Exception could not locate binding file after updating electron version - node.js

I'm working on updating my project from using electron version 1.2.5
to the newest electron at this time which is 1.7.7 (atleast it was when I downloaded it). My node version 6.9.1.
I've encountered a problem when I start my project with this new electron version,
the error in general is about "could not locate the binding files. and it mostly regards the async module.
There is also some part of the exception regarding node-etcd module which I use in my project (version 5.0.3)
I found some information about this type of exception online but most of them says stuffs about rebuilding some node module using some npm commands which I didn't quiet understand. I tried to install async module again in a new folder and replace it (with its deps) in the node modules folder im currently using for my project, but I still got the same error.
I'm working in an offline enviorment where I can't take my project "out" to a computer with internet access, I can only bring things from the web to my project (like installing in some folder and then copying that into my project) so any npm or other commands that require web connection are not available to me directly on my work computer. (I can only use them in a different computer and copy the results to a flash drive and bring them to th
Here's 2 pictures of the error (sorry about the quality, its the best I could get):
First part of error
Second part of error

The solution that fixed the problem in my case was going into node_modules - > deasync - > index.js
Before line 31 I added a newline (next to the binding line)
and wrote:
modPath = __dirname;
This solution is hacky, it was accually ly found by an associate a while back, so I am not sure why it works, it might be an issue in deasync, but it fixed the problem.


command phasescriptexecution failed with a nonzero exit code react native IOS

i am facing PhaseScriptExecution error
when i try to build IOS then project not build this give the following error
the following build commands failed:
PhaseScriptExecution Bundle\ React\ Native\ code\ and\ images /Users/ali/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/NassauTennisMobileApp-akwowvjtagvlxbalhbsvukoitagy/Build/Intermediates.noindex/NassauTennisMobileApp.build/Debug-iphonesimulator/NassauTennisMobileApp.build/Script-00DD1BFF1BD5951E006B06BC.sh
For me: It seems that react native doesn't like spaces in the directory. I was able to build my ios after removing all of the spaces in my directory.
Potential solution to your problem, didn't fix mine but it might help you: The author suggests there is a mismatch between the node version that you're using and the one that xcode is calling/using. The author provides a way to check the versions installed as well as a way to symlink between the two versions => https://dev.to/glocore/react-native-command-phasescriptexecution-failed-of9

NodeJS Windows 10 geolocation module throws error in electron when the app starts

I was using module "#nodert-win10-rs4/windows.devices.geolocation" in an electronjs app which was working fine. Later I installed a node module and rebuilt all the modules. Now it stopped working and throwing error. The previous version of that module ( "#nodert-win10-rs4/windows.devices.geolocation") was 1.0.0, Thus I reinstalled it, new version of the module is "0.3.2" but still error. Even i tried this in fresh new electron quick start app and I see the same error. I'm adding here the screenshot of the package.json and the error. (FYI - The module is installed and rebuilt without any error although it has some warning, I've added a screenshot of the installation/built too). Really appreciate any help/suggestions.
I saw other posts with similar errors but I already took the actions mentioned there.
N.B - Cross posted here
I ran into the same issue and here is how I resolved it.
Copy the windows.devices.geolocation into your electron app folder and update the dependencies to point to the location of the folder. You need to this line added to your package.json of your Electron App
"windows.devices.geolocation": "file:windows.devices.geolocation"
Navigate to the newly copied folder and build your NodeRT "addon" to match your Electron version. See this post here NodeRT with Electron
node-gyp rebuild --target=4.0.1 --arch=x64 --dist-url=https://atom.io/download/atom-shell
Run npm install at the the top level Electron app.

