controller script running in studio or deployment - crafter-cms

Is there a way in a groovy controller script to know is it's running in the studio or in deployment server?
I have code that will added data into the model for demo in studio mode while in deployment that data will come from a REST service call.

Yes there's an easy way to know if a Groovy script is running in authoring (preview) or in delivery (live). Crafter provides a global variable called modePreview. This variable is basically a boolean flag that indicates if the current environment is authoring, or in other words, if Crafter Engine is running in preview mode. So you can do something as simple as if (modePreview) { RUN CODE } in Groovy to run code that only needs to be run in the authoring environment.


Post-build actions in Python/Linux webapp do not run

I have a Django-based web app deployed from Github, running in Python 3.9. The app deploys and starts successfully.
I need to add post-build actions to complete the deployment; the exceeding common Django task of running "". Following the general and python-specific docs I have added the an app setting of
There is a shell script, in the root of my app, which runs fine if I SSH into the running container. The expected behaviour is that after deployment, this should run, and output to the deployment log. Neither of these things happen.
I have tested the app setting POST_BUILD_COMMAND with a very simple echo, and that does nothing either.
Can you tell me either what I need to do to make these app settings work, or suggest an alternative method of running the post-build script?
Please note that this is a Linux app using Oryx, so answers concerning Windows/Kudu like this one aren't related.
I noticed you asked your question over here as well. Your setting needs to be set to a relative path, /

How can I debug on Azure Devops VSO

I have made a task for Azure Devops Server pipeline.
On the local Azure Dev-Ops server, I can upload extensions from the local machine wrapped in VSIX file and examine the agent on the machine itself. The agent has the deployed DLL's from the extension and I always change specific DLL that has Logger inside and it prints to console on the pipeline itself.
How can I check if my task is compatible with the cloud version?
And off course if it is, how can I debug it?
The only possible way I found to insert my task in VSO is through the Microsoft DevOps marketplace, but I cannot upload the whole extension once per each change in code.
Also, didn't find a way to upload personal tasks to the marketplace. The private version is not helping because I can see it from within the server just like my clients.
Any advice or debug experience on that platform is appreciated.
Please follow this devblogs, it described how you can work and debug extension directly inside your IDE without publishing it to the marketplace.
Since this blog is very detailed, just mention the key steps.
Based on debugging purposes, you need create a special manifest, for sample I specify it as vss-extension-debug.json:
"id": "dev-extension",
"name": "Dev-Extension",
"baseUri": "https://localhost:44362",
You can customized the id and name by yourself. The most important and magic is baseUri, this will tell the VSTS server to load the extension from localhost where we can run and debug it in IISExpress from Visual Studio.
Note: Since our server need extension served from a secure source, please ensure enable SSL mode to run IISExpress

How to debug Azure Functions on Azure Portal?

I have created an Azure function. Can i debug Azure Functions on Azure portal without visual studio?
I am passing a complex parameter as File Model, i have to see what's coming in parameter value in debug mode?
There is no debug experience in the portal. Constrained to just the portal, you'll have to use log output to debug.
You might also look into the Azure Functions CLI which provides a local debugging experience. it doesn't require VS.
For Azure Functions V1, you can attach debugger then debug from Visual Studio as the code runs inside csx script:
For Azure Functions V2, It seems there is no way till now but you can get massive logs and analytics based on your need.
Or may be you can find a way by uploading the debug version contains (.pdb files) and try to attach debugger. Check this:
And i opened an issue here to ask about this:
I have another easiest solution It may feet in your issue or may not, I faced a situation that i want to test azure function webhook but that wouldn't work with localhost so the only solution for me is to test it after publishing and for that i was in need for debug on azure itself but there is another brilliant solution:
You can expose your localhost urls to the public by using many services and for example:
Make sure that you installed nodejs, and follow the instructions to install the localtunel package globally through npm and then you can generate a public url for your localhost webhook so you can verify it against any third party and debug it.
Through Azure Functions Portal you won't able to have debugging tools for do that.
But you can you some ways to debug your azure functions:
1º) Remote debugging using Visual Studio IDE;
2º) Local Debugging using both Visual Studio or VS Code, too;
3º) Event though you're using Azure Functions CLI, you'll need some IDE, that is Visual Studio or VS Code;
The only way that there is on Azure Functions Portal to have something like a debugging is the LOG Window that is localized right below Function Code Window.

How to Create a VM and deploy an application in Azure Resource Group Template

I want to create a set of VMs using either the Resource Group Template in VS 2015 or utilise one of the azure-quickstart-templates as the basis for doing this.
My specific requirements are also to install a simple .exe application and modify its .ini file with a key that I want to pass from the template, i.e. seqno = copyindex() or similar.
Can anybody provide some guidance please?
For a simple Windows VM you can use either a DSC Extension or a Custom Script extension on the VM. Both of the samples in the azure-quickstart repo require you to figure out how to stage the artifacts needed for the extension (in this case the EXE and the script that installs the EXE).
If you go the VS 2015 route, you can start with a VM template, add the DSC or custom script extension and then the PowerShell script provided by Visual Studio will stage the artifacts for you if you make them part of the project.
You can also mix/match - grab a template from github, modify it in VS or take the VS PowerShell script and bring it into whatever workflow works best for you.
Note: one thing to keep in mind as well - you need to pass the location of that EXE into the script that does the install - that script/vm will need to know where to get it from. In the VS 2015 workflow you can use the parameter values of _artifactsLocation and just pass that value along to the installation script. If you start with a quickstart template, you have to manage that yourself.

nUnit and Azure - How to start Dev Fabric from nUnit

I'm trying to create a worker process for Azure and I'd like to test it via nUnit. I need to write a process which connect to storage and uploads data to it. The problem is I can't find any references to how you actually set up the testing framework to start dev fabric etc.
I've created the Work Processor role and then created a testing project, wired up nunit to start and for the project to pick up the test project dll. This all works fine with nUnit opening, I'm able to see the test dll and run the test.
My issue is "How do I get the dev fabric to start up when running the project through nUnit?" I'm presuming that I need to put something into the setup routine within the test project but I can't see what I should put in.
If anyone has any tips, experience etc., links to how to etc. I'd be very grateful. I'm sure that I can't be the first person who want to put Azure projects under test.
Haven't done this myself, but the DevFabric (compute and store) has a command-line interface.
You would just invoke the commdn from your test stand-up routine and it should be good to go.
CSrun.exe is the command, please see MSDN for usage reference:
