], '': ['20:43:06', '20:43:05', '20:43:04'], '': ['20:18:36']}]
for dct in d:
for key in dct.copy():
if len(dct[key]) <= 1:
The reason some keys with length less then 1 was left because there were multiple dicts inside the list

Python Iterating through List of List

Heres my code
stockList = [
['AMD', '57.00', '56.23', '58.40', '56.51'],
['AMZN', '3,138.29', '3,111.03', '3242.56689', '3,126.58'],
['ATVI', '80.76', '79.16', '81.86', '79.55'],
['BA', '178.63', '168.86', '176.96', '169.70'],
['BAC', '24.42', '23.43', '23.95', '23.54'],
['DAL', '26.43', '25.53', '26.87', '25.66'],
['FB', '241.75', '240.00', '248.06', '241.20'],
['GE', '7.04', '6.76', '6.95', '6.79'],
['GOOGL', '1,555.92', '1,536.36', '1,576.03', '1,544.04'],
['GPS', '12.77', '12.04', '12.72', '12.10'],
['GRUB', '70.96', '69.71', '70.65', '70.06'],
['HD', '262.42', '258.72', '261.81', '260.01'],
['LUV', '33.62', '32.45', '33.53', '32.61'],
['MSFT', '208.75', '206.72', '213.58', '207.76'],
['MU', '51.52', '50.49', '52.31', '50.74'],
['NFLX', '490.10', '492.26', '511.52', '494.72', 'SUCCESS'],
['PCG', '9.49', '8.96', '9.52', '9.01'],
['PFE', '36.69', '35.87', '37.02', '36.05'],
['QQQ', '264.00', '263.27', '267.11', '264.58', 'SUCCESS'],
['ROKU', '153.36', '148.37', '153.70', '149.11'],
['SHOP', '952.83', '976.45', '1,036.25', '981.33', 'SUCCESS'],
['SPY', '325.01', '323.64', '325.47', '325.25', 'SUCCESS'],
['SQ', '126.99', '125.13', '130.80', '125.76'],
['T', '30.25', '29.58', '30.07', '29.73'],
['TSLA', '1,568.36', '1,646.56', '1,712.58', '1,654.79', 'SUCCESS'],
['TTWO', '153.06', '152.45', '154.47', '153.22', 'SUCCESS'],
['TWTR', '37.01', '36.03246', '36.7210083', '36.21'],
['WFC', '26.20', '24.45272', '25.0438213', '24.57'],
['WMT', '132.33', '130.8515', '132.522049', '131.51']
keyword = 'SUCCESS'
secondList = []
for item in stockList:
if item[4] == keyword:
My use case is, to go through this lists of list, find which list contains the keyword, from there send the first item in the list. I am able to get it with one single list, however I can't do it with a list of list.
On top of that, how would I go through a dictionary containing lists?
'majorDimension': 'ROWS',
'range': 'Sheet1!A2:F30',
'values': [
['AMD', '57.00', '56.23', '58.40', '56.51'],
['AMZN', '3,138.29', '3,111.03', '3242.56689', '3,126.58'],
['ATVI', '80.76', '79.16', '81.86', '79.55'],
['BA', '178.63', '168.86', '176.96', '169.70'],
['BAC', '24.42', '23.43', '23.95', '23.54'],
['DAL', '26.43', '25.53', '26.87', '25.66'],
['FB', '241.75', '240.00', '248.06', '241.20'],
['GE', '7.04', '6.76', '6.95', '6.79'],
['GOOGL', '1,555.92', '1,536.36', '1,576.03', '1,544.04'],
['GPS', '12.77', '12.04', '12.72', '12.10'],
['GRUB', '70.96', '69.71', '70.65', '70.06'],
['HD', '262.42', '258.72', '261.81', '260.01'],
['LUV', '33.62', '32.45', '33.53', '32.61'],
['MSFT', '208.75', '206.72', '213.58', '207.76'],
['MU', '51.52', '50.49', '52.31', '50.74'],
['NFLX', '490.10', '492.26', '511.52', '494.72', 'SUCCESS'],
['PCG', '9.49', '8.96', '9.52', '9.01'],
['PFE', '36.69', '35.87', '37.02', '36.05'],
['QQQ', '264.00', '263.27', '267.11', '264.58', 'SUCCESS'],
['ROKU', '153.36', '148.37', '153.70', '149.11'],
['SHOP', '952.83', '976.45', '1,036.25', '981.33', 'SUCCESS'],
['SPY', '325.01', '323.64', '325.47', '325.25', 'SUCCESS'],
['SQ', '126.99', '125.13', '130.80', '125.76'],
['T', '30.25', '29.58', '30.07', '29.73'],
['TSLA', '1,568.36', '1,646.56', '1,712.58', '1,654.79', 'SUCCESS'],
['TTWO', '153.06', '152.45', '154.47', '153.22', 'SUCCESS'],
['TWTR', '37.01', '36.03246', '36.7210083', '36.21'],
['WFC', '26.20', '24.45272', '25.0438213', '24.57'],
['WMT', '132.33', '130.8515', '132.522049', '131.51'],
List comprehension makes this pretty simple. Try the following:
keyword = "SUCCESS"
# PEP8 calls for lower_underscore_case here
second_list = [i[0] for i in stockList if keyword in i]
For the proposed dictionary structure, you'd just access the key containing the list, since not every value in that dict is a list:
second_list = [i[0] for i in stockList["values"] if keyword in i]
Based upon your question understanding. Your question is divided into two parts, these are:
How to iterate over list of lists, and get the first item from the nested list, and store it in another list
How to iterate over dictionary item, to perform the same operation
If my understanding is right, then you might want to check this out.
Please note: I have not used variable keyword, simply used "SUCCESS", just replace keyword with "SUCCESS" in the code, and you are good to go.
# to get nested list
for item in stockList:
# this checks whether SUCCESS is present inside a list
# python way of doing it
if "SUCCESS" in item: secondList.append(item[0])
# >>> ['NFLX', 'QQQ', 'SHOP', 'SPY', 'TSLA', 'TTWO']
You can do this in more pythonic way, that is to use List Comprehension
# single line approach, getting the same result
secondList = [item[0] for item in stockList if "SUCCESS" in item]
# >>> ['NFLX', 'QQQ', 'SHOP', 'SPY', 'TSLA', 'TTWO']
In order to get the result, first you need to assign the Dictionary to your variable, in my case, I have assigned to a variable called stockListDictionary
secondList = []
# to get a value from key specifically
# likt any dictionary key dictionary["key_name"]
for item in stockListDictionary["values"]:
if "SUCCESS" in item: secondList.append(item[0])
# >>> ['NFLX', 'QQQ', 'SHOP', 'SPY', 'TSLA', 'TTWO']
Using List Comprehension
secondList = [item[0] for item in stockListDictionary["values"] if "SUCCESS" in item]
# >>> ['NFLX', 'QQQ', 'SHOP', 'SPY', 'TSLA', 'TTWO']
What about something like this?
d = # the dictionary
second_list = list()
for nested_lists in d["values"]:
for stock_info in nested_lists:
stock_ticker = stock_info[0]
if stock_ticker in keywords:
info = set(stock_info[1:])
if info & keywords:
Is this better? It should allow you to have more than one keyword.

Numerical integration of a numpy array in incremental time steps

I have two arrays. The first one is time in terms of Age (yrs) and the second one is a parameter that needs to be integrated with respect to time.
