SparkSQL joining parent/child datasets - apache-spark

I am using SparkSQL 2.2.0 to load data from Cassandra and index it Elasticsearch. The data I have consists of customers (first table people) and orders (second table orders).
Table orders has a column person_id that points to the the corresponding customer.
My need is to query (and index later in Elasticsearch) the people table and the orders so I can have for each customer the number of orders she purchased.
The easiest approach I figured out is to read the two tables into org.apache.spark.sql.Dataset<Row>s and make a join on the person_id column. Then I groupBy(person_id).
That gives me a Dataset with two columns: person_id and count which I am obliged to join back with the people table so I can have the count with the other person data.
Dataset<Row> peopleWithOrders = people.join(orders, people.col("id").equalTo(orders.col("person_id")), "left_outer");
Dataset<Row> peopleOrdersCounts = peopleWithOrders.groupBy("id").count().withColumnRenamed("id", "personId");
Dataset<Row> peopleWithOrderCounts = people.join(personsOrdersCounts, people.col("id").equalTo(peopleOrdersCounts.col("personId")), "left_outer")
.withColumnRenamed("count", "nbrOfOrders")
.select("id", "name", "birthDate", "nbrOfOrders");
The people table has 1_000_000 rows and the orders one 2_500_000. Each customer has 2 or 3 orders.
I am using a MAC Book pro, with a 2,2 GHz Intel Core i7 Processor and 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3 Memory. All of Cassandra, Spark 2.2 master and (single) worker are on the same machine.
These 3 joins take 15 to 20 seconds.
My question is: is there some room for performance gains. Do Window Aggregate Functions have benefits since I see ShuffleMapTask in the logs.
Thanks in advance

I think the first step is unnecessary. You could just do this:
Dataset<Row> peopleOrdersCounts = orders.groupBy("person_id").count();
Dataset<Row> peopleWithOrderCounts = people.join(personsOrdersCounts, people.col("id").equalTo(peopleOrdersCounts.col("personId")), "left_outer")
.withColumnRenamed("count", "nbrOfOrders")
.select("id", "name", "birthDate", "nbrOfOrders");
I hope this helps.


Custom partitioning on JDBC in PySpark

I have a huge table in an oracle database that I want to work on in pyspark. But I want to partition it using a custom query, for example imagine there is a column in the table that contains the user's name, and I want to partition the data based on the first letter of the user's name. Or imagine that each record has a date, and I want to partition it based on the month. And because the table is huge, I absolutely need the data for each partition to be fetched directly by its executor and NOT by the master. So can I do that in pyspark?
P.S.: The reason that I need to control the partitioning, is that I need to perform some aggregations on each partition (partitions have meaning, not just to distribute the data) and so I want them to be on the same machine to avoid any shuffles. Is this possible? or am I wrong about something?
I don't care about even or skewed partitioning! I want all the related records (like all the records of a user, or all the records from a city etc.) to be partitioned together, so that they reside on the same machine and I can aggregate them without any shuffling.
It turned out that the spark has a way of controlling the partitioning logic exactly. And that is the predicates option in
What I came up with eventually is as follows:
(For the sake of the example, imagine that we have the purchase records of a store, and we need to partition it based on userId and productId so that all the records of an entity is kept together on the same machine, and we can perform aggregations on these entities without shuffling)
First, produce the histogram of every column that you want to partition by (count of each value):
Then, use the multifit algorithm to divide the values of each column into n balanced bins (n being the number of partitions that you want).
Then, store these in the database
Then update your query and join on these tables to get the bin numbers for every record:
url = 'jdbc:oracle:thin:username/password#address:port:dbname'
query = ```
df =\
.option('driver', 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver')\
jdbc(url=url, table=query, predicates=predicates)
And finally, generate the predicates. One for each partition, like these:
predicates = [
The predicates are added to the query as WHERE clauses, which means that all the records of the users in partition 1 go to the same machine. Also, all the records of the products in partition 1 go to that same machine as well.
Note that there are no relations between the user and the product here. We don't care which products are in which partition or are sent to which machine.
But since we want to perform some aggregations on both the users and the products (separately), we need to keep all the records of an entity (user or product) together. And using this method, we can achieve that without any shuffles.
Also, note that if there are some users or products whose records don't fit in the workers' memory, then you need to do a sub-partitioning. Meaning that you should first add a new random numeric column to your data (between 0 and some chunk_size like 10000 or something), then do the partitioning based on the combination of that number and the original IDs (like userId). This causes each entity to be split into fixed-sized chunks (i.e., 10000) to ensure it fits in the workers' memory.
And after the aggregations, you need to group your data on the original IDs to aggregate all the chunks together and make each entity whole again.
The shuffle at the end is inevitable because of our memory restriction and the nature of our data, but this is the most efficient way you can achieve the desired results.

Is there a way to limit the data being read when joining tables in spark sql?

I want to read the data in spark sql by joining two very large tables. But i just need a fix number (let's say 500) from the resultant dataframe.
For example -
SELECT id, name, employee.deptno, deptname
FROM employee INNER JOIN department ON employee.deptno = department.deptno
Here i can use head(500) or limit(500) function on the resultant dataframe to limit the rows from resultant dataframe, But still it is going to read full data from both of the tables first and then on the resultant dataframe it will apply the limit.
Is there a way in which i can avoid reading full data before applying the limit ?
Something like this:
employee = spark.sql('select id, name, deptno from employee limit 500')
department = spark.sql('select deptno, deptname from department limit 500')
employee = employee.join(department, on = 'deptno', how = 'inner')

Pyspark: Why show() or count() of a joined spark dataframe is so slow?