dyld: Symbol not found: _napi_module_register

Had my node working with the VS Code debugger last night no problem. I haven't touched anything besides install the npm mysql package.
I come back tonight and its throwing this error:
Debugger listening on [::]:49952
dyld: lazy symbol binding failed: Symbol not found: _napi_module_register
Referenced from: /Users/adamsawyers/node_modules/bufferutil/prebuilds/darwin-
Expected in: flat namespace
dyld: Symbol not found: _napi_module_register
Referenced from: /Users/myusername/node_modules/bufferutil/prebuilds/darwin-
Expected in: flat namespace
Apparently my installation of n (a node version handling package in npm) is busted somehow. My research told me that napi_module_register is part of the n package, but I'm not sure how this got messed up especially since I had it working last night.
I tried reinstalling my node packages, reinstalling n, rebuilding the project file structure, even restarting my computer. Nothing has worked so far.
Any suggestions?
Apparently VS code doesn't like v6.10.3 of nodejs which I am running to create lambda functions in AWS (that is the version specified by AWS)
I use the N package to manage my node version. After switching to the latest version 10.7.0 as of 07/25/2018 (command: sudo n latest) and rerunning the debugger in VS code, it worked perfectly
I'm still unsure as the the cause, but hopefully others find this solution helpful
This exact error happened to me because:
I needed socket.io to run on Node
Which in turn needs ws (websockets on Node)
Also, I needed to run this on an outdated Node version (Node 7) for a very good reason (believe me, I would not want to do this if I wouldn't have to)
However, trying to use it on that old version causes above error message.
This is a terrible solution, but at least I got it to work.
After some researching, I found no good solution to this. However, a close look at the source code shows that there is a fallback.js next to index.js which implements the same functionality as the native build but without needing a build. This will probably slow things down significantly, but at least it works:
yarn add module-alias
prefix your actual code with this (e.g. via node -r fallbacks.js):
// fallbacks.js
const moduleAlias = require('module-alias');
const dependencyRoot = getDependencyRoot(); // whatever is your root folder, maybe __dirname + '..'
moduleAlias.addAlias('bufferutil', dependencyRoot + '/node_modules/bufferutil/fallback.js');
moduleAlias.addAlias('utf-8-validate', dependencyRoot + '/node_modules/utf-8-validate/fallback.js');
// run actual code here...
PS: In my case, in order to allow ws to run on Node 7, I also had to babel it, since its using modern synytax.

Npm package install failure

Trying to learn nodejs following a few articles. I'm able to download and make sure its working using a video from youtube. But now I'm trying to incorporate that in Visual Studio .net 4.5.2. I've tried to added it via new get package manager and the PM console each come back to same error.
"Install-Package: The specified path, file or both are to long. Less than 260 and directory name less than 248" Self explanatory, found this article
So I tried:
also Enable Win32 long paths
It starts adding package npm 3.5.2 files and folders then bombs out and spits the same error. What else am I missing in order to get this package installed?
Thanks for any help

Error after packaging the app with electron-packager

I'm new to Electron, and I really love it so far, but I'm unable to package any of mine apps, at first I thought that it's maybe something related to my code, then I download "https://github.com/atom/electron-quick-start" run npm install and then I run "electron-packager . FooBar --platform=darwin --arch=x64 --version=0.28.2" it build the app but when I try to open it I get
so I didn't touch any code from the example, just wanted to build it and I got an error, what am I doing wrong? Thanks!
The versions of electron are moving very very fast.
And some times, they don't respect the "old" ways to do things (for example, declaring the app).
I advise you to not use the 0.28.2 version of electron but the most recent one.
It is very likely that the version of electron-prebuilt you are using to develop is much much much more recent than the 0.28.2 version. So, you are developing with something much newer, and then you are building with 0.28.2. This would cause the exact error that you are seeing, as older versions may not have had the electron module, which your code explicitly is importing. So... that is my suggestion. Change the version in your electron-packager command from 0.28.2 to something like 0.36.0. See if that works. Or better yet, use the same version as electron-prebuilt in your package.json.
This could be a combination of factors.
First, as others stated, the version of electron that you have might be newer than the one referenced in your build command. Locate the 'electron_prebuilt' folder inside your 'node_modules' folder, and examine the package.json file and make sure the version # is the same as what you are declaring in your build command.
If they are the same, then the issue might be that you have another version of electron on your computer that node is trying to use. If you installed electron via the -g option (global), check your home folder to see if there is another different version of electron. If you find one, either delete it or rename the 'electron_prebuilt' folder you find to something else. Try your build command again, and it should work now that you've eliminated the other versions of electron_prebuilt on your computer that node was referencing.
What worked for me was to move the "electron" module from "dev-dependencies" to "dependencies" in package.json. Try this and see if it works.