age = [5.00000e+08, 5.60322e+08, 6.27922e+08, 7.03678e+08, 7.88572e+08,
8.83709e+08, 9.90324e+08, 1.10980e+09, 1.24369e+09, 1.39374e+09,
1.56188e+09, 1.75032e+09, 1.96148e+09, 2.19813e+09, 2.46332e+09,
2.76050e+09, 3.09354e+09, 3.46676e+09, 3.88501e+09, 4.35371e+09,
4.87897e+09, 5.46759e+09, 6.12722e+09, 6.86644e+09, 7.69484e+09,
8.62318e+09, 9.66352e+09, 1.08294e+10, 1.21359e+10, 1.36000e+10]
sfr = [1.86120543e-02, 1.46680445e-02, 1.07275184e-02, 8.56960274e-03,
6.44041855e-03, 4.93194263e-03, 3.69203448e-05, 2.69813985e-04,
6.17644783e-04, 1.00780427e-02, 1.20645391e-02, 3.05009362e-02,
3.91535011e-02, 5.35479858e-02, 7.36489068e-02, 9.63931263e-02,
1.11108326e-01, 1.47781221e-01, 1.63057763e-01, 2.27429626e-01,
2.20941333e-01, 2.74413180e-01, 2.72010867e-01, 4.32215233e-01,
5.79654549e-01, 7.39362218e-01, 9.41168727e-01, 1.18868347e+00,
1.42839043e+00, 1.91326333e+00]
I want to perform integration of sfr array with respect to age array, but in steps.
For example, the first integration should contain only the first elements of both arrays, the second integration should contain the first 2 elements of both arrays, the third should have first 3 elements of both arrays and so on and so forth. And save the integration result for each step in a single output array.
The exact form of your desired result is not so clear. So, here are 2 posibilities:
age = [5.00000e+08, 5.60322e+08, 6.27922e+08, 7.03678e+08, 7.88572e+08,
8.83709e+08, 9.90324e+08, 1.10980e+09, 1.24369e+09, 1.39374e+09,
1.56188e+09, 1.75032e+09, 1.96148e+09, 2.19813e+09, 2.46332e+09,
2.76050e+09, 3.09354e+09, 3.46676e+09, 3.88501e+09, 4.35371e+09,
4.87897e+09, 5.46759e+09, 6.12722e+09, 6.86644e+09, 7.69484e+09,
8.62318e+09, 9.66352e+09, 1.08294e+10, 1.21359e+10, 1.36000e+10]
sfr = [1.86120543e-02, 1.46680445e-02, 1.07275184e-02, 8.56960274e-03,
6.44041855e-03, 4.93194263e-03, 3.69203448e-05, 2.69813985e-04,
6.17644783e-04, 1.00780427e-02, 1.20645391e-02, 3.05009362e-02,
3.91535011e-02, 5.35479858e-02, 7.36489068e-02, 9.63931263e-02,
1.11108326e-01, 1.47781221e-01, 1.63057763e-01, 2.27429626e-01,
2.20941333e-01, 2.74413180e-01, 2.72010867e-01, 4.32215233e-01,
5.79654549e-01, 7.39362218e-01, 9.41168727e-01, 1.18868347e+00,
1.42839043e+00, 1.91326333e+00]
integr_pairs = [[(a, s) for a, s in zip(age[:i], sfr[:i])] for i in range(1, len(age))]
# [[(500000000.0, 0.0186120543)], [(500000000.0, 0.0186120543), (560322000.0, 0.0146680445)], ....
integr_list = [[item for t in [(a, s) for a, s in zip(age[:i], sfr[:i])] for item in t ]for i in range(1, len(age))]
# [[500000000.0, 0.0186120543], [500000000.0, 0.0186120543, 560322000.0, 0.0146680445],

Create a dictionary from two lists having duplicate elements

Create a dictionary from two lists having duplicate elements where list 1 is the key of the new dictionary and for all strings in list 2 that exactly match list 1, append it to its values field for the keys in list 1. So, for example:
{'assembla':['assemblabase', 'assemblauploading']}
Like this, I want for each element in list 1
Stuck in this logic:
new_d = {}
for j in list2:
if j == list1 :
List 1:
list1 = ['assembla', 'bitbucket', 'cloudapp', 'cloudforge', 'cloudinary', 'concur', 'confluence', 'convo', 'dochub', 'docstoc', 'docusign', '', 'dropbox', 'egnyte', 'evernote', 'facebook', 'flickr', 'github', 'gitlab', 'glassdoor', 'globalmeet', 'gotowebinar', 'hightail', 'hootsuite', 'huddle', 'icloud', 'imgur', 'instagram', 'issuu', 'jumpshare', 'linkedin', 'lucidpress', '', 'maytech', 'meetup', 'mega', 'mendeley', 'mixi', 'myspace', 'ning', 'onehub', 'owncloud', 'pastebin', 'pinterest', 'prezi', 'proofhub', 'quip', 'quora', 'readytalk', 'reddit', 'renren', 'screencast', 'scribd', 'sendthisfile', 'sharevault', 'slack', 'slideshare', 'smartsheet', 'soundcloud', 'sourceforge', 'stocktwits', 'storify', 'surveymonkey', 'syncplicity', 'tableau', 'teamdrive', 'teamviewer', 'trello', 'tumblr', 'twitter', 'viber', 'vimeo', 'vine', 'virustotal', 'workday', 'yammer', 'youtube', 'zendesk', 'zenefits']
List 2:
list2 = ['2ch', '2chbase', '2chposting', '', '51.commail', '51.combase', '51.combbs', '51.composting', '51.comwebdisk', '51.commusic', '51.comgames', 'adobeconnect', 'adobemeeting', 'adobemeetingdesktopsharing', 'adobemeetinguploading', 'adobemeetingfiletransfer', 'adobemeetingremotecontrol', 'adobeconnectnow', 'adobeconnectnowbase', 'adobeconnectnowfiletransfer', 'adobeconnectnowremotecontrol', 'adobecreativecloud', 'adobecreativecloudbase', 'adobecreativeclouduploading', 'aim', 'aimbase', 'aimvideo', 'aimaudio', 'aimfiletransfer', 'aimexpress', 'aimexpressbase', 'aimexpressfiletransfer', 'aliwangwang', 'aliwangwangbase', 'aliwangwangaudiovideo', 'aliwangwangfiletransfer', 'aliwangwangremotecontrol', 'amazonclouddrive', 'amazonclouddrivebase', 'amazonclouddriveuploading', 'amazonmusic', 'amazonmusicbase', 'amazonmusicstreaming', 'amebanow', 'amebanowbase', 'amebanowposting', 'assembla', 'assemblabase', 'assemblauploading', 'autodesk360', 'autodesk360base', 'autodesk360uploading', 'avayawebalive', 'avayawebalivebase', 'avayawebalivedesktopsharing', 'avayawebalivevoice', 'avayawebalivefiletransfer', 'bacnet', 'bacnetbase', 'bacnetackalarm', 'bacnetconfirmedcovnotify', 'bacnetconfirmedeventnotify', 'bacnetgetalarmsummary', 'bacnetgetenrollmentsummary', 'bacnetsubscribecov', 'bacnetatomicreadfile', 'bacnetatomicwritefile', 'bacnetaddlistelement', 'bacnetremovelistelement', 'bacnetcreateobject', 'bacnetdeleteobject', 'bacnetreadproperty', 'bacnetreadpropconditional', 'bacnetreadpropmultiple', 'bacnetwriteproperty', 'bacnetwritepropmultiple', 'bacnetdevicecommcontrol', 'bacnetconfirmedprivatexfer', 'bacnetconfirmedtextmessage', 'bacnetreinitializedevice', 'bacnetvtopen', 'bacnetvtclose', 'bacnetvtdata', 'bacnetauthenticate', 'bacnetrequestkey', 'bacnetreadrange', 'bacnetlifesafetyoperation', 'bacnetsubscribecovproperty', 'bacnetgeteventinformation', 'baiduhi', 'baiduhibase', 'baiduhiaudiovideo', 'baiduhifiletransfer', 'baiduhigames', 'bebo', 'bebomail', 'bebobase', 'beboposting', 'bitbucket', 'bitbucketbase', 'bitbucketuploading']
I believe this solves your problem:
new_dict = {}
for i in list1:
new_dict[i] = []
for j in list2:
if i in j:
Use a combined dict/list comprehension (it is shorter, but has worse readability):
new_dict = {key:[val for val in list2 if key in val and not key == val] for key in list1 if key in list2}
On my machine I get the following output:
{'assembla': ['assemblabase', 'assemblauploading'], 'bitbucket': ['bitbucketbase', 'bitbucketuploading']}
Updated with your more precise problem description. Just added a second condition within the list comprehension.
Use zip to create dict out to two list
