Excel Get values from previous Week - excel

In Excel I have a pivot table with Rows containing week numbers. I now want one measure that shows the value of the previous week next to the value of this week.
I did this before for previous month with following formula, but in excel there isn't a function called PREVIOUSWEEK, so how can I do this ?
IF([Incident Count] <> 0; CALCULATE(COUNTA(Incidents[Call Number]);PREVIOUSMONTH('Calendar'[Date]));BLANK())
I want the value to keep appearing even if I use a slider to select one month:
Any idea how to achieve this so I can have a column next to "Sum of aangeboden oproepen" with the value from the previous week ?

You can use this formula. You will need to create index column based on weeks. Please adjust formula to your needs.
=CALCULATE(SUM(Incidents[Incident count]),FILTER(ALL(Incidents),Incidents[Index]=MIN(Incidents[Index])-1))


how to using countifs ( excel 2007 ) to return data that meet "text" criteria on specific month?

im beginner with microsoft excel , my case is to return set of data on the table using ifcounts, the objective is return all data that meet "text" criteria on specific month.
enter image description here
let say , i want to show all data that meeet criteria 1 ( 1. New ) and criteria 2 is month (06 / june ). i have tried with
i got no result at all
is any better way to do this case
Countifs logic works like (range,condition), not (array=condition), like you demonstrated at: MONTH('FIRST SHEET'!C2:C30)=06).
SUMPRODUCT however can handle arrays:
=SUMPRODUCT(("1. New"='FIRST SHEET'!D2:D32)*(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("*"&"/06/"&"*",'FIRST SHEET'!C2:C32))))
Edit: if the date column are actual date values than you need to count the instances greater than the first of the month and smaller than the first of the next month (rather than equal to or smaller than the last date of the month, because if the date column also has time value it would be recognized as greater than that day by Excel):
=COUNTIFS('FIRST SHEET'!D2:D35,"1. New",'FIRST SHEET'!C2:C30,">="&DATE(2022,6,1),'FIRST SHEET'!C2:C30,"<"&DATE(2022,7,1))

Recursive Function & Looping In Excel

I am looking for some guidance in looping through a function in Excel within a table without running into a circular reference error. I've spent quite some time trying out COUNTIF, MATCH, Essentially, I need to create a function/formula for the "Desired Date" column so that it takes value from the "Original Date" column and changes the value based on the following parameter:
If a date in the Original Date column does not exist within the previous values of the Desired Date column, it will list the exact date. I've already solved this part with IF and COUNTIF functions.
If a date in the Original Date column already exits within the previous values of the "Desired Date" column, it will add +1 day(s) until all the values within the Desired Date column have unique dates.
Here's what I would like the function to do:
Row 1 contains the original date value as 8/1, since no other values exist in the desired row column, it will return 8/1.
Row 2 contains the original date value as 8/1, but since row 1 of the desired date value already contains value 8/1, it will add +1 day so it becomes 8/2.
Row 3 contains the original date value as 8/1, but since row 1 & row 2 of the desired date contain the value, it will add +2 days, so it becomes 8/3.
Row 6 contains the original date value as 8/3, but since row 3 of the desired date contain the value, it will add +1 day so it becomes 8/4.
If at any given point a date within the original date changes, the values in desired dates should change accordingly by adding a variable amount of days until all values within the Desired Dates column are unique.
Original Dates
Desired Dates
I've spent well over 9 hours on this issue so any help at this point would be very much appreciated. I wouldn't mind using VBA but a function would be preferred for compatibility purposes.
Thank You!
One approach might be to generate dates starting with the date in the first column but ignoring any dates that have already been used (countif>0), then pick the lowest of these:
or slightly shorter
If you don't have Excel 365, you can use Row instead of Sequence:
entered as an array formula using CtrlShiftEnter
If you wanted to concatenate as in your comment, you wouldn't be able to use Min (because the values wouldn't be numeric) but you could use index/match to find the first available date for a particular person:
If you wanted to make the dates appear as a date rather than a number, you could wrap them in Text:

How to do index match on more than 1 conditions in Excel?

I have the following where I want to return the value of a search based on the month, however, there could be repeated month numbers in different years.
For example:
My current index match formula is:
Please advise if it is possible to return the GMV of a particular month in a given year using index match (i.e. setting >1 conditions), thanks a lot!
IF you have Office365 then XLOOKUP() can search from last to first.
Here [search_mode] parameter -1 indicates to search from last to first. If you don't have Excel365 then you have to provide both year and month to match exact month for the year.
If you always search for current year's month then use Match() function like-
You may need to enter the formula as array entry with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER.
I suggest the next steps to be done in the following order:
Change cells C2:E3 and G3:I3 to be Oct-2020, Nov-2020 ....
Change the formula in Row no. 3 to :
Make sure that Row no.2 values match values below "Date" title in D column

How to filter out partial match in an Excel row?

I have an Excel sheet with dates in the rows. A given month should be used only once in a row. How can I filter out, if there are two dates in the same row from the same month?
For example I have the following array, and I would like to have as a result, that there is a match in this row (2012-03).
2012-03-04 2012-02-05 2012-04-06 2012-03-07 2012-10-08 2012-11-09 2012-12-10
I have tried to combine aggregate and match functions, but I cannot find out how to do it properly.
One of my codes, of course it gave an error:
=aggregate(9,6,(MATCH("*"&LEFT(A8,7)&"*","*"&LEFT(b8,7)&"*",0), MATCH("*"&LEFT(b8,7)&"*","*"&LEFT(c8,7)&"*",0)))
Ok, now I have tried another way, and I could get a solution, but with a code which is like a km long...I have first created a new dataset, cutting down the days by using: =""&LEFT(A8,7)&""
Then I have compared all the cells in a given row of my new dataset. Could someone help me how to shorten the exact( ) parts? The aim is to compare all.
=if((or(exact(A2, B2), exact(A2,C2),exact(A2,D2),exact(A2,E2),exact(A2,F2),exact(A2,G2),exact(A2,H2),exact(A2,I2),exact(A2,J2),exact(A2,K2),exact(A2,L2),exact(A2,M2),exact(A2,N2),exact(A2,O2),exact(A2,P2),exact(A2,Q2),exact(A2,R2),exact(B2,C2),exact(B2,D2),exact(B2,E2),exact(B2,F2),exact(B2,G2),exact(B2,H2),exact(B2,I2),exact(B2,J2),exact(B2,K2),exact(B2,L2),exact(B2,M2),exact(B2,N2),exact(B2,O2),exact(B2,P2),exact(B2,Q2),exact(B2,R2),exact(C2,D2),exact(C2,E2),exact(C2,F2),exact(C2,G2),exact(C2,H2),exact(C2,I2),exact(C2,J2),exact(C2,K2),exact(C2,K2),exact(C2,L2),exact(C2,M2),exact(C2,N2),exact(C2,O2),exact(C2,P2),exact(C2,Q2),exact(C2,R2),exact(D2,E2),exact(D2,F2),exact(D2,G2),exact(D2,H2),exact(D2,I2),exact(D2,J2),exact(D2,K2),exact(D2,L2),exact(D2,M2),exact(D2,N2),exact(D2,O2),exact(D2,P2),exact(D2,Q2),exact(D2,R2),exact(E2,F2),exact(E2,G2),exact(E2,H2),exact(E2,I2),exact(E2,J2),exact(E2,K2),exact(E2,L2),exact(E2,M2),exact(E2,N2),exact(E2,O2),exact(E2,P2),exact(E2,Q2),exact(E2,R2),exact(F2,G2),exact(F2,H2),exact(F2,I2),exact(F2,J2),exact(F2,K2),exact(F2,L2),exact(F2,M2),exact(F2,N2),exact(F2,O2),exact(F2,P2),exact(F2,Q2),exact(F2,R2),exact(G2,H2),exact(G2,I2),exact(G2,J2),exact(G2,K2),exact(G2,L2),exact(G2,M2),exact(G2,N2),exact(G2,O2),exact(G2,P2),exact(G2,Q2),exact(G2,R2),exact(H2,I2),exact(H2,J2),exact(H2,K2),exact(H2,L2),exact(H2,M2),exact(H2,N2),exact(H2,O2),exact(H2,P2),exact(H2,Q2),exact(H2,R2),exact(I2,J2),exact(I2,K2),exact(I2,L2),exact(I2,M2),exact(I2,N2),exact(I2,O2),exact(I2,P2),exact(I2,Q2),exact(I2,R2),exact(J2,K2),exact(J2,L2),exact(J2,M2),exact(J2,N2),exact(J2,O2),exact(J2,P2),exact(J2,Q2),exact(J2,R2),exact(K2,L2),exact(K2,M2),exact(K2,N2),exact(K2,O2),exact(K2,P2),exact(K2,Q2),exact(K2,R2),exact(L2,M2),exact(L2,N2),exact(L2,O2),exact(L2,P2),exact(L2,Q2),exact(L2,R2),exact(M2,N2),exact(M2,O2),exact(M2,P2),exact(M2,Q2),exact(M2,R2),exact(N2,O2),exact(N2,P2),exact(N2,Q2),exact(N2,R2),exact(O2,P2),exact(O2,Q2),exact(O2,R2),exact(P2,Q2),exact(P2,R2),exact(Q2,R2))),"same month","ok")