I have two large spark dataframe. I joined them by one common column as:
df_joined = df1.join("id",'label'), "id")
I got the result, but when I want to work with df_joined, it's too slow. As I know, we need to repartition df1 and df2 to prevent large number of partition for df_joined. so, even, I changed the number of partitions,
df1r = df1.repartition(1)
df2r = df2.repartition(1)
df_joined = df1r.join("id",'label'), "id")
still NOT working.
any IDEA?
Spark runs 1 concurrent task for every partition of an RDD / DataFrame (up to the number of cores in the cluster).
If you’re cluster has 20 cores, you should have at least 20 partitions (in practice 2–3x times more). From the other hand a single partition typically shouldn’t contain more than 128MB.
so, instead of below two lines, which repartition your dataframe into 1 paritition:
df1r = df1.repartition(1)
df2r = df2.repartition(1)
Repartition your data based on 'id' column, joining key, into n partitions. ( n depends on data size and number of cores in cluster).
df1r = df1.repartition(n, "id")
df2r = df2.repartition(n, "id")

Difference (if there is one) between spark.sql.shuffle.partitions and df.repartition

I'm having a bit of difficulty reconciling the difference (if one exists) between sqlContext.sql("set spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=n") and re-partitioning a Spark DataFrame utilizing df.repartition(n).
The Spark documentation indicates that set spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=n configures the number of partitions that are used when shuffling data, while df.repartition seems to return a new DataFrame partitioned by the number of key specified.
To make this question clearer, here is a toy example of how I believe df.reparition and spark.sql.shuffle.partitions to work:
Let's say we have a DataFrame, like so:
ID | Val
A | 1
A | 2
A | 5
A | 7
B | 9
B | 3
C | 2
Scenario 1: 3 Shuffle Partitions, Reparition DF by ID:
If I were to set sqlContext.sql("set spark.sql.shuffle.partitions=3") and then did df.repartition($"ID"), I would expect my data to be repartitioned into 3 partitions, with one partition holding 3 vals of all the rows with ID "A", another holding 2 vals of all the rows with ID "B", and the final partition holding 1 val of all the rows with ID "C".
Scenario 2: 5 shuffle partitions, Reparititon DF by ID: In this scenario, I would still expect each partition to ONLY hold data tagged with the same ID. That is to say, there would be NO mixing of rows with different IDs within the same partition.
Is my understanding off base here? In general, my questions are:
I am trying to optimize my partitioning of a dataframe as to avoid
skew, but to have each partition hold as much of the same key
information as possible. How do I achieve that with set
spark.sql.shuffle.partitions and df.repartiton?
Is there a link
between set spark.sql.shuffle.partitions and df.repartition? If
so, what is that link?
I would expect my data to be repartitioned into 3 partitions, with one partition holding 3 vals of all the rows with ID "A", another holding 2 vals of all the rows with ID "B", and the final partition holding 1 val of all the rows with ID "C".
5 shuffle partitions, Reparititon DF by ID: In this scenario, I would still expect each partition to ONLY hold data tagged with the same ID. That is to say, there would be NO mixing of rows with different IDs within the same partition.
and no.
This is not how partitioning works. Partitioners map values to partitions, but mapping in general case is not unique (you can check How does HashPartitioner work? for a detailed explanation).
Is there a link between set spark.sql.shuffle.partitions and df.repartition? If so, what is that link?
Indeed there is. If you df.repartition, but don't provide number of partitions then spark.sql.shuffle.partitions is used.

How to optimize a join?

I have a query to join the tables. How do I optimize to run it faster?
val q = """
| select a.value as viewedid,b.other as otherids
| from bm.distinct_viewed_2610 a, bm.tets_2610 b
| where FIND_IN_SET(a.value, b.other) != 0 and a.value in (
| select value from bm.distinct_viewed_2610)
val rows = hiveCtx.sql(q).repartition(100)
Table descriptions:
hive> desc distinct_viewed_2610;
value string
hive> desc tets_2610;
id int
other string
the data looks like this:
hive> select * from distinct_viewed_2610 limit 5;
hive> select * from tets_2610 limit 2;
distinct_viewed_2610 table has 1.1 million records and i am trying to get similar id's for that from table tets_2610 which has 200 000 rows by splitting second column.
for 100 000 records it is taking 8.5 hrs to complete the job with two machines
one with 16 gb ram and 16 cores
second with 8 gb ram and 8 cores.
Is there a way to optimize the query?
Now you are doing cartesian join. Cartesian join gives you 1.1M*200K = 220 billion rows. After Cartesian join it filtered by where FIND_IN_SET(a.value, b.other) != 0
Analyze your data.
If 'other' string contains 10 elements in average then exploding it will give you 2.2M rows in table b. And if suppose only 1/10 of rows will join then you will have 2.2M/10=220K rows because of INNER JOIN.
If these assumptions are correct then exploding array and join will perform better than Cartesian join+filter.
select distinct a.value as viewedid, b.otherids
from bm.distinct_viewed_2610 a
inner join (select e.otherid, b.other as otherids
from bm.tets_2610 b
lateral view explode (split(b.other ,',')) e as otherid
)b on a.value=b.otherid
And you do not need this :
and a.value in (select value from bm.distinct_viewed_2610)
Sorry I cannot test query, do it yourself please.
If you are using orc formate change to parquet as per your data i woud say choose range partition.
Choose proper parallization to execute fast.
I have answred on follwing link may be help you.
Spark doing exchange of partitions already correctly distributed
Also please read it
