Excel countif integer but exclude date value - excel

I have a basic Excel file to log healthcare survey completed each week, identified by its Project ID, city, type of facility, date completed, and person assigned.
For the week of 10/02/17, I just want to count the number of projects completed that starts in the 17000s; ignore projects in the 1000s.
For example, week of 10/02/17, North zone, =COUNTIF(H3:L9,">17000") = 11. My expected result is 4 not 11 as I want to exclude the date values from the count. See image screenshot for clarification. Thanks

simply edit your countif statement to exclude the rest of the cells.
=COUNTIF(H3:H9, ">17000")


Power Automate: Send reminder out 3 months in advance

I have a Microsoft List that has a column called Expiration Date (text in format of MM/DD/YYYY) and Point of Contact (text in format of email#domain.com). How do I create a flow that sends an email out to the Point of Contact 3 months in advance?
My idea was to create a scheduled cloud flow that:
Repeats every day
Looks at every row in specific list
Compares if Expiration Date - 3 Months = Today
If True, send email to Point of Contact
I am currently stuck on step 3 to compare the date. I did Subtract from time to subtract 3 months from Expiration Date but now I do not know how to use this value to compare to today's date.
A better approach is to filter the list by using an OData filter. That will result in a list with all the elements you need.
For doing so, you need to specify the "Filter Query" field (in red):
First type
ExpirationDate eq ''
Then, between the quotes, add an expression, and select the functions addDays and utcNow in the following way:
Please notice the following:
I'm adding 92 days to get the same day three months in advance for today (today is Oct 18th, so I'm looking for Jan 18th). Maybe adding just 90 days would work for you.
If you just want to add 3 to the month, you would need to get today's date to a variable with utcNow('MM') to get only the month, add 3 to it, and then create the expression accordingly.
I'm sorry the UI is in spanish. I'm from Mexico. But it's the same idea.
In the image, it reads "ExpirationDateText" because that's the way I named the field in my example. In your case, "ExpirationDate" should work.

Applying formula on saved search columns

We are trying to generate a report to find out turn around time (TAT) of our deliveries of orders, categorize them in different buckets like 0-5 days, 5-8 days, etc.
I am able to get the count of orders delivered within these buckets using the saved search formula (numeric) with summary type as sum:
case when trunc ({custbody_dlight_kspdeliverydate})-{trandate} between 0 and 5 then {quantity} else 0 end
Now, I also want to get percentage of orders delivered in each bucket. How can I get that?
Secondly, I also want to consider holidays while doing this TAT calculation. currently, delivery date - trandate will give me calendar dates only. If there is a weekend in between or a declared holiday, the result should be able to consider that. Please suggest.
Since you have a delivery date one way to get the number of business days between two dates would be to add another custom field and use a User Event script to update the TAT into that field.
This would let you use a calendar aware script that could manage not only weekends but also any statutory holidays.
I have a couple of SS1.0 examples of date calc scripts in the repo at https://github.com/BKnights/KotN-Netsuite that you could use as samples.

COUNTIF only if header of column contains specific text

I am trying to write a function in excel (without using vba/macros if possible), to count the number of remaining work days for each employee for the month, from the first of the month to a date I enter into A1. The problem is, the scheduling file I use starts on a Monday every time, so if the month begins on a Friday, there are 4 days from the previous month on the page and the same could happen at the end of the month if the month doesn't end exactly on a Saturday.
In row 6, I have the dates (formatted as 28-Sep-2015), and from rows 9 and below, I have employee names and whether or not they're scheduled to work on the days directly above in row 6. I'm looking to count the number of times the word "WORKING" appears in the row for each given employee, but only to count it if the header in row 6 contains "Sep". I don't want to count any times "WORKING" appears if it comes from the past month or the upcoming month. (Also, no one works Sundays, so Sundays are skipped.)
I'll try to show an example of set up here.. hopefully it can help:
A1: 28-Sep-2015
A6-H6: Employee, 28-Sep-2015, 29-Sep-2015,30-Sep-2015, 1-Oct-2016, 2-Oct-2016, 3-Oct-2016
So for this small example, the result should only be 2 working days, since George only works twice from 28 Sep to the end of the month.
I've been searching for how to do this for a few days now, but nothing seems to work when I try it. Please help!
If you are using 2007 and later than use this:

Days Count using formula

Someone helped me pull the number of days of this string:
2015-04-01 14:31:00 -- 2015-04-15 14:02:27
Using this formula
=IFERROR((((DATEVALUE((MID('Paste Sales Report'!P3,FIND("-- ",'Paste Sales Report'!P3)+3,10)))-DATEVALUE(LEFT('Paste Sales Report'!P3,10)))*24)+TIMEVALUE(RIGHT('Paste Sales Report'!P3,9))-TIMEVALUE(MID('Paste Sales Report'!P3,FIND(" ",'Paste Sales Report'!P3)+1,9)))/24,"0")
anyone is able to help with the slightly more complex (the quotes are part of the string):
"Sales Report - agg-all-store - 86271 - 2015-02-20 09:45:40 - 2015-04-22 09:45:50”
Again I need to turn the data range in the string into a number of days.
Try this formula
=LEFT(RIGHT('Paste Sales Report'!P3,20),19)-LEFT(RIGHT('Paste Sales Report'!P3,42),19)
That will give you a decimal number of days, 61.0001157 for your example, is that how you are displaying it or do you want to show days, hours, minutes?
That works if you have the date/time stamps consistently at the end of the string (apart from the final quote).
You don't really need to split time and date as per your original formula, you can subtract one whole time/date entity from the other to get a result in days. That's what this formula does.
Note: in the original formula find looks for a double hyphen but I only see single ones in your example. If that's a double hyphen between the time stamps then change 42 in formula to 43

NetSuite search to list customers not trading in last 12 months

I'm looking to provide a list of Customers in NetSuite who have NOT traded in the last 12 months (fiscal year) using the saved search functionality.
in the saved search criteria add the following entries
Date of last sales - is not empty
Date of last order - is not empty
you can also add another criteria for Transactions Field : Date and specify the timeline.
it will give you a list of active customer with orders/sales for your specified time period.
I hope this works for you.