Thank you in advance.
I am not sure if there is a better way, but this is how I'd tackle the problem based on my Excel knowledge:
Add data of dates above in cells A1-G1
On row below date add formulas for dates: A2=DATE(A1) ..... G2=DATE(G1)
At the end of the original row of dates add the numbers 1 thru 12:
using formula cell H1=1, I1=H1+1 ..... S1=R1+1
After the months on row 2:H2=COUNTIF($A2:$G2,H1) ..... S2=COUNTIF($A2:$G2,S1)Counting frequency for each of the 12 months
Then select on cell T2being more than 1.
Here it is as a Google sheet (you can download it and open in Excel if you want)
Maybe this will help. Assume that the range of dates is in $A$1:$G$1. Also assume that the entries are numerical dates; if they are instead text you can handle this by using the DATEVALUE function. Then we can get the years and months of the range with:
This and all other formulas must be entered as array formulas (CrtlShiftEnter).
We next convert back to a date, but use 1 for the day, so that all dates get shifted to the first day of the month (this means that any dates from the same month are shifted to the same date):
We can produce an NxN comparison of the shifted dates by:
We can count the number of True's in this array by:
If there we no dates from the same month we'd expect this to sum to N because this method compare each date to itself as well as the other dates. The causes the N elements on the main diagonal of this array to be True. If any dates are in the same month off-diagonal elements will also be True. So to detect if there are dates from the same month we make the comparison:
{=SUM(--(ARRAY)) > N}
or more generally:
{=SUM(--(ARRAY)) > COUNT($A$1:$G$1)}
Rolling all of these up into one formula:
=IF(SUM(--(TRANSPOSE(DATE(YEAR($A$1:$G$1),MONTH($A$1:$G$1),1))=DATE(YEAR($A$1:$G$1),MONTH($A$1:$G$1),1)))>COUNT(DATE(YEAR($A$1:$G$1),MONTH($A$1:$G$1),1)),"same month","ok")
If your dates are in a range other than $A$1:$G$1 then make the appropriate substitutions.
Hope that helps.

Excel - SUMIFS - dynamic sum range for table

In my source data I've got a columns with data for every month and for few years.
In my working spreadsheet I want to sum the source data with 4 criteria. 3 of them are constant and one is dynamic (Month&Year). Depends on the chosen month and year I want to sum correct column in source data.
I've found a similar topic - link below:
SUMIF dynamically change summing column
However, I am getting #Values error if I input a formula. I've check that all data is text and compare with Exact function as well.
Below is my formula:
IBRACT is the name of table.
Below is the link to screen of evaluation (in this example I wanted to sum 6th column which in the spreadsheet is column "F"). Next step of evaluation shows #Value.
Have anybody any idea how to solve this problem?
IBRACT[#All] includes the header row which is one row more than the two criteria ranges, hence the #VALUE! error. Just change the sum range to only include the data body range.
=SUMIFS(INDEX(IBRACT; 0; MATCH(Sheet3!G$1; IBRACT[#Headers]; 0)); IBRACT[Entity]; $A$1; IBRACT[SKU]; $D14)
